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Construction Supply Chain Management. Concepts and Case Studies – Stephen Pryke

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This book provides a unique appraisal of supply chain management (SCM) concepts alongside lessons from industry, observation and analysis gathered during the first decade of supply chain management strategies in the UK construction industry. The research from leading international academics has been drawn together with the experience from some of the industry's foremost SCM practitioners to provide both a definition of SCM and an overview of its development as a strategy for managing construction projects. Key case study material – from Slough Estates to BAA and T5 – illustrates the benefits to the industry of its adoption. Little has been written on the application of SCM to construction and this book provides an agenda for discussion for both the experienced researcher and the industry practitioner by offering a thorough grounding in its principles as well as an illustration of SCM as a methodology for industry. Construction Supply Chain Management studies makes an important contribution to the debate on innovative systems and their significance in increasingly complex construction projects.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781444319415

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