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Книги автора Cliff Ryder

Без серии
Espionage takes to the twenty-first-century playing fields, where rules are broken–and remade–outside the reach of governments and the law. …
Black Widow
Espionage takes to the twenty-first-century playing fields, where rules are broken–and remade–outside the reach of governments and the law. …
Espionage takes to the twenty-first-century playing fields, where rules are broken–and remade–outside the reach of governments and the law. …
The Powers That Be
книги о путешествиях, прикладная литература
When a double agent in Cuba suddenly disappears, there's a concern that he might have gone rogue, working against Room 59 and the world at l…
When a double agent in Cuba suddenly disappears, there's a concern that he might have gone rogue, working against Room 59 and the world at l…
The Powers That Be
When a double agent in Cuba suddenly disappears, there's a concern that he might have gone rogue, working against Room 59 and the world at l…
When a double agent in Cuba suddenly disappears, there's a concern that he might have gone rogue, working against Room 59 and the world at l…
The Ties That Bind
научная фантастика, социальная фантастика, искусственный интеллект, антиутопия, нравственные ценности, борьба за выживание, биороботы
Officially, it doesn't exist. Off the books, Room 59 is mandated to disrupt and terminate threats that bury offi cial channels in red tape. …
Officially, it doesn't exist. Off the books, Room 59 is mandated to disrupt and terminate threats that bury offi cial channels in red tape. …
The espionage game has a brand-new rule book. Agents joining the international clandestine group known as Room 59 are the new spymasters. Wo…
Aim And Fire
автомобили, боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, боевая фантастика, попаданцы, юмористическое фэнтези, другие расы, монстры, междоусобные войны
ON ALERT…A nuclear bomb has gone missing. At the same time Room 59, a covert unit of the International Intelligence Agency created to fight …
ON ALERT…A nuclear bomb has gone missing. At the same time Room 59, a covert unit of the International Intelligence Agency created to fight …
The Finish Line
The espionage game has a brand-new rule book. Agents joining the international clandestine group known as Room 59 are the new spymasters. Wo…
The espionage game has a brand-new rule book. Agents joining the international clandestine group known as Room 59 are the new spymasters. Wo…
Aim And Fire
ON ALERT…A nuclear bomb has gone missing. At the same time Room 59, a covert unit of the International Intelligence Agency created to fight …
ON ALERT…A nuclear bomb has gone missing. At the same time Room 59, a covert unit of the International Intelligence Agency created to fight …
Out Of Time
детективы, современная русская литература, иронические детективы, женские детективы, собаки, собачья жизнь, породы собак
When crisis looms and politics and red tape conspire against effective measures, the International Intelligence Agency plays its hidden hand…
When crisis looms and politics and red tape conspire against effective measures, the International Intelligence Agency plays its hidden hand…
Out Of Time
When crisis looms and politics and red tape conspire against effective measures, the International Intelligence Agency plays its hidden hand…
When crisis looms and politics and red tape conspire against effective measures, the International Intelligence Agency plays its hidden hand…
The Ties That Bind
Officially, it doesn't exist. Off the books, Room 59 is mandated to disrupt and terminate threats that bury offi cial channels in red tape. …
Officially, it doesn't exist. Off the books, Room 59 is mandated to disrupt and terminate threats that bury offi cial channels in red tape. …