Analytic Geometry (Владимир Ставрович Пилиди)

Analytic Geometry (Владимир Ставрович Пилиди)
Автор: Владимир Ставрович Пилиди
Жанр: учебная и научная литератураучебники и пособия для вузовестественные наукиматематикавысшая математикааналитическая геометриязнания и навыки
Язык: Английский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание аудиокниги:
The book contains material on analytic geometry included in the university discipline «Algebra and Geometry». In addition to detailed presentation of theoretical material, there are given problems in the volume that is quite sufficient both for practical classes and for students' independent work. Most problems are provided with detailed solutions. The book is addressed to students of the educational program «Theoretical Computer Science and Information Technologies» and can also be used by students of other educational programs.