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Dictionary of Flavors – Dolf De Rovira

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Dictionary of Flavors provides information on flavors, flavor chemistry and natural products, as well as a perspective on the related fields of regulatory, sensory, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, business, bacteriology, marketing and psychology. Flavors covered include those used in food and beverages, tobacco flavorings, alcoholic beverages, and pet and animal foods. Comparative flavor chemistry is used to evaluate and describe homologous groups of similar chemical structures. Author and flavor chemist De Rovira has collated the G.R.A.S. ingredients into chemically similar groups, where those structural relationships would dictate flavor attribute similarities, allowing predictable aroma types that can be more easily recalled and developed. Coverage in the second edition is extended to include the many significant and recent changes in the fields of flavor chemistry, food technology, and regulatory. Definitions of many items are expanded and inclusion of new items is extensive. To view figures from the book in full color please visit

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470384848

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