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Christmas In The Cove
Christmas In The Cove
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Christmas In The Cove

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“Brendan’s dad and his uncle? They drop off these parts sometimes down the coast. It was just supposed to be one of those trips. There and back. Drop off the stuff and then turn around and come back. Brendan said it would be easy. He was going to pretend like he was getting seasick and then come into the cabin where I was hiding. I know it probably sounds really bad...” She trailed off with an apologetic shrug.

It had been a stupid thing to do, but they were kids. She was struck by the memory of the time she had been Eli’s “stowaway.”

During his teenage years he had worked for Quinley’s Berry Farm. Sometimes he’d deliver berries as far away as Portland. One time he’d suggested Aubrey hide under a blanket in the cab of the pickup so she could ride along. It had been a perfect day filled with sunshine and laughter. On the way home they’d stopped for frozen custard and watched the most incredible sunset from a bluff overlooking the Astoria Bridge. For a few seconds she let the happiness of that memory sink in, refusing to spoil it with thoughts of the unhappily-ever-after that followed.

Danny dabbed at her eyes with a fresh tissue. “My parents have been pretty good, though. I think they’re just happy I’m alive.”

“Of course they are.”

Her head started an agitated shake. “But Brett, that’s Brendan’s dad, has, like, blown a gasket over the whole thing. Usually he’s a really nice guy, but this...?” She gave Aubrey a pleading look. “He’s... Brendan is worried.”

“Worried, how?” The loss of a boat was a pretty big deal and definitely a reason to be upset. Hopefully it was insured.

“I’m not sure. He just keeps saying that his dad is in a serious rage. He can’t let it go. Keeps asking Brendan questions and going over and over what went wrong.”

Near-death experiences hit people in different ways. She wondered if she should follow up on this for Danny and Brendan’s sake. Talk to his dad or recommend some counseling? She would brief her superior officer Senior Chief Nivens and get his opinion. What she didn’t need to do was upset Danny any further.

“You know what? I know it’s difficult to believe right now, but chances are this will all blow over. Just do me a favor. Next time you decide to stow away or participate in any activity at all anywhere near the water, wear a life jacket, okay? Promise me.”

She let out a giggle. “That’s funny. That’s exactly what that other Coast Guard guy said this morning.”

Coast Guard guy? “Who?”

“Lieutenant Commander Pelletier.” She enunciated the title proudly. “That’s right, isn’t it? He told me to call him Eli, but he looks more like a lieutenant to me. A really good-looking one. And the other guy was totally hot, too. He looks like a movie star or a model or something...”

Eli. And the “hot movie star” had to be Gale. Why would Eli and Gale come here to talk to Danny? The girl had already been officially debriefed. Danny’s unknown presence onboard had thrown a wrench in the midst, but wrenches like that were thrown into rescues all the time. Yet a niggle of concern began to form in her mind. If they were questioning Danny again, did that mean she herself was being investigated for some kind of misconduct?

Aubrey replayed the entire series of events over and over again in her mind. She reassured herself once again that she hadn’t done anything wrong. Had she? Maybe she should have radioed that she was fine and didn’t need assistance. But time was always a factor... These were the kinds of details she could stew about for days. She wanted to quiz Danny about what they’d asked her, but felt it would be wrong somehow.

Besides, she told herself, not only was she a big girl, she was good at her job. She would wait it out, with confidence, until she knew for sure what this was all about.

Instead she focused on Danny and what she could do for her.

* * *

“I HAVE AN IDEA,” Gale said from the passenger seat of the pickup as Eli drove back toward the base.

“What’s that?” Eli asked.

“It occurred to me earlier while we were talking to Alex. It made me think about what I’d do if we were trying to solve this case in Falls Terrace. I know you haven’t lived here, or even been here, in a long time, but you still have a lot of connections in the community.”

“Yeah.” Eli was already realizing how true that was. Twelve years didn’t seem that long now that he was back.

“All this Christmas stuff going on? This could help us solve this thing—getting out there and meeting people and socializing. A town this size, with this close-knit feel? People talk. There’s not much that is really and truly secret. Folks might not even know they are sitting on important information because they only have one piece of the puzzle. But if we gather some of these pieces, make some connections, we might get somewhere.”

He had a point. Eli guided the pickup into a space in the air station’s lot.

“Which reminds me.” Gale pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I got a text from Yeats.” Yeats was their contact at the DEA, keeping them informed about news on the case from California. He slid a finger across the display as he explained, “The crates have been sent to the lab for examination.”

For the last year a potent strain of heroin had been flooding the West Coast. Early indications had the DEA believing the drugs were being shipped up from the south. As a result, they’d focused most of their resources there even as the drugs continued to flow. He and Gale had been stationed in San Diego when a tip had come in to the DEA that Coast Guard personnel may be involved. Because of a connection Eli had in the DEA, he and Gale had been consulted about the case.

The DEA had seized a shipment of drugs from a boat off the coast of San Diego. Upon reviewing the evidence, it had been the wooden crates, not the drugs, that had got Eli thinking. They had been constructed from various woods, including maple and larch. Eli knew that larch was a wood that could only have come from much farther north where maple was also very abundant. He had speculated that the drugs were being smuggled into the Pacific Northwest, where they were being broken down into smaller units then shipped out again to lower level dealers in these locally constructed, and hopefully traceable, crates.

It was just speculation on his part, but soon after that, Eli had been at a Coast Guard luncheon where he’d mentioned the theory to Admiral Schaefer. The admiral had seized upon the notion and, a few short weeks later, Eli and Gale had been added to the task force and transferred to Astoria.

The admiral’s blessing and enthusiasm had been welcome, the assignment essentially like a promotion for him and Gale. For Eli, the importance of solving the case had increased exponentially. Not only did he want to solve the case for his own career, he didn’t want to let the admiral down. Failure, in any form, was Eli’s worst nightmare. Nothing, and no one, was going to stand in his career path the way it had his father’s.

“You have a history here, right? Plus, your friendship with Alex and Aubrey. Can you get us involved in some of this community stuff?”

“Yeah, probably,” he said with much more confidence than he felt. He had no idea how things stood between him and Aubrey.

Gale reached into the backseat and grabbed his notebook. He pulled a sheet of paper from inside and began to read in an overly enthusiastic tone. “‘It’s okay to be crabby this Christmas! At Pacific Cove’s crab races and crab feed you can be a crab and eat one, too’ et cetera and blah, blah, blah.”

“Crab races?”

“Yes. I just happened to pick up the Crazy About a Coast Christmas schedule of events. The first item listed is the crab races and crab feed this Friday night. At a place called The Shoals Hotel. Attending doesn’t sound like that much of a hardship. There’s an all-you-can-eat crab feed and buffet. But, if we could volunteer? Mingle with the folks? That would be even better.”

Eli grinned. “This actually isn’t a bad plan. I’ll see what I can do.”

CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_1310b11d-fccf-57a3-b958-df96995f75c8)

“OKAY, GUYS, THAT’S it for today. Great job, my little minnows! Don’t forget to practice your crunches and push-ups at home. Remember what we say?” A chorus of little voices joined hers. “Strong on land means strong in the sea.”

“Awesome! That’s right. You guys are smart as well as super swimmers.”

The fitness standards for a rescue swimmer were some of the most stringent in all of military service. Regulations required that they pass a monthly fitness test in order to remain on duty. The training on base, while intense, wasn’t enough. So, on her off days, she worked out. A day rarely went by when she didn’t get into the water and she liked to do it here at “her” pool, Pacific Cove’s community pool. And two or three times a week when she wasn’t on duty, she taught swimming lessons.

Six little bodies scrambled out of the pool. This group had made a ton of progress in the last few weeks. This fueled her resolve, even as it killed her that the pool she’d literally grown up in, and that she loved with all of her heart, was crumbling around her. She refused to accept what others were calling inevitable.

“Is anyone sticking around to practice today?” Aubrey had a policy that the kids could stay after class for fifteen minutes and practice what they’d learned in their lesson that day. They could practice anything, really, as long as they were in the water.

Two hands shot up into the air. One belonged to George, a shy little guy with huge brown eyes and a sweet smile featuring one front tooth. The other hand belonged to Eleanor, a tiny girl with blond pigtails and a bright purple swimsuit. Eleanor was one of her all-time favorite students, a foster child who’d been bounced around from relative to foster home her entire short life. For now, she’d found a home with stable parents who were motivated to bring her to swim lessons.

She qualified for free lessons through a program Aubrey had started for youth who couldn’t afford them otherwise. And Aubrey could see what swimming did for Eleanor because it was the same miraculous, confidence-building phenomenon she’d experienced as a child.

“Excellent, George and Eleanor. I’ll see the rest of you yahoos on Thursday?” With waves and goodbyes, the remaining crew headed toward the locker rooms.

“Do you guys want to jump off the diving board?”

“I do! I do!” This from Eleanor.

Ever cautious, George said, “I think I’ll practice treading water some more first.”

“Sounds good, buddy. You can never be too good at treading water.” Aubrey knew this was his way of gathering courage. She wouldn’t push him.

He climbed back into the pool while Eleanor hustled over to the diving board.

“Whenever you’re ready, El,” Aubrey called to the little girl.

She took a few steps, bounced on the board, sailed through the air and splashed into the water with all the force her forty-two pounds of weight could manage. She surfaced and began to swim toward the edge exactly as she’d been taught.

“Perfect!” And it was. The girl reminded her so much of herself at that age. She’d always been the first one in the water and the last one out. The first one to jump off the diving board. The first to swim across the deep end. The first to hold her breath while swimming the entire length of the pool under water...

A giggle sounded. “Can I do it again?”

“Absolutely. Good job, Georgie. You’re doing great.”

“Fearless,” a familiar voice said near her left shoulder, startling her.

“Eli, hi.”

He came around and sat beside her on the bench. “Reminds me of a girl I used to know. She would literally jump off of anything, no matter how high, as long as there was water to land in below.”

Aubrey gave him a casual smile even as her heart kicked hard against her rib cage. She focused on the pool where George was now practicing his freestyle stroke from one corner of the pool to the other.

“Really?” she said, her tone dubious.

“Really. She’s all grown up now, but I don’t think she’s changed all that much. In fact, now she jumps out of helicopters and allows herself to be lowered by cable onto sinking boats or to the sides of cliffs to help people who are stranded.”

“Wow. It sounds to me like she totally rocks.”

“Oh, she does, but...” His mouth formed into this adorable half frown as he glanced around as if to confirm no one would overhear. “Between you and me? I think she might be a little crazy.”

She couldn’t stop the smile playing on her lips even as recalling the memories tightened her chest with emotion. They used to call each other crazy after some of the stunts they’d pull together: jumping off cliffs and bridges, swimming across icy-cold rivers, exploring treacherous cliffs and caves.

His head dipped until his mouth was only a few inches from her ear. “But then, I’ve always been a little partial to crazy.”

Aubrey felt her cheeks grow warm as a blast of heat flooded her bloodstream. Apparently twelve years had done nothing to weaken her body’s response to Eli Pelletier. She was going to have to draw on her much more dependable brain when dealing with him. Luckily, her brain was stronger than her heart, and knew better than to fall under his spell. Her brain she could trust.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, glancing at him again. He didn’t appear to be here to swim, attired as he was in soft, worn jeans and a faded blue-and-gray Gonzaga Bulldogs T-shirt. His black hair was damp and he’d draped a soggy rain jacket over the bench beside him. She turned her attention toward Eleanor who was now bobbing in and out of the water like the dolphin Aubrey had nicknamed her after.

“I came here to talk to you.”

She frowned. “How did you know I’d be here?”

“Alex told me. I ran into him this morning and he mentioned that he’d talked to you. I had already stopped by your place and tried your phone. He told me you can always be found here on Tuesdays and Thursdays when you aren’t on duty.”

“That’s true.”

“You always loved teaching lessons.”

“I have. I do. Ever since Jason Redmond almost drowned in the ocean. I’ve done other stuff, but teaching the world to swim is still my goal.”

“I remember,” Eli said. “That was your...? Let me think... Second summer as a lifeguard on the beach, right?”

“Yep. I was fifteen.” The first time she’d ever done CPR on a real-life person. Changed her life.

The episode still sometimes woke her up at night. As she’d executed compressions on Jason’s cold, blue, bony chest, time had seemed to shift into slow motion. It had felt like hours before the ten-year-old finally gasped and coughed out the ocean that was literally choking the life out of him.

“And that’s when you started teaching the free lessons, right?”

“Stretch out your arms, Georgie,” she called to the little boy. “Reach really far... That’s it. Good job!

“Yes. Thanks to Betty. You remember Betty Frye, right?”

She felt like she was giving back to the pool that had helped to make her who she was. Unfortunately, she was only one person and the need was great. And because her beloved pool was falling into ruin, attendance was way down.

“Of course. Betty was great.” Betty used to run the pool and coach the swim team. The competitive swim league where she’d flourished throughout her youth had disbanded years ago.

“She was. She loved this place as much as I do. She helped me restart the program.”

Eli was looking around as if just now noticing his surroundings. “It’s looking a little sad these days, huh?”

She nodded. “Betty passed away two years after I left for the Coast Guard. The program fizzled out after her death and the pool has been on a slow decline ever since. If it wasn’t for the St. Johns, it would probably be closed already.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

Aubrey explained how Alex and the St. John family had made a series of donations to keep the pool open, but without the revenue it needed, it was only a matter of time before it closed for good.

“No one wants to swim here anymore. People are taking their kids to lessons in Astoria or Lancaster. Without the revenue...” She trailed off with a sigh.

“This is a tragedy. I had no idea. So many great memories here.”

The comment turned her insides to mush because she knew how those memories were intertwined with hers. She, Alex and Eli had been nearly inseparable for years and they’d spent countless hours here at the pool.

Keeping her eyes on her still-swimming charges, she smiled and said, “I don’t remember ever not knowing how to swim. I spent so much time in the water when I was a kid, I thought it was normal. I didn’t realize until I was way older that not everyone lives part-time in the water.”

“I know what you mean. When I moved here, I was happy to join you. I don’t know if I would have passed ‘A’ school on my first attempt if Dad and I hadn’t moved here—if I hadn’t met you. I give you so much credit for pushing me in that way. In a lot of ways actually.”

Aubrey felt a warmth spread through her at the comment. He’d pushed her, too. She’d had the same thoughts about him when she’d entered the brutally difficult rescue swimmer school. As the only woman in her class, she’d often told herself to imagine the guy next to her was Eli. If she could swim as far as Eli, then she could swim as far as him, too. There were days that thought had been what literally kept her afloat.

“Yeah, I kind of feel that way about you, too. So many races in this pool.”

“What’s your time these days in the 500 meter buddy tow?”

She told him.

“Wow. I still think there’s a chance you might, in fact, be part mermaid,” he teased, referring to the nickname he’d given her when they were kids. “Alex and I used to just marvel at how long you could stay under.”

Before she could respond he twisted around on the bench again. “There has to be something that can be done...” She felt heartened by his reaction. Less silly about her own plans.

“I, uh, actually have a plan.”

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Let’s hear it.”

“I know it probably sounds insane... You’ve heard about this Christmas contest going on in town?”

“I have. It would be tough to miss.”