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The Times Great Quotations: Famous quotes to inform, motivate and inspire – James Owen

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Discover the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi alongside the wit of Groucho Marx in a collection of the greatest and most memorable quotations from across the centuries: an entertaining compendium of themed quotes from the greatest minds, orators, celebrities, writers and politicians that ever lived. Funny and profound, there are gems here for everyone.Struggling to recall those elusive quotes and sayings? With this thematic approach, The Times has the answer with a selection of the best one-liners across multiple topics and including a helpful people index to help you find who and what you are looking for.• Marvel at the wisdom of the ancients and laugh at the outrageous quips of the great and good• Philosophy, politics, sex, marriage, humour all in one condensed package• A full list of themes and people index make finding your way through the book so much easierQuotations include contributions from: Jane Austen, Simone de Beauvoir, Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Truman Capote, Confucius, Charles Darwin, Horace, Carl Jung, Immanuel Kant, Olga Korbut, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, George Orwell, Pablo Picasso, Plato, Ronald Reagan, Bertrand Russell, Mother Teresa, Oscar Wilde.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008317263
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