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The Baby Mind Reader: Amazing Psychic Stories from the Man Who Can Read Babies’ Minds
The Baby Mind Reader: Amazing Psychic Stories from the Man Who Can Read Babies’ Minds
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The Baby Mind Reader: Amazing Psychic Stories from the Man Who Can Read Babies’ Minds

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‘Oh, my God!’ came the reply. ‘You are bloody psychic! My pal heard you on the radio tonight and told me to call in. She said that you were amazing and you really are! How on earth did you know my name?’

‘The producer of the show gave it to me on a card, Margaret, before you came on air,’ I said, and we all fell about laughing!

So I passed my test and Psychic Sunday, my new radio show, was born.

I was starting to be a bit of a local celebrity. People weren’t exactly stopping me in the street but my name was becoming well known. I started getting fan mail at Qfm, but not all of it was positive. There was the odd piece of hate mail, which was upsetting. Some people called me a fake, whilst the so-called religious ones claimed I was the Antichrist! Now, I’d be the first to admit that what I do may seem bizarre or downright spooky to the uninitiated, but I’m certainly no con man. I am totally and utterly genuine and my gift is God-given. I’d never dream of duping the public, especially those who’ve just lost a loved one or are in need of some spiritual guidance. Those who come to me aren’t stupid either. They may be looking for something that even I can’t give them, but the vast majority know when I’ve managed to tune in to the spirit of their loved one. They’d know if I was a liar, and I’d be a fool to think that I wouldn’t be found out if I wasn’t genuine.

So what can I be doing wrong? I’m only talking to people in spirit who are desperate to contact their loved ones, and to inform us in general of the realities of life. That’s all. I don’t connect with the dead. They connect with me. I would never dream of trying to unsettle a spirit who didn’t wish to communicate. If spirits wish to send messages they are more than welcome to use me as their messenger and I will always be available to them for that purpose.

My success on the radio brought me many admirers and I received hundreds of requests for private readings. I’d made it a rule from day one that I wouldn’t do consultations in my own home. It wasn’t that I didn’t want people to come over to the cottage; it’s just that my privacy was important to me. There was also another, more psychic, reason for my decision. I knew that if I gave any form of reading at home – especially one which led to a connection with the spirit world – my inner sanctum could possibly end up full of wayward spirits.

I could switch my abilities on and off. I knew the place in my head where I needed to go in order to switch myself on and connect with the spirit world. However, there was the odd spirit out there who knew how to get in touch with me when I least expected it!

I’m not really in the habit of switching on my abilities when I’m going about my usual daily business. I tend to go into psychic mode only when the time is right and not when I’m around the general public – that’s unless I’m bored or want to have some fun! I use the fruit shop in the village nearly every day, and within a few weeks of moving into the cottage I’d got to know the staff quite well. One morning, I was suddenly aware of a spirit standing in the corner of the shop. This took me by surprise because I hadn’t switched on and gone into psychic mode and I therefore wasn’t expecting any visitations from the spirit world. This man was adamant that I communicate with him. I was slightly taken aback by this because, being new to the village, I didn’t want to create problems for myself. Even at that early stage of my life as a psychic I understood that not everyone is fully appreciative of my abilities and how I use them. I knew I had to tread carefully.

‘Excuse me,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry to bother you.’ The lady who was serving looked over and acknowledged me.

‘Hello. What can I do for you today?’ Luckily the shop was empty at the time so I felt confident enough to be honest with her without either getting embarrassed or causing offence.

‘I’m Derek and I’m new to the village. I know that you don’t really know me but I’m a medium.’

‘Oh, that’s interesting. I don’t think we’ve had a medium in the shop before. By the way I’m Caroline. It’s nice to meet you.’

‘It’s nice to meet you too, Caroline. Some people think that psychic stuff is a load of nonsense but I get the impression that you may be a believer?’

‘Well, it interests me. Have you got something to tell me?’

‘What I’m going to say may upset or surprise you. There is a spirit standing over there beside that double socket and he keeps telling me that it’s dangerous and you’re not to use it.’

‘Really? Do you know who this man is?’

‘I’m certain that it’s your dad, Caroline. He is scared that you’ll get a shock from that double socket, the one that’s located just beside the onions.’

‘Well, that’s pretty amazing because one of the sockets on that wall doesn’t work and I’ve been told by Billy the owner never to use it. Is my dad telling you anything about himself?’

‘No, unfortunately he’s not, Caroline. He is okay and he’s watching over you but he’s really worried about you using any one of those sockets, not just the one that’s broken.’

‘Well, I’ll keep that in mind,’ answered Caroline, and that was that.

Two weeks later I was in the fruit shop when Billy Fullerton, the owner, was there.

‘Derek,’ he said. ‘I want to have a word with you. Did you tell Caroline not to use that socket over there because her dad’s spirit told you to warn her about it?’

‘Yes, I did, Billy.’ I was intrigued, but also slightly worried that I’d said something out of turn. I hoped Caroline hadn’t been giving her boss hassle about dodgy electrical fittings.

‘Well, Derek, she didn’t listen to you and decided to plug in the Hoover one night when she was tidying up. She thought it would be okay to use the other socket that was still working but for some reason it shorted out the Hoover and blew a fuse. She was lucky that she didn’t get a nasty one. She nearly electrocuted herself!’

After a few weeks on the radio, I started thinking about the possibility of doing theatre shows. I felt that if I could connect with the spirit world down a telephone line whilst dealing with the pressure of being live on radio, then I’d be able to handle a theatre audience. In the meantime, I continued to give private readings.

As I didn’t have a car, I used a local taxi company to take me from reading to reading. Matt was my main driver. He was a gentleman and very supportive of me and my abilities. Matt had just split up from his wife Lesley. He had three children and still saw his kids and Lesley regularly. ‘I’d like you to meet the wife,’ Matt said one night when we were driving back from one of my readings. ‘I’ve been telling her all about you and she’s really fascinated by what you do. Could you see her this week?’

‘No problem, Matt,’ I replied. ‘It’s the least I can do. You’ve been very good to me.’ I don’t like doing readings for people I know, but I couldn’t let Matt down.

Lesley had arranged for her sister and some of her friends to be at the reading so there were a few anxious women in her flat when I arrived. Matt introduced me to Lesley and then went off to work. I went to the loo to get some privacy and took a few moments to get into the zone, to go to the place in my head where I can connect with the spirit world. I change when this happens. I become aware of energy and I can sometimes get rather agitated and fidgety. I’ve just accepted these traits over the years. The methods I now use to connect with the spirit world have developed over time. The more experienced I’ve become, the more I’ve mastered them, so much so that I can now jump to and from my spiritual focal point with ease.

Almost immediately, I realized that I wasn’t comfortable with the energy in Lesley’s flat. I suddenly became aware that there was a presence there, and it was very strong. I could feel it clearly as I stood there, anxiously, in her bathroom. I knew that it was very close to me but was unsure where. I focused and tried to work out in my head where it was.

After a few seconds I connected with it. It was through the wall of the bathroom in her hallway, standing just a matter of feet away from me, and I felt very unsettled by it. I could sense that it was powerful, and when I focused on the energy surrounding it and emanating from it, it was very black and negative. I wasn’t sure if it was the spirit of a man or a woman but whatever it was, it was a presence that didn’t want to talk to me. It seemed to be the defiant spirit of someone stuck in some sort of middle ground who couldn’t, for whatever reason, fully cross over into the spirit world. It was angry about its predicament and it wanted me to understand that. I knew for sure that it also wanted me to know that it was there and watching me but there wasn’t going to be any other form of communication between us. I was disappointed because I really wanted to make contact. I knew from my experiences of meeting spirits like these who are ‘stuck’ that the readings are usually very precise and last for hours.

I tried to compose myself. The last thing I wanted to do was scare anyone. I came out of the bathroom knowing for sure that Lesley wasn’t going to get a reading that night and that I’d have to come back and see her on another occasion when she was on her own. I felt that the presence did want to talk to her but not while so many people were around. It obviously had something to say to Lesley that would be personal and possibly life-changing, something for her ears only.

Lesley seemed pleased to see me when I arrived on her doorstep a few days later. She’d obviously forgiven me for letting her down. I was glad to see her and hoped that her visitor would come through for her, and that her reading would go well. I wasn’t to be disappointed because almost as soon as I entered her hallway it was there waiting. It was standing beside the bathroom, watching me. This time, though, I could just about make out the outline of a young man. He was in his early 30s but he wasn’t particularly good at showing himself to me. Maybe his talents lay elsewhere.

I sat down in the living room and decided to come clean with Lesley. ‘You have a presence in your home, Lesley. There is someone here who would really like to talk to you. It’s a man in his 30s. I’m not sure when or how he died, or even if he’s a relation of yours. He may even be connected to this flat in some way. I’ll try and ask him later if he used to live here, but he has a couple of messages for you and I think you should listen to them. I have to be honest and tell you that he was here the other night. I could feel his presence in your hallway but it wasn’t his time to come through for you. That’s why I’ve come back to see you today. I’m going to connect with him now and see what he has to say.’

‘Okay,’ said Lesley. ‘Tell me what’s troubling him.’ She seemed eager to start the reading and who could blame her!

I tuned in to the presence, which was now standing beside me in the living room. He started instantly to tell me some details about Lesley’s private life. ‘He keeps telling me that he wants to shake you,’ I said. ‘He wants to shake you so that he has your attention. He tells me that you need to wake up and smell the coffee! I’m also getting bad vibes about your body language. You seem to be a person who is very enclosed. You need to open up more and enjoy your life. It’s important.’

‘Okay,’ said Lesley. I now had her full attention.

‘I’m being told about the shortcomings in your character and your present situation so that you listen to the main point of this. I’m sorry if this feels like a personal annihilation. Please remember this is not in any way my opinion.’ I was concerned that Lesley might think I was trying to hurt her feelings. ‘I’m being shown that you are currently having a relationship with someone whose name begins with the letter “D”.’ There was silence from Lesley. ‘You must stop seeing this person. He is so boring!’ I added, then burst out laughing. I could feel that Lesley knew exactly what I was talking about and that her friend, Mr D, was really boring. He was driving the presence nuts with his lack of personality and conversation. There was a serious side to the reading, though. ‘The relationship must end,’ I added. ‘The presence tells me that this person comes over to this flat and that must also stop. Your life is going nowhere with this guy. You need someone who is exciting!’

‘Oh my God, that’s spot on, Derek. I’m seeing a chap at the moment called David. We’ve just started going out! That makes total sense.’ She seemed shocked. With that revelation the atmosphere in the room seemed to change instantly. I’d said what I’d been told to say and given Lesley the correct messages. I felt relieved and suddenly very calm and relaxed. It was as if a weight had been lifted from around me. I hoped, that by sending us the messages he had, the presence would now cross over completely into the spirit world since his work was done.

Lesley and I needed a break so she went off to make some coffee and compose herself. She needed to take in fully what she had been told. We chatted for a while. She told me she was a singer and actress: ‘In fact, I’m currently rehearsing Educating Rita with the Buddie Magic Theatre Company, but we’ve had a few problems and it looks like we’ll have to cancel the dates. The only real worry is that we’re going to lose our theatre hire deposit, and we can’t really afford to do that.’

‘Where were you planning on having the show?’ I asked.

‘We’ve booked a couple of nights at the Paisley Arts Centre,’ replied Lesley. ‘It’s a pity those nights will now go to waste. They’re really good nights too, in May.’

I couldn’t believe my luck. I had come to give Lesley a reading and ended up with the possibility of a couple of theatre dates. As I made my way home on the bus, I knew deep down that I’d soon be appearing live on stage. I felt uplifted. I had been rewarded for all my efforts, especially all the readings I’d done for nothing and all the help I’d given those I’d met. Maybe things were starting to fall into place for me. Perhaps my new life as a psychic was my destiny.

My first psychic show (#ulink_79eaa1d4-eac8-518c-9ec2-0716bdad4eeb)

I’d no idea how to put a psychic show together. Never having been a member of a psychic group or to a psychic show before, I really didn’t know what I was doing. Luckily, colleagues from the radio station helped me out with the technical side – sound, lighting and music. They also advised me just to do what I did on the radio show, to walk on stage, pick out some people – or let the spirits do that for me – and go with the flow.

I couldn’t believe it when, a few days later, I called the box office at the Arts Centre and was told that both of my theatre shows had nearly sold out. I was offered another date and accepted it. I was going to be doing three nights on the trot! This meant that around 500 people would be coming to see me live on stage. I was over the moon.

I was a bit apprehensive about asking my mum and dad to come along. Something inside my head told me to let mum come but not dad. I couldn’t explain why, but I just didn’t want dad in the audience. When I chatted to him about it he was fine, but to this day dad’s never been to see any of my theatre shows. He’s had plenty of opportunity but has never mentioned it to me again. Maybe he’s in a huff! Sorry dad!

It was great to see so many friends there on my first night at Paisley Arts Centre. Loads of people came backstage to wish me all the best. Although I was nervous I knew that if I kept my focus it would go just fine. When the music started my heart was pounding. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, live on stage, Derek Ogilvie.’ I was on.

It took me a few minutes to find my feet. It felt strange to be greeted by applause and the startlingly bright lights, but surprisingly it also felt stimulating, exciting and exhilarating. I could feel the presence of countless spirits whirling around the theatre. They were everywhere: in the rafters, standing beside their loved ones in the audience or sitting on their knees, and even crowding around me on the stage. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. It was pandemonium.

There were old and middle-aged spirits, young adults and children as well as baby spirits. I could see them as blurry outlines. Many had been in the spirit world for years while others had passed away recently. There seemed to be few rules. Some hadn’t continued to grow older in spirit so were coming through to me at the age they were when they passed away. Others, though, had continued to grow older in the spirit world. Some came through to me at an age at which they’d be more easily recognized by their loved ones, rather than the age at which they’d passed away. It was fascinating, astounding and downright spooky all at the same time!

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