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Desire In A Kiss
Desire In A Kiss
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Desire In A Kiss

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Desire In A Kiss
Nicki Night

Sweet deceptionAmbitious, charming and heir to a food empire, Christian Chandler has no problem meeting women. If only more of them could see beyond his family’s fortune… On impulse, he creates a fake dating profile and quickly connects with petite powerhouse Serenity Williams. She’s smart, down-to-earth and ignites his fantasies from their first encounter. He has to tell her who he really is. But how can he admit the truth to a woman for whom honesty is everything?Serenity has transformed her life—dropping a lying ex and starting her own nonprofit—and is finally ready to date again. Online, "Chris Mullins” is perfect. In real life, he’s even hotter. From extravagant dates to black-tie balls, Serenity’s falling fast…and then devastated to find she’s been taken in by another fraud. To rekindle their trust, Chris must prove that what they share is the deepest passion she’s ever known…

Sweet deception

Ambitious, charming and heir to a food empire, Christian Chandler has no problem meeting women. If only more of them could see beyond his family’s fortune... On impulse, he creates a fake dating profile and quickly connects with petite powerhouse Serenity Williams. She’s smart, down-to-earth and ignites his fantasies from their first encounter. He has to tell her who he really is. But how can he admit the truth to a woman for whom honesty is everything?

Serenity has transformed her life—dropping a lying ex and starting her own nonprofit—and is finally ready to date again. Online, “Chris Mullins” is perfect. In real life, he’s even hotter. From extravagant dates to black-tie balls, Serenity’s falling fast...and then devastated to find she’s been taken in by another fraud. To rekindle their trust, Chris must prove that what they share is the deepest passion she’s ever known...

She’d anticipated kissing his full lips from the moment he picked her up. She already knew that when their lips touched, it would be divinely explosive.

She watched him with anxious anticipation as he walked around the car to her passenger door. Opening it, he held out his hand. She took it, and her pulse quickened. Serenity wondered if he could somehow tell. Placing one heeled foot out of the car, she looked up at Chris. That sexy smile of his made her giggle. He held her steady as her second foot hit the pavement. She stood but tripped forward and landed right against his chest. Her breath caught, and a shiver ran down her spine. Instead of being embarrassed, she felt aware of her femininity cradled by his frame. She liked it there.


“I’ve got you.” Chris’s voice lowered. The husky tone was drowned in seduction.

For a moment neither of them moved. Chris wrapped his arms around her body. She could have lived right there.

“Mmm,” she moaned, nestling against him.

Serenity closed her eyes for a moment. She felt Chris’s hands run through her hair. She moaned again. With her head nestled in his chest, she could feel his heart rate quicken.

Dear Reader (#u89e3b525-76d0-54fb-b187-5b30021c0034),

I’m so excited for you to take this journey into the lives of Serenity Williams and Christian Chandler. I wanted to take a very modern concept like online dating and explore the possibilities of a happily-ever-after, but with a little twist.

At first, Serenity and Christian are both opposed to the idea of finding love online. Serenity’s friend actually creates a profile for her on a popular dating app as an attempt to get Serenity back into the dating game. For Christian, it’s a different story. He simply wants to see what is out there and isn’t taking it seriously at all. In fact, he uses a fictitious name because the last thing he expects to do is find love.

To both of their surprise, they find each other, and the magnetism between them is impossible to deny. Christian is falling for Serenity faster than he’d ever imagined, and knows he has to tell her the truth soon. He plans to do just that, but one explosive night and an unexpected emergency get in the way. Now that the stakes have risen, he has to find a way to tell the truth and risk losing her all at the same time.

I hope you enjoy the journey as Christian finds his way back to Serenity’s heart. It is indeed a lovely journey that will take you halfway around the world.



Desire in a Kiss

Nicki Night (

NICKI NIGHT is an edgy hopeless romantic who enjoys creating stories of love and new possibilities. Nicki has a penchant for adventure and is currently working on penning her next romantic escapade. Nicki resides in the city dreams are made of, but occasionally travels to her treasured seaside hideaway to write in seclusion. She enjoys hearing from readers and can be contacted on Facebook, through her website at ( or via email at

This book is dedicated to my hero, who inspires me to share love with the world. I love you, Les Flagler.

Acknowledgments (#u89e3b525-76d0-54fb-b187-5b30021c0034)

As always, I must first thank the one who makes it all possible, my savior, my father, my comforter, God!

I can’t thank my editors and team over at Harlequin Kimani enough. Your guidance and patience are unmatched. Thank you, Glenda Howard and Keyla Hernandez.

To my calm, cool and collected agent, Sara Camilli, thanks for being my advocate.

To my sisters in the craft, Beverly Jenkins, Brenda Jackson, Zuri Day, Donna Hill, Tiffany L. Warren, Yahrah St. John, Sheryl Lister, Elle Wright, Sherrell Green, Angela Seals, Iris Boling and so many others. Thanks for being my mentors, partners, sisters and inspiration.

To my family, I adore you and am so grateful for your willingness to share me with my passion. I love you Les, Lil Les, Milan and Laila. To Shawana Kenner and Shannon Harper, thanks for indulging my contests and coming up with great names for my heroes.

To my street team, readers, book clubs and book lovers, I couldn’t be me without you. I’m eternally grateful! Keep reading and I’ll keep writing!

To all book publishing allies, editors, promoters, bloggers, booksellers and librarians, thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t say it enough.


Cover (#u7b553225-23b4-53f4-a991-6caa5cd660dc)

Back Cover Text (#u08329ccb-f10d-5c6b-916d-1130bc23fc43)

Introduction (#u7d612dc9-f1db-5007-86bb-08303d44aadf)

Dear Reader (#u3cf3f139-3544-5921-b008-32688402816a)

Title Page (#uf255172d-0dbe-5408-b85d-d3c6c3b9dfa1)

About the Author (#u184e6504-87c8-53d6-8494-7cd3b4cc8496)

Dedication (#u6d6af57a-e358-58eb-a07e-b020acda1838)

Acknowledgments (#u10368cc7-d0c2-57aa-a749-048d6a1c5eca)

Chapter 1 (#u0bc6a2b5-e10d-566a-a59f-0db485d0c641)

Chapter 2 (#u475a7d30-263c-5059-991d-86b4be9d0246)

Chapter 3 (#u0c79e9a7-9551-5d0f-98dd-b08e5e108e52)

Chapter 4 (#u51bc7e77-4628-57a0-ae14-085b83808f0c)

Chapter 5 (#u843fdfa7-66c6-5036-8af0-2dbc613428dc)

Chapter 6 (#u5f5f7e03-369b-5cd1-8b6c-30f56eca22de)

Chapter 7 (#uc1b15069-59e9-53dc-aff4-26e8e3bd9374)

Chapter 8 (#u800b1b61-c12a-58d1-b0fe-fd900a4b0b2f)

Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 22 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 23 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 24 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 25 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 26 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 27 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 28 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 29 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 30 (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 1 (#u89e3b525-76d0-54fb-b187-5b30021c0034)

Serenity Williams looked up at the man across from her in the swanky restaurant. His mouth moved as furiously as his animated gestures. A smile. Hearty laughter. A wink. Hands tossed in the air. Serenity forced a half-cocked smile. It was the most she could manage having no idea what he’d just said. She’d zoned him out several minutes before, hearing the voice but no longer making out his words. His voice droned on. She was sure he was still talking about himself. Had he even asked about her? They had to have been at the table for at least an hour.

Entertaining herself, Serenity allowed her thoughts to wander from her crazy work schedule to creating mini-stories about the people her eyes landed on in the restaurant. Still, she maintained some level of consistent eye contact with her rambling date. The shifts in his motions clued her in on when to tilt her head sideways to appear engaged or spread her lips into an attentive-looking grin.

Serenity felt cynical, a feeling that didn’t sit with her well. She loved people. Never had she been so uninterested in what a person had to say. But this man in front of her, the self-absorbed Mark Stapleton, had trampled on her attention span and hadn’t bothered to notice when she disengaged.

A lanky waiter with long blond hair pulled back into a low ponytail came to remove their plates. Her meal was only slightly touched. Serenity welcomed the interruption, smiling at the waiter as if she were happy to see him. Mark stopped talking long enough to allow the space for the young man to ask if she would like to take her meal home.

“And the check, please.” Mark dismissed the man’s presence and went right back to speaking highly of himself. He paused again to take a sip of wine. Placing the glass on the table, he sighed and grinned, seemingly impressed with himself. “There’s a nice lounge down the street,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Huh? Oh...uh...” Serenity shook her head, then smiled apologetically. “Sorry. I have to be up really early tomorrow to work with some of my kids. Maybe another time?”

“You have children?” Mark reared his head back.

“No. I’m referring to the kids I give music lessons to.”

“Oh!” He looked relieved.

Another turnoff.

The waiter returned with her carryout package and the check. Serenity was thankful the date was finally coming to an end.

Mark stood, extending to his full six feet of handsome tautness, and waited for her to get up from the table too. Strong features etched his face perfectly, drawing sharp lines in his jaw. Broad shoulders and a slim waist impeccably filled a well-fitting suit. He was undoubtedly attractive. Serenity also wouldn’t deny that his résumé was impressive. A proud engineer. A fraternity man. There was enough to admire about Mark, but Serenity was the type to regard others as much as she did herself, and he simply didn’t. They’d shared a meal, and he knew nothing about her. She wasn’t an attention-seeker, but she didn’t enjoy feeling discarded.

“Thank you for a wonderful meal.” Serenity was being honest. The food was delicious, despite the fact that she’d lost her appetite shortly after it arrived.

“I’ll just come by your place.” Mark closed the space between them and ran the back of his finger down her cheek.

Serenity’s skin tightened there. “Oh...I think it’s a little too soon for that.”

“Oh, you’re one of those.” Mark stepped back, pulled on his suit jacket and held his hand out, indicating that she should lead the way.

Serenity bit back a snide remark and headed toward the door. Mark saw her to her car, a practical crossover, filled with instruments and other items for the kids she taught. At first glance, it looked like the vehicle of a soccer mom.

“Thanks again, Mark.” She nodded politely, slipping into cordial professionalism as if she were at the end of a business meeting instead of a date.

“Good night.” He leaned forward, folding himself lower to meet her lips.

Curiosity led Serenity to let it happen. No spark. That sealed it for her. A second date wouldn’t be necessary.

Confidently, Mark said, “Call you tomorrow,” as if he’d be doing her a favor. He slid his thumb across her cheek, winked and opened her door. At least he had some gentlemanly qualities.

Mark was still standing beside her car after she’d closed her door, so she rolled down the window. He leaned into the opening. “Listen, we’re adults...” She thought she saw him lick his lips. “Why deny ourselves? It’s obvious that I like you and you like me.” Serenity resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the confident jut of his chin as he spoke. “How about I come with you? We’ll have another drink or two, and I’ll show you what a great lover I can be.”

Serenity cut her eyes, rolled up the window and jabbed the keys into the ignition. Mark jumped back when she revved the engine. The tires screeched as she jammed the car into Reverse and pulled off. Halfway down the block, she called her best friend, business partner and coworker, Rayne Alexander, through the car’s Bluetooth system.

“It’s over already?” Rayne’s voice boomed.

“No more matchmaking. Promise me!” Serenity pointed as if Rayne were right in front of her.

“Ha!” Rayne’s laugh was boisterous. “That bad, huh?”