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Mistletoe Twins
Mistletoe Twins
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Mistletoe Twins

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The elderly women bent to study the twins. “Who have we here?” Tillie asked.

“I’m Francie. An’ this is my brother, Franklyn, an’ that’s Delly—”

“They already know me, sweetie.” Adele helped the children shed their coats. “These are my foster aunties.” She introduced them.

“How come you have—” Francie paused in her usual litany of questions when someone rapped on the door.

“This is a busy place.” Tillie hurried to welcome their guest. “Mac, dear! I didn’t know you were home.”

Adele whirled around, thrilled to see the man who’d been her best friend since the day she’d arrived at The Haven with her three foster sisters more than twelve years ago.

“Mac McDowell!” She hurried forward and wrapped him in a hug. Her heart dropped when her very best friend eased away a little too quickly. That was when she noticed how his coat sleeve hung empty from the elbow down. She gulped and refocused. “It’s good to see you, Mac.”

“Good to see you too, Delly.” Mac’s easy smile flashed. Then he stepped around her to greet Tillie and Margaret.

“Hey, you said Delly.” Franklyn studied him curiously. “That’s our name for Adele.”

“It was mine before it was yours.” In a quick sleight of hand Mac, who’d always adored kids, produced two candies from behind their necks that he then offered to them.

Adele introduced the twins, then asked, “How did you know I was home, Mac?”

“I didn’t. Dad sent me to talk to your sister. He says Victoria wants our stables to offer a trail ride business.” He shrugged. A wry smile played with his lips. “Dad doesn’t think the Double M can handle it, mostly I think because he feels overwhelmed by the ranch these days. But apparently she’s been insistent so he wants me to refuse her. I’m guessing Victoria’s still very, uh, strong-minded?”

“We call it determined,” Margaret agreed, eyes dancing. “That’s why we’re happy to have her running The Haven for us—”

“I’m sorry, Mac,” Tillie interrupted her sister. “You’ve missed her. Things have changed around here. Victoria is married now, to Ben Adams. They’ve adopted Ben’s nephew Mikey and they have a daughter, baby Grace.”

“Yes, and today, while Mikey’s at school,” Margaret continued, “Victoria, Ben and Grace are spending some family time together in Chokecherry Hollow.” She smiled. “They won’t be back from town till after school. But please join us for tea. Or coffee, if you prefer.”

“Thank you.” Looking somewhat confused by all the information, Mac shrugged out of his sheepskin coat and hung it on a peg by the door. “I’d love some coffee.”

As she’d done a hundred times before, Adele automatically pulled the coffee canister from the fridge and started the brewer. She also made fresh tea for the aunties and, at their request, but a little hesitantly, selected two china teacups and saucers for the twins.

Adele deliberately waited until everyone was seated at the table and the aunts were busily engaged in explanations to the twins about the proper way to drink their tea-flavored milk from fancy china.

Under the cover of their conversation she murmured, “Want to tell me what happened with your arm, Mac?”

“Lost half of it after I crashed my plane. I didn’t think the ground was quite so close. Some test pilot, huh?” The indifferent shrug and quirky lopsided grin that had been Mackenzie McDowell’s trademark since the day he’d pulled Adele’s hair in fourth grade now lifted the corner of his mouth. “Since everything below my elbow was amputated I can’t fly anymore.” He shrugged in apparent nonchalance. “I need to figure out a new way to earn my living.”

That was typical Mac. Play down his pain and suffering. Except Adele could see fine white lines at the edges of his glacial-green eyes and etched deep around his mobile lips. She knew he still suffered. She also noted that he gave few details about his accident. Because he was still in pain or because he’d done something wrong? She wanted to hear the whole story, but she’d wait until he was ready to tell her.

“I’m very sorry,” she whispered as she squeezed his hand.

“Thanks.” Mac immediately withdrew his hand. “Oh, wait.” He rose and walked to the door. He leaned out to grab something and returned with a handful of bedraggled and grubby—what?

“Uh, thanks. I think.” Adele accepted his offering gingerly. “What are they?”

“No clue, but Mom said your aunts could use them.” Mac made a face but this time he wasn’t pretending. Adele knew all about his mother’s propensity for inventing recipes to use what most people considered weeds. “Herbs?” he suggested.

Not like any herbs I’ve ever seen.

“Maybe.” Adele studied the stalks dubiously. “I’ll set them on the window ledge until we’re ready to use them.” Which will be never.

Gingerly she laid the bundle down, recalling a long-ago potluck at Chokecherry Hollow’s First Avenue Church, a white-steepled building in the little Alberta town five miles away. The entire membership had become ill from eating Mrs. McDowell’s “open range” salad.

Not going to happen in my kitchen. When she lifted her head, Mac was studying her with a look that said he knew she hadn’t a clue what the stalks were for.

“Don’t tell your mom I didn’t recognize her herbs, okay?” Adele begged. “I’ll figure it out eventually.”

“Or you’ll make up some crazy name for them like you did for that science experiment we did in Mr. Burnder’s sixth grade class. Esponsidonia, wasn’t that what you called that oozing pink gunk that spilled out of our volcano?” He tilted his handsome head to one side and asked, “How come you were the only one who didn’t get spattered by it?”

“Because I moved out of the way.” She blushed when he hooted with laughter.

“Oh, the times I tried to get some dirt on you.” Mac shook his head, his smile lingering. “Never seemed to work. Two seconds later you were back to polished perfection, even then.”

“I like clean and tidy,” she defended.

“I know, kiddo.” Mac’s empathetic smile said explanations weren’t needed. He’d never needed them; he always seemed to understand her. “So what are you making for dinner tonight, Chef Adele?”

“I—um, don’t know. I didn’t intend to—er, start cooking until tomorrow.” Why was she bumbling? She’d known Mac for eons. They’d been besties all through school and never once had she felt awkward, so why now? “How’s your coffee?”

“I haven’t tasted it yet.” Mac thrust his gleaming black cowboy boots in front of him then glanced from the cup to her before wrinkling his nose. “It’s not made with tree roots or something, is it?”

“Just coffee, mountain grown,” she assured him, chuckling as he took a timid sip. “See?”

“Excellent. As usual.” Mac grinned. “By the way, I believe all coffee’s mountain grown.”

“Except your mother’s.” Adele burst out laughing when he rolled his eyes, just as she’d expected.

Mac was always fun. She’d missed him, missed this. Sharing, laughing, friendship. The connection they’d had—Adele had never managed to find that bond with another man, though she’d certainly tried. She’d dated men from her church, even become engaged to Rafe, which turned out to be a colossal mistake when she finally realized they were miles apart when it came to goals and aspirations. Now she realized she’d never found the same bond with Rafe as she’d always known with Mac.

If only she’d fallen in love with someone like her best friend.

Adele pushed away the silly thought. As if there was anyone else out there like Mac. She smiled when the twins burst into laughter at Aunt Tillie’s comment. A deep sense of fulfillment settled inside her at this return to The Haven. The familiar kitchen, the orderly row of cooking tools she’d long ago coaxed the aunties to buy, memories of the savory smells she’d always loved to create—she’d done the right thing in quitting her job and bringing the twins to The Haven. They deserved a home and she was going to give these two orphans just that. Contrary to Rafe’s criticism, she could be a single mom, and she would do it without him. Wasn’t that what God wanted?

“Delly, can we go with these aunties?” Francie jerked her arm to get her attention. “They gots some ’puter games.”

“Aunt Margaret certainly does have lots of fun games. Go ahead and behave. I’ll be here if you need me.” She patted the little girl’s shoulder and smiled encouragement at her less boisterous brother. When they’d left, she faced Mac. “So?”

“You tell me,” he said, one sandy eyebrow quirked upward. “How is it to be home again? For good?”

* * *

Mac watched Adele’s face, confused by the—how to describe it?—lack of sparkle in those amber eyes.

“I’m home for a while and it feels very good. I’m fostering those two sweethearts.” Adele glanced at the retreating twins and then at him, but there was hesitation as she explained, “And I’m considering adoption.” He couldn’t quite decipher her expression.

“Your fiancé wants that?” Mac sipped his coffee while trying not to show his dismay. He’d always supported Delly. That wasn’t going to change.

“I don’t have one.” Adele grimaced. “I told you a long time ago that I was never going to marry and repeat my parents’ disasters.”

“Apparently you forgot that vow because you did get engaged, Delly. The aunts wrote me about it a while ago.” He saw pain in those expressive eyes. “What happened?”

“What always happens with romance, what I’ve been avoiding my entire life.” She squeezed her eyes closed and sighed. “Arguments.”

“About?” Don’t prejudge the guy. Mac waited for her to explain.

“Rafe and I argued about pretty much everything, but recently they centered around Francie and Franklyn. He said I was getting too involved.” She rolled her eyes.

Mac figured this Rafe couldn’t have known Delly very well if he expected her not to get involved with a pair of needy kids.

“We bickered a lot about that, but I thought if he’d just get to know them...” Adele shook her blond head, apparently unwilling to tell Mac all. “One day Rafe informed me that he didn’t want a ready-made family. Or any family.” She stared at her hands. “I tried to understand. But I couldn’t marry him and not care what happened to the twins. I kept praying for God to help.”

“I see.” Mac frowned but said nothing more, waiting for the rest of the sad story.

“Then Rafe missed an important dinner. He lied about why and I knew it, so I pressed him. People who love each other don’t lie to their partners.” The way she compressed her lips told Mac she was still hurting. “Turns out Rafe didn’t love me, not the way I thought. He wanted to marry me because he figured I’d be an asset to him in his bid for full partner at his law firm. Francie and Franklyn didn’t fit his plan.”

Mac hissed air between his teeth, disgusted with a man he’d never met. “Ow.”

“Yes. Reality bites. Rafe wasn’t the man I’d dreamed he was. Our so-called love was all in my mind.”

Mac could see her struggling not to show her distress over that discovery. Since the day they’d first met, he’d understood that Adele needed to replace the painful memory of her parents’ bitter marriage and abusive home life.

“I finally realized that marrying Rafe would be repeating the ugliness of my parents’ marriage.” She shook her head to emphasize her words. “I won’t do that, Mac. I will not subject myself or anyone else to the hate and misery of that. I experienced it as a kid. I’m never going there again. Rafe was the second guy I trusted and then realized didn’t really love me.”

Mac sat up straight at the news. Delly had loved someone else?

“So I’ve reaffirmed my decision never to marry,” she said firmly. “I don’t think I could endure the failure.”

“Not necessarily gonna happen,” he murmured, but she ignored him.

“You know me and my past. My parents—my childhood dug marks too deep. Even when they were finally splitting up they couldn’t agree on parenting, so Gina and I were sent to foster care.” She swallowed hard. Seeing her so determined not to cry made Mac feel helpless. “How could they do that to their own kids?”

“I don’t know, Del—”

“So-called love wreaked havoc with my self-esteem.” Adele straightened, control regained. “It was even worse this time to realize Rafe was prepared to pretend to love me, but only as long as I fit the mold he had. Love tore my family apart, Mac. I thought I was over the effects of that, but here I am, reliving the same old feelings. Love costs too much. I want no part of it.”

“Adele, love has given you so much,” Mac countered, hating to see her so distraught. “Tillie and Margaret took you, Victoria, Olivia and Gemma from the foster system before you were teens. The four of you grew up here at The Haven surrounded by so much love from those two ladies that the rest of us local kids envied you.” He brushed his hand against her cheek before quietly continuing. “You and your foster sisters have two aunts that adore you. And you have one another to lean on.”

“True,” she agreed solemnly, her gaze holding his. “And we love that the aunties did that for us.”

“But?” Mac hated that she couldn’t seem to break free of her past.

“This sounds a little schoolgirlish, but I’ve always longed to have what other girls had,” she whispered. “Boyfriends, somebody who loved me enough that I never doubted it.”

“I don’t count?” Mac arched his brows.

“You were my best friend, Mac, and that counts for a lot. But you never loved me,” she said. “Not romantically. We’re just friends.”

“Just.” His mouth turned down. Adele had been a huge part of his life before he’d left home. Was he going to lose all that? “Friendship’s not enough now?”

“It’s a great deal, Mac, and I will always treasure it.” Her hand closed around his and squeezed it. “But my escape from the past was always a dream about a fairy-tale love that would override my past.” She withdrew her hand. “Hasn’t happened and I doubt it ever will.”

“That’s why you went out with Kent Krane from high school.” He gaped when she nodded. “I always wondered what you saw in him.”

“Kent was handsome enough to be a Prince Charming, but he wasn’t for me.” She smiled sadly. “Before I met Rafe, after Jeff dumped me—”

“Jeff?” Mac frowned.

“A guy from my church in Edmonton.” Adele sighed. “I dated several. I’d pray about those dates, wait for God to stop me or let me know those men weren’t the one. When He didn’t, I’d go out for coffee with them. Or lunch. Or to adult fellowship. Whatever.” She couldn’t read Mac’s expression, but she was pretty sure he thought she was an idiot. “None of them fit my list.”

“Until Rafe.” He waited for her nod. “Let me guess. He was attentive, he was fun and he made your heart speed up.”

“Yes, all of it.” She thrust out her chin when he smiled. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing if he was the one. But he wasn’t. Can I take a stab at guessing why?”

“I already told you why. But go ahead.” Adele looked as if she wished she’d never told him anything.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you, dear friend Adele, like perfection. Never a hair out of place, even when you’re cooking full tilt. Your chef’s whites are probably always pristine, right?”

“I try,” she acknowledged. “So what? You’re making me sound as if I’m suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder,” she complained.

“No, I’m not saying that at all.” Mac paused.

While recuperating after the amputation, he’d had sessions with a psychotherapist, during which Mac had talked about Adele, a lot. It had helped him avoid facing his own truth. The therapist had offered insights that helped Mac understand much more about her and about his friendship with her. Maybe he should shut up now, but Delly was his friend and he wanted to help her.

“What are you saying, Mac?” she demanded in a testy tone.

“Sweetie, you were a kid who lived in a place of turmoil. Everybody deals with things differently. After my brother died, I rode broncs, the worst ones. I needed to feel like I was challenging life.”

“You were.” Adele tossed him a cheeky grin.

“Agreed. You coped with your messed-up world by learning to bring order from chaos. Once you had things in order, perfect, you were able to deal with them.”

“I guess.” At least she was listening.

“Delly, I think it’s the same in your love life. You’re looking for perfection.” Mac met her glare head-on. “I mean that sincerely. Even today, after a long car ride with two active kids, you look as if you stepped off a magazine page.” He grinned as a thump sounded from the depths of the house. “The kids did, too, though I doubt they do now.”

She rolled her eyes.

“What I’m trying to say is that there’s no man alive who could get a perfect grade from you.” He immediately wished those words unsaid.

“That’s not very nice, Mac,” she snapped, making her sound cold, the pain in her eyes telling Mac that he’d gone too far. And Adele Parker was anything but cold. “I only told you that so that you’d understand why I am no longer considering marriage.”

“You couldn’t maybe consider living with less than your dream of husband perfection?” he teased, striving for a little lightness. When she shook her head, he sighed. “So instead you’ll settle for single parenthood.” Mac squeezed his eyes closed, then sighed. “I give up.”

* * *