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Christmas Cowboy: Will of Steel / Winter Roses
Christmas Cowboy: Will of Steel / Winter Roses
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Christmas Cowboy: Will of Steel / Winter Roses

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Christmas Cowboy: Will of Steel / Winter Roses
Diana Palmer

There’s Christmas magic on the ranch! The sparks between Theodore and Jill are hot enough to melt the winter snow but he’s just as passionate about winning her family’s land. Can a paper marriage become the real deal in time for Christmas?Stuart had closed his heart to Ivy to protect her…yet, as the glittering snowy magic reunites them, temptation is impossible to resist.Devastatingly handsome rancher Russ refuses to see that Lutecia’s all grown-up now. Until she gives him a passionate Christmas gift he’ll never forget!Discover Diana… The author of over a hundred books, Diana Palmer is one of the top ten romance authors in America. This is sweeping, intense, passionate romance at its very best!

Sleigh bells, snow and a rugged rancher!

Christmas Cowboy

Two fantastic novels from

New York Times bestselling author


including the all-new story

Will of Steel

About the Author

With more than forty million copies of her books in print, DIANA PALMER is one of North America’s most beloved authors and considered one of the top ten romance authors in the United States.

Diana’s hobbies include gardening, archaeology, anthropology and music. She has been married to James Kyle for over thirty-five years. They have one son, Blayne, who is married to the former Christina Clayton, and a granddaughter, Selena Marie.

Christmas Cowboy

Diana Palmer

Will of Steel

Winter Roses (

Will of Steel

To the readers, all of you, many of whom are my friends

on my Facebook page. You make this job wonderful

and worthwhile. Thank you for your kindness and

your support and your affection through all

the long years. I am still your biggest fan.


He never liked coming here. The stupid calf followed him around, everywhere he went. He couldn’t get the animal to leave him alone. Once, he’d whacked the calf with a soft fir tree branch, but that had led to repercussions. Its owner had a lot to say about animal cruelty and quoted the law to him. He didn’t need her to quote the law. He was, after all, the chief of police in the small Montana town where they both lived.

Technically, of course, this wasn’t town. It was about two miles outside the Medicine Ridge city limits. A small ranch in Hollister, Montana, that included two clear, cold trout streams and half a mountain. Her uncle and his uncle had owned it jointly during their lifetimes. The two of them, best friends forever, had recently died, his uncle from a heart attack and hers, about a month later, in an airplane crash en route to a cattleman’s convention. The property was set to go up on the auction block, and a California real estate developer was skulking in the wings, waiting to put in the winning bid. He was going to build a rich man’s resort here, banking on those pure trout streams to bring in the business.

If Hollister Police Chief Theodore Graves had his way, the man would never set foot on the property. She felt that way, too. But the wily old men had placed a clause in both their wills pertaining to ownership of the land in question. The clause in her uncle’s will had been a source of shock to Graves and the girl when the amused attorney read it out to them. It had provoked a war of words every time he walked in the door.

“I’m not marrying you,” Jillian Sanders told him firmly the minute he stepped on the porch. “I don’t care if I have to live in the barn with Sammy.”

Sammy was the calf.

He looked down at her from his far superior height with faint arrogance. “No problem. I don’t think the grammar school would give you a hall pass to marry me anyway.”

Her pert nose wrinkled. “Well, you’d have to get permission from the old folks’ home, and I’ll bet you wouldn’t get it, either!”

It was a standing joke. He was thirty-one to her almost twenty-one. They were completely mismatched. She was small and blonde and blue-eyed, he was tall and dark and black-eyed. He liked guns and working on his old truck when he wasn’t performing his duties as chief of police in the small Montana community where they lived. She liked making up recipes for new sweets and he couldn’t stand anything sweet except pound cake. She also hated guns and noise.

“If you don’t marry me, Sammy will be featured on the menu in the local café, and you’ll have to live in the woods in a cave,” he pointed out.

That didn’t help her disposition. She glared at him. It wasn’t her fault that she had no family left alive. Her parents had died not long after she was born of an influenza outbreak. Her uncle had taken her in and raised her, but he was not in good health and had heart problems. Jillian had taken care of him as long as he was alive, fussing over his diet and trying to concoct special dishes to make him comfortable. But he’d died not of ill health, but in a light airplane crash on his way to a cattle convention. He didn’t keep many cattle anymore, but he’d loved seeing friends at the conferences, and he loved to attend them. She missed him. It was lonely on the ranch. Of course, if she had to marry Rambo, here, it would be less lonely.

She glared at him, as if everything bad in her life could be laid at his door. “I’d almost rather live in the cave. I hate guns!” she added vehemently, noting the one he wore, old-fashioned style, on his hip in a holster. “You could blow a hole through a concrete wall with that thing!”

“Probably,” he agreed.

“Why can’t you carry something small, like your officers do?”

“I like to make an impression,” he returned, tongue-in-cheek.

It took her a minute to get the insinuation. She glared at him even more.

He sighed. “I haven’t had lunch,” he said, and managed to look as if he were starving.

“There’s a good café right downtown.”

“Which will be closing soon because they can’t get a cook,” he said with disgust. “Damnedest thing, we live in a town where every woman cooks, but nobody wants to do it for the public. I guess I’ll starve. I burn water.”

It was the truth. He lived on takeout from the local café and frozen dinners. He glowered at her. “I guess marrying you would save my life. At least you can cook.”

She gave him a smug look. “Yes, I can. And the local café isn’t closing. They hired a cook just this morning.”

“They did?” he exclaimed. “Who did they get?”

She averted her eyes. “I didn’t catch her name, but they say she’s talented. So you won’t starve, I guess.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t help our situation here,” he pointed out. His sensual lips made a thin line. “I don’t want to get married.”

“Neither do I,” she shot back. “I’ve hardly even dated anybody!”

His eyebrows went up. “You’re twenty years old. Almost twenty-one.”

“Yes, and my uncle was suspicious of every man who came near me,” she returned. “He made it impossible for me to leave the house.”

His black eyes twinkled. “As I recall, you did escape once.”

She turned scarlet. Yes, she had, with an auditor who’d come to do the books for a local lawyer’s office. The man, much older than her and more sophisticated, had charmed her. She’d trusted him, just as she’d trusted another man two years earlier. The auditor had taken her back to his motel room to get something he forgot. Or so he’d told her. Actually he’d locked the door and proceeded to try to remove her clothes. He was very nice about it, he was just insistent.

But he didn’t know that Jillian had emotional scars already from a man trying to force her. She’d been so afraid. She’d really liked the man, trusted him. Uncle John hadn’t. He always felt guilty about what she’d been through because of his hired man. She was underage, and he told her to stay away from the man.

But she’d had stars in her eyes because the man had flirted with her when she’d gone with Uncle John to see his attorney about a land deal. She’d thought he was different, nothing like Uncle John’s hired man who had turned nasty.

He’d talked to her on the phone several times and persuaded her to go out with him. Infatuated, she sneaked out when Uncle John went to bed. But she landed herself in very hot water when the man got overly amorous. She’d managed to get her cell phone out and punched in 911. The result had been … unforgettable.

“They did get the door fixed, I believe.?” she said, letting her voice trail off.

He glared at her. “It was locked.”

“There’s such a thing as keys,” she pointed out.

“While I was finding one, you’d have been …”

She flushed again. She moved uncomfortably. “Yes, well, I did thank you. At the time.”

“And a traveling mathematician learned the dangers of trying to seduce teenagers in my town.”

She couldn’t really argue. She’d been sixteen at the time, and Theodore’s quick reaction had saved her honor. The auditor hadn’t known her real age. She knew he’d never have asked her out if he had any idea she was under legal age. He’d been the only man she had a real interest in, for her whole life. He’d quit the firm he worked for, so he never had to come back to Hollister.

She felt bad about it. The whole fiasco was her own fault.

The sad thing was that it wasn’t her first scary episode with an older man. The first, at fifteen, had scarred her. She’d thought that she could trust a man again because she was crazy about the auditor. But the auditor became the icing on the cake of her withdrawal from the world of dating for good. She’d really liked him, trusted him, had been infatuated with him. He wasn’t even a bad man, not like that other one.

“The judge did let him go with a severe reprimand about making sure of a girl’s age and not trying to persuade her into an illegal act. But he could have gone to prison, and it would have been my fault,” she recalled. She didn’t mention the man who had gone to prison for assaulting her. Ted didn’t know about that and she wasn’t going to tell him.

“Don’t look to me to have any sympathy for him,” he said tersely. “Even if you’d been of legal age, he had no right to try to coerce you.”

“Point taken.”

“Your uncle should have let you get out more,” he said reluctantly.

“I never understood why he kept me so close to home,” she replied thoughtfully. She knew it wasn’t all because of her bad experience.

His black eyes twinkled. “Oh, that’s easy. He was saving you for me.”

She gaped at him.

He chuckled. “He didn’t actually say so, but you must have realized from his will that he’d planned a future for us for some time.”

A lot of things were just becoming clear. She was speechless, for once.

He grinned. “He grew you in a hothouse just for me, little orchid,” he teased.

“Obviously your uncle never did the same for me,” she said scathingly.

He shrugged, and his eyes twinkled even more. “One of us has to know what to do when the time comes,” he pointed out.

She flushed. “I think we could work it out without diagrams.”

He leaned closer. “Want me to look it up and see if I can find some for you?”

“I’m not marrying you!” she yelled.

He shrugged. “Suit yourself. Maybe you can put up some curtains and lay a few rugs and the cave will be more comfortable.” He glanced out the window. “Poor Sammy,” he added sadly. “His future is less, shall we say, palatable.”

“For the last time, Sammy is not a bull, he’s a cow. She’s a cow,” she faltered.

“Sammy is a bull’s name.”

“She looked like a Sammy,” she said stubbornly. “When she’s grown, she’ll give milk.”

“Only when she’s calving.”

“Like you know,” she shot back.

“I belong to the cattleman’s association,” he reminded her. “They tell us stuff like that.”

“I belong to it, too, and no, they don’t, you learn it from raising cattle!”

He tugged his wide-brimmed hat over his eyes. “It’s useless, arguing with a blond fence post. I’m going back to work.”

“Don’t shoot anybody.”

“I’ve never shot anybody.”

“Ha!” she burst out. “What about that bank robber?”

“Oh. Him. Well, he shot at me first.”

“Stupid of him.”

He grinned. “That’s just what he said, when I visited him in the hospital. He missed. I didn’t. And he got sentenced for assault on a police officer as well as the bank heist.”

She frowned. “He swore he’d make you pay for that. What if he gets out?”

“Ten to twenty, and he’s got priors,” he told her. “I’ll be in a nursing home for real by the time he gets out.”

She glowered up at him. “People are always getting out of jail on technicalities. All he needs is a good lawyer.”

“Good luck to him getting one on what he earns making license plates.”

“The state provides attorneys for people who can’t pay.”

He gasped. “Thank you for telling me! I didn’t know!”