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Secrets Of The A-List
Secrets Of The A-List
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Secrets Of The A-List

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Secrets Of The A-List
Reese Ryan

Money can’t buy happiness—but it might buy silence.Yet another bombshell is dropped on the Marshalls, one that threatens to change everything. But there’s no time to dwell on it with Elana and Thom’s engagement party in full swing. So why is Mariella more focused on handsome family friend Joe than on the happy couple?As if the Fixer doesn’t have enough to worry about, especially with Thom threatening to reveal all. Time to seal those loose lips. After all, what’s a party without blackmail?Super Rich. Super Sexy. Super Addictive.Secrets of the A-List – read all 12 episodes!

Money can’t buy happiness—but it might buy silence

Yet another bombshell is dropped on the Marshalls, one that threatens to change everything. But there’s no time to dwell on it with Elana and Thom’s engagement party in full swing. So why is Mariella more focused on handsome family friend Joe than on the happy couple?

As if the Fixer doesn’t have enough to worry about, especially with Thom threatening to reveal all. Time to seal those loose lips. After all, what’s a party without blackmail?

Super Rich. Super Sexy. Super Addictive.

Secrets of the A-List—read all 12 episodes!

Secrets of the A-List (Episode 4 of 12)

Reese Ryan (

Praise for Reese Ryan (#u9075fd27-753d-58ca-af2a-e94d581039c3)

“Both characters are strong, and their relationship develops naturally, without any force or pretense. Readers will enjoy sharing their bumpy ride to their happy ending.”

—Publishers Weekly on Playing with Desire

About the Author (#u9075fd27-753d-58ca-af2a-e94d581039c3)

REESE RYAN usually writes sexy, contemporary romance featuring colorful characters and sinfully sweet romances. She challenges her heroines with family and career drama, reformed bad boys, revealed secrets and the occasional identity crisis, but always rewards them with a well-earned happy ending.

A native of The Land (Cleveland, Ohio), Reese resides in North Carolina, where she carefully treads the line between being a Southerner and a Yankee, despite her insistence on calling soda “pop.” She gauges her progress by the number of “bless your lil’ hearts” she receives each week. She is currently down to two.

Reese is an avid reader with a to-be-read stack that resembles a small skyscraper, and a music lover with a serious thing for brilliant singer/songwriters and an incurable addiction to Broadway soundtracks and film scores. Connect with Reese via Instagram, Facebook or (


Cover (#u0357f627-14df-56b2-a4ff-99e91f536d93)

Back Cover Text (#ue8deb7a5-8e56-55e1-b8bc-0d4f14a71e32)

Title Page (#u64d44176-61f8-558d-9e75-258920f7c312)

Praise (#ud7f05d4c-2214-5596-9f75-ad6061056407)

About the Author (#u98e529cc-1292-5632-9f13-aa5f4a48d1ed)

Episode Four (#ud16f1b7b-a887-5f14-a0d6-a225848e4751)

Chapter One (#ua350d3da-e1f9-553d-a472-3aa65ed64b94)

Chapter Two (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Three (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Episode Four (#u9075fd27-753d-58ca-af2a-e94d581039c3)

The Fixer isn’t always polite when secrets need to be kept—and he’s already given Thom a chance to follow the rules. Will Thom take it—or will permanent steps need to be taken to keep the groom-to-be silent forever?

Chapter One (#u9075fd27-753d-58ca-af2a-e94d581039c3)

“Hang up the phone. Now.”

Thom watched the Fixer’s lips silently shape the words.

Thom loosened his slim gray Armani silk tie and cleared his throat, his heart beating faster.

“Thom? Thom, what is it? What’s going on? You’re freaking me out right now.” The high, tight pitch of Elana’s voice brought him back to her.

“Sorry, Elana, I have to go. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.” Thom locked eyes with the Fixer, who was nodding approval.

“But Thom, you can’t just say something like that and then go. Seriously, what the—”

Thom ended the call in the middle of Elana’s frantic protest. He shoved his phone into his inside pocket and folded his arms as he widened his stance.

“I know you overheard my conversation. You’re a smart guy, so I know you’ve figured out that I’m the Fixer. But that information needs to stay between us.”

“Why would I keep this from my fiancée?”

“Telling Elana would be a mistake. One you don’t want to make.”

The situation was awkward, but not dangerous. It wasn’t as if he were dealing with a stranger. No reason for him to feel intimidated, despite the stern look on the Fixer’s face.

“You threatening me?” Thom folded his arms and lengthened his spine to his full height, his chin jutting out. “That is what you do, isn’t it?”

Chuckling softly, the Fixer’s stance softened. “Why would I do that when there’s a much better option?”

Thom’s shoulders relaxed. “Which is?”

Leaning in to straighten Thom’s tie, the Fixer’s mouth curved in a soft smile. Now the Fixer’s face was inches from his. “A proposition.”

Does he know?

The family hadn’t learned much about the Fixer, but Elana had told him they knew the Fixer dealt in secrets. Powerful secrets that could bring a man or his empire to its knees.

Thom studied the Fixer’s face as he stepped back. The eyes he once considered to be kind now seemed dark and menacing. The smile that typically exuded warmth and compassion was suddenly cold and manipulative.

Had everything he’d believed been wrong, or was this the deception? Was the Fixer testing him, or was this something more? Something completely unexpected?

Thom swallowed hard. “What kind of proposition are you talking about?”

“ thought I meant you and me?” The Fixer laughed, as if it were the most absurd thing ever heard. “Don’t be ridiculous, Thom. You’re in love with Elana, about to be a married man.” The Fixer smiled again. “What I’m offering is far better. Something you wouldn’t think of refusing.”

No, there’s no way the Fixer could know the truth.

If so, wouldn’t the Fixer have tried to put a halt to his impending marriage to Elana?

“What could you possibly have to offer that would make me keep a secret like this from Elana? She’s my fiancée, for God’s sake. Don’t you think that she and the rest of the family deserve to know?”

The Fixer’s attention shifted to Eli, the family’s gardener. They both greeted the man, then the Fixer indicated that they should move the conversation to the poolside cabana.

Thom followed reluctantly. There was no reason to be afraid. Still, he was relieved that Eli had seen them together and that the curtains in the pool house were drawn. They could talk in private, but he’d still be safe.

Just in case.

The Fixer closed the French doors and gestured toward the sofa.

Thom sat on the edge of the seat. He wouldn’t be there long. He’d hear the Fixer out, but there was nothing that would change his mind. Elana and Mariella needed to know the truth. He needed the gratitude he’d earn for discovering the Fixer’s identity. Leverage he could use if Elana lost her nerve again and considered bailing on their wedding.

Besides, there were enough secrets between him and Elana already. He wouldn’t add another. No enticement could compel him to think otherwise. Yet, his curiosity got the better of him.

“So, this proposition...”

The Fixer grinned, sitting back in the chair, crossing one leg over the other.

So damn smug.

“I can offer you the one thing you want more than anything else in the world.” A self-satisfied smirk spread across the Fixer’s face.

“I already have everything I need, and I’m more than capable of acquiring anything I want,” Thom replied, determined not to show the irritation bubbling beneath the surface. His family didn’t have the Marshalls’ wealth, but they certainly weren’t paupers.

“I’m offering more than just money, Thom.” The Fixer placed both feet on the floor and leaned forward. “What I’m offering you is freedom.”


“The obligations and expectations that come along with your parents’ money.” When Thom didn’t reply, the Fixer continued. “I’m offering you a cut of the action. All you have to do to earn it is keep what you heard to yourself. I’m talking about an obscene amount of money here, Thom. The kind of wealth that would finally allow you to be your own man.”

The implication, regardless of how true, smarted. Still, it was a tempting thought.

What if money weren’t an issue? He wouldn’t need his parents’ approval. He could live his life as he pleased.

He wouldn’t need to marry Elana.

He could jump off the Marshall family crazy train and spend his days lying in the warm sand on a beach in the South of France. Make love to whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Without fear of repercussions.

Thom heaved a sigh, his jaw clenched. It was a nice fantasy, but he wasn’t naive enough to believe that money like that wouldn’t come with a shitload of strings attached. The kind that could strangle you to death if you weren’t careful.

“No.” Thom shook his head, his tone firm and decisive. “I don’t want your dirty money.”

The person seated across from him grimaced, the icy gaze narrowing for a moment at the implication of Thom’s words. “Despite what you may think, I’ve helped a lot of people—including members of this family—out of some very sticky situations. I’ve saved careers, reputations, legacies.”

“If what you’re doing is so noble, why hide it?”

“Because work like this is best done behind the scenes and in the shadows. It requires ruffling feathers and making enemies. By not telling them, I’m keeping them safe.”

“A lot of good that did Harrison.” Thom assessed the Fixer carefully. “I’m beginning to think that what happened to him wasn’t an accident at all.”

“There’s no evidence it was anything other than an accident.”

“What if it wasn’t? Maybe your side hustle has put all the Marshalls in jeopardy. Even if it’s only a small possibility, shouldn’t they know?”

“They aren’t. I assure you.” The Fixer stood, pacing the room. “But they’re certainly under enough stress already. The last thing they need is this.”

“I won’t lie to Elana.” Thom nearly whispered the words, the irony of the statement not lost on him.

“I understand, and I know it’s a lot to process right now. All I ask is that you take some time and think it through. Sleep on it. Better yet, why don’t you wait until after the engagement party? Elana’s already stressed. You wouldn’t want to upset her or Mariella before then, would you?”

This wasn’t about sparing Elana or Mariella’s feelings. It was about buying time. Thom realized that. He wasn’t stupid. Still, considering everything that had happened, perhaps it was a kindness to delay delivering the news to Elana and Mariella.

Elana was already hanging on by a thread. She’d been close to calling the wedding off the other day. He was sure of it. How would she react if she learned the truth about the Fixer?

Their upcoming wedding was one of the most anticipated social events of the season. He and Elana had been content with the small, private engagement party his parents had thrown at their home soon after the engagement. But they’d finally given in to pressure from Harrison and Mariella to have a big engagement bash that was more consistent with what was “expected” of the Marshalls. After numerous revisions to the guest list, more than three hundred people—including society and entertainment magazine reporters and photographers—were invited to their “intimate” official engagement party.

Calling off the wedding and engagement party would set off a social scandal and heighten the rumors already swirling about the Marshalls since Harrison’s accident. The gossip rags would undoubtedly raise questions about Thom’s relationship with Elana.

Samuel and Caroline Scott would not look kindly upon rumors questioning his sexuality.

As an only child, his parents had doted on him his whole life, and Thom loved them back—but he had also grown up knowing exactly what his parents wanted. They’d built their real estate empire for him and his future. He couldn’t escape knowing what they expected him to be—the man to carry on the Scott family name. To marry, have the grandchildren his mother yearned for, to be a legacy. Just like the Marshalls.

At heart it was all he wanted to be able to give to them...but that meant quashing his secret desires and focusing on Elana. It wouldn’t be that hard, he supposed. After all, she was beautiful. And sweet. And his best friend. He did love her.

He just hoped it would be enough, given that now, his future was tied to his marriage to Elana in more ways than one.

“I haven’t changed my mind, but I will think about it. I promise I won’t say a word about this to Elana or Mariella until after the engagement party.”

“I’d think long and hard about it if I were you, Thom.” The tone was grave and the stare icy as the Fixer stood. “There’s a lot on the line for everyone.”

Thom watched as the Fixer left the cabana. He ran a hand through his hair, a chill running down his spine.

What would happen when he refused to keep the Fixer’s secret? Would he end up like Harrison? Or worse?

* * *

Elana Marshall surveyed the growing stack of bags and boxes laid out in her suite. Chanel, Givenchy, Saint Laurent, Versace, Elie Saab, Christian Lacroix, Oscar de la Renta and Carolina Herrera. Red-bottomed Louboutin heels, Jimmy Choo sandals and mile-high Aquazzuras.