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The Elvenbane – Andre Norton

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ELVENBANE: THE PROPHECY IS ABOUT TO BE FULFILLEDThere will come a child. One born of human mother but fathered by the demons, possessed of magic more powerful than the elven lords! The child shall be hunted before its birth, yet shall escape the hunt and will rise up against the masters and cast them into the lowest hell…The world is run by the elvenlords. Powerful, proud and secure in their dominion they keep legions of human slaves for work and take their pleasure in elven or human concubines. The breeding of halfbreeds is strictly forbidden. Then Serina Daeth – the favoured human concubine of elven overlord Dryan – finds herself pregnant.Forced to flee into the desert, Serina dreams – as she dies – of a midwife delivering her baby, Shana; the midwife is in fact the shapechanging dragon-shaman Alara.But Shana is no ordinary child: raised by the dragons, she is destined to become the Elvenbane.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008219338
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