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Accidental Father
Accidental Father
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Accidental Father

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Accidental Father
Lauren Nichols

OUT OF THE SHADOWS…Sarah Harper gasped when she saw the rugged lawman on the porch of her bed-and-breakfast. She didn't know his last name, but for three years his blue eyes had haunted her. She saw them every night in her dreams–and every morning, twinkling in her toddler's face….Jake Russell sought only a roof over his head and a warm bed. He never expected it to be her roof…or her bed. But Sarah had a hold on him, and he couldn't turn his back on her. Not when he suspected she was in danger–and that her child was his child, too….

Sarah’s heart broke into song. Jake wanted to marry her.

“Is that a yes?” he gasped, breaking from the kiss and burying his face in her hair. “If we go into this with our eyes open, there won’t be any disappointments. We can give Kylie the family she needs, and we can enjoy this chemistry between us forever.”

But chemistry tended to blur reasonable thought.

Sarah paused to sift through Jake’s entire speech, trying to recall something close to the words a woman needed to hear from the man she loved….

Yes, he loved their daughter…but Jake didn’t love her, and the last thing she needed was another sham of a marriage….

Dear Reader,

As Silhouette Books’ 20

anniversary continues, Intimate Moments continues to bring you six superb titles every month. And certainly this month—when we begin with Suzanne Brockmann’s Get Lucky—is no exception. This latest entry in her TALL, DARK & DANGEROUS miniseries features ladies’ man Lucky O’Donlon, a man who finally meets the woman who is his match—and more.

Linda Turner’s A Ranching Man is the latest of THOSE MARRYING MCBRIDES!, featuring Joe McBride and the damsel in distress who wins his heart. Monica McLean was a favorite with her very first book, and now she’s back with Just a Wedding Away, an enthralling marriage-of-convenience story. Lauren Nichols introduces an Accidental Father who offers the heroine happiness in THE LOVING ARMS OF THE LAW. Saving Grace is the newest from prolific RaeAnne Thayne, who’s rapidly making a name for herself with readers. And finally, welcome new author Wendy Rosnau. After you read The Long Hot Summer, you’ll be eager for her to make a return appearance.

And, of course, we hope to see you next month when, once again, Silhouette Intimate Moments brings you six of the best and most exciting romance novels around.


Leslie J. Wainger

Executive Senior Editor

Accidental Father

Lauren Nichols (

This is a story about family,

and I’ve been blessed with the very best.

For my children, Mike, Colette and Laurie, and the wonderful

people who love them. Stephanie, Matt and Bob.

And for the sweetest grandkids in the world,

Nicholas, Lexi and Lena.

And always, for Mike.

I love you all.


fell in love with Montana nearly two decades ago when she and her husband took their three children out West to see “cattle country.” Montana has owned a chunk of her heart ever since. In addition to writing novels, Lauren’s romance and mystery short stories have appeared in several leading magazines. She counts her family and friends as her greatest treasures. When she’s not with them, this Pennsylvania author is either writing, trying unsuccessfully to give up French vanilla cappuccino or traveling with her husband, Mike.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Chapter 1

“Be right there!” Sarah Harper gave up looking for her favorite spatula, then shoved the electric mixer to the back of the countertop, handed her two-year-old daughter an icing-covered beater and hurried to answer the doorbell.

If the caller wanted to sell her encyclopedias or a vacuum cleaner he was in big trouble. A hundred cookies sat on the kitchen’s butcher-block work island waiting to be frosted, there were more in the oven, and Sarah was running behind. She’d been rushing ever since returning to town after spending two weeks caring for her aunt, who’d had surgery.

Dazzling Montana sunshine spilled through the screen as she opened the pretty Victorian’s inside door and squinted up at the tall man on the porch. As her eyes adjusted to the morning’s brightness, she got a quick impression of faded jeans, a blue plaid shirt and good shoulders on a lean, rangy frame.

Suddenly, shock razed Sarah’s nerve endings, and all thoughts of her catering business, wedding cookies, mini quiches and sherbet punch vanished in a rush of panic. Quickly, she schooled her expression—tried to pretend she didn’t remember the cowboy on the porch. But as she watched his cordial smile fade and saw stunned recognition rise in his eyes, she knew pretending was a waste of time. He knew her too.

Sarah took a deep breath and swallowed. “Hello, Jake.”

“Hello, Sarah,” he said in the same hesitant tone. “It’s been a long time.”

“Yes,” she replied nervously. “Yes, it has.”

His voice was as deep as she remembered, yet the faint lines beside his dark blue eyes were a mystery, since she couldn’t say if they’d been there before. But the moon over Cotton Creek had left her with a memory of high cheekbones, rugged features and collar-length dark hair. Now she could see that it wasn’t just dark, but as black as the Stetson tugged low on his forehead.

Like those eyes, his hair color came as no surprise. She’d kissed those colors good morning every day for the past twenty-eight months…tucked those colors in every night.

“For-forgive me,” she stammered, tugging the inside door nearly shut behind her. “I’m usually a little more together than this. It’s just that…you’re the last person I expected to see when I opened the door.”

“Same here,” he murmured, still assessing her uncertainly. “You said you were leaving Comfort.”

She’d said a lot of things that night, none of which she wanted to remember. “Do you need directions?”

His gaze narrowed curiously. “Directions?”

Sarah nodded, praying that Kylie would stay in the kitchen with her tiny muffins and tea set. “Yes. If you didn’t expect to see me, then that must mean you’re looking for someone else.” She drew a deep breath and released it on a tremble. “Doesn’t it?”

“I’m not sure. Why are you so nervous?”

“I’m not,” she said, startled by his bluntness.

The last man she’d slept with glanced, frowning, into the front lawn where Sarah’s fancy sign read Miss Lillian’s Bed and Breakfast. When he faced her again, their past was in his eyes. Though, how could he not think about it? Beneath her apprehension and embarrassment, even she was having a hard time keeping her memories at bay. They’d been wild together.

“Sarah, I apologize if this makes you uneasy, but I really need a room. Just until I can find an apartment.”

Dear God.

“For now, I’m staying at the motel outside of town,” he continued. “But rooming here would be more convenient. It’s closer to my office.”

She managed to find her voice. “Your office?”

“Yes. In a nutshell, I’ve been hired to finish your ex-sheriff’s term. I guess you haven’t heard.”

“No. I—I’ve been away.”

“I see. Well, I’ll be here until January. Longer if I like the town and the town likes me.” He nodded at the door she guarded so resolutely. “Would it be all right if I came in and looked around? I’d like to see your rooms.”

No! No, he couldn’t! “I’m sorry,” she blurted, “but I don’t have any rooms available right now. And I don’t think anyone else in town takes in boarders.”

“Then the vacancy sign out front is a mistake?” His mouth thinned grimly. “Maybe I should be talking to Miss Lillian.”

The second lie rushed out, even more desperate-sounding than the first. “What I meant to say is, I’m closing. This is my place. Miss Lillian passed away several years ago.”

Jake moved closer to the door, and Sarah took an uneasy step backward. A late-August breeze carried the earthy scent of his aftershave to her. She detected a marked difference in him from the man she remembered. This man was strong and confident—self-assured and determined. And suddenly she knew that his baring his soul to her that night had been an anomaly. He’d only shared his past because he was wounded and hurting, and he’d never expected to see her again.

“Look,” he said. “If you’re worried about what happened between us before, I don’t plan on repeating it. All I want is a warm bed and a roof over my head, preferably a little cleaner and a little closer to my office than the Twirling Spurs Motel. I wouldn’t be here long, and I’m willing to pay whatever you want. Right now, I just need to find somewhere to—”

Suddenly his gaze shifted from her face to a spot somewhere behind and to the left of her, and his grave features gentled. “Well, now,” he said. “Who do we have here?”

Miserable, Sarah turned around, already knowing who she’d see. As they’d talked, the inside door had drifted open and Kylie stood in the hall, silky black hair skimming her narrow shoulders, blue eyes peeking shyly from beneath her bangs. She was still wearing her pink eyelet nightie, and the beater in her hand was now frosting-free—which was more than Sarah could say for her daughter’s hands and face. Kylie ran to her, and Sarah lifted her into her arms, praying that she would never know the fear her mother was experiencing at this moment.

“What’s your name, cutie?” Jake asked with a smile.

Kylie hid her face in Sarah’s neck and whispered, “More f’osting, Mommy?”

Frosting, Sarah thought gratefully. Cookies. An excuse to terminate the conversation. “In a minute, sweetheart,” she answered, and faced Jake again. “I’m sorry, but I have cookies in the oven. I hope you find an apartment soon, Mr.—” Oh, God, she didn’t know his last name. They’d been as intimate as a man and woman could be, yet they hadn’t exchanged the simplest information.

“It’s Russell,” he supplied quietly, then added, “Sarah, relax. We didn’t do anything wrong. We both needed a friend that night. I was glad you were there for me, and I think you felt the same. At least until—”

Sarah jerked away from the screen. “I have to go. You might want to check the paper for apartments. Our weekly comes out today.” Then, before he could speak again, she shut the inside door and collapsed against it, tears filling her eyes.

She didn’t have one-night stands! She didn’t! Yet the child in her arms was proof positive that, once, she had done just that.

Sarah hugged Kylie close, kissed her hair, then put her down and watched her run into the kitchen. He couldn’t know. This man who had always longed for family—this man she’d known for only one hour—would want to be part of his child’s life. It was as certain as snow in winter. And Sarah would never share her daughter with a stranger.

She’d barely taken a step when she acknowledged the other reason for her anxiety. Beneath his questions and her fears, the electric attraction they’d encountered three years ago was still there. And if Jake learned that Kylie was his, they’d be thrown together again.

Maybe her life wasn’t a thrill a minute, but it was stable, orderly and uncomplicated, and she liked it that way. She didn’t know what would happen if hormones and memories tested her judgment…again.

Pulse pounding, Jake left the sparsely populated outskirts of town and drove back toward his office. On his left, towering mountain peaks rose out of thick, rich timberland to pierce the blue sky. But he was only half-aware of them.

He was thinking of Sarah. Pretty, honey-blond, brown-eyed Sarah. Pretty, frightened-to-the-bone Sarah.

He understood the awkwardness. They had intimate knowledge of each other—and they’d never expected to see each other again. Hell, he hadn’t been sure of what to say at first, either. But why the anxiety? Why the rattled, frantic behavior? Unless…

Of course.

A child usually meant there was a husband in the picture. Was she afraid that if she rented Jake a room, her new husband would see the tension between them and start asking questions? Or, he wondered, scowling, had she gone back to the womanizing creep she’d divorced?

He plucked his sunglasses from the visor and slipped them on, his mind rolling back to that night in the tall grass—just as it had so many times after he’d returned home from his discouraging visit here. It all came back—all the heat, all the desperation, and all the guilt. Because it had been clear that any pleasure she’d derived from their lovemaking had disappeared when they were both able to breathe normally again and she’d faced what she’d done.

Jake sighed. He’d known she wasn’t thinking straight that night; he shouldn’t have let it go that far. But chemistry was chemistry, and he’d put nobility on the back burner and taken the comfort he’d needed, too.

Punching a few buttons, he found an upbeat country song on the radio and acknowledged the feeling in his gut that said the chemistry was still there. But he wouldn’t bother her again. Even if she weren’t already attached, she wasn’t the kind of woman he looked for these days. She was too sweet, too wholesome—and despite the fevered way they’d come together—too principled. All he wanted from a woman these days was an occasional date and some no-strings sex. He’d given up the two-point-five kids and picket-fence myth. Dear, deceitful little Heather had set him straight on that score.

Although, if he had to be honest, his trust in women had been shaken a lot earlier than that. A boy couldn’t grow up knowing he was an afterthought in his own mother’s life without having a few hang-ups.

A horn blast jarred him, and Jake spiked the brake as a white truck bearing Idaho plates shot across the road in front of him. Quickly, he looked across the intersection to check for a stop sign, then swore when he spotted it—flattened at the side of the road. Obviously, the out-of-state driver hadn’t seen it. Jake nearly gave chase, then decided against it. There was no point wasting time on an arrest that wouldn’t hold up. The best he could do now was see that the sign was fixed before someone got hurt.

The midmorning sun glinted off the sheriff department’s white Jeep as Jake pulled his tan Mountaineer in beside it. He got out and slammed the door. As he walked past the wide front window with its fancy gold seal, he waved at Maggie Dalton, who was just hanging up the phone.

“Hi, again,” he said, coming inside.

“Hi.” She finished scribbling a note, added it to a pile and sent him a friendly smile. “Didn’t expect you back so soon.”

“I’m fast. Anybody report a downed stop sign at the corner of Mountain and Prairie?”