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Медицинские вопросы и проблемы подростков, больных муковисцидозом
Медицинские вопросы и проблемы подростков, больных муковисцидозомПолная версия
Медицинские вопросы и проблемы подростков, больных муковисцидозом


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Медицинские вопросы и проблемы подростков, больных муковисцидозом

Ernst MM, Johnson MC, Stark LJ. Developmental and psychosocial issues in cystic fibrosis. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2010; 19:263-83


Vermiere E, Hearnshaw H, Van Royen P et al. Patient adherence to treatment: three decades of research. A comprehensive review. J Clin Pharm Ther 2001; 26:331-42


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


Vermiere E, Hearnshaw H, Van Royen P et al. Patient adherence to treatment: three decades of research. A comprehensive review. J Clin Pharm Ther 2001; 26:331-42


Yeo M, Sawyer S. ABC of adolescence: chronic illness and disability. BMJ 2005;330:721-3


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


Graetz B, Shute R, Sawyer S. An Australian study of adolescents with cystic fibrosis: perceived supportive and nonsupportive behaviours from families and friends and psychological adjustment. J Adolesc Health 2000; 26:64-9


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Bregnballe V, Schirtz PO, Lomborg K. Parenting adolescents with cystic fibrosis: the adolescents' and young adults' perspectives. Patient Prefer Adherence 2011; 5:563-70


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


lies N, Lowton K. What is the perceived nature of parental care and support for young people with cystic fibrosis as they enter adult health services? Health Soc Care Commun 2010; 18:21-9


DeVore ER, Ginsberg KR. The protective effects of good parenting on adolescents. Curr Opin Pediatr 2005; 17:460-5


Herzer M, Umfress K, Aljadeff G et al. Interactions with parents and friends among chronically ill children: examining social networks. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2009; 30:499-508


DeVore ER, Ginsberg KR. The protective effects of good parenting on adolescents. Curr Opin Pediatr 2005; 17:460-5


Twyman KA, Saylor CF, Saia D et al. Bullying and ostracism experiences in children with special health care needs. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2010; 31:1-8


Herzer M, Umfress K, Aljadeff G et al. Interactions with parents and friends among chronically ill children: examining social networks. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2009; 30:499-508


Steinfield C, Ellison NB, Lampe С Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites. J Appl Dev Psychol 2008; 29:434-45


Olsson CA, Boyce MF, Toumbourou JW, Sawyer S. The role of peer support in facilitating psychological adjustment to chronic illness in adolescence. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry 2005; 10:78-87


Besier T, Goldbeck L. Growing up with cystic fibrosis: achievement, life satisfaction and mental health. Qual Life Res 2012. (In press) DOI: 10.1007/ s11136-011-0096-0


Engstrom I. Inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents: mental health and family functioning. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999; 28:S28-33


Yeo M, Sawyer S. ABC of adolescence: chronic illness and disability. BMJ 2005;330:721-3


Sawyer S, Drew S, Yeo MS, Britto MT Adolescents with a chronic condition: challenges living, challenges treating. Lancet 2007; 369:1481-9


Yeo M, Sawyer S. ABC of adolescence: chronic illness and disability. BMJ 2005;330:721-3


Demars N, Uluer A, Sawicki GS. Employment experiences among adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Disabil Rehabil 2011; 33:922-6


Casier A, Goubert L, Theunis M et al. Acceptance and well-being in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis: a prospective study. J Pediatr Psychol 2011; 36:476-87


Grieve JA, Tluczek A, Racine-Gilles CN, Laxova A, Albers AA, Farrell PM. Associations between academic achievement and psychological variables in adolescent with cystic fibrosis. J Sch Health 2011; 81713-20


Engstrom I. Inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents: mental health and family functioning. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999; 28:S28-33


Yeo M, Sawyer S. ABC of adolescence: chronic illness and disability. BMJ 2005;330:721-3


Laborde-Casterot H, Donnay C, Chapron J et al. Employment and work disability in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibres 2012; 11:137-43


JK. Tele-What? It's time to re-think the industry's terms. Telehealth World 2008:(7)


Wuorenma JK. Tele-What? It's time to re-think the industry's terms. Telehealth World 2008:(7)


Hardisty AR, Peirce SC, Preece A et al. Bridging two translation gaps: a new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. Int J Med Inform 2011; 80734-44


Coleman MT, Newton KS. Supporting self-management in patients with chronic illness. Am Fam Physician 2005;72:1503-10


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


Emery D, Hayes BJ, Cowan AM. Telecare delivery of health and social care information. Health Informatics J 2002; 8:29-33


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


Emery D, Hayes BJ, Cowan AM. Telecare delivery of health and social care information. Health Informatics J 2002; 8:29-33


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Sarfaraz S, Sund Z, Jarad N. Realtime, once-daily monitoring of symptoms and FEV in cystic fibrosis patients – a feasibility study using a novel device. Clin Respir J 2010; 4:74-82


Jarad NA, Sund ZM. Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive airway disease and adult patients with cystic fibrosis. J Telemed Telecare 2011; 17:127-32


Sarfaraz S, Sund Z, Jarad N. Realtime, once-daily monitoring of symptoms and FEV in cystic fibrosis patients – a feasibility study using a novel device. Clin Respir J 2010; 4:74-82


Sarfaraz S, Sund Z, Jarad N. Realtime, once-daily monitoring of symptoms and FEV in cystic fibrosis patients – a feasibility study using a novel device. Clin Respir J 2010; 4:74-82


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Emery D, Hayes BJ, Cowan AM. Telecare delivery of health and social care information. Health Informatics J 2002; 8:29-33


Sarfaraz S, Sund Z, Jarad N. Realtime, once-daily monitoring of symptoms and FEV in cystic fibrosis patients – a feasibility study using a novel device. Clin Respir J 2010; 4:74-82


Van Allen J, Davis AM, Lassen S. The use of telemedicine in pediatric psychology: research review and current applications. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2011; 20:55-66


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Nikander K, Denyer J, Dodd M et al. The Adaptive Aerosol Delivery system in a telehealth setting: patient acceptance, performance and feasibility. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv2010;23 Suppl 1:S21-7


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


Cummings E, Hauser J, Cameron-Tucker H et al. Enhancing self-efficacy for self-management in people with cystic fibrosis. Stud Health Technol Inform 2011; 169:33-7


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


Bregnballe V, Schirtz PO, Lomborg K. Parenting adolescents with cystic fibrosis: the adolescents' and young adults' perspectives. Patient Prefer Adherence 2011; 5:563-70


Van Allen J, Davis AM, Lassen S. The use of telemedicine in pediatric psychology: research review and current applications. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2011; 20:55-66


Cummings E, Hauser J, Cameron-Tucker H et al. Enhancing self-efficacy for self-management in people with cystic fibrosis. Stud Health Technol Inform 2011; 169:33-7


Nikander K, Denyer J, Dodd M et al. The Adaptive Aerosol Delivery system in a telehealth setting: patient acceptance, performance and feasibility. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv2010;23Suppl 1:S21-7


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Sarfaraz S, Sund Z, Jarad N. Realtime, once-daily monitoring of symptoms and FEV in cystic fibrosis patients – a feasibility study using a novel device. Clin Respir J 2010; 4:74-82


Archer N, Fevrier-Thomas U, Lokker C, McKibbon KA, Straus SE. Personal health records: a scoping review. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2011;18:515-22


Dziuban EJ, Saab-Abazeed L, Chaudhry SR, Streetman DS, Nasr SZ. Identifying barriers to treatment adherence and related attitudinal patterns in adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2010; 45:450-8


Giedd JN, Blumenthal J, Jeffries NO et al. Brain development during childhood and adolescence: a longitudinal MRI study. Nat Neurosci 1999;2:861-3


Vandenbranden SL, McMullen A, Schechter MS et al. Lung function decline from adolescence to young adulthood in cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2012;47:135-43


Engstrom I. Inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents: mental health and family functioning. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999; 28:S28-33


Suris JC, Michaud PA, Viner R. The adolescent with a chronic condition. Part 1: developmental issues. Arch Dis Child 2004; 89:938-42


Modi AC, Driscoll KA, Montag-Leifling K, Acton JD. Screening for symptoms of depression and anxiety in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2011;46:153-9


Ernst MM, Johnson MC, Stark LJ. Developmental and psychosocial issues in cystic fibrosis. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2010; 19:263-83


Engstrom I. Inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents: mental health and family functioning. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1999; 28:S28-33


Vermiere E, Hearnshaw H, Van Royen P et al. Patient adherence to treatment: three decades of research. A comprehensive review. J Clin Pharm Ther 2001; 26:331-42


George M, Rand-Giovannetti D, Eakin MN et al. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators: self-management decisions by older adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2010; 9:425-32


Yeo M, Sawyer S. ABC of adolescence: chronic illness and disability. BMJ 2005;330:721-3


McEwan FA, Hodson ME, Simmons NJ. The prevalence of "risky behaviour" in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2012; 11:56-8


Graetz B, Shute R, Sawyer S. An Australian study of adolescents with cystic fibrosis: perceived supportive and nonsupportive behaviours from families and friends and psychological adjustment. J Adolesc Health 2000; 26:64-9


Guion K, Mrug S. The role of parental and adolescent attributions in adjustment of adolescents with chronic illness. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2012; 19:262-9


Bregnballe V, Schirtz PO, Lomborg K. Parenting adolescents with cystic fibrosis: the adolescents' and young adults' perspectives. Patient Prefer Adherence 2011; 5:563-70


lies N, Lowton K. What is the perceived nature of parental care and support for young people with cystic fibrosis as they enter adult health services? Health Soc Care Commun 2010; 18:21-9


DeVore ER, Ginsberg KR. The protective effects of good parenting on adolescents. Curr Opin Pediatr 2005; 17:460-5


DeVore ER, Ginsberg KR. The protective effects of good parenting on adolescents. Curr Opin Pediatr 2005; 17:460-5


Twyman KA, Saylor CF, Saia D et al. Bullying and ostracism experiences in children with special health care needs. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2010; 31:1-8


Steinfield C, Ellison NB, Lampe С Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites. J Appl Dev Psychol 2008; 29:434-45


Olsson CA, Boyce MF, Toumbourou JW, Sawyer S. The role of peer support in facilitating psychological adjustment to chronic illness in adolescence. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry 2005; 10:78-87


Besier T, Goldbeck L. Growing up with cystic fibrosis: achievement, life satisfaction and mental health. Qual Life Res 2012. (In press) DOI: 10.1007/ s11136-011-0096-0


Sawyer S, Drew S, Yeo MS, Britto MT Adolescents with a chronic condition: challenges living, challenges treating. Lancet 2007; 369:1481-9


Demars N, Uluer A, Sawicki GS. Employment experiences among adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Disabil Rehabil 2011; 33:922-6


Casier A, Goubert L, Theunis M et al. Acceptance and well-being in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis: a prospective study. J Pediatr Psychol 2011; 36:476-87


Grieve JA, Tluczek A, Racine-Gilles CN, Laxova A, Albers AA, Farrell PM. Associations between academic achievement and psychological variables in adolescent with cystic fibrosis. J Sch Health 2011; 81713-20


Grieve JA, Tluczek A, Racine-Gilles CN, Laxova A, Albers AA, Farrell PM. Associations between academic achievement and psychological variables in adolescent with cystic fibrosis. J Sch Health 2011; 81713-20


Demars N, Uluer A, Sawicki GS. Employment experiences among adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Disabil Rehabil 2011; 33:922-6


Laborde-Casterot H, Donnay C, Chapron J et al. Employment and work disability in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibres 2012; 11:137-43


Laborde-Casterot H, Donnay C, Chapron J et al. Employment and work disability in adults with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibres 2012; 11:137-43


Wuorenma JK. Tele-What? It's time to re-think the industry's terms. Telehealth World 2008:(7)


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Hardisty AR, Peirce SC, Preece A et al. Bridging two translation gaps: a new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. Int J Med Inform 2011; 80734-44


Coleman MT, Newton KS. Supporting self-management in patients with chronic illness. Am Fam Physician 2005;72:1503-10


Emery D, Hayes BJ, Cowan AM. Telecare delivery of health and social care information. Health Informatics J 2002; 8:29-33


Hardisty AR, Peirce SC, Preece A et al. Bridging two translation gaps: a new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. Int J Med Inform 2011; 80734-44


Hardisty AR, Peirce SC, Preece A et al. Bridging two translation gaps: a new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. Int J Med Inform 2011; 80734-44


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Sarfaraz S, Sund Z, Jarad N. Realtime, once-daily monitoring of symptoms and FEV in cystic fibrosis patients – a feasibility study using a novel device. Clin Respir J 2010; 4:74-82


Jarad NA, Sund ZM. Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive airway disease and adult patients with cystic fibrosis. J Telemed Telecare 2011; 17:127-32


Jarad NA, Sund ZM. Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive airway disease and adult patients with cystic fibrosis. J Telemed Telecare 2011; 17:127-32


Van Allen J, Davis AM, Lassen S. The use of telemedicine in pediatric psychology: research review and current applications. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2011; 20:55-66


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Nikander K, Denyer J, Dodd M et al. The Adaptive Aerosol Delivery system in a telehealth setting: patient acceptance, performance and feasibility. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv2010;23 Suppl 1:S21-7


Cummings E, Hauser J, Cameron-Tucker H et al. Enhancing self-efficacy for self-management in people with cystic fibrosis. Stud Health Technol Inform 2011; 169:33-7


Cummings E, Hauser J, Cameron-Tucker H et al. Enhancing self-efficacy for self-management in people with cystic fibrosis. Stud Health Technol Inform 2011; 169:33-7


Cummings E, Hauser J, Cameron-Tucker H et al. Enhancing self-efficacy for self-management in people with cystic fibrosis. Stud Health Technol Inform 2011; 169:33-7


Archer N, Fevrier-Thomas U, Lokker C, McKibbon KA, Straus SE. Personal health records: a scoping review. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2011;18:515-22


Archer N, Fevrier-Thomas U, Lokker C, McKibbon KA, Straus SE. Personal health records: a scoping review. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2011;18:515-22


Dziuban EJ, Saab-Abazeed L, Chaudhry SR, Streetman DS, Nasr SZ. Identifying barriers to treatment adherence and related attitudinal patterns in adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2010; 45:450-8


Cohen-Cymberknoh M, Shoseyov D, Kerem E. Managing cystic fibrosis: strategies that increase life expectancy and improve quality of life. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 183:1463-71


Duff AJ, Latchford GJ. Inhaled medication and inhalation devices for lung disease in patients with cystic fibrosis: poor adherence and the need to address it. J Cyst Fibros 2010;9:455-6


Marciel KK, Saiman L, Quittell LM, Dawkins K, Quittner AL. Cell phone intervention to improve adherence: cystic fibrosis care team, patient, and parent perspectives. Pediatr Pulmonol 2010; 45:157-64


McCormack P McNamara PS, Southern KW. A randomised controlled trial of breathing modes for adaptive aerosol delivery in children with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2011; 10:343-9


Jarad NA, Sund ZM. Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive airway disease and adult patients with cystic fibrosis. J Telemed Telecare 2011; 17:127-32


Archer N, Fevrier-Thomas U, Lokker C, McKibbon KA, Straus SE. Personal health records: a scoping review. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2011;18:515-22


Jarad NA, Sund ZM. Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive airway disease and adult patients with cystic fibrosis. J Telemed Telecare 2011; 17:127-32


Cox NS, Alison JA, Rasekaba T Holland AE. Telehealth in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18:72-8


Nikander K, Denyer J, Dodd M et al. The Adaptive Aerosol Delivery system in a telehealth setting: patient acceptance, performance and feasibility. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv2010;23 Suppl 1:S21-7


Van Allen J, Davis AM, Lassen S. The use of telemedicine in pediatric psychology: research review and current applications. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2011; 20:55-66


Van Allen J, Davis AM, Lassen S. The use of telemedicine in pediatric psychology: research review and current applications. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2011; 20:55-66
