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Книги автора Sharon Perkins

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книги о войне, современная русская литература, героизм, судьба человека, военная проза, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезно
Your comprehensive, practical guide to dadhood Your new baby is nothing short of a miracle—and it's no wonder you want to keep your bundle o…
Your comprehensive, practical guide to dadhood Your new baby is nothing short of a miracle—and it's no wonder you want to keep your bundle o…
современные любовные романы, иронические детективы, роман-приключение, сильные женщины, любовь и ненависть
Every father-to-be's handbook for knowing what to expect when expecting! In today's world, men are more involved in their wives' pregnancies…
Every father-to-be's handbook for knowing what to expect when expecting! In today's world, men are more involved in their wives' pregnancies…
Facts and advice to help people understand and prevent osteoporosis There are an estimated 55 million Americans over the age of 50 who have …
юмористическая литература, юмор и сатира, приколы
Look to this book for advice, techniques, and strategies to help people stay vigorous and healthy as they grow older. People are becoming in…
Look to this book for advice, techniques, and strategies to help people stay vigorous and healthy as they grow older. People are becoming in…
PCOS For Dummies
современная русская литература, жизненные ценности, философия жизни, жизненные вопросы, отношение к жизни, жизнь прекрасна
Practical advice and information for living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which there …
Practical advice and information for living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which there …
стихи и поэзия, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзия
Practical, hands-on information for fathers-to-be Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies is packed with practical, straightforward information…
Practical, hands-on information for fathers-to-be Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies is packed with practical, straightforward information…
[b]The hands-on guide that addresses[/b][b] the common barriers to achieving pregnancy and offers tips to maximize your potential for fertil…
[b]The hands-on guide that addresses[/b][b] the common barriers to achieving pregnancy and offers tips to maximize your potential for fertil…
[b]An invaluable handbook to being the best father-to-be you can be during one of the most exciting times of your life[/b] [i]Dad’s Guide to…
[b]An invaluable handbook to being the best father-to-be you can be during one of the most exciting times of your life[/b] [i]Dad’s Guide to…
Vaccines For Dummies
[b]Inoculate yourself against the confusion and misinformation surrounding vaccines [/b] Measles, mumps, and rubella—oh my! Why are we vacci…
[b]Inoculate yourself against the confusion and misinformation surrounding vaccines [/b] Measles, mumps, and rubella—oh my! Why are we vacci…