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31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit
31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit
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31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

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31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit
Peter I. O

This book, ”31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit,” is a ”Life in the Spirit program.” A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is an insightful program where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life.

Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbled themselves and learn from the Holy Spirit whom God had made a Teacher to those who are willing to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school.

Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations.

“And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”. – (Luke 1:35)

Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4).

The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called “The Holy Spirit” are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning.



With The


Impartation of God’s wisdom to achieve great exploit. Learning from the Holy Spirit.


Peter I. O.


©2020 Peter I. O.

All rights reserved

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible.

No part of this book may be reproduced, store in a retrieval device, or transmitted by any means, without the adequate consent and permission of the publisher.


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I am grateful to God for my call into the gospel ministry, and for the manifold grace, strength and knowledge He gave me to write this book. He remains the source of my inspiration, and without Him, nothing is achievable.

I appreciate the supports of everyone who assisted me in one way or the other in making this book a reality.

I also appreciate my family members and my co-ministers of God for their encouragements and prayers, which has so far sustained and kept me in the path of the truth. I love you all with the love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


This book is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, who is always the source of my knowledge, revelation, and insights.

I also dedicate this book to my family, fellow ministers of God, and friends. We all shall continue to be in good faith.

Table of Contents

Copyright (#ulink_3aedc7c4-ddc6-595c-a8fa-1cef73158335)

Acknowledgement (#ulink_f85f13a6-2539-531a-9565-31d2e8881c25)

Dedication (#ulink_df872536-07a1-5fc3-aa4c-4129cae964e7)

Table of Contents (#ulink_9fa571e4-8a3b-5a16-93ca-b085c6f82340)

Introduction (#ulink_c844bb28-4b63-5fb0-811b-3d8c11927fc7)

Chapter 1 (#ulink_2fe306f7-2239-5608-b8e1-a9b3ccba7c7c)


WHY YOU SHOULD LEARN FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT (#ulink_1b7d697d-284b-5d0a-bc04-1b7a95dfb59e)

IS THE HOLY SPIRIT TRULY A TEACHER? (#ulink_4a72894a-352e-5c84-86b0-f2cd78f84a80)

Chapter 2 (#ulink_8222ab4c-6a59-5c84-9e38-3a1fc8c16d50)


THERE ARE DIVERSITIES OF SUBJECTS (#ulink_f6edf056-b753-5c77-bc3d-86cda6609238)

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? (#ulink_d0fd990d-98e4-52db-b509-8e05b8b8fd1a)

Chapter 3 (#ulink_af7a3a5e-4885-5700-9755-df4079556e69)


THE REQUIREMENTS TO LEARN FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT (#ulink_efbd3693-2f08-527a-a5fa-59c1dbdf0769)










10. BE WILLING TO TAKE CORRECTIONS (#ulink_69389020-fea6-5d3d-be3e-42d58c9f40cc)

NOW LET’S GET STARTED (#ulink_83a88bb0-6c45-5c7f-9d96-05acd2420255)

WHY YOU SHOULD PRAY PSALMS 51 EVERYDAY OF THIS PROGRAM (#ulink_a095dd27-7d64-54aa-9af6-c3b542625846)

DAY 1 (#ulink_2d822fb8-589d-5a10-b7a5-b9f5552504b9)

DAY 2 (#ulink_b86e181c-6a1a-50b5-9c88-2228ea21ec26)

DAY 3 (#ulink_3e5b51c2-753d-5e70-bbf5-f4b49980db0e)

DAY 4 (#ulink_927b85cf-fbad-5091-b54d-9dc6bf100be8)

DAY 5 (#ulink_5151465c-f083-56f9-81d8-e44ba4dbe0eb)

DAY 6 (#ulink_19327779-0819-5ea6-b76a-9db6b250beb7)

DAY 7 (#ulink_97dc6ebd-e6cd-5399-a3cb-fe77d5621d14)

DAY 8 (#ulink_adeb9356-49c1-555e-ab62-126348aad1d5)

DAY 9 (#ulink_d876f8ed-9f2c-521d-804f-8dece68cd842)

DAY 10 (#ulink_1a7f462c-6662-5dfc-90f2-6813130d1618)

DAY 11 (#ulink_a9047657-2f22-57c4-8560-dc4160ac8b43)

DAY 12 (#ulink_ff66c974-1ec0-59d9-81ca-d48bf80ea6a3)

DAY 13 (#ulink_d44509a7-9777-5dfc-813c-a9c8cbdcd947)

DAY 14 (#ulink_127ed33d-d379-5750-8932-6620464d121d)

DAY 15 (#ulink_51967873-d023-5dbf-9327-8136713741c4)

DAY 16 (#ulink_035e0c53-cc89-528a-b063-9eaa701b9d1f)

DAY 17 (#ulink_9b139888-1d03-5c54-aec4-95f9ca8bf9e1)

DAY 18 (#ulink_29b5cce6-5d89-5fa2-aeca-2f04ca821a75)

DAY 19 (#ulink_9fea0bc3-f43a-51ee-8620-33b041b8a601)

DAY 20 (#ulink_ca4a4d81-8c08-55c8-aefa-e3140c84e034)

DAY 21 (#ulink_f6b8de76-c2ff-56ac-8374-fa7d8a49f904)

DAY 22 (#ulink_bcaee8ff-42e7-5ed6-babe-3c15c986a1fb)

DAY 23 (#ulink_032eca89-b602-5da1-844b-58654a1bb48c)

DAY 24 (#ulink_70530671-2374-511f-ad10-4c6b99450b51)

DAY 25 (#ulink_d6b058fa-3c60-5ae3-8519-53c7fc8dd891)

DAY 26 (#ulink_17a30ba9-452f-5618-90bb-5a4b595d6c40)

DAY 27 (#ulink_610b0f8c-44da-570b-b3c7-43e51c2e977c)

DAY 28 (#ulink_d4050e6d-724a-58c7-8d55-f3c74b867d82)

DAY 29 (#ulink_08e59ac0-58e0-5f33-9492-dc2f91a00b57)

DAY 30 (#ulink_91cacc27-1e48-5ab1-9b4a-5a0e3e54e9de)

DAY 31 (#ulink_de29c47f-e2d0-5291-bddb-5a08f6d291a4)

END OF THE CLASS (#ulink_8c59a6b3-05ba-5f46-864b-41e773990a91)

CONCLUSION (#ulink_3d017c52-5305-5079-adc8-0dc5296be59c)


There is a wonderful Teacher who teaches uniquely and comprehensively. He teaches in a unique manner which no teacher on earth can ever be able to teach. The wonders of revelation knowledge and insights which He impacts in the lives of His humble students are incomparable. If you are a doctor, get ready to be a better physician. If you are a lawyer, get prepared to be a better legal adviser. If you are a student, get ready to be the best in your academics. If you are a parent, get ready to be a better father or mother to your children. If you are a pastor, get ready to be a better preacher if you are an engineer, businessman, homebuilder, etc. Get ready to be more improved than you use to be because a great Teacher is about to add great values to your life that would improve your profession. The content of His teaching is always life-changing and soul-lifting. He is the Person of the Holy Spirit of the living God. The Teacher of all teachers. The only Teacher that is not a learner. Do you know Him, are you aware He is a glorious Teacher? Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbly attended this school which the Holy Spirit is the Teacher.

This book “31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit” is a supernatural learning program anchored by the Holy Spirit. It is an insightful school where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life. Prepare your heart like a student going into the classroom to seat under the teachings of a school teacher. Fortunately, the Teacher here is much more than human teachers. The Teacher is the Holy Spirit, the only Teacher who teaches all the courses all by Himself. You can’t afford to miss this school.

This book is written to encourage people to humbly learn from this wonderful Personality who can teach everything to anyone who enrols in His supernatural teaching program. I believe you want to succeed in your endeavours and achieve your goals. The Holy Spirit will help you to achieve your dreams. The more you learn from Him, the more you increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Success is guaranteed if the Holy Spirit be your Teacher.

The day you stop learning might be the day you will stop succeeding. You are able to seat under the teachings and tutorship of human teachers in schools and other learning places because you believe they know something you need to know. Holy Spirit knows much more than all the human teachers you have ever come across from the day you were born till date, and He will remain outstanding until the end of the earth. If you allow Him to be your Teacher, your life will be significantly transformed. This book will open your eyes to spiritual realities. Just Read Through.

Chapter 1


Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school.

Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations.