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His Pregnant Royal Bride
His Pregnant Royal Bride
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His Pregnant Royal Bride

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If she had a moment, she’d talk to Dante again and tell him again that she wasn’t going to marry him.

Convenience or not, she was a big girl and could take care of herself.

She didn’t need his protection.

As she stepped outside she was blinded by flashing lights and a rush of people crowded her, pressing her back against the wall. She shielded her face, but she couldn’t understand what they were asking her.

She caught a few words, like prince and baby.

Then there was a roar and string of loud, harsh words and strong arms came around her, pulling her close, and she realized it was Dante, shielding her. She clung to him as he shouted at the group of reporters and ushered her back inside. Once they were back inside and the shouting from the mob of reporters was drowned out, she sighed in relief.

“What in the world...?”

“The press got word that you might be carrying my heir,” Dante snapped.

“That’s what they were asking me?”

“Sì,” he said, his dark eyes twinkling with a dangerous light, his hands on his hips, and he began to curse in Italian again.

“I thought that Italian princes were common?” Shay said, mimicking him. “I mean, not like the British royal family...”

“Yes, but with my family there is a bit more scandal. So my brother and I are often in the spotlight. We’re favorites of the paparazzi.”

“And I just gave them their latest scoop.” She ran a hand over her belly. “Is this going to happen all the time?”

Dante scrubbed a hand over his face. “Sì.”

“So that’s what you meant by protecting me?” she asked.

He nodded curtly. “Where are you staying?”

“At the United World Wide Health Association house. It’s not far from here.”

He shook his head. “Not tonight, you’re not. You’re coming to my place.”

“I am not!” she said, getting annoyed with him.

“You’re going to cause a bigger scandal if you don’t agree to my marriage suggestion, especially if the child is mine,” Dante snapped. “You could ruin my reputation at this hospital.”

Shay bit her lip. She didn’t want to ruin his career or his reputation. “You want a marriage of convenience?”

“Sì, that way I can protect you. I have a restraining order against the paparazzi and it will protect you also, if you marry me.”

“So just on paper we’ll be married.”

“Sì, but to make it look real you will have to move into my home for a year.” He rolled his neck and tugged at the collar of his shirt, as if it were suffocating him. It clearly bothered him just as much as it bothered her.

“Do you have enough room?” Shay asked.

He chuckled. “I have an entire villa to myself on the Lido di Venezia. I can give you your own wing if you desire. Just say yes. Let me protect you and our child.”

Even though she should say no, she didn’t want paparazzi stopping her and accosting her when she moved around Venice. Especially where there was a language barrier. Dante could keep them at bay. She ran her hand over her belly again.

This was his baby too. Even if he didn’t believe it at the moment.

What choice did she have? It was just for a year. Only she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t agree to the marriage.

“You’re coming with me,” Dante said. “We’ll get the paternity test done now, put this doubt to rest.”

“I don’t have a say in this?”

“No, you don’t.”

And she had a feeling this was one of many arguments she was going to have with him over the course of the next twelve weeks. He’d won this round, but she’d win the next.

CHAPTER THREE (#ucbb52889-2b9d-55f6-ae6d-6c3003fbe77b)


Dante glanced into his office, where Shay was curled up on his sofa, sleeping. She was resting after the paternity test. Now they were waiting for the results and Dr. Tucci promised to rush them. Before they left, Dante was going to make sure that they were at least on their way to being man and wife, even if Shay kept saying no. He was still having a hard time trusting her, but deep down he felt as if this child was his. So he was going to make sure she married him. Then he could protect the trust his mother left and have something for his child. His child wouldn’t have to worry about the future the way his father made Enzo and him so worried. Dante wouldn’t sell off his child’s inheritance just because he or she wasn’t married by the time they were thirty-five. He wouldn’t have such a foolish restriction.

Once he brought Shay back to his villa, the press couldn’t hound her. If she stayed by his side, she’d be safe as well.

There were still a few steps he had to take. Like convincing her to say yes and stay in Italy. If the child was his, he’d do the right thing to protect his child.

And if it’s not?

He glanced at Shay sleeping so peacefully and he didn’t even want to think of her betraying him the way Olivia had. His memory of Shay had been so pure and untainted.

The memory of their night together was the only thing besides the vineyard and surgery that made him happy. If she betrayed his trust like Olivia, that memory would be shattered. He’d have nothing pure to cling to when the loneliness gnawed at him.

“Dante, are you even listening to me?” Enzo asked on the other end of the phone.

“Scusate, it’s been a trying day.” He rubbed his temple where a tension headache was forming.

“I would say so,” Enzo commiserated on the other end.

“I’m getting married. I just have to obtain a Nulla Osta as quickly as possible.”

“She’s not Italian?” Enzo asked.

“She’s American.”

“Why do you want to marry an American?”

“She’s carrying my child.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sì, I believe it is mine.”

“You don’t sound sure.”

“The paternity test results will be ready soon.” Dante sighed.

There was silence on the other end. “Dante, I know I have been bugging you to get married, but...did she even agree?”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet?” Enzo asked.

“You don’t have to say anything else,” Dante said, cutting his brother off. He knew exactly where Enzo was going with this and he didn’t want to be reminded about Olivia and the baby that wasn’t his right now.

Shay was not Olivia.

“I don’t want you to get hurt again,” Enzo said gently. “It killed me to see you so hurt last time.”

“I appreciate that, Enzo. However, if this is my baby, I will marry her.”

“What if she’s after your money? Your title? Even if the baby is yours, she could be just after the same things that Olivia was.”

“She’s not,” Dante said. “She’s already refused to marry me, remember? Several times. It’s almost getting embarrassing now.”

Enzo laughed. “Still...”

“No, there is no still. Shay’s not after my money or anything. There will be ground rules to this marriage. It’s just a marriage of convenience. Nothing more. She can continue to do her work, our baby will be protected and I will keep my inheritance. The trust Mother signed over to Father before she knew any better.”

“What do you need from me?” Enzo asked.

“She’s staying at our place.”

“What do you mean?”

“Our childhood home, the one that was sold off before mother died and is now being rented to the United World Wide Health Association. She’s staying there.”

“Ah, so you want me to go collect her stuff?”

“Or at least tell someone there to collect it for her and then bring it to my place. That’s where she’ll be staying from now on. She was mobbed on her way out of the hospital this evening. The whole world will soon know about the Affini heir.”

“I can’t believe you did it, Dante. I can’t believe you’re going to get married and have an heir all within a year and so close to the cutoff date. You did it. You saved Grandfather’s vineyard and Mamma’s villa.”

A smile crept across Dante’s face as the reality sank in.

He had. He’d managed to keep a hold of all that was promised to him. All that money and land wouldn’t pass back into their father’s greedy hands. The land he loved so much, the vineyard, all of it would be saved. The relief that washed over him in that moment was almost palpable.

“Could you go and talk to her roommate as soon as possible?” Dante asked. “She’s tired and I’m taking her back to my villa. She needs her rest.”

“Sì, I’ll go there as soon as I finish up at the clinic.”

“Grazie.” Dante hung up the phone and then knelt beside Shay. She looked so peaceful sleeping, her face at ease, those long blond eyelashes brushing the tops of her round cheeks. He resisted the urge to reach out and run his thumb across those smooth, soft cheeks or to kiss her pink lips as he had back in Oahu.

The memory of which was still imprinted onto his soul. And pregnancy just made her all the more beautiful.

She glowed.

Don’t. Don’t get attached. The results aren’t in. Don’t set yourself up for hurt.

“Shay,” he said gently. “Wake up.”

She roused. “Is something wrong?”

“It’s time to leave. The paparazzi are still waiting out back, but I have a water taxi waiting for us to take us to Lido di Venezia. They won’t follow us there.”

“And the results of the test?”

“They’ll be ready tomorrow morning. Come, stay at my place tonight, where I can keep you safe.”

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