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Butterfly Soup
Butterfly Soup
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Butterfly Soup

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“Go on.”

“I was seventeen.”


“In love.”


She can’t bring herself to go on. How could a priest, being male and celibate, understand her terror?

“And you…?” He’s starting to sound impatient.

“You have to understand. I was so afraid after it happened. I didn’t tell anyone.”

“That you…?”

Why must he make her say it? What other sin do you commit with someone you love? “I did it, okay? But it wasn’t just that,” she hurries on, afraid he’ll get angry if she doesn’t spit it out fast. “One thing led to another.” Through the screen she smells the wine on his breath. There’s a greater sin involved. “Oh, God.” Her throat tightens. She can barely speak. “I’ve received Communion anyway. Every week.”

She hears him shift in the booth and begins to babble. “I had to or my mother would have known. No one caught me and nothing happened, so I just, you know, forgot it was wrong, I guess.” It sounds lame, but it just about sums up how she’s been married so long—seventeen years almost—without telling Everett. If no one found out, she had reasoned, and nothing happened, telling the truth did nothing but hurt people. Even now she is only hurting herself with all this confessing. If she had any sense, she’d walk out this minute. She pulls the scarf down over her face, afraid the priest can see through walls, even in darkness.

The bench on the priest’s side creaks. “Let’s adjourn to the room next door. An open discussion, face-to-face, might help you more.”

Rose’s fingers press the backs of her clasped hands. Face-to-face indeed. Father Andrew is supposed to pronounce her penance and administer absolution, not insist she confess the new way. To risk an open discussion, she’d have to leave town. She hasn’t even mentioned deceiving Everett. She can’t imagine saying it in broad daylight.

“And if that’s not possible?”

“Then your priorities are wrong. Nothing is more important than your immortal soul.”

Rose struggles up from flattened knees, steadying herself on the walls of the confessional. She pulls the scarf closer. “Thank you, Father,” she says, but she is anything but thankful. She is on to his game. He wants to see her face so he can deny her Communion. On her way out she wonders why she thought to tell this man anything. If she tells anyone, it should be Everett.

Rose drives back through town to the Safeway market, accelerating through the yellow light at the new plaza. Confession is needless. If she had been born Protestant, she wouldn’t have to confess to anyone but God. Everett’s probably right about the Pope. God didn’t make him infallible, her mother did.

The plaza parking lot is full of people. Summer Saturdays are like this. Little Leaguers, Girl Scouts, Rotarians—all out raising funds. Rose checks the supply of quarters in her ashtray and tucks them in her pocket. She’s searching for a parking place and scanning the lot for Rob, when a toddler appears out of nowhere, in front of her car. Her brakes squeal. The car shimmies, skids. A woman shrieks. The tires grab. The car settles back into itself. The boy stands inches from her bumper, a wisp of blond hair visible over her hood. His mother stands in a puddle of groceries and torn bags, her face frozen in the scream. A broken bottle of apple juice is soaking the paper bag.

Rose slumps over her steering wheel. His mother steps from the rubble of groceries and snatches the child up. The child wails. Blessed, blessed sound. Rose exhales her anxiety. “Thank you, Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus.” She pockets her hands in the opposite underarm to stop the prickling sensation. The mother is sobbing now. Rose watches her rock the boy, holding that precious head in her palm and kissing his hair, as Rose herself might have held Valley this morning if her daughter were younger.

The woman carries her son to a station wagon nearby. Rose parks. She fetches a coffee can that’s rolled under a fender and sets it near the jumble of groceries. She picks the boxes of macaroni and cheese from the puddle of apple juice and stacks them in a pile next to the instant oatmeal, the English muffins and the Peter Pan. She has to do something to make up for scaring them. If she had hit the child— But Rose refuses that thought. She’s told Valley never, ever to speed in a school zone. If Rose ever hit a child, she would never recover.

But why wasn’t the child up in the cart seat, where drivers could see him?

Rose heads for the store, breasts cradled in her arms as if she were cold. Inside she finds the cereal aisle and wanders up and down, her heart drubbing hard as she is alternately the driver and the mother of the crying child. She can’t find the Shredded Wheat. It’s always a maze, this aisle—the store brand’s look-alike boxes mixed in with the real thing—but today it’s impossible. The priest’s voice mingles with the woman’s shriek: Your priorities are wrong. Nothing is more important than your immortal soul. Rose takes down one box, puts it back and takes another, finally settling for Cheerios. On her way to the cashier she adds a package of pink, yellow and brown sugar wafers—the ones Valley reached for when she was a toddler in the cart seat—and a palm-size red-yellow-and-blue rubber ball for the toddling boy. She breezes through the express lane, forgetting that she needs coffee cream, and takes off with her bagged stash.

Rose is searching the parking lot for the mother’s station wagon when she’s caught by a singsong refrain rising and falling over the rattle of carts on the blacktop. She traces the chant to the end of the plaza where the band parents usually hold their bake sales and raffles. It’s some kind of auction. The auctioneer is gobbling away, badgering his crowd to bid higher. She hears him calling names. Sister Mary Theresa. That has to be a nun. Rose feels as though he has hollered her name. In a way, he has. Once upon a time, Theresa of the Little Flower was her favorite saint.

At the outer edge of the group she peers between heads. Steel bed frames stand in the back of a truck, bound into units—two metal end pieces with legs and a metal spring in each package—each labeled with the name of a nun. The auctioneer’s assistant steps through the crowd to hand Rose a flyer.

Buy a bed slept in by a Sister of Charity

to benefit

Dayton’s own

St. Agnes Women’s Shelter

The Sisters of Charity, the flyer says in small print, have donated their old beds to raise funds. The St. Agnes Shelter will provide home delivery to anyone donating over twenty dollars per bed.

Only five frames remain in the back of the pickup. The auctioneer begins the bidding on Sister Mary Theresa’s bed at twenty dollars. A woman in shorts and red canvas Keds raises her hand.

“Twenty, I hear twenty. Who’ll give me twenty-five?”

A woman in jeans and a Notre Dame T-shirt raises her hand.

There’s a hush and Rose feels the mounting excitement. Perhaps it’s a sign, she thinks, the direction she’d wanted from the priest, delivered by an alternate means. How else can she explain it? It’s not every day you find a nun’s bed at the grocery. Everett would call it coincidence, but then Everett believes the earth came about after an explosion, which makes as much sense to Rose as throwing calico squares up in the air and expecting them to land in a quilting pattern.

Rose rummages in her purse. She finds the plastic grain of her checkbook. Thanks to Rob’s appearance this morning, she knows just how much she has.

“Thirty,” says the woman in red Keds.

The auctioneer looks left. “Will you go thirty-five?”

Rose raises her hand high before the Notre Dame woman can answer, recalling the details of a bedtime story her mother read to her often—a story about St. Clare protecting herself and her convent by holding the blessed host before a band of marauding soldiers.

The auctioneer asks for forty. Notre Dame raises her hand.

Rose looks at the woman to get some idea how high she might go. Her jeans are clean but frayed. Her hair is flat against her head. She is not the beauty-parlor kind.

“Fifty,” Rose says defiantly.

The auctioneer turns right. “Will you go sixty?” Red Keds bows her head. Left. Notre Dame turns away. Rose has won. She puts her groceries down and fishes for her checkbook.

“Going once. Going twice. Sold to the lady in the flowered dress for fifty dollars,” the auctioneer proclaims. “God bless you, dear.”

Rose smiles at him. He is not a priest, but it will have to do.


S ince last Thursday when the doctor named his intermittent symptoms multiple sclerosis, Everett dreads morning. Not the whole morning, just that moment when daylight jolts him from his dreams, as if he’s been cruising down the freeway in his Ford Fairlane—Rosie at his side and Valley, frozen in his mind at age eleven, prattling away in the back-seat—when the car slams into a tree. His stomach flies forward; his body remains belted to the car.

Everett closes his eyes, tries to meld with the warm water in the new mattress and opens his eyes a second time. His vision is fine, today at least. The edges of the room, where walls meet ceiling, are clear, not fuzzy. The wallpaper’s red and white stripes are as distinct as prison bars. He wiggles his toes and taps his fingers on the mattress, then flexes his knees and elbows. The mattress ripples beneath him. He reaches for Rosie.

Instead of her usual sleeping form—sprawled on her stomach, left hand beside her cheek—he finds a pillow. He smiles in spite of her absence. He loves her soft breasts, the curve of her hips, how her skin springs back to his touch like yeasty dough. She’s all woman, not a skinny stick like Helen—always working out and picking at her food as if it’s poison. But Rose isn’t strong like Helen, either. When he can no longer walk, how will she wrestle him out of the bathtub, into a wheelchair? He likes being the caretaker. Carrier of suitcases and heavy grocery bags. It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way.

The worst part is not knowing what will happen. Or when. He was fine two days ago, before he knew his episodes had a name—and a deteriorating prognosis. Now he feels like a goddamn time bomb. In his mind’s eye, a lighted fuse snakes across the quilt connected to bundled sticks of dynamite. He’s got to snuff that fuse. Somehow.

He hasn’t told Rosie. The thought of her expression, eyes soft and vulnerable, brows lifted, makes his stomach turn over. But he can’t keep it secret forever. Maybe it’s best to just tell her—to get it over with.

He hears her feet pad along the hall carpet and into the room. He senses her closeness, smells her breath as she peers over the quilt. He pretends to be sleeping, but when she gets close enough he grips the tie on her robe. The front comes loose as he tugs. “Not now, Everett,” she says in her daytime voice. “We have to talk.” When she flattens her robe to her chest, her nipples protrude through the pink cotton. He’d like to push them like buttons, but then she’d know he can see them. Even at night she wants the lights out. Can she really be so modest after all this time? Or does she just think she’s supposed to be?

“Were you awake when Valley came in last night?” she asks.

He tells her he got up at one.

“Her mascara’s streaked all down her face. I knew that boy was no good.”

There she goes again, jumping to conclusions. Everett tries to distract her, reaching under her arm to knead her breast, but she’s not falling for it. When he won’t jump on her worry wagon, she flounces off. Everett imagines himself slipping her robe down off her shoulders, watching it fall to the floor as she dances in the morning light. He rocks the bed to the slinky music in his head, tightening and loosening his hips.

It will never happen. The bed settles.

Until Thursday he’d told himself her modesty was fine. It brought back the feeling of the first time, kept her always new. Maybe she knows that. Maybe her shyness is just an act. His groin stirs. Nah. Rosie isn’t clever. She is Rosie of the White Sheets. A goddamn Catholic saint. She doesn’t know that time is running out. By next week she may not want him at all, even in the darkness. He’s got to tell her.

Everett rolls back onto his side and pushes himself up. So far so good. Nothing is numb, though so far he hasn’t wakened to numbness. Reading a pamphlet shouldn’t make symptoms appear, but since reading it, he’s tracking every twinge. His legs hold when he hoists himself onto them—not like last Tuesday, when his right leg buckled suddenly and he fell from the fourth rung of the ladder. He’d chalked up his bruises to the hazards of work when Rosie had asked. But it wasn’t the first time he’d fallen without cause.

He listens to the water run through the pipes as she turns the taps on and off. The silence means she’s dressing. “Rosie?” No answer. He raises his voice. “Rosie?” Silence. His speech may go someday. He’ll blabber, and people will think he’s retarded and avert their eyes. No one will hire a retarded electrical contractor. “Rooo-ssieee!”

“I have to run to the store, Everett,” Rosie says, emerging from the bathroom fully clothed and wriggling her bare feet into heeled pumps. “We’re out of cream.”

“Wait.” She’s halfway down the stairs before he formulates what it is he really wants. “I thought we might go somewhere today. You know, take a little day trip. Spend some time together.” Her shoes tap on the kitchen tile and the door shuts behind her.

Okay, he thinks. If that’s the way you want it. See if I’m here when you need me. He pulls on boxers, shorts and a polo and ties his sneakers, plotting to exit before she returns.

In the bathroom Everett pushes the clutter of Valley’s makeup aside. He wipes her blond hairs from the vanity with a damp sponge and wonders at the irritation he feels. Maybe Rosie is right. Maybe feeding, clothing and sheltering a daughter isn’t all there is to fathering. But Rose doesn’t know what it’s like to be him. He’s never admitted it to anyone, but from day one he and Valley were off-kilter. In the hospital he had looked at the wrinkled, slimy infant Rosie held, seen the adoration in her eyes, the protective curve of her shoulders, and felt like a stranger. He’d chalked it up to Valley’s early arrival. He and Rosie hardly knew one another when Valley turned up. Rosie’s growing belly had seemed a pleasant pacifier that compensated for her disappearing figure. The pregnancy slowed Rosie down after the agitation of their courtship. She’d laid quietly on the couch many evenings with her head in his lap, loaning his hands her nightgowned breasts and belly, a drowsy smile on her face. He’d led her off to bed easily after that, and she’d folded herself around him, accepting his attentions to the end. Then Valley arrived and he got lost in the chaos of feedings and diapers and crying in the night. Rosie’s breasts weren’t his after that. None of her was.

Now that Valley is grown, Rosie is paranoid. He can’t make a living and still worry over every little thing. When Rosie harps about the things he doesn’t do for Valley, he wants to withhold what affection he does feel. He rinses the sponge under the tap, squeezes the water out and scrutinizes its intricate structure of cell walls. Outnumbered by women, he feels like one of its holes—surrounded but not connected. When his walls break down, he won’t exist at all.

He hurries through his shave, musing on places he might like to go. With Rosie at the store, he doesn’t have much time to make his getaway. He’s combing the hair over his thinning crown when he sees the copy of the AAA magazine on the floor next to the john. The Miami Valley insert features adventures on Lake Erie. A sportsman’s paradise waits three hours north, and he hasn’t sampled any of it. A photo of a man harnessed to a yellow-and-orange parachute particularly fascinates him. Parasailing, the caption calls it. The chute is pulled by a speedboat, but the man is flying high in the air. One step short of skydiving, it looks to him. He’s always wanted to know how it feels—that moment of free fall after leaving the plane, before the chute opens. A lot like an orgasm, he suspects, a gigantic orgasm. He’ll do it while he’s still able. And if part of his body gives out while he’s doing it…well, he’ll go down enjoying himself. It will serve Rosie right.

Everett grabs his duffel from the closet and stuffs it with underwear, another shirt and swim trunks. He stops at Valley’s door on his way by and looks in. On the other side of her latest caterpillar and the phone he added when her friends began tying up his business line, her feline form curls toward the wall. He watches the quilt rise and fall with her breathing. The distance between them grew when puberty hit. Valley became sullen then. Setting foot in her room felt like trespassing.

Maybe he’ll wait to tell Rosie. There will be plenty of time later. Years. If he tells her now, she’ll strap him to a wheelchair the way she wants to chain Valley to the bedpost. She’ll insist on driving everywhere, and he’ll just sit there watching life pass by as if it’s television. If he doesn’t hold tight to the checkbook, he’ll lose control of everything. Thank God he’s invested their money. Hasn’t let her spend it.

He scribbles a note before he leaves.


I’ve gone out to make a bid. There’s a big one on the line. I may be late.



He chuckles to himself. He hasn’t lied exactly, considering what he has in mind. His sense of humor is one thing he won’t lose. Not if he holds on tight.

As Everett backs out of the garage, he glances at the garden. Small shoots are pushing through the soil, but from a distance he can’t tell if they’re plants or weeds. At the end of the driveway he glances up the road nervously. Just his luck, Rosie will pull into sight before he can make his escape.

The air’s heavy this morning, laying a haze over the horizon. He’s grateful for his air-conditioning as he speeds out of Eden. He plays with the radio dial. An announcer’s voice tunes in midsentence.

“…the British in their ongoing countersiege of the Falklands. Port Stanley is defended by some seven thousand Argentine troops.

“Israeli land, sea and air forces invaded southern Lebanon in retaliation for the assassination attempt on Ambassador Shlomo Argov in London on June third. Ground troops occupy the territory from Tyre on the coast to the foothills of Mount Hermon following Israel’s June fourth air strikes on Palestinian targets near Beirut.”

Everett turns it off. Air strikes are everywhere.

Ten miles north, he stops to tank up in Union City—first at the McDonald’s drive-through where he orders two sausage-egg-and-cheese biscuits with a large coffee, then at a Sunoco. Everett eats one of the biscuits, then gets out to pump his gas. It’s hot. Dr. Burns said heat and humidity aggravate his condition, and this June has been a doozy, with all the rain. He checks his oil and tire pressure, though before the diagnosis he wouldn’t have bothered. Now his car has to be dependable in case he has an episode.

“Find everything you need?” the attendant calls, stepping from behind the raised hood of a Thunderbird. He’s just a kid, nineteen at most, in work boots and a baggy one-piece coverall that says Ben. Hell, if Everett were a car, this kid could rewire his circuits.

“Just need to pay my bill,” Everett says, feeling connected to Ben by the cord strung across the concrete. He might like to take him aside. Buy him a coffee. Tell him not to waste his youth or take his health for granted.

Ben would nod his head, say yeah and light up a cigarette.

Inside the station Everett pays with plastic, buys cigarettes from a machine and heads back to the car. The driver’s door stands open, and Everett is surprised to see a dog lying on the floor on the passenger side. “Hey, Fella,” Everett says and puts his hand out, palm up, to a beagle mutt with brown eyes, droopy ears and a pointy snout. Fella has a biscuit wrapper crumpled between his paws and looks up at Everett with guilty eyes, cowering slightly. Everett laughs. “Teach me to leave the door open.” The dog stops licking the grease-stained wrapper to lap Everett’s fingers. “Good stuff, huh?”

“Hey, Ben, this your dog?” Everett calls. “A dog jumped into my car.”

Ben walks over and peers in. “Not mine. I hate dogs. My kid sister got attacked by a Doberman.”

A lopsided silence hangs between them, then settles on the kid’s end.

“No shit.” It’s all Everett can think to say. He wants to ask if she’s okay but couldn’t stand to hear that she isn’t. He’d have to feel worse for Ben than he feels for himself.

This dog is no Doberman. “Must belong to someone,” Everett says finally. He turns up an ID tag on the dog’s collar. “I’ll get him out of here for you. Where’s Morningside Court?”

“Over there behind the Baptist church,” Ben says and points the way.

Everett raises the window, lights a cigarette, then circles the block with the church steeple. He parks opposite a brick ranch at 136 Morningside, where a man is out back throwing a football to a gangly boy, six maybe, in a Cincinnati Bengals cap. A Jeep and a riding mower sit side-by-side in the open garage, and a gun rack hangs in the Jeep’s back window.

Everett watches the ball bump end over end when the kid fumbles it. The kid and his dad lunge after it and roll around in a snarl of bodies that knocks the cap off the kid’s head. Everett takes a drag on his cigarette, watching its tip turn red. He waits while the nicotine floods his blood and blows smoke out his nose. Everett and his dad had played together sometimes, but it was baseball. His father, clad in Sears coveralls, would set his empty Thermos in the sink. “Hey, Rett,” he’d say. His father called him Rett. And if supper wasn’t ready he’d ask, “Want to throw the ball around?”

Everett always said yes but wished for more players—to have a game. He would ask his mother to play, but she’d say someone had to cook—an odd excuse since she barely touched the meals she made. His mother didn’t sweat. Little lines radiated from her lips in permanent discontent. She never even ate her lipstick off.

A dog would want to play ball. Everett had asked for one for his birthday. His mother had shuddered and given him fish instead. She hadn’t seemed to get it—that he’d wanted to do more than just look at his pet. Despite his disappointment, he’d spent his allowance on snails and colored gravel and a ceramic castle with turrets for them to swim around. At fourteen, when his shoulders broadened and his hips narrowed and his mother shied away from touching him at all, he took cool baths and released the fish into the tub water with him. They’d flipped their fantails at him and chased one another around his legs.

Everett feels the dog’s belly but finds no genitals. “Guess you’re not a Fella,” he says, rumpling her loppy ears. She stands on the seat, cocks her head slightly to one side and wags her tail as if she’s known him forever. She doesn’t seem to know he’s driven her home. Maybe if the windows were down.

Everett removes her tag, shifts into Drive and steps on the gas. The kid is too young to catch the damn football. Any dog will do for him. And the man—he has a son, a house, a Jeep, a gun. He doesn’t need a dog, too.

The entrance ramp to Route 75 is not far down the road. He speeds onto the highway as if he’s being chased, checking his rearview mirror for police cars. After a few miles he relaxes and lowers the passenger window. The dog sticks her nose into the wind. He lights another cigarette. Her ears blow back as they pull into the left lane to pass an eighteen-wheeler.


S till in bed, Valley jolts to the banging of the kitchen screen. Her mother’s footfalls shuffle around the kitchen downstairs. A paper bag crackles and a cupboard door knocks shut, wood on wood. Her mother has been to the grocery. She knows all the sounds and can interpret their meanings. At her flute lesson last week Mr. Moore remarked on how acutely she hears. She relistens to his velvet baritone, shaping itself around those words.

Valley stretches, and her arching ribs strain against the elastic of her bra. Her phone rings, startling her, and she snatches it up. The bell is turned down as far as it goes without shutting it off.

“Sooo,” Joanie says without saying hello first. “How was it?”

“Okay,” Valley whispers back. Joanie doesn’t want the truth.