Belarus: pages of history ( Коллектив авторов)

Belarus: pages of history ( Коллектив авторов)
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Жанр: научно-популярная литератураобщая историяистория Европыиллюстрированное изданиеистория славянпопулярно об историиистория Беларуси
Язык: Английский
Размер: Неизвестно
ISBN: 978-985-08-2272-7
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The book describes the history of Belarus starting from the ancient times till present days, the place, role, contribution and achievements of the Belarusian nation within the European civilization based on the most updated conceptual and methodological approaches to history as well as the public national ideology of the Republic of Belarus. The book aims at a wide audience and all those people interested in the Belarusian history.