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Russian fairy tales. Journey with the artist Konstantin Prusov
Russian fairy tales. Journey with the artist Konstantin PrusovПолная версия
Russian fairy tales. Journey with the artist Konstantin Prusov


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Russian fairy tales. Journey with the artist Konstantin Prusov

Russian fairy tales…

Opening of a personal exhibition «Shrovetide». Exposition fragment with installation of Roman Shtengauer. Siberian Art Space, Novosibirsk. 2020


My paintings are my land: the characters here enjoy life, wisely estimating the various events. This is the place full of coziness and individual care. It has the part of Russia that is so close to my heart.

The paintings, drawings, photographs included in this book will bring you to the world warmed with the Russian stove and bright colors.

And yes – I have nothing against progress but I'm against the global monotony. I would like people to value their identity without any arrogance.

And for now – fully enjoy the fairy tale!

I hope it becomes a reality someday…

Bread for the Lust Supper

Our fairy tale begins with this painting. We are at «the inner sanctum» of Russian house – the Russian stove. It baked for us some bread with a golden crust and wrapped it in a soft cloth like mother swaddles her baby.

The little pieces of coal are shining with different shades and talking whether to us or to a magic flower sheltered nearby. And they have a mystery – they remind January stars in the boundless space.

Bread for the Lust Supper. Canvas, oil. 100x80 cm

Winter in the village

Frosty January is the best winter month in Russia. Peaceful atmosphere prevails in the hinterland. Straight smoke from the chimneys creates a special aroma and mood – I want to hug each hut covered with snow.

And as well as the boy in the painting I see good dreams warmed with the icon-lamp and loft – a special bed over the house entrance.

Winter in the village. 2020. Canvas, oil. 80x80 cm


Christmas has sheltered on the table and there is a wonderful Christmas tree besides. Someone may notice angels, maybe they have revived all these toys?

And then everything turns into mysterious Universe: even succulent strokes of oil paint remind shining stars.

Christmas. 2011. Canvas, oil. 90x75 cm

Shoe tossing

Have you ever thought why we see the stars? Why every night the sky draws them for us?

The girl in a patterned headscarf decided to play with night horizon. She hasn't just simply tossed the shoe – it is her mediator between the present and the future.

I wonder what it will tell her after its travel to the stars.

Upward (Shoe tossing). 2010. Canvas, oil. 60x62 cm


Once upon a time the stars pointed to the Christ birth. Jesus was christened in Jordan river – the spiritual birth sacrament marked his further path.

I couldn't come up with the composition on this subject for a long time but one episode helped me. I watched water flowing down the sink. At that time I used to wear a cross and I took it off before washing my face. And at that moment the idea of composition sparked in my imagination. The sink turned into the Universe, the mirror gained the features from the distant past, a simple white towel got brighten up with patterns, ceramic tiles disappeared – wood texture defeated soulless high-tech.

Real magic!

Epyphany. 2012. Canvas, oil. 100x80 cm

Best friends

A miracle happened when I gained a loyal friend – snow white Pablo. The miracle repeated again when we sheltered a waxwing Styopa which became a character of several paintings.

Styopa forgot how to fly and during two months we helped him to remember how to do it: Pablo helped his own daring way, as for me, I simply let the bird live in the wild and arranged for him a special place.

We woke up at his long and sweet birdsong. The morning seemed paradise like a whole day.

I think Pablo were surprised that his new friend had been so well-behaved and neat. For instance he skillfully posed for this painting. That moment I was so impressed by Pablo's look, he gazed at Styopa and then looked back at me inquiringly.

In a few days after when I finished this painting I had a feeling that Styopa needed to fly – his soul called for it. I don't know how but I perceived that.

With Pablo we went to walk our guest outside. I wanted to prepare a bag of berries for him – emotions made my blood flow faster through my veins. Styopa looked at us for a few seconds and flew away…

I spent that day thinking of him. I relieved this in my own way, and Pablo constantly kept looking back at empty window sill.

A miracle happened at night. I had a magic dream. Styopa flew close to the window exploring attentively what was happening inside my room. I opened the window sash and in front of my house I saw a mighty green tree with Styopa's family nest.

Styopa, Pablo and me at the painting «Best friends». 2020

Best friends. 2020. Canvas, oil. 80x80 cm


Golden pancakes smell delights not only us but also guests who keep flocking to our warm house.

I took an easel and decided to depict a wide table in the living room at which the guests have already seated. It is so exciting to observe them – just look! There is a beauty followed by her admirer; one old lady praying before the icon and another one is pouring the tea from samovar; someone is looking through the window and estimating the situation – the number of pancakes is getting fewer and fewer on the plate.

I would love to watch this infinitely but for now I must paint. My only request not to move my easel. It is impossible to get angry today, especially at work. And what delicious pancakes my mother cooks!

Shrovetide. 2020. Canvas, oil. 80x90 cm

Author's ceramics. 2020

A dance

So they began to dance. Uh! I need a new easel. The accordion sets the pace: when some feel sad, others are dancing.

I paint quickly: I draw the blue contour of composition and define details with courageous strokes – patterned headscarf with vegetative ornament, blush on lovers faces, red and turquoise background that creates the mood. In the completion – a black line which intensifies contrasting and draws your attention to faces. They are so wise!

A dance. 2020. Canvas, oil. 90x80 cm

Marfa in a bathhouse

The snow is melting and Marfa is so happy to see the first snowdrops. How can we not admire their beauty when it is so dark and hot in the bathhouse?

However Marfa loves the heat which she is capable to strengthen with the birch broom so suitors run away. How nice to indulge the heated body with cool water. Better yet, to dive into a snow bank next to white snowdrops.

Marfa in a bathhouse. 2020. Canvas, oil. 80x70 cm

Let's get more steam after Shrovetide!

You sit at the upper shelf in the bathhouse sweating and squinting. So nice. And if you put on a hat so perhaps you will stay inside longer.

Men are taking a steam – the heat heals them with its birch aroma. They decided to whip – this is also a massage, so strident. Wild but so healthy!

Good heat is dry heat: the water instantly evaporates from the stones surface.

Have you ever been to a smoke steam house? I have been and it was a miracle: it seemed uncomfortable but so pleasant – my soul rejoiced and my body rested. My great-grandmother owned this kind of bathhouse. Partly dug into the ground it was located in far corner of the large land plot, away from the house. Its roof was covered with turf what gave the bathhouse fairy tale features.

Let's get more steam after Shrovetide! 2010. Canvas, oil. 63x60 cm

Snowballs with an angel

Very often angels visit creative people at their houses. They not only protect them but also share some earthly delights.

Some of these angels love to play with four-legged friends. Yes, Pablo and Dali are loved by their owners and God messengers.

The soul imprisoned in these lovely, funny and delicate bodies needs attention: to play, to save from dangerous tricks, to protect from ticks or to calm when they fight. The life with them seems like a fairy tale. And we are its witnesses!

Snowballs with an angel. 2019. Paper, tempera. 70x50 cm


Late at night time a bright light coming from the angels illuminated the room. It humbly snuggled at the window and was afraid to wake up a soundly sleeping girl.

She covered herself with a blanket that grandmother made from the bright tissue flaps and rested her head on white pillows.

Her room interior was very delicate and simple: there were a green dressing table with the mirror, perfume and hairbrush in one corner and a jar with pure water in another corner.

We don't know why the angel came but we know exactly that the girl had a baby eventually.

Annunciation. 2011. Canvas, oil. 80x90 cm

Palm Sunday

Early in the morning me and my Father are building the window of his souvenir shop. I am putting willow bunches into the foreground – they are main here today.

Bright happiness on shelves: big roaster, Russian beauties figures, boxes, icons, painted dishes, even bread and bagels – just in case.

Oh here are my helpers – several angels create a magic atmosphere.

Uh! I hope everything is sold out today!

Willow shop. 2011. Canvas, oil. 70x50 cm

Madonna with the crucifixion

One girl chose strange toys: two figures look as if they pray before a Man on the Cross. And why is she so interested in them? Where is happiness here?

I realized that she did not play but she thought about her future. Even the flower blossomed with yellow petals – maybe it gave her a hint?

And what red dress with floral pattern she is wearing. Nothing to fear in such apparel!

Madonna with the crucifixion. 2012. Canvas, oil. 92x80 cm


We are followed by angels everywhere. Perhaps they have their homes on Earth or maybe they create them in our imagination?

On Easter people sanctify viands in church. On this holiday everything seems nicer, so angels rejoice: they dance, sing and light candles. Miracle! Perhaps that's how their home look.

Have you ever visited them?

Easter. 2010. Canvas, oil. 70x50 cm

A bench

Warm May night. Light and warm wind is spreading the smell of lilac.

You just want to find yourself in this painting and touch fragrant petals: they seem so magical under the moonlight.

But there are our heroes here: the young couple is sitting on the bench near the mighty spruce. Their conversation is interrupted – the child is awake and his nanny is not capable to keep his calm. What comes next…

If Debussy lived here he would surely compose his Moonlight Sonata. His music was born at this manor.

A bench. 2011. Canvas, oil. 90x75 cm

Abramtsevo. From the artist's archive. 2009

It is Pentecost today!

When I woke up in the morning and stretched on the ledge of the stove, I pulled the curtain aside and saw a glorious scene: angels enjoyed Pentecost day. They made such loops in the air so I could feel light wind coming from them.

Being noticed by me they became quiet and put on a look of decency as guests should look. It was so wonderful so I wanted to hug each of them.

I thanked them for decorating my Grandmother's house with birches: it was tradition in Russia on this Holy day. Even cat Boniface liked such decor so he fell asleep on the organic rug.

It is Pentecost today! 2011. Canvas, oil. 60x70 cm

It's time to welcome guests!

Do not think that angels would come to your house so easy. You should invite them!

The table is set just for this occasion. We can see guests in the window – they seem to be in good spirits.

Grandfather rushed to meet them and arranged the stools. Grandmother decorated the table – red cloth and a little oak in the pot will please travelers.

I am at my easel again and hope I paint this magical meeting in time.

It's time to welcome guests! 2012. Canvas, oil. 80x80 cm

Marfa and a waxwing

A waxwing Styopa brought Marfa news. Of course she will not reveal her secret. But one thing is clear – the beauty is obviously happy, Styopa brought good news.

Look at her golden hair, heavy face features. Fairy tale! And what painted headscarf she has: its contrast shades draw attention to Marfa.

There is a cozy panorama of Russian village behind her back: modest houses sheltered in the hills by the river and in the distance – a wooden church looking at the surroundings. Beautiful!

I'll tell you the secret – I painted Marfa inspired by Mona Lisa and Vladimir Mother of God.

The beauty quickly estimated my concept and gladly posed for me. «My portrait will remain for centuries, – Marfa thought, – if only the artist could become famous during his lifetime».

Marfa and a waxwing. 2020. Canvas, oil. 100x80 cm

At the samovar

The golden samovar rules a tea party – it looks as if the sun is visiting the room. It is standing on the painted tablecloth which is turned into a precious pattern by the artist's brush.

And what a dress a beautiful girl is wearing – such dresses are worn in fairy tales! Its bright floral ornament protects its owner from evil spirits.

A clumsy young man in blue bloomers obviously makes the beautiful girl happy, she loves observing him and asking unexpected questions.

And it seems that scene is depicted by a child or a peasant who paints stoves in the houses because it is too kind and naive.

At the samovar. 2011. Canvas, oil. 90x75 cm

Exposition fragments. Personal exhibition «Shrovetide». Siberian Art Space, Novosibirsk. 2020

Entry of Christ into Jerusalem

It's very fascinating to regard objects in the hut. Some of them have folk pictures inside: humorous and wise.

Here is Christ or maybe an elder? I look into his eyes and see the Universe…Have I ever thought about this in those fabulous days? Maybe this painting stores more knowledge than contemporary scientific papers do?

I think it was painted by a child: with such love he depicted the sage entering the house as though he met his own father.

Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. 2011. Canvas, oil. 95x80 cm

A Parisian in the village

Sophie Dubois, the French artist made a decision to visit her Russian friend Marfa. Her road has been long but she did not feel sorry about spent time for the sake of friendship.

Interesting, she was eager to see Russia, more accurately, Russian hinterland: stories about hospitality of the local people, about their traditions, colorful fashion and wide open space attracted her soul.

And there she is. Local children are looking friendly at their guest while men are playing an accordion.

Marfa is examining Sophie's wide-brimmed hat, such a novelty amongst the local fashionistas! Perhaps, after this trend of all French spread through Russia.

A Parisian in the village. 2020. Canvas, oil. 90x80 cm


Main Russian fashionistas are matryoshkas!

And here is the collection of them: six beauties great and small. The First one holds a rooster; the Second one has missed someone and looks away; the Third one looks at us in surprise holding close the wheat sheaf and the sickle; the Fourth Matryoshka has a cup in her hands and obviously loves tea; the Fifth one is very tiny and holds baby doll; the Sixth Matryoshka is in someone's hand and smiling surprisingly – she doesn't want to miss her hen!

Matryoshkas love to pose for their audience – it's more fun, and what a background – pure embellishment!

Matryoshkas (Six dolls). 2019. Canvas, oil. 90x80 cm

Holy Family

Posing in a photo studio is a kind of occasion and in those days it was also very expensive.

But this modest family decided to take a memorable photograph after all – they had a baby, very long-awaited! They did not own any finest clothes, they spent money on a photographer.

So, they were given the instruction – to look into the camera and not to blink. A young man proudly keeps his back straight hugging his beloved wife. The baby is so secure, his Mother and Father delicately protect him – he even managed to fall asleep in such a rush.

The snapshot is taken but what a miracle – the baby in the photo has a yellow halo, the color of the sun and God highlighted him for a reason. The parents were so happy, the miracle happened to them the second time!

This painting was created likewise: the characters developed their personality on canvas miraculously. I wanted to look at them like at the stars in the endlessness of space…

The Christmas photograph (Holy Family). 2012. Canvas, oil. 95x80 cm


Every time creating a new work, I have an incredible feeling. It's like you open the door to a fantasy world which mysteriously remains on paper, on canvas or encrypted in letters. I try to analyze these creative revelations but I don't find a definitive answer.

Maybe all this is the hint from dearest angels…

Art, graphics, ceramics, text, photos – Konstantin Prusov. I am thankful to: Marina Ustinova for translation; My Mother, Pablo and my friends for staying close!

