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Cyborgs among us
Cyborgs among us
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Cyborgs among us

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– Aren’t you being too hard on him?” her classmate asked.

“Not at all, Chiako Kuriyama.

After school, Yuki hurried home. Her mother came home early from work that day, but her father was still at work until late.

When Yuki was having dinner, AI’s voice sounded.

– One new letter has been delivered to you.

– From whom else?..

– The sender is unknown.

Yuki, ran out of the house to look at the mailbox, read the letter.

You will still be mine, Yuki, they will come for you… and take you to my domain. If you resist… you’re finished!

After reading the letter, Yuki grinned, averting her eyes.

– What’s that letter, Yuki?” her mother asked her.

Yuki wondered who it could be from.

– Yuki?!

– Yes, Mom?

– What does the letter say?

– Probably… the door was wrong… – Yuki said worriedly.

Yuki shredded the letter and threw it in the trash so that her parents wouldn’t read it. Yuki kept wondering who the letter was from, and the letter was from Kazuki Kitamura, a teacher who was allegedly fired because of her fault. Yuki needed to visit her sick grandmother again, she was reluctant to go to her again. When Yuki got to her house, she saw that her grandmother was lying on the floor, face down. Yuki cautiously approached her. There was a pool of blood under her head. Yuki gently rolled her onto her back. She was horrified when she saw that her face was gone, as if someone had cut out her face like a mask. She screamed and ran away with tears from this damned house. Out of breath, she ran home hysterically, explaining to her mother what she had seen with a tremor in her voice. Her parents were convulsively thinking about her death. They went to her house to find out why Rieko’s mother died. They couldn’t give themselves an explanation. It was unknown whether she had killed herself, or someone had been able to kill her, but why? Yuki was hysterical for so long that she even had to call an ambulance to get a sedative injected into her. In the evening, Yuki called Aoi. Aoi invited her to visit, Yuki told her friend about the incident. Aoi was her mental “medicine” at the moment. Her speech flowed like a balm. Yuki was not herself, she could not move away from what was happening. She didn’t eat anything, didn’t sleep well, and often began to have nightmares. Aoi slowly walked over to the sideboard, reached up to the top shelf to get a bottle of expensive wine and two glasses, then in the luxurious living room, she put it on the coffee table next to the sofa in front of Yuki. She offered a little drink to her tired, exhausted girlfriend, her face was devoid of any expression, slowly nodding, she agreed to drink a couple of glasses with her beloved girlfriend. She was quietly crying, dissolving into the calm and in the light, gentle embrace of Aoi. It warmed her body and soul. Slightly drunk, Yuki was so used to her that she didn’t want to leave her. But Aoi had a husband who didn’t like guests, and she had to go home.

It was April, Yuki was entering the 10th grade. Schoolgirls change long skirts to shorter ones as they grow up, as is customary in Japanese schools. In total, there were 12 classes in schools. In the evening, Yuki and Aoi celebrated her admission to the 10th grade in the maid cafe. Maid cafes are places where you can see a waitress in a maid’s uniform, she can feed you with a spoon, you can chat with her and even play board or video games. During a noisy, cheerful conversation with Aoi at the table, Yuki’s phone vibrated, it was a message. Turning on the phone, she read the following:

Yuki, they are already close, you’d better come yourself, I’m sure… we have something to talk about. You don’t want your reputation to end. Tomorrow we will meet at the old factory, at 17: 00

This time, the sender’s name was known to Yuki, it was still the same teacher Kazuki Kitamura. Yuki’s mood immediately disappeared, and she stared thoughtfully at one point.

– Yuki?.. Everything is fine?

– No-e-e – t, – slowly and quietly pulled with her head down into the phone.

– Eh?!

– Aoi… I’m sorry… but … I’ll probably go. I need to get ready.

– To what?! Aoi waved her hands.

Yuki did not involve her friend in her showdown with the teacher, nodding to Aoi, she quickly left the cafe and got into a taxi, going home. Aoi spread her hands with a grin and stayed to finish the remaining cocktail from the straw.

When she entered the house, she saw her mother.

– Hi, Mom.

– Hi, are you hungry?

– I’m not hungry, my girlfriend and I have already eaten in a cafe.

Yuki went upstairs, slamming the door, she entered her room to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

The next day, Yuki was ready to meet Kazuki Kitamura. She was reincarnated as a warrior girl in her costume like the characters from Japanese anime comics. She was wearing a short leather top of dark green color, a latex mini-skirt in a pleat, the same color, white latex stockings, ankle boots on a high platform, and two long pigtails were braided on the sides of her head. She was in full combat readiness, taking with her a couple of long daggers that were attached to her back with a cross. When she met him, she saw her brother in captivity, tied to a chair, and he had his mouth sealed with tape.

– Hayato!.. – when she saw him, she was afraid, called out to him, running up to him.

– Stop, Yuki!

– Kazuki! Let me go! Mine! Little brother!! What did he do wrong to you?

“It’s not that easy, Yuki…” Kazuki only peeled off the tape from his trembling lips.

– Little sister! Little sister! Help me! Yuki’s eyes filled with tears.

– Kazuki! I would have forgotten about that scandal already…

“No, Yuki, you can’t get away with this!

“Calm down already… teacher,” Yuki rolled her eyes.

– You’ll still be mine, Yuki!” Give yourself to me, obey me! And I’ll let your little brother go.

Yuki burst out laughing.

– Are you serious?! Do you think you have taken my brother prisoner, and I will give myself to you now?! You’ve already completely lost your mind, Teacher Kazuki! I guess I’m already naked in your dreams, and you can’t forget me in any way. I’m afraid to imagine what you’re doing to me there, or I’m with you. You are a vile person! People like you… need to be destroyed!

Kazuki held the knife to Hayato’s neck.

“No way, Kazuki. I won’t let you touch my little brother.

After finishing the last sentence quickly, Yuki abruptly pulled out a dagger from behind her back and threw it between Hayato and Kazuki so that Kazuki’s knife fell out.

“Fight me, Kazuki, and you’ll get me!” Yuki shouted, pulling out a second dagger and putting it to the teacher’s chin.

She threw him one of her daggers, and they began to fight. Yuki was very flexible and could perform all sorts of acrobatic tricks. But the teacher also turned out to be flexible, he dodged her blows in every possible way, and she – from him. They were turning over, spinning, tossing. She landed behind the teacher and stabbed him on the back with a dagger, but not hard, so as not to kill, just wounded him. Kazuki, admitting defeat, said that he would take revenge and would definitely defeat her with his team. Yuki, without thinking twice, agreed to the last battle with her old teacher. It only gave her pleasure to fight him so easily. Yuki untied her frightened brother, all in tears, and they went home. They did not tell their parents anything about this case.