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The Keepers: Declan
The Keepers: Declan
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The Keepers: Declan

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“And he’s grinning like he’s won the lottery.”

“Asshole. We should have killed him when we had the chance,” Archer said, his voice a low growl.

“Yeah, brother. Hindsight crap won’t change the fact that this woman just stepped into the lion’s den.”

“What business would she have with Harper?”

“No idea, but I intend to find out. “

“Call me when you do.”

“I will.”

“And Declan?” Archer added, his tone losing the sharp edge. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

“If that’s your way of saying ‘be careful’, then I love you too, brother,” Declan quipped, unable to keep the sarcasm at bay. He blew Archer an exaggerated kiss, hung up the phone, and headed straight for the club.

It took all of five minutes and a flash of cash to secure himself a hat from a teenage boy with a love of Zorro. Not his choice of accessory but better than a feathery mask.

Tugging on his hat he went inside and took a seat by the bar, scoured the room for signs of Kate. A woman with a wide smile, wearing a leather outfit, slid into the available space between his legs.

“You look lonely, handsome,” she said, hooking a finger into the hem of his T-shirt.

“I’m not.”

“Can I buy you a drink?”

“It’s not a one drink night.”

She grinned, red lipstick stretching across a pale face. “Oh, you sound like my kind of guy.”

Declan twisted around and motioned to the barman for a round of drinks. When they arrived within seconds, the youngster was quick to earn himself a hefty tip.

He rose, disentangling himself from the curvy blonde and holding out a glass. She grinned, accepting the offering. She was pretty, but far from his agenda tonight.

“You’re leaving?”

He dipped his head to hers. “Trust me, honey, it’s for your own good.”

He swiped his drink off the counter and walked away, unable to shrug off the unease that conflicted with the anticipation of facing Kate. Harper was involved and Declan wanted answers – but for now, the pleasure of confronting her overruled that.

The image of a deer in the headlights came to mind.

He couldn’t wait.

CHAPTER FIVE (#u29a99197-83e3-5ee1-aaa6-bfdf6684414a)

Kate loathed crowds. Especially rowdy ones plied with alcohol.

The club was packed, everyone disguised with colourful masks. Music blared from the band of musicians on the stage, loud but not unpleasant. After all, New Orleans was well known for the talented musicians who flocked to the city.

Kate made her way to the side door reserved for members only. A fierce, burly bouncer stood outside the door, his arms crossed. Although he was bald, his frowning face was covered with hair. His expression was even as she approached, except for the hitch in one eyebrow.

Taking a deep breath that did nothing to calm the stampede of horses inside, Kate flashed a tag that gained her a nod and an open door.

“You’re late, Jenna,” he grumbled, his words masked in a heavy accent that sent chills down her spine.

“Yeah, yeah,” she replied, grateful for the mask she wore. She hurried through the door, slipping the tag back into her bag.

Remembering Jenna, fast asleep in Hazel’s back room, sent Kate's anxiety soaring, but she was quick to reel it in. Jenna had access to the private function behind the bar and Kate needed an in.

She made her way down the corridor that opened onto a courtyard nestled at the foot of a four-storey building. A private party was in full swing, the crowd dancing to music that blared from box speakers against the walls. Those not on the dance floor had taken to the balconies overlooking the courtyard. Barrels of fire burned everywhere, masking the scene in a glorious glow of orange inferno.

Kate stepped back as a juggler strolled past and disappeared into the crowd, tossing fire balls with ease. Waitresses wearing simple masks and cocktail dresses moved between the guests, serving beverages and smiling at the passes of the more drunken men. There was a bar in the far corner, the barman rushing to keep up. Apparently, food didn’t feature at this party. Despite the cool air, most of the women wore skimpy dresses.

And then she saw him.

Harper Avery.

His hair was different, shaved, his face a spray of stubble. Despite his silly hat, mask and smirk, there was a harshness to him she recognised. Drink in hand, he scanned the crowd, oblivious to her scrutiny.

He puffed on a cigar and laughed at something his companion said, the sound swept away by the music. He seemed so casual for the violent man who had attacked them.

Everything inside Kate urged her to charge at him and demand answers. And punch him. Oh, yes, she was itching to wipe that grin off his face. After her mother’s death, she’d spent the last year running from him.

No more.

She wanted revenge. Justice.

A tingle ran down her spine at the thought.

Looking over, she recognised his key players with ease. Three men and a woman.

Rick was older and his boisterous Italian charm masked an underlying callousness. He was grizzled and stocky, his tattooed arms were draped around the woman, Megan. They were dancing to an erotic beat while his fingers toyed with her short black hair. He whispered something in her ear that made her smile, before a commotion at the door separated them.

The arrival of Harper’s other two warriors, Max and John, instantly parted the dancing crowd. Max’s shaggy brown hair contrasted with the younger, neater John’s. According to Hazel, John was skilled in martial arts. Clutched in their grip was a woman with spiky blonde hair, dark make-up and a fierceness in her eyes that touched Kate.

The music softened, the excited murmurs died down, and everyone stared at Harper. Their anticipation hung in the air like a thick spice as they waited for their leader to speak.

He remained seated as his men presented the woman. Tilting his head lazily, he scanned the length of her.

“This is Lara?” Harper asked, his tone casual but laced with an iciness that sent a chill down Kate’s back.

“She showed up in the Quarter,” Max replied, swiping at his messy hair with one hand. “She resisted, just like you said she might.”

A slow smile spread across Harper’s face. “I’m assuming she’s come to her senses?”

“I will never join you,” Lara said, her tone tight with disgust.

Harper stood up so abruptly that his chair fell over, crashing to the ground in an elaborate display of temper. He closed the gap between himself and Lara.

“You refuse?” A fake smile softened the glare in his eyes. “Sweetie. You have no choice.”

“What do you want from me?”

He waved a hand at the crowd. “Witches and warlocks. You’ll fit right in.”

Witches and warlocks? All of them? Keeping to the shadows against the wall, Kate scoped out the room, her entire body prickling.

“I don’t side with evil,” Lara replied, glowering at him.

“Pity.” Harper trailed a finger along her chin. “You’re just the type of witch I’m looking for.”

“I will never join your cause.”

Harper’s grin faded and his eyes narrowed, all traces of playfulness disappearing. “You sure you won’t join me, dear? There’s a bigger picture here.”

“Screw your bigger picture. I’m not interested in violence, control or exposure. What’s wrong with you all?” she snapped at the gawking crowd. “The last time our kind came out of the closet, we were hunted down and destroyed.”

A frown creased Harper's eyebrows.

Kate’s stomach twisted at the reminder of the witch massacre, a tragic bloodbath that had claimed dozens of harmless witches. The event had marred their existence ever since, reminding them how crucial it was to live in secrecy.

“You know the agreement we have with the ordinary people who know about us,” Lara said, waving a hand across the room. “If they see you all gathered here, you’ll start a war!”

“We deserve to live freely, out in the open. After all, we’re the superior species.”

“We’re the minority species. Have you forgotten what happened to the Brogan brothers?”

“The Bennetts and their witch are responsible and they will pay for what they’ve done.”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd.

But Lara only spoke louder and with more determination. “Sienna and her Keepers were protecting the innocent and keeping our secret. Continue with this and your fate won’t differ from the Brogans!”

“That’s enough!” Harper yelled, reaching into his pocket. He withdrew a sharp blade and with a flick of the wrist, he slashed the witch’s throat.

There was a gasp that trickled through the crowd, yet no one moved. Lara’s eyes widened, her mouth rounded in horror as blood gushed from her wound.

Harper pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blade, unperturbed at the dying woman in front of him. When his warriors released her, she collapsed to the ground. “There’s one thing you witches fail to realise,” he said in a calm tone and nudged her with a booted foot. Pocketing his knife, he knelt over her, placing his hands on her heart. “You either side with me or die. Either way, your powers are mine.”

Kate’s stomach flipped and she gaped at the motionless crowd who seemed more excited than appalled. Fuelled by rage, she stepped forward, only to collide with a hard wall of muscles.

“Don’t you dare,” said a low, insistent voice that sparked a flush through her.

Her jaw fell open and her head shot up to look at Declan. He wore a hat pulled low across his face. “Declan!” she gasped, glancing past his shoulder at the witch.

“She’s already gone,” he murmured, lowering his head to hers as strong hands gripped her arms. He had a thunderous expression, his eyes dark with fury and regret, and he glanced back at the woman. “I arrived too late.”

“Why hasn’t anyone moved? Why aren’t they helping –?”

“They’re all like him.”

“Let me go. I have to help her,” she breathed, the words coming out like a hiss. She tried to tug loose but he tightened his grip on her arm.

“You do that and you’re dead, Kate. She’s gone. He’s already absorbing her powers.”

Kate gasped, taking in the sick satisfaction plastered across Harper’s face. “Who are these people?”

“Scavenger warlocks and witches. They kill a witch and then scavenge her powers. Lara refused to offer hers willingly.”

His words packed a punch and the air whooshed out of her in response. Unable to stop herself, she gripped his arms as every fear her mother had ever voiced came to mind.

“This is the last place you should be,” said Declan.

Panic churned with hatred and, unthinking, she began pushing forward.

“Are you crazy?” Declan snapped, tugging her against him. “If Harper sees you here, you'll go the same way as Lara!”

Megan sidled up toward Harper. She wore a smirk, her dark eyes, heavily outlined, beamed with pleasure. Harper released the witch with an insignificant toss, flexing his jaw and inhaling as though he’d just had his fill of something delectable. Turning, he grinned at Megan and slid an arm around her shoulders. “Now this is a New Orleans witch,” he said, his voice booming across the courtyard, “that has some common sense!”

There was a low murmur of chuckles that spread across the room. The mood shifted as everyone began to relax, dismissing the murder as though nothing had happened.

Harper flicked an irritated glare at Lara before pointing to a nearby waitress. “Clean up this mess,” he ordered, dipping his head toward Megan as she whispered something in his ear. Her words triggered a flash of fury in his eyes, along with a tightened expression, and his head whipped up to scan the crowd.

With a swift movement, Declan tugged Kate behind a palm tree, pinning her to the wall. All muscle, all powerful. His presence made everything inside her snap to attention. Declan. Here.

Oh, God.

CHAPTER SIX (#u29a99197-83e3-5ee1-aaa6-bfdf6684414a)

“What are you doing here?” she whispered, her heart slamming against her chest.

“You really think I’d let you get away with stealing from me?”

“And you’ve picked now as the time for vengeance?” She gaped at him. “Are you crazy?”

“You’re the one who’s crazy for coming here in the first place!” He flicked a glance at Harper. “What were you thinking? You saw what they just did.”

“You know him?”

“He tried to kill my witches a while back. What do you want with him?”

“That’s none of your business, Declan. Why are you here? You’re going to blow my cover.” Something she clung to desperately now that she’d seen what Harper was capable of.

“Honey, your cover was blown the second you walked in that door.”

“What do you mean?”