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Loving A Lonesome Cowboy
Loving A Lonesome Cowboy
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Loving A Lonesome Cowboy

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Loving A Lonesome Cowboy
Debbi Rawlins

A man with an empty houseA woman in need of shelterWidowed rancher Ethan Slade had retreated from society to live in a shack on his vast property. But with his nieces coming for a holiday, he had to open the ranch house–a place he hadn't set foot in for years. Where, in two short days, could he find someone to make a house a home?Stranded and desperate to provide for her child, Sara Conroy was thankful for the job. And though the strong, silent man who'd hired her should have made her wary, the sadness in his eyes spoke of pain she yearned to heal. She had two days to convince Ethan to let them stay–two days to open his lonely heart to love….

Ethan stood on the front porch of the house to which he’d swore he’d never return.

Sara opened the door. Her lips curved in a shy smile. She stepped aside, and he had to force his feet over the threshold.

“Well, what do you think?”

Ethan slowly scanned the sparkling clean room. “I, uh, it’s fine, Sara. The place looks real nice.” Clearing his throat, he moved back a step. “I think I’ll just go—”

“You’re leaving?”

The disappointment in her voice sent a flush of pleasure through him. “Actually, I was just going to get something from my truck.”

She smiled.

Ethan headed out the door, calling himself every kind of a dumb jerk. He didn’t even like petite, fair-haired women. So why was he getting all tongue-tied and weak-kneed?

He was getting worked up over nothing. Of course he would have a reaction to a woman. He hadn’t had female company in a mighty long time. By his own choice, he reminded himself. And he wanted to keep it that way.

But he couldn’t, if Sara kept smiling at him.

Dear Reader,

Happy New Year! May this year bring you happiness, good health and all that you wish for. And at Harlequin American Romance, we’re hoping to provide you with a year full of heartwarming books that you won’t be able to resist.

Leading the month is The Secretary Gets Her Man by Mindy Neff, Harlequin American Romance’s spin-off to Harlequin Intrigue’s TEXAS CONFIDENTIAL continuity series. This exciting story focuses on the covert operation’s much-mentioned wallflower secretary, Penny Archer.

Muriel Jensen’s Father Formula continues her successful WHO’S THE DADDY? series about three identical sisters who cause three handsome bachelors no end of trouble when they discover one woman is about to become a mother. Next, after opening an heirloom hope chest, a bride-to-be suddenly cancels her wedding and starts having intimate dreams about a handsome stranger, in Have Gown, Need Groom. This is the first book of Rita Herron’s new miniseries THE HARTWELL HOPE CHESTS. And Debbi Rawlins tells the emotional story of a reclusive rancher who opens his home—and his heart—to a lovely single mother, in Loving a Lonesome Cowboy.

In February, look for another installment in the RETURN TO TYLER series with Prescription for Seduction by Darlene Scalera.

Wishing you happy reading,

Melissa Jeglinski

Associate Senior Editor

Harlequin American Romance

Loving a Lonesome Cowboy

Debbi Rawlins (


Debbi Rawlins currently lives with her husband and dog in Las Vegas, Nevada. A native of Hawaii, she married on Maui and has since lived in Cincinnati, Chicago, Tulsa, Houston, Detroit and Durham, NC, during the past twenty years. Now that she’s had enough of the gypsy life, it’ll take a crane, a bulldozer and a forklift to get her out of her new home. Good thing she doesn’t like to gamble. Except maybe on romance.

Books by Debbi Rawlins
















Job as a housekeeper. I will clean your house till it shines and cook meals guaranteed to make you sigh. If you have children, I can even charm them into behaving for you. (At least, I’ll try!)

Please call Sara Conroy, at 555-2725.

And if you happen to be a brooding-but-oh-so-handsome cowboy, I might just find my way into your heart….


Chapter One (#u74d221c9-37f0-565c-9a9e-5e87453de473)

Chapter Two (#ube9ce7ce-5b89-50a8-94fa-ad216e398bd8)

Chapter Three (#udafd8dfe-87ed-589e-9641-b21dce424b3d)

Chapter Four (#u6f075214-4a3f-5ede-8444-37fbaf786aab)

Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One

Ethan Slade parked his old pickup in front of Manny’s General Store, ignoring the stares and whispers of the midday crowd as he climbed out and headed for the post office. Most folks wouldn’t expect to see him in town so close to Christmas, and they all had to be wondering what he was doing here. But other than a nod or a brief greeting, no one said a word. They wouldn’t. Not when he employed most of their brothers, sons and fathers.

The responsibility of owning the second-largest ranch in Central New Mexico, which made him the town’s major employer, was one of two reasons that kept him here.

The other was Emily’s grave.

Simon Whitefeather looked up from the mail he was sorting and his black eyes immediately narrowed over his wire-rimmed reading glasses. “Mornin’, Ethan, what brings you into town? Weren’t you here just five months ago?”

Ethan slowly nodded. “I’m out of supplies. Any mail for me in the back?”

“Nope. Sam picked up the ranch mail two days ago, bills and catalogues mostly.” Simon frowned and scratched his balding head. “Seems to me Billy Bob has a telegram for you. Unless he already got it to you?” When Ethan shook his head, Simon added, “It came about two or three days ago. He said he was going to run it out to the ranch.”

Ethan rubbed the back of his neck. Who the hell would be sending him a telegram? Jenna. It had to be his kid sister. He wondered what kind of scrape she’d gotten into now. It seemed that was the only time he heard from her anymore.

“I told him he’d have to leave it with Sam. I figured you’re still living out at the caretaker’s shack.”

“Thanks, Simon.” Ethan had known the older man a long time. They’d met near Miller’s Creek when Ethan and Sam were only six. Simon had taught them how to swim. Ethan knew Simon would respect his desire not to have Billy Bob Simms or anyone else nosing anywhere near the shack.

“Can’t swear he’ll listen. I heard he’s bucking for a job at the Double S.”

“Things are slow this time of year. I doubt Sam needs an extra hand.” Even though Ethan owned the place, he rarely interfered with the way Sam ran things. He preferred mending fences, herding strays, preserving his solitude. “How’s Martha doing?”

“Complaining about her arthritis in one breath, and that I don’t take her anywhere in the other. Women. If I live to be a hundred, I’ll never understand ’em.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Ethan stooped to pick up a plastic snowman that had fallen off the counter. He stuck it next to the Santa sitting in the middle of the cotton snow, then headed toward the door. “Tell her I said to take care of herself.”


Reluctantly he stopped at the door, wishing like hell he hadn’t come to town today. Thirty years of friendship made him turn around. “Yeah?”

“Martha keeps asking when you’re coming to dinner.”

He exhaled slowly. “I’ve been pretty busy lately….”

“You gotta be taking Christmas off. She roasts a mean goose.”

“I don’t think—”

“She serves it with her homemade cranberry sauce. That took the County Fair blue ribbon three years in a row.”

Ethan half smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

“You do that.” Their gazes met, understanding and sympathy in Simon’s eyes. Ethan had to look away. “There won’t be anyone there but us, and of course, Sam’s invited, too.”

“Thanks, Simon, I’ll let you know.” Ethan opened the door and stepped outside, grateful for the brisk winter air.

He inhaled a lungful, then turned up the collar of his jacket in deference to the chill nipping at his neck. No way would he go to the Whitefeathers’ house for Christmas. Holidays were still too painful. Emily should have been here sharing them with him, having his children, growing old with him. Not buried under six feet of cold ground.

He swallowed and adjusted his Stetson before heading toward Manny’s store. After Ethan picked up several month’s supply of canned goods and toiletries, he’d have to go find out about that telegram. He doubted Sam had it. If he did, he would have run it over to Ethan right away. Sam was a lot more than his foreman, he was the best friend a man could have.

Just outside Manny’s, Billy Bob hollered Ethan’s name, then ran across the street, nearly getting run over by a white Jeep Wrangler.

He waved an envelope. “I saw your truck. Figured I’d catch up with you sooner or later. I got a telegram here for you from Jenny.” He handed it to Ethan, then dragged his sleeve across his red, runny nose. “What is it she’s calling herself these days?”

“Jenna.” Ethan started to tear open the telegram, then frowned at Billy Bob, whose gaze was glued to the envelope. Ethan dug into his pocket, came up with a five-dollar bill and put it in Billy’s hand. “Thanks, kid.”

“Gee, thank you, Mr. Slade.” He waited for Ethan to open it.

“Don’t you have something else to do?”

The young man’s eyes lifted to Ethan’s expressionless face and widened slightly. “Yeah, sure.” Billy Bob took a step back and shrugged. “If you wanna answer it, I guess you’ll let me know.”

“I reckon I will.” He didn’t go back to tearing the envelope until Billy turned to leave.

“Oh, Mr. Slade?”

Ethan looked up.

“They just opened one of those big supermarkets over in Andersonville,” Billy said, with a small sheepish smile. “My mom tells me they have a real nice floral section year round. You know, for…when…”

Ethan stiffened slightly. “I appreciate you letting me know.”