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Something to Prove
Something to Prove
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Something to Prove

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Something to Prove
Cathryn Parry

Digging for the truth is what Amanda Jensen does. And interviewing ski legend Brody Jones is a journalist's dream come true. Yet something else is happening between them, something neither of them expected. Acting on their attraction, they spend one incredible night together.Still, Amanda's instincts tell her there's a bigger story waiting to be told.Being snowed-in is an advantage because Brody's definitely hiding something. But if she does her job to find out what that is, she puts his comeback in jeopardy–and risks what they share. Now Amanda has an impossible choice: her career…or his.

The past won’t stay buried

Digging for the truth is what Amanda Jensen does. And interviewing ski legend Brody Jones is a journalist’s dream come true. Yet something else is happening between them, something neither of them expected. Acting on their attraction, they spend one incredible night together.

Still, Amanda’s instincts tell her there’s a bigger story waiting to be told.

Being snowed-in is an advantage because Brody’s definitely hiding something. But if she does her job to find out what that is, she puts his comeback in jeopardy—and risks what they share. Now Amanda has an impossible choice: her career…or his.

I’ll never feel like this again, Brody thought

He buried his head in Amanda’s hair and took in a deep, cleansing breath. God help him, for just a moment he latched on to the fantasy that she was his girlfriend. Not this summer or next winter or whenever it was they were finished with their goals, but here and now. He imagined he could take her out in public, today, and have people respect them as a couple.

None of these setups of her with other people.

Nobody assuming he was dogging her because that’s what skiers did.

It felt good being with Amanda Jensen.

He could get used to this feeling.

Dear Reader,

I confess, I love heroes. I also love stories where the emotion between the hero and heroine takes center stage.

The idea for this story—my first published book—came in the months before the Winter Olympics. The elite athletes who train their whole lives for the love of their sport intrigue me. What if guilt over a past mistake drives a retired champion back to his sport for a shot at redemption?

Brody Jones is an alpine skier with something to prove. He and reporter Amanda Jensen share similar values of family, integrity and work that fulfills them.

But Brody has a career-ending secret he needs to keep hidden, and Amanda needs to uncover Brody’s secret in order to excel at her job. It’s an emotional dilemma that isn’t easily solved. As they’re drawn together during a week on the ski tour at close quarters, they’re tested to the utmost. But like all my favorite stories, the power of love shines through and heals all.

Thanks for picking up my first Harlequin Superromance. I hope you enjoy the romantic Italian Alps setting and the company of elite competitors. Drop me a line at and let me know what you think.

Best wishes,

Cathryn Parry

Something to Prove

Cathryn Parry (


Cathryn Parry lives in New England where she loves to dote on her husband, Lou, and her neighbor’s cat, Otis (in that order). She enjoys traveling, sports of all kinds (but especially winter sports) and genealogy. After writing stories for nearly her whole life, she is thrilled to publish her debut novel with Harlequin Books.

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For Lou, first and always. You’ve supported me as I reach for my dreams, and your faith in me always lifts me up.


A debut novel takes many fairy godmothers to bring to fruition. Most important was my editor, Megan Long, who saw the spark of promise in the manuscript and worked patiently with me to bring it to form. I can never thank you enough!

Also, thanks to Laurie Schnebly Campbell, writing teacher extraordinaire, whose classes helped me develop the characters, and to Brenda Chin, who, through one of her famous workshop contests, gave me my first shot at submitting my manuscript to Harlequin. I appreciate you both so much!

Much gratitude goes to my nephew Charles, who, as a ski racer on an alpine team, inspired me to write about a downhill racer.

Where would I be without my writing friends? Thanks to Karen Foley, Denise Eagan, Barbara Wallace, Nina Singh, Michelle Drosos and Dani Collins. Thanks as well to my blogging partners at Barbara, Katy Cooper and Becca Wilder; and to the members of the New England Chapter RWA, for your encouragement and support.


CHAPTER ONE (#u857dcfe7-2a72-5005-8ca1-ae505fe0c4f9)

CHAPTER TWO (#u23bc65b4-25e5-5c89-b822-49ca92b2a849)

CHAPTER THREE (#u68db7d20-104c-5ddb-8a0d-35506f9cc84f)

CHAPTER FOUR (#u37727c6a-1337-59fd-9561-317ff78ea00c)

CHAPTER FIVE (#udebd4263-7003-5f32-8312-cfbb2a165c98)

CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)


THEY HAD TRACKED HER DOWN, even at her sister’s Italian wedding hideaway.

Amanda Jensen disconnected the call from her boss and jammed her phone inside the pocket of her spa robe. Wouldn’t she love to shut off the thing completely? But since the magazine she worked for was going through layoffs and she was the last person hired, she couldn’t take chances.

“Sorry, but I have to go.” She wiggled her foot, hoping to gain the attention of the impossibly beautiful European woman with the glossy bun, wearing a white lab coat, who knelt over Amanda’s toes, meticulously applying a thin layer of French nail polish.

“But, madam, I have finished only one foot.”

She had, and it looked silly. Amanda stifled a laugh. “It’s okay, I’ll come back tonight to get the rest of the pedicure.”

“But, madam, our resort spa is full with the wedding guests.”

True. Jeannie’s wedding weekend had created a logjam of skiers, coaches, friends and ski fans, all clamoring to be made beautiful for the event of the season. Amanda’s stomach dropped. She was reminded of the subject of her interview assignment, and she felt queasy.


“What? Oh, never mind my foot. It’s winter—I’m wearing closed-toe shoes.”

The European woman turned her doe eyes up at Amanda, insinuating what only doe eyes could insinuate.

Amanda shook her head. “No one’s going to be sucking on my toes anytime soon.”

Which was depressing now that she thought about it, but what could she do?

“It is winter in the Italian Alps, madam. Anything can happen.”

“Yes. Yes, it can.” That was how it had happened for her sister, and in this very resort.

Smiling, Amanda glanced through the plate-glass window at the glistening white slope dotted with pine trees, and for a moment she felt that old familiar tug in her heart. Mountains had been her home from her earliest memories. Now she lived in a concrete city, bustling, alive and powerful. And the demands of New York followed her, even to this snowcapped paradise.

Shaking off her wistful mood, she took one last inhalation of the siren’s call of cedar-and-rosemary-scented massage oil. She felt bad enough as it was, cutting out on her pampering afternoon with Jeannie, but work gave her no choice. She hoped Jeannie would understand.

Amanda pushed off the lounge chair in search of her younger sister, trying not to dwell on what she was missing. She and Jeannie had so little time together as it was. For months Jeannie had been recuperating in a hospital in Milan, healing from a horrific ski-racing crash. Amanda had been in the States, shuttling between her magazine job in Manhattan and their mother’s hospice in New Hampshire.

Home, she thought. Or what used to be home. Now her home was the place that employed her.

Jeannie’s home was Massimo Coletti.

“Ciao, bella.” Massimo ducked his head inside the herb-laced, steamy room, and immediately sent the temperature rocketing upward another few degrees. Her sister’s Italian skier fiancé was a knockout. Chiseled cheekbones, sleek shiny hair, glowing green eyes, dimples and a hard body that didn’t quit. But his sexiest trait, in Amanda’s eyes, anyway, was the way his gaze softened when he looked at her sister.

“Have you seen my Jeannie?” Massimo asked.

My Jeannie. Amanda sighed. Here was the man who made all the difference in healing her sister’s difficult past. “She’s in the massage room. I was just going to look for her.”

But Massimo beat her to it. He swooped in as the masseuse was leaving and gave Jeannie’s massage-radiant skin a hug. Then he leaned closer and kissed her on both cheeks. Amanda’s heart both gladdened and pounded. Jeannie giggled and threw her arms around Massimo’s neck, not shy about the towel that dropped to her waist.

It was the scar that undid Amanda. A long, jagged cut from a surgeon’s scalpel, winding its way down her sister’s left leg.

The old fury came back. This was her father’s fault. And Amanda hated skiing, she truly did. Hated it with a passion.

“Amanda, are you almost ready for the rehearsal luncheon?” Jeannie asked, gently touching her on the arm. “Because there’s this great guy I want to introduce you to. His name is Marco and he’s a friend of Massimo’s.”

“Marco is a writer like you,” Massimo explained, his arms around his beloved wife-to-be.

“He won the Milan Prize for literature. He’s very accomplished.” Jeannie squeezed Massimo’s hand and then looked at Amanda hopefully.

They wanted her to be happy. They truly did.

“You guys are sweet, but I’m an investigative reporter.” Okay, a fledgling investigative reporter. “There’s a world of difference in the kind of writing your friend does and what I do.”

Massimo’s brow scrunched. To a guy who sped down icy mountainsides at eighty-five miles per hour, one keyboard jockey was pretty much the same as the next.

“Just tell him I’m on deadline,” Amanda said. “If he’s a writer, he’ll understand.”

“Deadline?” Her future brother-in-law was so smooth that sometimes she forgot English was his second language.

“That means she can’t make it,” Jeannie said. “Why, Mandy? What happened?”

Amanda looked at her beautiful sister’s disappointed face. “Paradigm gave me an interview assignment here in the hotel. I’ll come back as soon as I’m finished, Jeannie, I promise.”

“I know you will.” The look of faith never left her eyes. Sometimes Amanda didn’t deserve her sister. “And this will give you incentive to come back.” Jeannie leaned over and rustled inside her purse, as if her upcoming rehearsal luncheon wasn’t reason enough for Amanda to hurry.

She felt guilty and sick. Why did her father have to be a famous ski coach, and why did she let it slip to her boss, who took advantage of it to make her interview a skier, of all people?

And not a sweet, hunky Italian skier, but an arrogant, aloof American skier who, her boss informed her, had once skied under her father’s tutelage.

Strike one, strike two. Could anything be worse about this assignment?

But her anger was erased by the photo Jeannie held up of one Marco D’Angeli. Marco of the Angels. Jeannie’s setup for her looked like an angel, with a cherubic face, the same glossy hair as Massimo, and the same soulful brown eyes. Unlike her sister’s fiancé though, Marco was thin and serious and…writerly. He posed with a pen in hand and not a stitch of clothing on his slight, studious frame.

Oh, my. “Is this one of those naked charity calendars?”

“His writers’ club is raising money for diabetes research.”

“Okay,” she joked, “sign me up for two copies. One for home and one for work.”