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Last Stand Ranch
Last Stand Ranch
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Last Stand Ranch

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“My parents love company,” Elijah answered. “And they’re used to trouble.”

Most of it brought by him.

He stopped at a red light on Stagecoach Road, in what passed for downtown Painted Rock, and then turned left toward the Morales ranch.

“Aunt Claudia’s fortunate to have your family living so close by,” Olivia said.

Elijah glanced over and saw her looking at all the small downtown businesses.

“Wide-open space can be nice. But being isolated gets old. It’s good to have neighbors.” In the side mirror jutting out from the truck he could see Claudia following along in her pearl-white sedan.

Elijah looked ahead, then right and left before he moved forward when the light changed. Kurtz or a hired gun could be anywhere. He kept an eye on the vehicles nearby, trying to make sure no one other than Claudia was following them.

“There might be some riders hanging around the house,” he said. “I know you won’t remember them from the night you came into town, but a couple of them remember you. And they want to help.”

He glanced over to see her reaction. Some people were uncomfortable with motorcycle riders. If that was the case with Olivia, he’d need to come up with another plan.

“Vanquish the Darkness. That’s a pretty dramatic name for a group.” She didn’t sound as if the idea of them being around bothered her.

“The founders wanted a name that made a statement.”

“It certainly does that.”

In his peripheral vision he saw her studying him. He was thankful for his dark sunglasses. When she took his hand and looked into his eyes to thank him this morning, it felt as if she was looking right into him. It was unnerving. It must have been because he was tired. He hadn’t really slept in that chair, just dozed a little.

“Do you just stare ahead with that stony expression all the time?” Olivia asked.

Elijah made another turn at the next light. “I guess so.” This was already starting to get uncomfortably personal.

“Relax,” she said a few seconds later. “We’re not on a date or anything.”

“No, we aren’t.” Elijah didn’t date.

“I’m not your type. I’m sure you’re way too noble to tell a huge lie like I did. And you’d never drag danger to your great-aunt’s doorstep.”

Her quiet anger had sprung from nowhere. Elijah glanced over to make sure she was okay. She sat rigidly, her body radiating tension. He hadn’t done anything but drive since they got into his truck, so she couldn’t be mad at him. It sounded like she was mad at herself.

Her comment did remind him of the sad reality that she hadn’t had a thing to do with Claudia until she’d needed her aunt’s help. Olivia might be an intriguing woman, but she was also an unknown. Right now, she was an unknown with danger swirling all around her. Time to remember to use his brain and leave his emotions at the door.

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