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His Love Lesson
His Love Lesson
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His Love Lesson

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“I think I pulled a muscle at the gym.”

She looked at Hunter with a look that said, See what I mean? Hunter chuckled.

“Go on and get your shower. I’ll fix you something to eat.”

“Thanks, babe!”

Hunter assumed that the interruption of his father’s entrance was enough to shift the conversation. To his dismay, Joyce went right back to the same subject.

“Well? Are you looking?”

“No, Ma. I haven’t exactly been looking, but I do think I’ll know when the right one comes along.”

Joyce placed Hunter’s plate in front of him and poured a glass of orange juice for each of them. She took a sip and eyed Hunter. When he noticed how intently she was watching him, he stopped chewing and looked back at her curiously.

“Humph. I hope she comes along sometime soon. I’d love to have a few grandchildren before I leave this world. I need granddaughters to leave my jewelry to.”

Hunter chuckled and began eating again.

“So, the woman you left Blake’s house with on New Year’s Eve apparently wasn’t the right one?”

Hunter almost choked on the chunk of egg sandwich he’d just bitten. For a quick moment, he wondered how his mother knew, but he was sure it had to be Drew who’d opened his huge mouth. He was the youngest and had been the tattletale since they were kids. Only he told everyone’s business except his own.

“Let me guess! You spoke to Drew?”

“Humph.” Joyce didn’t confirm or deny anything. “You’re thirty-two now, honey. It’s time to do what men do. Find a nice woman, have a family and take care of them just like your dad did. Trust me. You don’t want to grow old alone.”

Hunter quickly finished his sandwich so he could make a clean exit. He thanked his mother and ran upstairs to chat with his father before leaving. As he walked out the door, Joyce called out to him.

“Don’t forget. You’re a Barrington, son. Don’t waste too much time with women who aren’t well intentioned enough to bear your last name. The Barringtons worked some of the biggest, most important cases in our African-American history. You know they wanted your dad to run for office, but he refused—said he didn’t do politics.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Hunter stood erect and saluted his mother. He’d heard the stories all of his life. Of course he was proud of his family’s legacy.

Joyce tossed the cloth she was using to clean the counter at him. He caught it, carried it back to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

“See you when I get back, lady,” he said and bent over to kiss her on her forehead.

Hunter jumped into his SUV, revved the engine and pulled out of his parents’ wide driveway. Down the road his phone rang. He answered the call through the car’s Bluetooth system.

“Hey there, cutie.” Tricia’s seductive voice warmed the inside of the vehicle.

“Hey, yourself.”

“Are you ready for your trip?”

“Almost. I still have a few errands to run.”

“Want me to come over tonight and help you finish packing? I’ll make it worth your while.”

Joyce’s words came crashing into his thoughts. Don’t waste too much time with women who aren’t well intentioned enough to bear your last name. He couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy Tricia’s company. Any man with the senses he’d been born with would enjoy a woman like her. Yet Hunter knew he wasn’t interested in her for the long term and in that moment decided that he’d cut this thing short as soon as he got back from his trip. As for now, he’d try to find a way to politely let her down. Maybe.

“That would be nice, but with all that I have to do, I wouldn’t even have the time to enjoy your company. My flight leaves at six in the morning, which means I have to get up and out of the house by no later than four fifteen, four thirty at the latest.”

“I could stay the night.”

“I’d hate to wake you that early and you have to go to work.”

“I wouldn’t mind. I doubt we’d be doing much sleeping anyway. I’ll just down a five-hour energy drink to get me through the next day. I’ve done it before.”

Hunter fell silent. When she said that she’d done it before, he wasn’t sure if she was referring to downing the energy drink or staying up half the night with another man. He preferred not to ask.

“That didn’t sound right, did it?” She laughed. He didn’t laugh. “In any case. I’ll be home early. Call me if you want me to come by. I’ll be waiting,” she crooned.

“Okay...” Hunter paused there, refusing to finish with the words at the edge of his tongue, I will. That was because he knew he wouldn’t. “I’ll call you when I get back so we can have dinner. How’s that?”

“Bummer! I wanted to see you before you left.” She groaned. “Enjoy your trip. I’ll see you when you get back.”

Hunter thought it impolite to end their rendezvous in any other way than in person and tonight he truly didn’t have the time to deal with that. Besides, waiting until next week would give him time to come up with a mannerly way to let her know that despite the fun they had during the past week, he wasn’t interested in pursuing a relationship with her. Those conversations never went well, and he didn’t expect this one to be any better.

Chapter 4 (#ulink_d4fc4e1d-d7dc-5021-bb92-a34127b2ebde)

With just a few days left before her trip, Chey could barely concentrate. There was so much to do, including going to her new school to pay the small remainder of tuition that was left after her partial scholarship, and getting her schedule. She couldn’t remember a more exciting time in her life. She hadn’t been this eager while planning the wedding that had never happened. Deep down, she knew that accepting Todd’s ring had been a mistake. The last draw had been when he’d ordered her to stop wasting time “tinkering with those silly perfumes” that she used to make in her kitchen. Little did he know they were bestsellers at her parents’ store and had saved them from having to close the shop’s doors. Not only had the perfume sales pulled the shop’s finances out of the red, but they’d allowed her to save enough money to move up north and finish her last semester so that she could finally obtain her bachelor’s degree. Patrons had come into the shop all the time pining for her latest creations, loving the aromatic essence of her skin-care products and perfumes—and still did. Before leaving Virginia, she’d made a huge batch of the few varieties the customers liked the most so that her parents wouldn’t run out of stock while she was in New York.

New York—the city where dreams came true! Chey twirled in her tiny one-bedroom apartment with her hands outstretched. She was looking forward to fulfilling her dream of finally getting her degree as a chemist and launching her career as a perfumer. This city was the perfect place for her profession. She fantasized about working for companies like Estelle London, designing fragrances and creating skin-care products, or even opening up her own cosmetics company.

Chey flopped down on her bed and lay back, thinking of all of the possibilities until her phone rang, interrupting her musings. Sitting up, she reached for the phone and when she recognized Todd’s number, she sent it to voice mail and tossed the phone aside. Unfortunately, she couldn’t get back to that pleasant state of mind, because Todd’s call had taken her off course.

Chey got up to finish packing when she swore she heard someone calling her name. At first she ignored it. In the three months that she’d been in the city, she hadn’t befriended many people. She folded a few thermal shirts to wear under her sweaters and placed them in her suitcase when she heard her name again. This time she was sure of it. What puzzled her most was that the voice sounded much like Todd’s.

Chey ran to the window, looked down onto the street and balked. Moving back, she hoped he hadn’t seen her. Todd called her again. How had he found her?

“I saw you, Chey. Now please, open the door.”

Chey couldn’t believe this was happening. Containing a sudden urge to scream, she balled up her fists and traipsed four flights down to the entrance. She wanted to leave him there but figured that ignoring him would cause a scene.

Chey swung the door open. Todd stood there looking foolish to her with a bouquet of flowers that had been purchased from the corner store at the end of her block. It was an obvious afterthought.

Holding the flowers out to her, he asked, “Can I come in already? It’s freezing out here.”

Chey rolled her eyes, snatched the flowers from his hand and turned around. Todd followed her up to her apartment. Once inside, Chey turned around and faced him with her arms across her chest.

“How did you find me?”

“It was easy.” Todd scrunched his face, dismissing her question. “Your mother eventually told my mother. She was concerned.” He clapped his hands. “Now let’s talk about you coming on home.” He spoke to her, but his eyes took in the small neat space around them. “This is where you’re living?” he asked with an expression that resembled disgust.

“Yes, this is where I’m living, and no, I’m not coming home.” Chey took a breath. She was going to have to speak to her mother—again! She’d asked her not to tell Todd that she’d moved to New York. No matter how many times she said it, she couldn’t convince Mrs. Rodgers that Todd wasn’t the right man for her. She had been concerned only with the fact that he would have been a great provider. Coming from humble means, Chey understood but wasn’t willing to let her dreams die under Todd’s misogynistic thumb.

Exasperated, Todd grunted. “Okay, what’s this really about?” Chey couldn’t believe his attitude. “I’ve given you time. You should be back in Virginia planning our wedding.”

“Todd! There won’t be a wedding!”

“What’s gotten into you?” He looked genuinely confused.

“Sense! That’s what!”

His face changed; his new look bordered anger. “You’re saying being with me didn’t make sense. I’m a prominent attorney. Need I remind you that I’m being promoted to partner? I come from a wealthy family. Certainly it makes more sense for you to be with me than any other man. Who else could offer the life I’m capable of providing for you?” His expression changed again as if he’d just put the pieces of a puzzle together. “That’s it! There’s another man.” Todd stepped past her as if he would find him in the apartment. “Where is he?”

“Todd!” Chey dropped her head and groaned. “There’s no other man!”

“So why did you run away?”

“Ugh! I don’t want to marry you?”

“Why on earth not?” Todd was baffled.

“Because you don’t respect me?”

Todd gave a dismissive wave. “Of course I do.”

“No, you don’t. I have no interest in being the kind of wife you’re looking for.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Todd remained clearly confused.

“I want to work, make my own living. I have a dream to become a perfumer.” Todd cut his eyes toward the ceiling. “See what I mean? That’s my passion and I can’t be with a man who wants to control every facet of my life and would never support my dreams.”

“Your dream is silly! I mean, really. Who makes a living creating concoctions in the kitchen sink? My wife doesn’t need to work. Your job would be to raise our kids. Wouldn’t that be enough?”

Chey couldn’t stand there another moment. How could someone young have such a dated outlook on life? “Get out, Todd!”

He stared at her, not believing she had ordered him to leave.

“Playtime is over!” he bellowed. “This is becoming embarrassing. I’m tired of my family’s questions about your whereabouts. This stops here.” Todd looked around and walked toward the suitcase that Chey was packing for her trip. “You’re going somewhere?”


“Where?” He closed in on her, demanding an answer with his words and presence.

“That’s none of your business.” Chey crossed her arms, refusing to back down.

“You are my business!” He stomped. Chey stepped back and looked at him incredulously. Todd huffed. “See how angry you make me? Let’s go. Now!”

“Todd! For the last time. I’m. Not. Leaving. Here!”

Todd looked as though he hadn’t understood a word she’d said.

“Let me make this clear. We’re through. I’m never going to marry you. I have legitimate desires and dreams. I’m going to finish school and become a professional perfumer whether you think it’s a ridiculous idea or not. I don’t care how much money your family has, I don’t want to be a housewife. I have a life of my own—goals of my own. I will no longer be controlled or manipulated by you or anyone else. Get it!”

Todd glared at her through angry slits for eyes. “You don’t mean any of that!”

“I mean every word.”

“Where will you find another man like me? Huh? Someone who is willing to give you everything? You’re unappreciative—always have been. The women at home are clamoring for a man like me and you want to throw me away like spoiled meat.”

“Hopefully, I won’t ever find another man like you. And now that I’m gone, tell Cynthia she can have you!” Shock registered in every muscle across Todd’s face. “Yes, I know all about Cynthia. Now she can upgrade her status from cheating sidekick to a real girlfriend for once in her life.” Chey felt horrible saying those things, dredging up hurtful memories, but convinced herself that they needed to be said. She still had more to say. Todd closed his gaping mouth. He didn’t need to respond; his reaction confirmed everything Chey needed to know. “I won’t be like your mother. Sitting around bored out of her mind while your father traipses around the country doing as he pleases with whomever he pleases.”

“ don’t mean that.” Todd’s mouth twisted in anger. “Take that back!” he stabbed his finger in her direction.

“I won’t!”

Todd whirled around and headed for the door. With his hand on the knob, he turned back to scowl at Chey one last time. “When this silly—” he waved his hand around the room “—plan of yours fails, you’ll be back. You’d just better hope it’s not too late. Maybe I’ll have some pity for you and consider still taking you as my wife.”

“Don’t worry about that, Todd. I could never marry a man I didn’t love.”

With that, Todd stormed out the door and slammed it hard behind him. Chey could hear him clomping down the steps. She sighed with relief. She didn’t have to hide anymore. She was now completely free to live her life as she pleased. No more Todd. No more controlling men, period! Possibly no more well-off men either, since the ones she encountered all seemed to possess the need to control the women in their lives.

She was pressing the restart button, but first she needed to get her mother on the phone to let her know how upset she felt. She couldn’t believe Mrs. Rodgers had told Todd where she lived.

Chapter 5 (#ulink_a4086b69-bb3e-5b50-9817-e64732d63b60)

“Ugh!” Hunter wiped his hands down his face in frustration. His grunt rumbled through the villa.

“Let me guess...another delay,” Eric, Hunter’s frat brother, said as he rolled his suitcase toward the door.

Dave, another of Hunter’s frat brothers, scrunched his face, not wanting to add any speculation to the already bad situation. Hunter and Dave, along with Eric and Sam, had just spent the entire week enjoying extreme winter sports on Powder Mountain in Salt Lake City, Utah. Since college, they’d made some kind of adventurous voyage every year, from riding ATVs along the beaches and mountainsides of Costa Rica to Jet Skiing and girl watching off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

“Yep!” Hunter paced the floor in front of the TV perched over the fireplace, flanked by two mounted moose heads. His hands were positioned at his hips as he tried to think of other ways to get back home to New York City.

Sam, the coolest one of the bunch, sat on the sofa and propped his feet up against the rustic coffee table. “Listen, if you can’t get out of here today—” he turned his attention from the TV to Hunter “—just chill for another day or so and head home when the weather calms down a little. You’re the boss. Who’s going to scold you for not going to work on Monday? Your dad?” His shoulders shook when he laughed.

Sam’s casual demeanor was starting to get on Hunter’s nerves. “I need to get home ASAP. You wouldn’t be saying that if your flight was delayed.”

“That’s why I moved to sunny Atlanta. We don’t have those problems. The weather is hot and the women are, too.”

All four men laughed at Sam’s last comment. Eric, who lived in Miami, simply shrugged his shoulders as if to say Sam’s point was completely valid.

Dave was the only one who offered any kind of sympathy. “Maybe you should just come to the airport and see if you can possibly get another flight. Maybe they could reroute you.”

“I don’t think it will make a difference. This storm is quickly moving from the Midwest to the East Coast. It’s pretty bad. We would be flying right into it. If it weren’t for the fact that you were heading to LA before going home to Chicago, you’d be dealing with the same delays.”

“Wait! Turn that up?” Sam put his feet down and sat straight up as he pointed to the TV.

Hunter tossed Sam the remote. He didn’t want to be the one cranking up the volume on his own misfortune.

“What did he just say?” Sam inclined his ear toward the television.

The four of them abruptly turned their attention to the reporter delivering the breaking news as Sam raised the volume even more. The talking head delivering local news told them that several flights out of Salt Lake City were being canceled.

“Time to go!” Sam jumped to his feet. “I’ve got some honeys waiting for me back home. I can’t be stuck in this place for another day.”