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Taunts, riddles and secrets
Taunts, riddles and secrets
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Taunts, riddles and secrets

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Whether it is necessary to watch TV?

It is not need to accuse the device in everything!

Could there be Paradise on Earth?

Paradise is elsewhere.

Whether there was in the history at least one successful president?

So far not, but the people still hope, going on re-elections.

Why all spoil everything?

All good intentions lead to hell.

Why officials steal?

You are mistaken! They do not steal, and drop to treasury.

Who are now messrs?

As always – former slaves and footmen.

Who is right – materialists or idealists?

Neither those, nor others: where can consciousness build a nest without matter? And is it possible to test matter without consciousness!?

Mankind – the herd?

If a goat is leading the herd of sheep, then who then is leading mankind?

Whether purely spiritual life is possible?

If to separate spirit from a body, then, alas, there comes death.

Why does time for happy life doesn't come?

Because somebody hours aren't watched, others have no watch, and all else are just waiting in the wings.

What is the role of personality in history?

Personalities appear so seldom that the history in general doesn't suffer from them, but in particular – very much even.

For what Internet appeared?

For the best coverage of the population and its subsequent self-destruction.

Than a policeman is different from a criminal?

One nonentity in the form pretends that it guards order, and another – uses this.

Why wolves howl, dogs whine, and people pray?

The wolf has nobody to hope, and he cheers itself; a dog, whining, hopes for the master; and Homo sapiens for some reason imagines that is not known who will help him.

Why the signature is sealed by the stamp?

Here affects atavism: always more reliable to something or someone to pin down.

What do Russians differ from remaining in?

They like to oppose to everything and everybody just so.

What is characteristic of reasonable persons?

They are not removed far from the level of mediocrity.

What it is necessary to be afraid the most of all?

Every should be afraid the most of all self.

What means to service?

To succumb to low-grade reasons.

What means to become?

To manage to manifest self in life at least once.

Where ultimately leads hypocrisy?

To loss of the true face.

Why old people are such sad?

From the loss of prospects.

What exist in consanguineous with indulgence?


Where the person does not look for benefits anyway?

In dreams and love.

What will occur if prisons collapse?

We will be sat on chain.

Why pessimists don't kill of themselves from the hopelessness which is visible by them?

Means, visibility is bad.

What the poor need a spoon for, if he has nothing to eat?

To entertain itself by an artistic knock on the bottom of the bowl.

Why the human nature is so disgusting?

It not so strongly differs from the nature of other living creatures which only and do that devours each other.

In what case the person inevitably turns into pettiness?

Being in power.

And still: truth triumphs in the world or evil?

Do not hesitate – it is true that the number of decently living people is growing, although, of course, evil is manifested in the fact that the number of indecently living people is not decreasing.

What role in life is played by a case?

It mocks us.

What sense of the invention of such useless subject how a tie?

The tie shows the man as the more erectus, than he is actually.

Why deputies and ministers are deprived of a imprint of wisdom on a countenance?

Other imprints are important for them.

Why Gogol so sympathized to Acacius Akakiyevich Bashmachkin?

The last overcoat too has been thwarted once with cash-strapped Gogol.

Why people of the North are so boring and preposterous?

The terrain is such.

For what reason flowers are forced to die in a vase?

On the occasion of this or that holiday.

3. The explanatory dictionary.


Extreme form of dissatisfaction of the person with common sense.


Unattainable order without chiefs, inasmuch everyone tries to become by boss.


It is what impossible take in any way.


The same, as socialism – deception of working people under different sauce.


Cozy beastliness.


Unreason regarding unanimity.




Resistance of certainty


The anticipation of execution of treasured desire, which is coming to the end with execution.


Extreme manifestation of own weakness.

A human being.

The insignificant site of a hologram which during lifetime thinks hardly.


Loss goals.


Unreasonable aspiration to pass by the necessary queue waiting.
