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A Gift of Family
A Gift of Family
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A Gift of Family

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A Gift of Family
Mia Ross

WHO IS THIS WOUNDED WARRIOR?A man with secrets, ex-soldier Seth Hansen comes to the small town of Harland, North Carolina, to heal. The last thing he wants is to get involved—with the community, or with lovely waitress Lisa Sawyer, who has big dreams of leaving Harland.When a massive storm hits, it’ll take a dramatic rescue, and Lisa’s unshakable belief, to wake a part of Seth he thought he’d lost forever. Suddenly one reluctant hero finds himself captivated by Christmas spirit. If only he can help Lisa discover the place she really wants to be…

Who Is This Wounded Warrior?

A man with secrets, ex-soldier Seth Hansen comes to the small town of Harland, North Carolina, to heal. The last thing he wants is to get involved—with the community, or with lovely waitress Lisa Sawyer, who has big dreams of leaving Harland. When a massive storm hits, it will take a dramatic rescue, and Lisa’s unshakable belief, to wake a part of Seth he thought he’d lost forever. Suddenly one reluctant hero finds himself captivated by Christmas spirit. If only he can help Lisa discover the place she really wants to be....

“Need some help up there?”

Hearing an unfamiliar drawl, Lisa Sawyer steadied herself where she was perched trying to string Christmas lights. The staff of Ruthy’s Place was in full-on holiday decorating mode. She wouldn’t mind a little help.

Turning, she found a man standing behind her who reminded her of a Greek statue. Maybe it was the granite-hard contours of his face. Maybe it was his razor-sharp crew cut, or the almost clear blue of his eyes. Or maybe it was the way his stained gray T-shirt rippled over muscles that ran from his shoulders to the tops of his paint-spattered work boots.

Wow, was the first coherent word that popped into her head. Since she couldn’t say that, she smiled. “Thank you—”

“Seth,” he said quietly. “Seth Hansen.”

“Oh, Ruthy’s nephew. She said you were coming to help out with some maintenance and stuff.” Reaching over, she held out her hand. “Lisa Sawyer.”

Considering how strong his grip must be, she was amazed by how gentle his touch was.


loves great stories. She enjoys reading about fascinating people, long-ago times and exotic places. But only for a little while, because her reality is pretty sweet. Married to her college sweetheart, she’s the proud mom of two amazing kids, whose schedules keep her hopping. Busy as she is, she can’t imagine trading her life for anyone else’s—and she has a pretty good imagination. You can visit her online at (

A Gift of Family

Mia Ross (

Be strong and courageous.

—Joshua 1:9

For Ashley and Christopher—

the two best gifts I’ve ever gotten.


Chapter One (#ub1d3bbda-c178-5601-81aa-5542efc6d1db)

Chapter Two (#u3879bad4-b174-54e5-b265-0b766e8e9647)

Chapter Three (#u949fc3af-92f0-5a11-ad1f-28f4ee76c7e9)

Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)

Questions for Discussion (#litres_trial_promo)

Excerpt (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One

“Need some help up there?”

Hearing an unfamiliar drawl, Lisa Sawyer steadied herself against the bay window where she was perched trying to string Christmas lights. It was the Monday after Thanksgiving, and the staff of Ruthy’s Place was in full-on holiday decorating mode. With the long cord in one hand and a dozen thumbtacks in the other, she wouldn’t mind a little help.

Turning, she found a man standing behind her who reminded her of a Greek statue she’d seen on the Travel Channel. Maybe it was the granite-hard contours of his face. Maybe it was his razor-sharp crew cut, or the almost clear blue of his eyes. Or maybe it was the way his stained gray T-shirt rippled over muscles that ran from his shoulders to the tops of his paint-spattered work boots. Instinct told her he hadn’t bought his ratty jeans that way. The way they bagged on his tall, lean frame made them look as if they belonged to someone else.

Wow was the first coherent word that popped into her head. Since she couldn’t say that without looking foolish, she smiled. “Thank you—”

“Seth,” he said quietly. “Seth Hansen.”

“Oh, Ruthy’s nephew.” Lisa filled in the blank with another, less impersonal, smile. “She said you were coming to help out with some maintenance in the diner and the apartments upstairs.”

“That’s me.”

Reaching over, she held out her hand. “Lisa Sawyer.”

Considering how strong his grip must be, she was amazed by how gentle his touch was. Careful, almost, as if he was afraid to hurt her. As the scent of fresh gingerbread wafted in from the kitchen, the ceiling speakers switched over to the opening chords of “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” While she held up one end of the lights and Seth pegged in a thumbtack every six inches or so, Lisa sang along with the lyrics.

“You sing it better than she does,” Lisa’s helper complimented her as he pinned the last length of cord into place on the other side of the diner’s glass-front door.

“Well, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

The hard planes of his face creased into something like a grin, and he offered a hand to help her down. After she landed, they stood there looking at each other, and she realized he was waiting for her to say something.

“I was off this weekend, so I haven’t seen you around,” she said. “When did you get in?”

“Yesterday morning.”

He didn’t add anything more, and she couldn’t decide if he was shy or rude. Then again, he’d been a total gentleman helping her the way he had, so rude was off the list. That left shy, and she could work with that. “Then welcome to Harland. How are you enjoying it so far?”

“Lisa Jean Sawyer,” Ruthy scolded as she came out of the kitchen with loaded platters for two of their early-bird dinner regulars. “Are you grilling my favorite nephew?”

“Just a little,” Lisa answered with a laugh. “He doesn’t seem to mind too much.”

Looking slightly awkward, Seth didn’t say he minded, but he didn’t say he didn’t, either. The guy was so laid-back, he made a turtle look like an Indy driver. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about fending him off, Lisa mused. Although she couldn’t imagine any woman with a brain rejecting whatever advances he wanted to make.

Eyeing Lisa like he wasn’t quite sure what to make of her, he turned to his aunt. “Which idiot jammed the fry skimmer down your sink?”

“Oh,” she confessed without blinking, “that was me.”

Grimacing, he shook his head. “Can I ask what you were thinking?”

“I was thinking there was something stuck in the disposal, and I had to get it out,” she retorted as she poured coffee for her customers. “I’m sure they’ll have whatever parts you need at Harland Hardware. Just ask for Gus and tell him who you are.”

The expression that flashed across Seth’s tanned features had only one name: terror. His jaw was clenched so tight, Lisa knew it must hurt, and her heart went out to him. He was obviously former military of some kind, and she’d expect someone like that to have nerves of steel. Something horrible must have happened to make this imposing guy so jumpy.

Apparently, Ruthy noticed it, too. Putting down the coffeepot, she took one of Seth’s hands in both of hers and gave him a bracing look.

“Tell him you’re my nephew and you’re working on a project for me,” she clarified. “He’ll get you whatever you need and bill me for it.”

Seth relaxed a bit and nodded. “Okay.”

Reaching up, Ruthy pulled his head down to whisper something in his ear. Whatever she said must have been just what he needed to hear, because the tension left his face, and he grinned. He had a really nice smile, Lisa decided. She wondered what a girl would have to do to see it more often.

“So,” he said with a little more confidence. “Where is this place?”

“Lisa’s not busy right now,” Ruthy replied casually. “She can go with you, introduce you to Gus.”

They both glanced toward Lisa, and she smiled. “Sure. No problem.”

Taking off her ruffly white apron, she draped it over the back of a chair and met Seth at the door. He glanced at the mistletoe kissing ball suspended overhead and shook his head again before opening the door for her. The silver jingle bells hanging from the knob alerted everyone in the diner that they were leaving.

Just as they were about to go, she heard the unmistakable sound of a camera shutter. Looking back, she saw Ruthy standing on the other side of the lunch counter, a digital camera in hand.

“What on earth are you doing?” Lisa demanded with a laugh.

“I always take a picture of the first couple under the mistletoe. Then I add it to the collage.” Motioning to the frame beside the door, she added, “It’s tradition.”

Seth groaned. “We’re not a couple.”

“You’re two people under the mistletoe,” she argued.

“We just met, Aunt Ruth. We’re not the kind of couple you’re talking about.”

“You could be.”

When he glared at her, she gave up. “Fine. I’ll delete it.” Glancing down at the display, she sighed. “It’s such a nice shot, though.”

Four people sidled past them into the diner, with three more close behind. Lisa suspected that if she didn’t do something, these two would argue so long the dining room would be overflowing by the time she got back to help.

“It’s not a big deal, Ruthy. Just keep it.”

She marched out, figuring Seth would follow quickly enough. He did, but out on the sidewalk, he looked down at Lisa and grumbled, “She jammed that disposal on purpose, didn’t she?”

“Why would she do that?”

“My hunch is she wanted me to notice you. She invented a kitchen crisis to get me downstairs.”

“I wasn’t even in the kitchen,” Lisa pointed out. “How could she know you’d see me out in the dining room?”

“Those swinging doors aren’t that high. With you up in the window like that, I saw you right off.”

“She’s quite the matchmaker, so it sounds like something she’d do.” Since he didn’t seem seriously upset by his aunt’s supposed meddling, Lisa laughed. “I can’t imagine what she’s thinking.”

Being Lisa’s godmother, Ruthy knew her better than most. Well enough to know this soft-spoken handyman was nothing like the brash, outgoing guys she enjoyed dating.

“Christmas lights and mistletoe,” he replied grimly. “They make folks nuttier than usual.”

“I think it’s sweet, her wanting to set you up for the holidays. Of course, you should get to pick the girl,” Lisa added to make it absolutely clear she wasn’t even remotely interested in being his Christmas crush.

“I’m not real good at that,” he confided quietly.

“Most guys aren’t.”

“She’s just like my mom. They think I need somebody,” he said, looking over Lisa’s head as a tractor rumbled down Main Street.

“Do you?”

As soon as the words jumped from her mouth, she regretted them. It was none of her business if he needed someone. Or no one. Still, she couldn’t help being curious about why he constantly avoided her eyes. She also couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to his hesitance than simple shyness.

After a long pause, he shrugged. “I’ve always done fine on my own.”

“I like my independence, too,” she rambled to avoid another awkward silence. “Being the youngest, everyone was always telling me what to do. The best part of being a grown-up is finally getting to do my own thing.”

“Independence is different from being alone.” With an appreciative glance, he added, “Something tells me you’re not alone all that much.”

Her intuition told her he was trying to say something without insulting her, and she wasn’t sure she liked his tone. “I have company when I want it, if that’s what you mean.”

“I don’t doubt that for a second.”