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The Seals Of The Altior
The Seals Of The Altior
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The Seals Of The Altior

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The Seals Of The Altior
Gabriele Pratesi

The key to magic is the first chapter of the fantasy series ”The Kingdom of Wizards - The Seals of the Altior”. Is a book that embodies the simplicity of descriptions and the vivacity of action. This story takes the reader in a fantastic medieval enviroment in which battles, magic and spells are protagonists.

Baltdeon is a young boy who finds himself enlisted at the behest of his father, among the recruits of the great order of the Paladins of Hombros.

His dream of becoming an alchemist seems to be shattered step by step as he approaches the Arx Lupus military outpost with the supply wagon.

He and his companions are led into a cycle of battles to defend the garrison attacked by an army of orcs, victims of an ancient spell, confined by a magical barrier.

Forced to violate the code of honor of the military order they have sworn allegiance, they face the first dangerous adventure of their life that sees them protagonists in the theft of an ancient relic.

The real challenge of these young people will be the chosen path: surviving their art, saving lives is their mission, realizing their dream is the ultimate goal.

Battles, spells, hidden sorceries, betrayals, magic, kingdoms and empires, castles, fortresses, cities and villages are the outline of a range full of events and twists.

The Kingdom of Wizards

The Seals of the Altior


The Key to Magic

Gabriele Pratesi

Translated by Salma Moussafir

Gabriele Pratesi

The Key



Translated by Salma Moussafir

Copyright 2019 All rights reserved Gabriele Pratesi;

First edition 2021

Publisher Pratesi Gabriele

Dreams decide the goal

Reality traces its path


A warm and loving greeting to all readers who have chosen to follow the fantastic adventures of the Kingdom of Wizards.

The first chapter is titled "The Key to Magic" and is part of an ambitious project; the creation of a series of fantasy stories with the desire to free the imagination and bring the reader with the author elsewhere from this world. A world where heroes and evil characters with powers; thirsty for ambition and success, knights errants, invincible warriors, wizards and sorcerers. A world where there are terrifying and wonderful creatures; colorful, rich and flourishing landscapes and arid, cold lands in which it is impossible to survive. There are many ways to start an adventurous journey that lead to victory or defeat, to find or lose the desired object.

A world where fate, fortune and Gods often write the history of heroes and their antagonists.

Breaking out the monotony of everyday routine and fly with your mind wherever there is no boredom.

This is the purpose of the Kingdom of Wizards, to wrap the reader with the cloak of curiosity of the imagination or sitting on the couch of it.

“I decided to write down the adventures of these supernatural characters in black and white because, I don't have the capacity to explain it to you,but it's like they are alive in my head. After reading some fantasy novels or watching movies and TV series they would emerge in my thoughts. Often I'm not satisfied with how other authors' stories end, so I decided to write what I imagine, and give the ending I want to be. It wasn't easy to transfer in words my imagination, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Then I discovered the possibility of self-publication and after getting informed, I decided to try this path of sharing my story with the audience.

And here we are: the Key to Magic is the first chapter of the “The Seals of the Altior. "

The Seals of the Altior 1 - The key to magic

The Seals of the Altior 2 - Hombros' carousel

The Seals of the Altior 3 - The Altiors

The Seals of the Altior 4- The Eternal Forest

The Seals of the Altior 5 - The Grimoire

I recommend reading to an audience over 13 years of age as there are descriptions of battles and some scenes that can be gory.

The author

Gabriele Pratesi was born in Arezzo in 1985.

He graduated with the title of electrical engineer and works in an automation company.

He volunteered as an emergency animator at the Don Bosco Salesian Oratory for over ten years.

He is an amateur writer at first experience and has chosen the path of self-publication. The desire to start writing came by chance from reading some novels and watching television series inspired by them; he was not satisfied with the plots, often repetitive and obvious, or the endings.

He is passionate about the genre of Fantasy, adventure, science fiction and everything that stimulates the purest human emotions linked to imaginary, epic, chivalrous universes, far from the normal lifetime.

It is inspired by the great literary masterpieces such as "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit", "Harry Potter", "The Knight of Eron" and by the classic and epic poems, so he is looking for a different story, original with an unexpected ending and therefore not obvious and not trivial, trusting in his characters and their adventures.

Previous History

Dream of a hundred years ago ...



ehind me the great door of the red city of Ignis, capital of the kingdom of the Magicians of the Circle of Fire was moving away.

I had been instructed by my brother to go to the city of Hombros, the capital of the Princedom of mankind, to buy some handicrafts in iron and steel.

I travelled around by Orius, a thoroughbred black mantle, and my cart.

My brother was older than me and he used to give me duties like these. I always believed he did it to empower me, rather, he did it to keep me away from him and his business. I was barely sixteen-years-old, and each month I had to face a ten-day trip.

Honestly, I was happy to travel too. Life in the city was boring and the history classes… were even worse.

I had reached the plateau on the southern border. From that point I could see the city in all its greatness.

An Echo of an explosion and a cloud of black smoke rose from the southern walls of the city.

The sound of Drums was keeping the time to the march of an army occupying the whole area of the Red Valley. I had never seen such a large army, nor had I read any in the history books, if I ever had the chance to read them!

I could not distinguish the colors of the banners and the coats of arms. The armour was dark green but I didn't recognise who it belonged to.

More explosions and more smoke rose from the city.

I couldn't stand there and watch.

I wished to come back to the city, trembling with fear of not knowing what I should have done, rather I wished to be there with my friends and alongside my brother to fight the enemy.

The enchantment of the circle of Fire had been summoned to defend the city. I could have seen it very well. A fiery red dome was protecting the council tower and the fortified city. I couldn't see anything else.

I tied Orius to the roots of a tree, releasing him from the cart and walking back. While I was approaching I noticed that the army had already passed the valley. The whole city was under siege. My magic was weak and I didn't know spells powerful enough to take on even a soldier. From that side I couldn't see much, so I gave up and went back to Orius. I felt useless, helpless.

I stood staring at the city through the darkness of the night. Flames of black fire rained down from the sky and dented the shield of fire.

Immediately after ... the darkness, the silence and everything else seemed motionless.

I hugged Orius. And I fell asleep full of sadness and fear and foremost unable to intervene.

The first rays of dawn reminded me to get up. I looked out to see what had happened to the city. The council tower was still there. The fire shield was nearly destroyed.

I start hearing new explosions. Flashes of light were almost subtle with the presence of the new sun. I was not able to continue my journey to Hombros, I had to find a way to return to Ignis to fight. I secured Orius to the root of the tree and walked back towards the valley. I had to be careful. There might have been soldiers left on patrol. I deliberately avoided the path and walked through the small wooded areas around the plain. Bypassing the plain took a good part of the day. The grove in the east extended out on the rise of a hill from which the south gate could be seen. At the entrance to the gate there were enemy hordes trying to take down the shield of fire.

Below me, a patrol of soldiers were sitting on a fire. There were at least eight. I couldn't see anything that could help me figure out who they were. The sounds of explosions and battle were distinct. The screams of the fighters could also have been heard. I stood hidden until sunset.

The patrol was still on guard. I was only armed with my wand. It was my training weapon. It couldn't generate powerful spells to knock out an opponent, especially if they were a soldier in heavy armor, but I knew some stun spells and someone I could use as a diversion.

I took a breath as I was about to launch against the first enemy who was separated from the group; an immense explosion blocked me. I looked up. From the council tower,a purple lightning flashed skyward. The shield of fire was dissolved. The patrol soldiers left the outpost and started fighting against the walls. Lightning disappeared in the sky. The earth was shaking. The council tower swayed. A rumble. collapsed in on itself. Red dust rose. The night and the dust blocked the view.

Suddenly a hum came from the sky. A strong purple glow from the sun was spreading over the city. It Blew up. A magical veil grew from the sky, launched towards the ground, where the Red Tower stood. The veil ran in all directions at great speed. The soldiers were escaping from the walls trampling each other. Those who were captured by the veil were dragged into the city.

I realized I wasn't safe. So I left the grove. I ran as fast as I could. I entered the valley to reach Orius as soon as possible and escape. The valley was filled with fleeing soldiers. I was able to hear them behind me. I passed the rocks south of the valley, some soldiers were about to join me. I turned around ready to fight with my wand in hand. But the magical veil sparkled behind them. I stared at them, and I recognized them. They were dark elves.

I swirled my wand and pointed it under my footsteps, a levitation magic. I lifted myself off the ground away from the elves and the magical veil that was sucking them in. Their faces were changing. They were deformed. :Wrinkled, crippled and full of lumps. They were swelled and hunched. To others, the muscles seemed to come out of the body and the slender shoulders were grown larger, transforming them into powerful beings. The magic veil disappeared with them.

I jumped on Orius and galloped non-stop towards Hombros.

Old man! Stop fidgeting and screaming. You disturb the other inmates. "- Ordered the guard from the crack in the cell door.

Chapter I

The reinforcements



he captain's regiment was on its second day of travel to the largest military outpost in the region. The principality's effort to defend the northern border increased every month and the reinforcements sent never seemed to be enough. The attacks from the north, by the orcs, became more and more frequent and with an ever greater attack power. The means available to the principality were finite and the continuous attacks were consuming both men and resources. The caravan consisted of just twenty and five recruits who were doing the hardest work, hauling the supply wagon.

The climb became steep and the tiredness began to affect the young recruits. The wagon was very heavy. There were barrels of wine and beer and baskets full of meat, bread and legumes. Tied to the sides of the wagon were secured the weapons, armor and shields that doubled the weight of the tow on the shoulders of the men.

"Hey, guys! I'm exhausted."– said Teroin, the youngest of the five.

The belts tied to the chest and shoulders were tight and the leather jacket they wore did not always protect them from the pressure of the rope that pressed into the flesh tearing it apart.

"You should eat more meat and get stronger."− Helder, the oldest of the five and physically more powerful and strong, replied.

Everyone laughed. While one of them was thinking elsewhere. He was watching the sides of the path. Even though he was breathing heavily from tiredness, the expression on his face was calm.

“Balt! Always with your head in the clouds, isn't it?"− Serafin, Balt's best friend loved to tease him when he immersed himself in his world and estranged himself from the reality of the world.

“He loves his plants and herbs. He is not suited for a military career. He was forced to enlist. Not like me who volunteered."− Vlad ruled.

"And I'm not even a citizen of Hombros."− replied arrogantly.

Helder shook his head. Every time he heard Vlad speaking, he felt immediately nervous. Balt, on the other hand, seemed absent. He did not open his mouth. He scanned the edges of the grassy path and tried to memorize what he saw. He raised his head to stretch his neck muscles.

"There is smoke."− Balt exclaimed softly.

He was heard by Serafin who smiled at him. The captain gave the order to stop. He nodded to the scouts who went on to study the situation. The path opened into the clearing where the outpost was located. The southern watchtower had collapsed. The black smoke arose from the watchtower to the north, the flames were almost extinguished. The tower was in danger of collapsing. There was no shadow of enemies. The explorers reported the situation to the captain. The caravan set off. It was a few miles from the outpost entrance. The collapsed tower was slowly overcome. The captain stopped his pace by watching the disaster. The soldiers already knew what to do and took their places in the perimeter helping some peasants to extinguish the last outbreak. The sun had now set. The night.

The boys pulled with their last efforts the cart located in front of the entrance door of the mighty fortress; a stately home which over time was enlarged with lookout towers, fortified with a keep and external walls.

Before being called for the unloading service, Helder took off his two belts and left the group. Balt threw off the straps, then he stretched and also slipped out. The others did the same.

The door to the fortress opened and a huge man in heavy iron armor stepped out. The chest was engraved with the coat of arms of Hombros, the golden Sequoia shrouded in mist. He looked at the three recruits then ordered them to empty the wagon.

“Food supplies in the pantry. At the end of the hall, on the left-side, you'll find a third door on the right. The weapons in the armory. Down the hall on the right. The fifth door."− He explained. A moment later, the captain appeared in front of him and greeted the general.

"How much formality brother-in-law."− He stared at the general with an unpleasant tone, trying to keep his voice low so as not to be heard by the newly entered recruits.