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Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit
Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit
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Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit

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“Some other weekend before the summer is over, we’ll return and take a few days. I can show you some spectacular waters.”

“Frankly, your pool in Dallas is beautiful and more than adequate.”

“I don’t have a band and dance floor at my house—actually, I can have one if I want, but I haven’t ever done so. Now for a sexy, breathtaking woman, I might rustle one up at home, but I like it out here on the water. I’d like to show you some sights.”

“I doubt if that will happen.”

“You can’t foresee the future, and I think you would have a grand time.”

“I’m sure I would have a grand time,” she remarked dryly. “That’s part of the problem. I don’t want anything to distract me from my plans for my future. It’s so easy to get sidetracked and have moments slip away and opportunities lost,” she said, thinking about her dad, who had been offered a wonderful sum to sell his Lubbock store and turned it down just before a national chain store opened near him and his business fell off, never to build back up to what it was. She remembered the job offer Ethan had had, their decision to stay and finish school instead. If he had taken the offer, he might not have had the accident.

“I’m not robbing you of your opportunities,” Will said, bringing her back to the moment.

“No, because I’m not going to let you,” she replied, more for herself than him. Then forgetting her declarations, she became silent, relishing the dance and being held in his arms while they moved around the open deck. Breezes tugged playfully at locks of her hair. The music was great. She would remember this night forever.

There couldn’t be many nights in her life like this one. She focused on him, gazing up into his eyes while they danced. The electric current between them escalated. A night to always remember, a man she had fallen in love with even though she didn’t want him to know it. Burning desire—the night, the man—all made her want to take what she could and then lock away the memories.

The notion startled her, teased and tormented. The excitement, the exotic night on a yacht, the diamonds and emeralds—Will himself—everything was causing a turnaround in her life. She had been determined to guard against such temptation, yet now she couldn’t keep from considering it. The temptation expanded, grew strong. She weighed that against looking back with regrets.

Intending to avoid further complication in her life, she tried to bank desire and curb the wild thoughts. Enjoying the dance, she focused on Will, thinking he had to be the most handsome man she had ever known.

“You’re quiet. Nickel for your thoughts.”

“You’ve raised the proverbial penny,” she said, smiling. “I’m thinking what a great night this is and how fun it is to dance with you.”

“Ah-ha, at least I’m in there somewhere.”

“Of course. How could I overlook you? My dashing employer.”

“Dashing—I haven’t ever been called that. My grandfather might have been. I still need to work on my image.”

“Dashing is good. Dashing is exciting.”

“In the eighteenth century it was,” he said, teasing her.

“Still is in my books.”

“I would definitely prefer to hear sexy….”

“I’m sure you would, but we’re not going there. Besides, if I told you that, it would go to your head.”

“Not so, I think it would go somewhere else instantly,” he replied with amusement.

The piece ended and the band launched into a fast number. Will began to dance and she danced with him, moving around him, enjoying the physical release as much as she liked watching him.

He was way beyond a description like dashing. He was sexy, hot, virile. What fun he was. But how many hearts had he broken? She suspected a fair number, and she was skirting close to allowing herself to become one more on his list.

When the music ended he smiled at her. “Ready to sit and cool down or do you want to keep dancing?”

“We’ll sit and cool for a short time. Actually, I could dance all night if I had a chance, because I haven’t in such a long, long time and I love to dance.”

“That is an incredible shame,” he said, taking her arm to steer her toward their table.

As soon as they were seated, the waiter appeared with salads.

“Will, this is really special and so very nice of you.”

“I told you, I’m grateful. Ava, you can’t wear that necklace every day..”

She laughed. “I certainly can’t. I will rarely wear it. It’s too beautiful to take out of the house and too fancy to wear except for special occasions. Very rare in my busy life. A teacher with diamonds and emeralds—not likely.”

“Not impossible. But I want you to have something simpler that you can enjoy every day.” He produced another box and handed it to her.

Startled, her eyes widened. “Will, this is too much! You can’t give me something else.”

“I can and I am. Take it. I want you to have it. It’s another token of my appreciation. Go ahead and open your present.”

She stared at the box and then at him again. He waited patiently and she shook her head as she reached for it. “You shouldn’t have. Though I know the words are lost on you.”

“Yes, they are. I should have. You really should have whatever you want.”

She opened the box and lifted out a watch with a silver band, studded with diamonds. “This is beautiful. It’s a gorgeous watch. Thank you so much.”

“Thank you, Ava. You’ve changed our lives completely.” He raised his glass. “One more toast—to one of the best teachers ever, a beautiful woman, an unselfish, caring soul.”

She touched her glass with his. “Thank you. I’m touched, and the gifts are overwhelming.”

“Enjoy them. You’ve helped Caroline immeasurably. If she can escape her world of silence and sorrow, I can’t tell you what it will mean to me and my family and, of course, to her.”

“She’s the sweetest little girl, Will.”

“I think so. I loved my brother, and I want to do this for him and for her. He trusted me with her care, and I’ve felt as though I’ve failed him terribly every day since his accident—until today. Today, because of you, I felt I was living up to Adam’s trust in me. That’s important.”

Impulsively, she placed her hand over his. “I know it is.”

“You’re important, Ava,” he said in a husky voice, wrapping his hand around hers.

Candlelight and torchlight flickered across his face, highlighting his strong cheekbones and straight nose, throwing his cheeks in dark shadows. His eyes were midnight, impossible to tell his thoughts. Slipping her hand away from his, she looked away. Her appetite had fled. Desire was a raging fire, burning away everything else.

She picked at her salad, knowing she should eat and should try to get him out of her mind. She looked at the beautiful watch. The small diamonds glittered in the yellow lights. The night was surreal: his yacht; a sexy, breathtaking man; gifts of diamonds and emeralds. A night such as she had never known. How could she continue to resist his charm and seduction?

“Now I really do have a penny for your thoughts,” he said in a deep voice, leaning toward her.

“No, I will never tell you. It would definitely go to your head.”

“At least that’s good news. You’re not eating.”

“Yes, I am, and it’s delicious.”

Standing, he came around to hold her chair. “I think we have time now for that tour of my yacht. We’ll come back to dinner.”

When she stood, he took her hand. His hand was warm, enveloping hers. “I suspect we are ruining a wonderful dinner by leaving now,” she said.

“No, we won’t. Neither one of us is particularly hungry. You’ve barely eaten a bite. Wait until you work up an appetite.”

Hunger had fled because she was fluttery over him—something she would never admit.

“So tell me about your yacht.”

They entered a glass elevator to go down two decks. When they emerged, he steered her into a passageway. “I’ll show you my cabin.” He entered an elegant room that was as comfortable and outfitted as some of the living areas in his mansion.

As he turned her to face him, she drew a deep breath. He stood inches away and his dark eyes conveyed desire that set her heart racing. Wrapping his arms around her, he drew her into his embrace to kiss her.

She was lost from the first look into his eyes. She closed her eyes, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him in return, reaffirming the excitement that simmered between them and her own longing. How long since they had last kissed?

Eons, it seemed to her. She stood on tiptoe, kissing him passionately, holding him tightly.

“Ava, this is paradise,” he whispered. “It’s right and perfect for you to be here in my arms.”

She felt the same, yet she had sense enough to know it was all an illusion that would vanish. For the moment it didn’t matter. She wanted his kisses and wanted to kiss him in return.

Her heart pounded and she clung to him tightly. “Will,” she whispered, and then her mouth was on his again as she kissed him passionately.

She wanted him, longed to touch and kiss and explore. Warnings and caution were not heeded. She needed, just once, to do what she wanted because this chance wouldn’t come around again. She was already in love with him, part of his life for now. He had opened up opportunities for her, and maybe that was the most he could give of himself.

She ran her fingers in his thick hair, caressing his nape, sliding her hand down the strong column of his neck.

His hands were at the fastening of her dress. He pulled open the zipper and cool air brushed her shoulders. While he continued kissing her, Will pushed away the dress, letting it fall softly around her ankles.

His hands were deft, light, warm on her as he caressed her back, his other arm still circling her waist.

She moaned softly with pleasure, relishing his caresses, pushing away his jacket, playing her hand over the width of his powerful shoulders. Clothing was a barrier. She wanted to explore and discover. She undid his tie while he caressed and distracted her, but finally the tie slid away and she began methodical work on his buttons.

“This is where we should be,” he whispered, showering kisses on her temple, her mouth, her cheeks then down her throat.

He stepped back to hold her waist while he looked at her. “You take my breath with your beauty,” he whispered. “Ava, this is where we were meant to be from that first moment we met in the Austin restaurant. I’ve wanted you since the first glance into your green eyes. Ah, love, you’re perfection,” he said.

His words spun more magic while his hands were everywhere, feathery caresses that heightened desire. She moaned, closing her eyes, yielding to sensations that seduced. He peeled away her flimsy undergarments.

“My necklace—” she whispered.

“Leave it on. When you look at it you’ll remember wearing it tonight when I made love to you for the first time. Diamonds for your heart, emeralds for your green eyes. I want you to wear it and nothing else.”

Her heart drummed and she kissed him, holding him tightly, knowing she would always remember tonight.

“Just tonight we love,” she whispered, wondering if he heard her or believed her. Could she live up to her own declaration?

“Tonight, love.” He unfastened the clasp to her bra and pushed it off. His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs playing over taut peaks and sending an onslaught of tingles. She trembled with desire, wanting him, her fingers tugging free his buttons and pulling off his shirt. She caressed his sculpted chest, the muscles rock-hard beneath her fingers, and then slid her hand down his smooth back. She trailed kisses on his neck while her hands worked free his belt and then his trousers that fell around his ankles. He stepped out of them, taking her with him to leave all of their clothes piled behind while they kissed.

A night to remember. A night to regret. Except at this moment there was no discontent, only joy and abandon. Since she had moved into his mansion, she had been living with his zest for life and supreme hope for what he wanted. He was filled with energy and vitality that added to his appeal.

Her hands played lightly over him and then kisses followed along his shoulder, moving lower while her hands pushed away his briefs to free him.

He was hard, ready for love. He pulled her close to kiss her while she clung to him tightly, feeling as if she were spinning away.

Hot, aching for his touches and kisses, she stroked his hard thighs, feeling tight hair curl against her palm. He was muscled, his legs firm, as sculpted as his chest.

His thick rod pressed against her. He rubbed against her, hot and hard, making her moan with need. She spread her legs and slid his throbbing manhood between them, a taunting pressure, fanning desire into a hotter blaze.

She bent down to kiss him, her tongue tormenting him, teasing him and stirring her more. She took him in her mouth, her tongue playing over him.

He gasped and pulled her up, carrying her as he strode through an open door. He kissed her hand. She wrapped her arm around his neck, relishing each moment, each kiss and touch. She was in love. Nothing could come of it, but there was no denying it. For now, she was close to him, cherished by him, loving him, soon one with him. Intimacy shared would be remembered forever by her.

“I want you,” she whispered, more to herself than to him.

“Love, how I want you. You can’t begin to imagine,” he said. Her heart pounded with joy. Whether his words were meaningless or not, they were being said tonight to her and she wanted to accept them as real, as something he meant with all his heart. “I want to kiss you and love you all this night.”

Yanking back the cover, he placed her on the bed and knelt beside her to shower kisses, starting at her ankle and moving up the inside of her leg. Slow, tantalizing, his erotic kisses built need. His hands played lightly, higher, teasing and provoking her.

Her hips writhed as she spread her legs to give him access. Feeling the smooth, hard muscles, she stroked his wide, strong shoulders.

Soft moans were dim in her ears. Unaware of her own voice, she heard only her pounding pulse while sweet torment grew as he moved higher to stroke the inside of her thighs.

She could stand no more and sat up to pull him to her, but his fingers splayed out against her belly and he gently pushed her back to the bed.

Black locks of his hair had fallen over his forehead and the look in his eyes was as volatile as his kisses.

“Will, I want you….” she whispered.

“I want you to desire me with every fiber of your being. This night is special, ours to savor,” he said in a husky voice.

Tracing his fingers on her inner thighs, he followed with light kisses, making her want more of him.

“Will,” she whispered. Her eyes were shut tightly, all her focus on sensation while she writhed with longing.

His tongue trailed along her inner thigh, hot, wet, another deeper feeling that stirred more need. When his fingers touched her intimately, she gasped with pleasure.

“Will, come here,” she said, starting to sit up again only to have him push gently once more.

“Wait, love. Let me pleasure you the way I want. Wait—”

His hand slipped between her thighs. “There, that’s what you want, isn’t it?” he whispered, coming down beside her, turning on his side to kiss her. His leg was between hers, opening hers and giving him access to her, his fingers still driving her wild with building tension.

“Will—” she gasped again. Her words ended as his mouth covered hers to kiss her passionately while his fingers built a raging fire.

“Let me kiss you,” she whispered, pushing him on his back and moving over him, leaning down to circle his nipple with her tongue, excited by the hard peak that made her tingle with awareness of her own.

She moved lower, her tongue flicking over the muscles of his stomach. He quivered beneath her kisses and groaned, his hands winding in her hair.