Wayne Rooney, the most talked about footballer in Britain, tells his own remarkable story, from his early years with his family growing up on the streets of Croxteth, about his rel...
‘My Decade in the Premier League’ is Wayne’s first hand account of his 10 years playing at the highest level in English football – and for the biggest club in the world. This is hi...
‘My Decade in the Premier League’ is Wayne’s first hand account of his 10 years playing at the highest level in English football – and for the biggest club in the world. This is hi...
18 декабря 1921 года
родился Юрий Владимирович Никулин, российский актер, клоун, директор Цирка на Цветном бульваре в Москве, Народный артист СССР, Герой Социалистического Труда.