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Playing With Temptation
Playing With Temptation
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Playing With Temptation

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“I know, and I’m sorry. I don’t mean to spring this on you at the last minute, but I’ve been thinking about it all day. It’s too risky to send Nate alone.”

“Then why don’t you go with him?”

“I would, but I have meetings scheduled with the networks and one of the team execs. I can’t miss them.”

Kendra groaned. “Fine. When is he leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, and again I’m sorry about this. I realize how inconvenient this is, and I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t so critical. Will your mom or Maya be able to watch Kai for a few days? If not, my mom or Alison would be happy to.”

“I’ll make arrangements. Just have Kara email me everything I need to know.”

“Great. Oh, and Kendra?”


“Pack for a week. Just in case.”

Kendra ended the call and gritted her teeth. There was an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. She curled her fingers to her palms in response to the visceral memory of the electricity she felt when Nate’s fingers brushed her skin.

Sitting across the table from Nate during their first two meetings had been tough, but she’d found strength in the knowledge that their meetings would be brief. She could retreat, lick her wounds and summon her courage before it was time to do it again. Being confined on a small plane with Nate for hours would be difficult for both of them.

Kendra drew in a deep breath and picked up the phone. First, she called her mother to make arrangements for Kai. Anna Williams didn’t bother to hide how ecstatic she was that Kendra would be spending the next few days on the road alone with Nate. She gladly agreed to care for Kai.

After messaging her sister to let her know about her trip, she dragged her luggage out of the closet and packed.

* * *

Kendra closed the book she was reading to Kai. He’d been asleep for at least ten minutes. She finished reading the story anyway, needing an excuse to hold him a bit longer.

She slipped her arm from beneath Kai, tucked the covers under his chin and kissed his forehead.

Her cell phone rang. She followed the sound to the kitchen, where she’d left it.

“Hey, Maya. What’s up?”

“Got your message. I wanted to check on you. You sure you’ll be okay on the road with Nate for an entire week?”

Kendra collapsed onto the sofa, physically drained from preparing for the trip, mentally exhausted from wrestling with the same question. “Don’t really have a choice, do I?”

“We always have a choice,” Maya said. “But sometimes fate pushes us in the right direction.”

“You’re not going to tell me you think this is the stars aligning again—like they did for you and Liam—are you?”

“Are you going to try to tell me again that you don’t still have feelings for Nate?” There was a smirk in her sister’s voice.

“He’s my son’s father, so we’ll always have some sort of—”

“Connection.” Maya finished her sentence. “I know, I know. That’s not what I asked. I’m asking if you’re still in love with him.”

“We’ve been through this before.”

“And you’ve never given me a straight answer.” The pitch of Maya’s voice rose.

“Seems like a clear hint I don’t want to talk about it.” Kendra paced the floor, then rearranged photos on the mantel. “So leave it alone.”

“So it’s all right for you to be all up in my business, but when it’s your turn, suddenly you’re invoking the Fifth?”

Kendra pressed a palm to her forehead. Maya usually dropped the topic once her agitation became apparent. Suddenly her sister wasn’t inclined to let the subject go.

“I’m not sure how I feel,” Kendra admitted. It was unsettling to hear the words spoken aloud where she could no longer hide from them. “Being around him like’s definitely making me feel some kind of way.”

Maya’s tone softened. “I know it’s probably a little overwhelming, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Just be open to wherever this takes you. Nate’s a good guy. He adores Kai, and I have a strong feeling he’s still very much in love with you.”

“Don’t know about that. It was kind of hard to read with his arm draped around the skinny chick who showed up at his place as he was rushing me out the door.” Kendra hated the pouty tone with which she conveyed the news.

“Is he seeing her?”

“I guess so. She seemed to know her way around his place well enough. From the size of the bag she was toting, she planned to stay awhile.”

“How did he introduce her?”

“As his friend.”

“Well, there you go.” There was a lilt in Maya’s voice again. “She’s his friend until we hear otherwise.”

“Like you and Liam were just ‘friends’ over the summer?”

Maya huffed. “You’re determined to ruin this, aren’t you?”

“Maya, seriously, do I need to have the same talk with you I had with my mom? This is business—not a romantic getaway. Nate doesn’t want me on this trip any more than I want to be on it.”

“Wouldn’t be so sure about that. We’ll see.”

“Enough with the matchmaking,” Kendra said. “I still have a ton of things to do. Oh, and my mom has a doctor’s appointment on Friday, so she won’t be able to pick Kai up from school. Is it okay if he goes home with Sarah and the girls until my mom can pick him up?”

Liam’s housekeeper, Sarah, had taken on the expanded role of part-time nanny since Maya and the girls had moved into his penthouse.

“I’m sure it won’t be a problem. She loves Kai. That boy is a charmer, just like his dad.”

Kendra thanked her sister and ended their call, hoping she’d be strong enough to resist Nate’s charm this time around.

Chapter 6 (#u02b632ad-eecd-52c2-9177-94e46c892a32)

Nate climbed the stairs to the small private plane they sometimes chartered for his travel. He got a whiff of a familiar scent. Jasmine with a hint of gardenias.

No, no way.

He removed his shades and stood, stunned, taking in his ex’s apologetic expression.

“Guess that answers my question about whether you knew I was coming along.” She brushed off her skirt and crossed her legs.

Nate tucked his shades in the inside pocket of his jacket. He stood trying to decide whether or not he’d sit across from Kendra.

He grunted and flopped into his usual seat adjacent to the couch. She seemed relieved he’d chosen to sit across from her.

“No.” He held back a few choice names he had for his brother right now. “Marcus failed to mention it. I realize I screwed up, but I don’t appreciate the two of you treating me like a child. I’m a grown-ass man.”

“Then start acting like one.” Her expression was neutral, her tone unbothered. “Channel your passion for the game in a way that will help your team rather than hurt it. Tap into your desire to win in a way that will motivate your teammates instead of alienating them.”

Nate turned to survey the calm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, visible from the window. “Damn. I see we’re not pulling punches today.”

Kendra smiled sweetly, one long leg crossed over the other and her hands folded in her lap. “You didn’t hire me to soothe your ego. You hired me to get results, and that’s what you’ll get, as long as you stick to the plan.”

Nate tried to hold on to the resentment he felt when he realized Marcus had sent Kendra to be his babysitter. That anger was quickly losing ground to the other feeling that grabbed hold of his chest the moment her eyes met his.


He wanted her. In his arms. In his bed. In his life. A sentiment he’d fought for the past seven years. Being in such close proximity to the constant object of his affection wasn’t helping him win that battle.

Kendra was smart as a whip, sexy as hell and confident in her abilities. Something about that combination made his heart beat faster. That and the expanse of smooth brown skin framed between the hem of her skirt and the top of her leather boots.

Nate raised his hands, his palms facing her. “Relax. I don’t plan on going off script again. After all, that’s why I’m headed to freaking Montana in the middle of winter, isn’t it?” He pulled his jacket closer around him, just thinking of the thirty-degree temperature drop they’d experience once they landed.

She tilted her head, assessing him before responding. “Hopefully, you’re also doing it because it’s the right thing to do. Wade isn’t just your quarterback, he’s your friend.”

They weren’t playing touch football anymore. Kendra had delivered a full-contact, center-mass hit that had knocked him on his ass.

Deservedly so.

She wasn’t tiptoeing around his ego. He admired that. Only Kendra Williams could piss him off and make him want her with a single utterance.

It was going to be a rough few days. For him, at least. Kendra seemed unaffected by him. That gave her the upper hand.

He needed to find a way to change that.

* * *

Kendra gave herself a mental high five. She stood her ground and told Nate the cold, hard truth while remaining calm, despite the anxiety raging beneath the surface.

Handling Nate with kid gloves wouldn’t benefit either of them. Marcus hired her because she’d always been straight with Nate and told him what he needed to hear—whether he wanted to hear it or not. Their painful history aside, she would do just that.

She’d hoped her resolve to be tough with Nate would mitigate her feelings for him. It hadn’t. Judging by the half frown that softened the edges of his mouth, a mischievous grin lay just beneath his show of displeasure. So it wasn’t deterring him much, either.

Kendra held her poise, despite her increasingly shallow breaths as Nate’s gaze raked over her. Heat curled its way up her spine like a black snake climbing a southern red cedar tree in search of prey.

“Of course Wade is my friend, but this is a business,” Nate said finally, shifting his gaze out the window for a moment before returning it to her. “Wade understands that more than anyone.”

The pilot announced they would take off soon. A growing sense of panic made her limbs feel heavy. She fumbled with her seat belt. It wouldn’t catch. They were going to take off and she’d go sailing across the plane.

“Relax. I’ve got it.” Nate knelt in front of her, his large hands covering hers, stilling their movement.

The warmth of his skin penetrated hers and trailed up her arms, her heart beating faster and her breath quickening. Her skin tingled, electricity zipping along her spine.

Even kneeling, Nate’s large body loomed over hers. His broad chest and wide shoulders invaded her space as he leaned forward and buckled the seat belt effortlessly.

Nate’s gaze met hers and one corner of his mouth curved, his eyes twinkling.

Kendra’s hands shook as she inhaled his scent. Her body remembering when last he’d been this close to her on his knees. Her nipples pebbled and a small, inadvertent gasp escaped her mouth.

Nate grinned, then licked his lower lip.

Maybe he was remembering that night, too.

Kendra shut her eyes briefly and exhaled.

No, no, no. This is strictly business. Nothing more.

“Thank you.” She settled back against the headrest. “But you’d better get back in your seat.”

Nate gave her a knowing grin as he returned to his seat and fastened himself in.

Kendra released a small sigh, missing his nearness, yet thankful for the distance.

“This flight is nearly five hours, and these smaller commuter planes...well, the ride can be a little bumpier than on a commercial flight. You sure you want to do this?”

Kendra nodded in response as she focused on taking long, deep breaths. She wasn’t terrified of flying, it just wasn’t her preferred mode of travel.

Nothing a rum and Coke or two couldn’t resolve.

Only this wasn’t a pleasure trip. It was strictly business, and she needed to keep her head clear. That meant toughing it out.

Nate regarded her with apprehension. “Look, I appreciate your commitment, but you don’t need to do this. I can handle this on my own, so just say the word and we’ll get you off this flight. But I need to know now. Before we take off.”

“No.” Kendra shook her head vehemently. “I’m fine.”

“All right.” Nate settled back in his seat, his eyes glued to her, as if he expected her head to start spinning.

“I appreciate you looking out for me, despite the fact that you’d rather I not be here.”

He shrugged, looking out the window again as the plane taxied down the runway. “Maybe I just didn’t want you killing my vibe with your projectile vomiting.”

Kendra couldn’t help laughing. She dissolved into a fit of giggles that escalated to a laugh so hard it made her belly ache.

Nate laughed, too. He wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. “Better now?”