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North Country Mom
North Country Mom
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North Country Mom

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The boys outdid each other trying to explain that their school was just like any other, and they made it clear that they intended to avoid summer school at all costs. Alicia chuckled, smothering her laughter when Jack’s frown deepened into a glower because Eli smiled at Giselle and she smiled back.

“See? She’s not your baby anymore,” Alicia murmured.

Jack did not appreciate her humor. When the meal was over and the kitchen restored to order, he turned to Giselle. “We need to go home now,” he said in a flat tone.

“I told you, I won’t stay in that room.” Giselle crossed her arms over her chest, her face frozen in a glare of mutiny. “It’s like a playpen.”

No doubt sensing tension, Laurel ushered the boys out of the room. Alicia tried to leave, too, but Jack’s hand on her arm stopped her.

“Please wait,” he said.

Alicia jerked away then nodded.

“Sorry.” Jack gave her an odd look then turned to his daughter. “You may not stay here, Giselle. Your aunt doesn’t have any extra room.” Jack endured her icy glare with no reaction. Alicia applauded his fortitude. Lesser men would have weakened.

“It’s time to go home,” he said quietly.

“Home?” Scorn laced his daughter’s voice.

“Yes. The lodge is our home now,” he said with firmness. “I have something I want to show you, honey,” he added in a softer tone.

“I don’t think I want another surprise today.” Despite her bravado, Giselle’s bottom lip trembled.

Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulder and hugged her to his side.

“Give it a chance, please?” He lifted her chin. “I know your life right now isn’t what you thought, but it doesn’t have to be all bad.”

Alicia’s heart ached for the bereft twosome. Giselle wanted, needed her mom. Jack was doing everything he could to make her transition easier. She admired him for that. Silently she whispered a prayer for them while her brain cheered, Come on, Giselle. He loves you so much. Give a little.

“Please?” Jack murmured after pressing a kiss against her hair.

Giselle inhaled, then nodded. “Okay.”

“Excellent.” Jack beamed. He lifted her in the air and whirled her in a circle, as he’d probably done ever since she was little. “I love you, sweet pea.”

“I love you, too.” When he set her down, Giselle leaned back to study him. “But I still want you to find out who my birth parents are.”

Giselle might be adopted, but in the girl’s dark eyes Alicia saw the same dogged implacability as her father showed.

Jack remained silent. His gaze swung to Alicia. She smiled, trying to mentally encourage him. He glanced back at his daughter.

“Okay, I’ll make some more inquiries,” he said at last. “But you—”

“I know. I won’t get my hopes up. I’ll try to be patient and I’ll try not to be disappointed if things don’t turn out as I hope.” She straightened her shoulders. “I’m ready.”

“Good.” He shepherded them out to the car.

Alicia felt like a fifth wheel, but since she had no other way to get home, she got in the car, in the front seat beside Jack because Giselle insisted.

“Where’d you get this car?” she asked. “I don’t think I’ve seen it around town before.”

“You haven’t. I had it shipped in,” Jack said, his face closing up.

“It was my mom’s car,” Giselle murmured.

“Oh.” Now Alicia really felt in the way. She waited until they reached town before she spoke. “You can drop me off here,” she said. “I’ll walk the rest of the way.”

“No. You have to come.” Jack flicked a look to the backseat. “Alicia and I have a surprise for you, honey.”

“You and Alicia?” Giselle frowned.

“Well, I guess it’s mostly Alicia’s surprise.” Jack pulled up beside his hotel, got out and came around to open Alicia’s door. “Come on. Let’s show her.”

“I’m not very good with surprises,” Giselle said. Her face reddened. “I guess you already know that.”

“I’m not sure—” Alicia wanted to escape. But Jack gazed at her, a plea in his eyes. When a man looked at you like that, what could you do?

“Come on, Giselle,” she said, twining her arm with the girl’s. “Let’s go look.”

Jack led the way into the hotel. He paused in front of her bedroom door.

“This is for you. Because I love you. With Alicia’s help.” He pushed open the door.

Giselle’s face transformed from dread to wonder. She gave a squeal then rushed inside, bounding from one thing to another.

Relieved, Alicia turned to smile at Jack.

“I guess she thinks it’s okay,” she murmured.

Thank you, he mouthed.

Such a silly thing, but her heart thrummed with delight.

“It’s perfect. I can’t wait to have a sleepover.” Giselle danced from one foot to the other.

“A girls’ sleepover,” Jack added.

Alicia looked at Giselle and they groaned together. Giselle hugged her.

“How did you know my favorite color is green?” she asked.

“This.” Alicia pointed to the tiny emerald ring on her pinkie finger. “And this.” She touched a green clip in Giselle’s hair. “And this.” Her fingers brushed the green scarf looped around her neck.

“Daddy gave them to me.” Giselle tipped her head to one side. “How did you know to do all this? Are you a designer or something?”

“Nothing like that.” Alicia snuck a look at Jack and let out a pent up breath. He was smiling. “I just thought about what I’d like if I were your age and had a room like this.”

“Good thinking.” Giselle wrapped her arm around her father’s waist and looked at him adoringly. “It’s absolutely perfect, isn’t it, Daddy?”

Daddy. The two of them are a family.

She stood there, watching father and daughter bond, deeply touched by their precious reuniting. Her part had been small, but a tiny thrill coursed through Alicia that she’d been able to help bring them together, to re-create the bond that joined them.

If only she had someone to cling to, someone to love. As she watched Giselle and Jack, the ache in her heart grew. Because of him she had no family. Because of him she was missing everything about her son. He’d ruined her life.

Though a silent prayer helped suppress her pain, it didn’t stop her heart from constricting or her throat from closing with emotion. All she could think about was escaping before they noticed and she spoiled their reunion.

“I have to go,” she said, and wheeled toward the door.

“Alicia?” Giselle called. Alicia half turned to face her. “Thank you very much for helping my dad with this. I appreciate it a lot.” Her thin arms wrapped around Alicia’s neck, enveloping her in another hug.

“Welcome to Churchill. I think you and your father are going to love it here.” For a moment Alicia hugged her back. Then she eased herself free and hurried away. She thought she heard Jack call her name, but she ignored it and kept walking, desperate to be alone, to get away from the cloying constriction of emotions that returned whenever she remembered that day and all she’d lost.

Once in her apartment, Alicia sat in front of her electric fireplace, craving the heat it gave off. Though it had felt warm outside earlier, her soul was icy cold, her spirit crushed, her heart broken.

It was his fault Alicia hadn’t realized the implications that would follow from giving her child to another. Never to hear Mom, never to be hugged, never to know the soft touch of a child’s lips against her skin. Giselle’s embrace forced her to realize she’d given all that away.

Alicia had been trying to do the right thing, but somehow, until now, she’d never fully appreciated all that Mr. Parcet’s actions had cost her. Not until she’d seen Jack and Giselle strengthening the bonds that held their family together.

I’m so alone, her heart whispered. There’s no one to love me, to care for me. She thought of her son, growing up, changing, learning to love.

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