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The Cradle Conspiracy
The Cradle Conspiracy
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The Cradle Conspiracy

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Raven’s eyelids fluttered open, then her eyes widened. “Daniel.”

He scarcely recognized the raw, hoarse voice she used.

“Daniel, you’re here.” She clasped hold of his hand. “Don’t leave me, please. He almost killed me.”

“I won’t,” he promised. “Not until you’re safe.” Whoever had attacked her had come too close to cracking her voice box. “I’ll be right by your side.”

He glared at Sheriff Galloway, daring him to challenge Daniel’s vow.

The man gave a slight nod and stepped behind the curtain.

“Thank you. I’m sorry about before.” She closed her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here...” Her voice trailed off in sleep.

Daniel positioned himself as best he could to watch over her until the shuddering left her and her breathing steadied into the rhythm of sleep. He eased the still-tight grip of her hand, then stalked to just beyond the curtain to where the sheriff stood checking his notes.

Daniel crossed his arms, struggling to stay civil. “Well?”

“No one saw him come in. From what Raven relayed to the staff, someone dressed as a doctor tried to choke her. He appeared to be acting alone. She fought back and must have hit him just right. She probably broke his nose, and he ran out. Nearly took out the doc and the crash cart.”

“You get samples of his blood?” Daniel asked.

“Yes, and I can send them to Midland for forensics, but unless the guy is in one of the government databases, we’re not going to be able to identify him. As it is, it’s gonna take a while for the results.”

Daniel gave the sheriff a sidelong glance. “What if I told you I had contacts with serious forensic resources? Would you give me a blood specimen?”

“These ‘contacts’ of yours could fast-track it?” Galloway’s brow arched.

Daniel nodded. “They can hit all the federal databases a hell of a lot faster than your lab. And they’re certified. You can use the results for the court case.”

The sheriff paused for a moment, his gaze settling on Raven’s bruised throat and head wound. “I’ll get you a second sample. We keep this between us.”

Daniel agreed, then studied the small emergency department. Double doors leading to hospital rooms, a few cabinets and a second triage area. Only two or three staff members that he could see. “How’d the perp know Raven was here?”

The sheriff grimaced. “Local news picked up the story after I called into the clinic to say we were on our way. We don’t get that many emergency calls around here. A few illegals who chose a bad stretch of border to cross, some domestic disturbances and the occasional drunk driver. Can’t sneeze in this town without someone knowing about it.”

“Great.” Daniel swore again silently. “If this story has hit the news, you’ll need a guard on her 24/7. Right now whoever attacked her has all the advantages.”

“I know you’re right, but no can do,” Galloway said. “I’m down one man already, with half the damn county to cover. That’s nearly two thousand square miles. Even if I could spare the deputy I have left, he can’t watch her nonstop.”

“I wouldn’t let you put that prepubescent kid on her, anyway. He couldn’t protect her from a puppy, much less a killer.”

Galloway crossed his arms. “I can stick her in jail for her own protection.”

Daniel’s entire body tensed at the idea of Raven surrounded by bars. “She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“At least she’d be safe.”

“How do you know?” Daniel challenged. “If you can’t guard her in the clinic, how can you guard her in the jail? Someone wants her dead. All he’d have to do is create a diversion pulling you two away from the station, and you’d be leaving her vulnerable.”

Galloway tilted his head. “So we’re at an impasse. I don’t have the manpower. I don’t have the money. Unless...” He stared at Daniel for a long moment.

“Unless what?”

“Unless you really are some whizbang hotshot military type. Sheriff Redmond said you’re handy with tools a lot more lethal than a hammer and nails. And you’re one of the best trackers and investigators money can buy.”

“Blake Redmond should learn to keep his mouth shut.”

“He was trying to save your butt from an attempted murder charge. Kissing his feet is the least you could do.” Galloway paused. “Seriously, as you so delicately pointed out, I could use the help on this one. The doctor said Raven has traumatic amnesia. Her memory may or may not return. Until we know better, we have nothing else to go on except whatever clues come out of that mine.”

“And the blood sample from her attacker,” Daniel pointed out.

“That, too,” the sheriff agreed. “But, like you said, she needs someone protecting her 24/7. How about it? I could deputize you.”

“That’s a switch. An hour ago, you were running me out of town.”

“Yeah, well, things change. I just need your signature on a form, and you have to take a quick oath.”

Daniel looked back at the curtain behind which Raven slept. He’d promised he wouldn’t leave her until she was safe. He couldn’t let her fight this alone. Someone had tried to kill her twice. Daniel didn’t have a choice, and Galloway knew it. “I have your resources available to me?”

“Whatever you need, though you may have more than I do.”

“Your name makes the request more...official. And just so we’re clear, this isn’t a permanent assignment, Sheriff. You understand that? Once I find out who’s after Raven, I’m back on the road.”

“You won’t hear me complaining. I want my quiet town back.”

“If I need more help—more manpower from my contacts—can I make a few calls?”

“Exactly what are you saying?”

“I won’t get any flack for bringing outsiders into your county?”

The sheriff shot him a speculative glance. “Does Sheriff Redmond also know these mysterious resources?”

“Most definitely. Feel free to call him to check them out.”

“Just what are these ‘outsiders’ going to do?”

“I know people who can look in a lot of gray areas with finesse and speed,” Daniel replied easily. “Their only goal is justice.”

The men’s gazes met. They understood each other.

“I won’t look the other way, Adams, if you go beyond the law...that is, if I know about it,” Galloway said.

Daniel rolled the sheriff’s comments around in his mind. So Galloway believed in justice more than rules. Daniel’s kind of law enforcement. “Understood.”

Galloway signaled his deputy, who had brought Daniel’s duffel into the clinic. “I left your Glock in there. I imagine you know how to use it. You require anything else?”

Daniel shook his head at the dig. “I have what I need.”

“Then I’ll set up the paperwork for you to sign.”

Daniel gave Galloway a nod, then eased aside the curtain and walked over to Raven’s bed. After setting down his pack, he unzipped the duffel, pulled his Glock from its case and checked the magazine. Everything seemed set. With calm precision, he tucked the weapon in the back of his jeans, then yanked his knife and ankle sheath from the duffel’s side pocket. After one quick buckle of the sheath’s strap around his leg, Daniel was able to slip in his knife. Relieved at having his two primary weapons within easy reach, he settled down to wait.

It was odd that being in the tight enclosure in the examining room didn’t seem as bad now. Almost as if the fact that he was officially guarding someone nullified some of the usual discomforts of small places. Of course, it helped that the walls were made of cotton, not stone.

The next two hours sitting on a hard wooden chair didn’t help Daniel’s leg. He adjusted his position, but he couldn’t get comfortable. At least the twinges kept him awake.

Not that he hadn’t been mesmerized by the rise and fall of Raven’s chest or the temptation of her full lips as they parted with each breath, but the shadows under her eyes reminded him of the danger stalking her and exactly why he was here.

The curtain at the end of her bed shifted slightly. Daniel tensed. He palmed the Glock and held it at his side.

The fabric parted. A woman in pink scrubs stepped through. Daniel hid the weapon from her sight as the nurse checked Raven’s vital signs.

“How is she doing?” Daniel whispered.

“Everything seems normal.”

“What about her memory?”

The woman’s sympathetic look evoked an ache deep in Daniel’s chest. He didn’t want his concern for Raven to be so obvious. He was just worried about her safety.

None of this was personal.

It couldn’t be.

His recent stint in the jail cell had shown him just how messed up he truly was. He wouldn’t saddle anyone with that crap to deal with for life. Been there. Done that. Had his father’s spent bullet casing from his suicide to show for it. Daniel wouldn’t put anyone through that.

The nurse checked the IV needle before turning back to Daniel. “The doctor said her memory could come back anytime—or not at all,” she said. “She has a concussion, and he wants to keep her for observation.”

“Isn’t there a quieter location we could stay? A private room maybe? Away from everyone else?” Especially murdering psychos.

“I’m sorry. The clinic only has a dozen beds. They’re all taken,” she said. “This will have to do until something comes available.”

Not good enough. Daniel wanted security, minimal entrances and exits. And distance. As it was, three-quarters of this room could be moved with a harsh breath to the fabric curtain. Besides, the perp knew her location. Nowhere in this clinic was safe.

“Does she have to stay in the hospital tonight? I’ve had enough concussions to know the drill. I’ll check her status every hour, and I can bring her back if there are changes, but I need to take her somewhere more secure.”

The nurse frowned. “I’ll contact her physician. After what happened earlier, I understand your concern.”

“Is there a hotel nearby?”

“There’s a motel, the Copper Mine, just at the edge of town. Run by a bit of a character, but Hondo keeps a clean place.”

Daniel chewed on his lip, not liking the idea of sleeping indoors, but at least in a motel room he had a chance to protect Raven. One entrance and solid walls. “Thanks for the tip.”

The nurse left, and he pulled out his cell phone, powering the thing on for the first time since leaving the mine. He still had battery life—and twenty-four messages, since he hadn’t bothered to listen to them in the past month.

He ignored the voice mails and stared once more at Raven lying on the bed. Who was she really? What was her name? Who wanted her dead?

He put in a call to Galloway’s office requesting a list of missing persons reported in Texas and New Mexico. Galloway, apparently a man of his word, sent Daniel the information quickly to his phone. After a quick review of the small number of cases and watching the room’s TV for any updates, he let out a sigh.

Nothing. The local television story on Raven hadn’t hit the national news or even the big affiliates. At this point Daniel wished it had. Since the person who had buried Raven in that mine knew she was still alive, they were playing against time. More extensive news coverage might give them her name.

His gaze swept Raven’s still body. How could no one be missing her? Then again, maybe she was a loner. Some people didn’t reach out, didn’t create spheres of friends. Some people were totally on their own. Might be nice on occasion. Daniel had tried to disappear, and no one would let him.

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