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Cognitive-Behavioural Integrated Treatment (C-BIT) – Jim Orford

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This exciting new book addresses the important issue of how to provide integrated mental health and substance misuse treatment of individuals with these co-occurring disorders. Combining both theory and practice, by the use of illustrative clinical case material, it provides a survey of different approaches to the integration of mental health and substance misuse services. A unique collection of chapters, from authors who are experts in the field and pioneering innovative approaches, provides an international perspective (including UK, Germany, Australia, USA, Canada) of treatment. Arranged in five sections, Section 1 provides an introduction to the issue of substance misuse amongst those with psychosis. Section 2 introduces a range of integrated service models from different countries. The third section provides a practical hands-on guide to assessment and treatment. The fourth section addresses the specific treatment needs of special population groups (including young people, forensic groups, homeless people and those with HIV/AIDS). The final section examines treatment outcome studies and implications for the future. Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, case managers, and psychiatric social workers in training and practice in clinic, hospital and community settings will find this book an essential practical resource for working with individuals (and their families) with co-occurring disorders.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470857045

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