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His Kind Of Cowgirl
His Kind Of Cowgirl
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His Kind Of Cowgirl

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“Business. Yes. About that.” Her chin jerked up. “I’m afraid our plans have changed and we’re not interested in expanding our buyers list at the moment. My apologies that this wasn’t communicated before your trip.”

Bill scratched his balding head. Looked puzzled. “We’ve been hearing about your top stud, Revelation. Would be a pleasure to take a look at him while we’re here.”

“He’s the biggest!” piped up Jonathan. He’d crept up behind them and ducked behind Claire’s back.

Rick smiled down at her boy. “That’s what we’ve heard. If he looks half as good as he does on paper, we’re hoping to put in an offer on him.”

Jonathan pulled at Claire’s shirt. “We’re not selling Revelation, are we?” he whispered.

Her fingers ruffled his soft reddish-brown curls. “No, sweetie.” All of the livestock would transfer to Mr. Ruddell when they sold him the ranch.

Tanner shot her an unreadable look, then stepped forward. “We’ll be happy to show Revelation to you. Follow me.” Without a backward glance, he unlatched a gate and ushered the men inside the grassy pasture that butted against red, pitched-roof barns.

Claire heard an angry buzzing, as if a wasp had gotten trapped between her ears. How dare he.

A tug at her arm stopped her from scrambling after the group. “Can I go?”

“You know the rule about the barns, Jonathan.”

“Yeah. You said I can’t go without a grown-up. So if I’m with you, I can come.” He peered up at her. “Right?”

Claire glanced between the disappearing men and her mutinous son. He had a point...and how rarely he asked for anything lately...still. She needed to focus on stopping Tanner’s business deal and couldn’t do that while keeping a close eye on Jonathan. She didn’t like him to be around large animals, even when they were restrained.

“Another time, honey. How about we make cookies when I get back?”

His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Is this a bribe?”


A grin replaced his pout. “It’s a deal...if we make the kind we don’t bake. You know. With the peanut butter?”

She tickled his side. “You got it.”

“I’ll get the ingredients!” he yelled and a wistful smile crossed her face as she watched him bolt to the house. What she wouldn’t do to protect him...

“Love you,” she called after Jonathan when he bounded up the porch steps, Roxy hot on his heels.

“I know!” he called over his shoulder and disappeared into the house.

“Don’t let Roxy lick the peanut butter jar!”

Her father stood in the doorway, his firm gaze fixed on her. She didn’t have to hear him to know his thoughts. He wanted her cooperation. Her back starched. Well. That wasn’t an option. Nevertheless, her heart softened at his determined expression. He wanted the best for her, even if he was misguided. She blew him a small kiss before turning and striding after the group.

Time to shut Tanner down.

* * *

SUN SPILLED THROUGH the open windows, lighting the cavernous space housing their sire population. Stalls, sixty Tanner had counted, stretched from one, double-sized door to the other, and the sweet aroma of fresh hay mingled with the pungent dung and pelt smell of large animals. Charlie O’Dell, a hired hand headed to veterinary school in the fall, gave a short wave before he continued preparing the show cattle’s feed mix. Overhead, embedded circular fans whirred near the high ceiling.

Several gray Brahmans raised their heads as Tanner ushered in the Carne reps. Others continued feeding or drinking from the troughs in front of their stalls as they waited their turn to rotate into pasture, their drooping ears and large eyes giving them a docile appearance that matched their obedient nature. A good selling point for the seed stock.

“Denton Creek is a CSS Certified facility.” Tanner gestured to a framed document on a far wall above a hand-built desk holding an old-school rotary phone and a yellowed records book. He strolled down the walkway between the stalls, taking his time, giving these all-important buyers a good look at what he assessed to be prime studs. Revelation wasn’t the only bull he wanted Carne to purchase.

His head shot around when the barn door opened and Claire appeared, her face as stiff as cardboard. He waited for her to join them before resuming his talk.

“Denton Creek’s purebred Brahman herd consists of two hundred breeding-age females and sixty bulls with a large emphasis on embryo transfer. It’s primarily a closed herd, with focus on linebreeding exceptional cow families since 1944.”

“1944?” Rick stopped to examine Lucky Luke, one of their top sires, according to records. The majestic bull raised its head and stared them down, pendulous throatlatch and dewlap swinging. Rick ran his hand along the animal’s large hump, over the top of its shoulder and neck.

“We’re one of the oldest continually operating Brahman herds in existence in the United States,” Claire inserted. At her proud tone, longing seized Tanner. Here was the fierce woman he’d once loved... Fearless. Strong-willed. Undaunted. Infuriatingly resistant when it came to him...

He gave himself a tiny shake. He’d come to help Martin, not make amends with Claire, no matter how much she felt like an electric presence beside him, her arm brushing his. If anything, she’d grown more cautious than when they’d parted. Not exactly relationship material for a professional bull rider.

Your career can’t last forever.

The doctor’s warning returned to him, but Tanner shoved it aside. He’d figure out next steps, like the rodeo school, later. For now, he had to clinch his first deal for Martin. Prove to his old mentor he’d been right to entrust this job to Tanner.

“Lots of muscular tissue covering the processes,” murmured Rick before he backed away from the side-stepping bull.

Tanner nodded. “Denton Creek cattle are known for their conformation, muscle, fertility, breed character, carcass traits, efficiency and that signature eye-appealing style.”

They continued down the causeway, Rick and Tanner in front, and Bill and Claire following. “We only sell to southern and southwestern states,” she put in. “An international partnership would be out of our experience.”

Tanner turned to stare at her and her gaze turned flinty. Why was she so bent on crushing this opportunity? Martin would be miserable rotting in some old folks home and happier fighting to save his business. Claire might want to seal herself off from the world, but she shouldn’t force that fate on her father...the way she’d tried to nail Tanner down once.

“Due to the owner’s health issues, Denton Creek’s cattle haven’t been present at trade shows in recent years, but we plan to attend the State Championships in three weeks.”

“What?” Claire gasped behind him.

Tanner stopped. Turned. “Emailed our registration last night.”

Denton Creek had potential for lucrative sales once he brought operations up to date. Once it’d been a national-champion-producing bull ranch and he’d help restore its reputation. Martin might not have the vigor to go to trade shows and auctions the way he used to, but for the next month, at least, Tanner would do his best to attend them and help other buyers rediscover Denton bulls. After that, hopefully Claire would step up and get the ranch back on track instead of trying to get rid of it.

“We’ll be there,” Bill said, rubbing his hands together, his gaze locking on a massive bull penned alone at the end of the barn. “Sure would like to get a deal done before then, though.”

“Happy to consider your offer, Bill.” Tanner nodded toward the lone bull. “That’s Revelation if you two would like a closer look.”

Claire rounded on him as the murmuring reps moved ahead.

“We don’t have money for competitions. Are you trying to make us go under sooner?”

He studied her. “Hardly. We’re looking for new buyers and we can’t get their attention without trade show presence and wins.”

When she stepped close he found it impossible to break eye contact. “Why are you making commitments? We both know you’re going back to rodeo.”

“I’m here to help your father,” he said quietly, voice pitched so the murmuring reps over at Revelation’s pen wouldn’t hear. This close he could trace the curve of her cheek. He stuffed his hands in his pockets when the right one rose, seemingly of its own volition.

“Look. I get it. My dad was good to you. But you owe me, too. And I. Don’t. Want. This.” She punctuated each of her last words with a finger jab to his chest.

Unable to resist, he caught her raised hand in his. The feel of her soft skin made his pulse speed. He resisted the urge to press his lips against her palm, to see if she still tasted as sweet as he remembered. “Claire, I’m speaking for your father. Doing what he wants.”

Her eyes glistened and something softened inside him. “You made him believe in something that won’t come true. He’s desperate.”

“He loves you.” He cupped her cheek and for a heart-stopping moment she didn’t move away. “And he doesn’t need the stress of seeing us argue.”

Her eyebrows lowered and she considered him for a long moment. At last her rigid shoulders relaxed. “No. No, he doesn’t.”


“In front of him? I suppose.” She shooed away a fly buzzing round her face and turned back to the approaching business reps.

He didn’t bother holding back the grin that surged out of him. One small step toward civility with Claire.

He’d take it.

Though any more steps might bring them too close. Better keep his guard up around this spirited woman. Her fighting nature sparked his need to dominate. Made him want to vanquish when he needed to steer clear or risk getting penned down to a life with too many question marks.

“That’s one heck of a bull,” Rick said as he and his partner joined them.

Tanner ushered the small group through the front of the barn and back toward the house.

“He should be a contender for the Houston Livestock Show. I imagine you’re taking him to Throckmorton next.” Bill cupped the front of his hat, curling the brim.

Tanner lengthened his stride, hoping the fast pace would slow down Claire’s interference. “We’re thinking of auctioning him there if we don’t get investors beforehand.”

Rick matched him pace for pace. “We’d be interested in talking more about syndication on Revelation if you have time.” Tanner tracked the man’s gaze as it slid to a frowning Claire. He hustled them up the main house’s stairs and there, just as he’d hoped, sat Claire’s father reading the morning paper. She’d agreed not to argue in front of Martin. Time to put that to the test.

After making introductions, the men sat down to sweet tea offered up by Marie. Martin beamed under the compliments the men showered on his herd. Claire drummed her fingernails against the side of her bubbled glass, but otherwise kept quiet.

When the conversation began to head into hard numbers, Martin steadied himself and rose. “Won’t you gentleman join Tanner and me in my office?”

Claire bolted to her feet. “I’d like to come, too.”

“What about the cookies?” All eyes swerved to the young boy who looked far too pale for country living. The kid had to get out more, Tanner thought, and he’d make it a point to find a way.

“I—I—” Claire’s head swiveled between her son and the group. At last she hugged Jonathan. “Of course. A promise is a promise. Enjoy your conversation, gentlemen,” she said, her tone lighthearted, her eyes anything but.

Unfettered, Tanner steered the group into Martin’s office and they sat around a large oak desk, discussing numbers that weren’t living up to the praise the men had heaped on Revelation.

Martin’s gaze darted between Tanner and the Carne Incorporado reps. Tanner could tell the desperate rancher didn’t like the lowball bid, but felt pressure to accept. Time to gamble.

He stood and offered a hand to each of the men. “Rick, Bill, it’s been a pleasure. We’ll keep your offer in mind as we take Revelation to shows and possible auction.”

Rick took the toothpick out of his mouth, suddenly looking less sure than he had a moment ago. “This deal’s only good if we can secure a majority share before Revelation shows. After that, we can’t guarantee this price.”

“So noted.” Tanner forced a confident grin and nodded briskly to Martin who followed his cue and shook the men’s hands as they exited.

“We were hoping to conclude our business today,” Bill protested, donning his hat as they stepped past a wide-eyed Claire back out into the bright noon sun.

Tanner nodded to a card in Rick’s hand. “You have the number we expect for a majority share pre-show. If you want to make a serious offer, give us a call. In the meantime, we’ll look for you in Houston.”

“But—” Rick’s sharp-eyed glare snuffed out Bill’s protest.

“See you in Houston.” Rick tipped his hat. “It’ll be a pleasure negotiating with you further once you’ve been out in the market again.”

“Same,” Martin said firmly, his mouth a thin line, his features not unpleasant, but harder. Certain. Less the recovering victim. More the head of an esteemed ranch. The man he was born to be. Tanner grinned to see his old mentor get back his vigor.

They watched the truck roll away. At a low chuckle Tanner turned, surprised.

“You got those suits on the ropes,” rumbled Martin, one side of his mouth hitching. “They didn’t expect you’d shoot down their offer.”

Tanner adjusted his hat in the sweltering heat. “Nothing like a little pressure to up the ante.”

Martin met his eye. “You’re willing to take a chance on Revelation getting a better offer at the Houston Livestock show?”

“Yes, sir. We’ll get higher numbers once the public sees Revelation.”

“I appreciate your help.” Martin thumped Tanner on the shoulder and turned. “I surely do.”

Tanner studied Claire as she stood in the doorway, her expression swerving from wonder at her straight-backed father to mutiny when her eyes lit on Tanner. He imagined her questions and veered instead for his own quarters. Martin would sort her out.

Better to focus on what’d brought him here. Not a woman he’d gambled on once and lost.

Odds with her would never be in his favor.

CHAPTER FIVE (#ulink_b580161c-0d6f-5ba7-a902-9afb3388cac9)

TANNER SWAYED SLIGHTLY atop Guardian, a chestnut-colored quarter horse, and guided the stallion down another pasture’s rutted trail. An afternoon blow looked likely given the dishwater-gray morning. Lucky break. It’d perk up the yellowing grass and end the heat. It’d been drier than the heart of a haystack all week.

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