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A Family’s Heartbreak
A Family’s Heartbreak
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A Family’s Heartbreak

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Her mother flinched but, as though she didn’t want to show any fear, she flicked her hair back defiantly then marched from the room. In a haughty voice, she called over her shoulder, ‘Fine. You can poke your rotten money where the sun don’t shine, Henry Lombard.’

As the front door slammed, Jenny stared at her father, petrified at what was coming.

‘That bitch left me with you five to look after and then has the front to come round here with her hand out asking for money. And what the fuck was she on about? Was you out with a man last night?’

Jenny nodded.

‘And you saw your mother?’

Again, she nodded.

‘Was the fancy bloke she was with a young ’un?’

Jenny went to nod yet again, but her father moved fast and placed his large calloused hand around her neck. She would have stumbled backwards but he had a tight grip of her. She could feel the blood rushing to her head.

‘Did you have a nice time, the four of you? Cosy, was it?’ he asked menacingly.

Jenny wanted to tell him that it wasn’t like that, but her father’s tightening hold was nearly choking her. She didn’t see it coming, but suddenly felt a searing hot pain across her face. He’d viciously slapped her, but he’d let go of her throat and she crumpled to the floor. She didn’t have time to curl into a foetal position before he began raining blows down on her. Her ribs, her arms, her head, her whole body felt under assault from his punishing punches and kicks.

‘You’re a fucking tart just like your mother,’ he screamed.

Jenny closed her eyes, but she couldn’t blot out the pain as blow after blow smashed into her already bruised body.

Finally spent, and gasping for breath, her father walked away, leaving her close to passing out and bleeding on the worn floorboards. Jenny felt as though she was drifting away, and the last thing she heard was the front door slamming before she sank into unconsciousness.

Gloria had passed her mother as she left the house. Lizzie had eyed her short skirt with disapproval, and Gloria had scuttled past, saying she was in a hurry. She carried on walking, but her conscience kept nagging at her to go back home. It was obvious that her mother was heading there, and wherever she went, so did trouble. If her mother infuriated her dad, she knew Jenny would end up being used as his punchbag.

Gloria was about to turn back, but then decided she was better off out of it, and safe from her father’s temper. She’d rather Jenny be getting it in the neck than her. Nearly twenty minutes later and close to Chestnut Grove, some impulse made her suddenly spin on her heels again and head home. If everything was all right, she could always go out for another walk, and anyway, she consoled herself, it was still a bit early and Dennis might not be about yet.

As Gloria hurried round a corner, she came face to face with her mother. She’d promised Jenny she wouldn’t say anything, but, worried about the chaos her mother had probably left behind, she couldn’t help herself and blurted, ‘Have you been to see me dad?’

‘Yeah, but it was a waste of time. The tight git.’

‘Can’t you just stay away, Mum? Every time you visit, you upset Dad, and when you leave one of us always gets a hiding. Do you even care that he beats Jenny because of you?’

‘Don’t be such a drama queen, Gloria. If he hits any of you, I’ve no doubt you deserved it. My father used to take the strap to me, it’s what dads do. It’s called discipline and it won’t do you any harm.’

‘It’s got nothing to do with telling us off! It’s Jenny that mostly gets the brunt of his temper and she doesn’t do anything to deserve it. Please, for her sake, for all our sakes, don’t visit us again.’

Gloria was stunned when her mother just glared at her and pushed past her without saying another word. It was obvious she didn’t care about them. Gloria picked up her pace and, just as she reached home, her father came steaming from the house. His face was contorted with rage and his eyes black. He didn’t so much as look at her as he passed, and Gloria instinctively knew he’d beaten Jenny again. She dashed up the short path to the front door, dropping her key in her haste. Once inside, she flew straight to the front room and looked down in horror at Jenny lying unconscious on the floor.

‘Pamela,’ she yelled. ‘Pamela, run up to the phone box and ring for an ambulance.’

Gloria dropped to her knees beside her sister and gently brushed Jenny’s hair from her bloodied face. ‘It’s all right,’ she soothed, ‘help will be here soon.’

Jenny groaned in pain and a knot formed in Gloria’s stomach. Her father had done this, inflicted these terrible injuries, and she hated him, detested him. Her mother might not have landed the punches, but she’d played a part in this, and she hated her too.

Once again Jenny cried out, and Gloria’s eyes filled with tears. This was the worst she’d ever seen it. Her sister looked in a bad way – a very bad way, and she feared that this time Jenny wouldn’t pull through.

Chapter 5 (#u45e94b84-8634-5093-849e-86a23cfcc53a)

Thankfully, Gloria’s fears were unfounded, but even now Jenny winced as she rolled over in her bed. It had been two weeks since her father had attacked her, but she still felt bruised and sore. She’d told the hospital staff she’d fallen down the stairs. If they’d known the truth, she worried that, hearing what her father was capable of, they’d take the boys away. Jenny wondered if they’d be better off in a children’s home – at least they would be safe – but she couldn’t bring herself to break up the family. She’d always done her best to protect them, but it seemed her father’s violence was escalating. With that in mind, she forced herself to climb out of bed. Every bone in her body ached and she felt weak, but she couldn’t risk staying in her room any longer.

There was a light tap on her bedroom door, then Gloria popped her head in. ‘I thought I heard you up and about,’ she said, then rushed over to offer Jenny an arm to lean on.

Jenny was touched by her sister’s solicitude. Gloria could sometimes be selfish, but she’d been marvellous since she’d come home from the hospital, Pamela too. ‘I can’t stay in bed forever. Dad will be home from work soon and I’m worried he’ll start on the boys. Anyway, why aren’t you at work?’

‘Don’t worry about Timmy and Peter. Between us, Pamela and me have got it all in hand. Can you hear anything?’

‘No,’ Jenny replied, thinking that the house was strangely quiet.

‘That’s because Pam has taken them to Tooting Lido. They won’t be home for ages yet, so get yourself back into bed.’

‘No, it’s about time I was up and about. You still haven’t said why you’re not at work.’

‘I’ll tell you later. Do you want me to make you a cuppa?’

‘Thanks, that would be nice,’ Jenny answered, but got the feeling that Gloria was trying to fob her off about her job. ‘Give me a few minutes. I’ll get myself dressed and then I’ll be down.’

Gloria closed the bedroom door behind her, leaving Jenny to struggle to put her clothes on. Her wrist was badly sprained and at least one of her ribs was fractured. She managed to pull on a dress that buttoned down the front, but brushing her unruly ginger locks proved more of an effort. It hurt to lift her arm above her head. She looked in the mirror, and gently fingered her eye. The swelling had gone down, but the bruise was now yellow, and her split lip still hadn’t healed. She’d rarely smiled lately, but each time she attempted to, the cut on her lip would sting and open again.

By the time Jenny came downstairs, Gloria had brewed a fresh pot of tea and had poured two cups. Jenny eased herself slowly onto a chair and quizzed her sister again.

‘The truth is, Jen, I got the sack.’

‘Oh no, that’s all we need. I’m not going to have any pay coming in again this week and now you’ve gone and lost your job! What did you do?’

‘Nothing! Old Fletcher said I couldn’t have any time off to look after you, so I told him what he could do with his poxy job.’

Jenny couldn’t be angry with Gloria, but she was concerned about money. Their dad provided for the rent and bills and contributed towards the groceries, but between them Jenny and Gloria topped up the housekeeping. Without the extra money, they’d be back on a very basic diet and there wouldn’t be any treats for the boys. Then a thought crossed Jenny’s mind. ‘How has Pamela managed to pay for the boys to go swimming?’

‘It’s all right, Pamela’s best friend’s brother is a lifeguard. He’ll get them in for free.’

‘That’s good. We can’t afford to waste any money for a while. Did you take that letter to the factory for me?’

‘Yes, and Miss Aston was fine about you being off sick. She said you’re not to go back until you’re one hundred per cent better. She seems like a nice lady. I wish I worked at your factory.’

‘Did you ask her if she had any positions available?’

‘Nah, I still need to be here, so I thought I’d wait ’til you’re back at work and you can ask for me,’ Gloria said with a cheeky grin.

‘Does Dad know you’ve lost your job?’

‘Yeah, and he did his nut. He said that now I’m sixteen I ain’t his responsibility and he won’t be paying for my keep. I’ve got two weeks to find another job and if I don’t, he’ll chuck me out.’

‘Blimey, Gloria, you’d better go and see Miss Aston tomorrow. Oh, no, you can’t, it’ll be Saturday and the factory is closed, but you can try first thing on Monday. Dad doesn’t make idle threats, you known what he’s like.’

‘Yeah, I suppose. He also said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and I’m just like my mother, selfish and lazy. Do you know what … the more I think about it, the more I understand why she left him!’

There were times when Jenny agreed with what her dad had told Gloria. Her sister could be self-centred and was prone to idleness. ‘What about Gran? Have you been to see her?’ she asked.

‘Not yet, I haven’t had a chance.’

‘Oh, Gloria, she’ll be worried sick that she hasn’t heard from us. You should have called in on her.’

‘The silly old bat is getting so forgetful I doubt she noticed.’

Coming downstairs had taken its toll on Jenny. She was tired and didn’t have the energy to argue with Gloria but knew her gran would be beside herself with worry. It was painful just to stand up, so Jenny knew she wouldn’t be able to walk there. It was pointless asking Gloria to go, but she’d send Pamela to see her tomorrow.

Gloria sipped her tea then studied her painted fingernails while Jenny watched, thinking that her father was right. Gloria was very much like their mother. Both were vain and self-centred, though she hoped that, without their mother around to influence her, Gloria would lose some of her selfish streak. Once again Jenny had to admit that Gloria had stepped up since she came home from hospital, and for that she was grateful, but to leave their gran to fret showed there was still some way to go.

At six o’clock, Craig packed up his tools and prepared to go home, though he wasn’t looking forward to spending yet another weekend alone. As he padlocked the door to his furniture workshop, he thought again how lucky he was to have found the place. Mr Rendall owned the small building and had worked in it for years, but since his retirement he’d been happy to rent it to Craig.

When he arrived home and walked into the house, Craig paused briefly outside Edith’s door. He hadn’t seen her for a while, or Jenny. They’d arranged another date, and he’d been more than disappointed when Jenny stood him up. He shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, he didn’t think any pretty young woman in their right mind would want to be lumbered with a deaf boyfriend.

He’d avoided Edith since then, but as he was about to walk upstairs, on impulse he turned back and knocked on her door. It wasn’t the old woman’s fault that Jenny wasn’t interested in him, he thought as he knocked again, harder this time. He waited a minute or two, but when Edith didn’t come to the door, worry began to niggle at him. Edith was almost always at home and he had a feeling that something wasn’t right. He hammered the door now and called out her name. The door had a lock but no letterbox, so when there was still no response he dashed outside and peered through her front room window. It wasn’t easy to see much through Edith’s net curtains, but panic rose when he spotted her legs. She looked as if she was lying in the doorway, but her top half was obscured.

‘It’s all right, Edith,’ Craig shouted, ‘I’m coming.’

He ran back inside and threw his shoulder at her door, but it didn’t budge. Then, as his mind raced, he darted upstairs and a few moments later came back down with a crowbar. ‘Don’t worry, I’m going to get this door open,’ he shouted.

Thankfully, with leverage, it gave way and Craig ran up the small hallway and almost slid to his knees beside Edith. She was flat on her back and he couldn’t see her chest moving. If she was breathing, it was very shallowly.

‘Edith,’ he said, gently shaking the old woman and silently praying that she was alive, ‘Edith, it’s me, Craig. Can you move?’

To his relief, she groaned and slowly opened her eyes. ‘Oh … Craig … I’ve had a bit of a fall,’ she croaked weakly, and grasped his hand.

He couldn’t see any signs of obvious injury. ‘I can see that. Do you think you’ve broken anything?’ he asked.

‘No, I … I think I’m all right.’

‘Shall we see if I can help you up?’

‘Yes,’ she agreed.

‘Good, come on then, gently does it,’ Craig said as he eased Edith to a sitting position. ‘Right, good, stay there a moment and I’ll get you a glass of water.’

Craig left Edith and rushed to her kitchen then returned with the refreshment. ‘Here you go, sip slowly on this,’ he said, offering her the glass.

Edith gulped a few mouthfuls, then said, ‘I’ve been lying here since yesterday. I was banging and shouting as loud as I could, but of course you couldn’t have heard me. Silly old sod, aren’t I?’

‘No, and I’m so sorry. Do you think you can stand up or should I call the doctor, or an ambulance?’

‘I don’t need an ambulance, or the doctor. I just feel a bit dizzy, that’s all. Perhaps you could pop around to Jenny’s for me? Ask her if she, or one of the other girls, can come here to look after me tonight.’

‘Yes, of course, but if you’re feeling dizzy perhaps you really should see the doctor.’

‘No, Craig, there’s no need to make a fuss. I just tripped over, nothing to worry about. Now, take this glass and give me a hand up.’

The woman looked frail, but Craig liked her spirit. She was made of strong stuff and wasn’t prepared to let a little fall faze her. ‘What’s Jenny’s address?’ he asked. ‘I’ll make you a cup of tea then go straight there. I’m not sure she’ll be too pleased to see me, though. We were supposed to be going out again the week before last, but she didn’t turn up.’

‘Didn’t she? That’s not like her. In fact, I haven’t seen her since you two went off to see a film. I’ve been worried sick that she hasn’t been in to see me. The other kids don’t call in that often, but Jenny always comes at least once a week. I hope everything’s all right.’

Craig managed to get Edith into her armchair. ‘I’m sure it is. Jenny probably stayed away to avoid me.’

‘No, my Jenny isn’t like that. I hope her bleedin’ father hasn’t given her another good hiding. Pass me that pen and paper on the table please. I’ll write down the address while you make me that cuppa.’

Craig couldn’t hear the urgency in Edith’s voice, but he noticed how worried she looked.

‘Sorry, Edith, did you say that her father hits her?’

‘Yes, he’s not been right since their mother walked out. But don’t say anything. She doesn’t like people to know.’

Craig tried to get his head around what Edith had said. It was outrageous! He’d never understand how any man could hit a woman, let alone his own daughter. Jenny hadn’t told him about it, but he recalled how she’d tensed when he’d mentioned her father, then she’d quickly changed the subject. He hadn’t thought much about it at the time, but now it made sense. As he waited for the water to boil, he could feel his heart pounding faster at the thought of seeing Jenny again. He liked her. He liked her a lot and couldn’t stand the thought of her being hurt. Something had to be done. He didn’t know what, but there would be no way he’d stand by and allow anyone to ever lay a hand on her again.

Jenny checked the clock. Their dad wasn’t home yet so she assumed he was in the pub. Pamela had come back with two very hungry and tired boys. Gloria had fed them and they were now tucked up in bed. Jenny sat back on the sofa with thoughts of Craig. She felt awful about not meeting him for their date but it’d been impossible to get word to him.

Gloria broke into her thoughts, saying, ‘That’ll be another dinner wasted then.’

‘Keep it warm, he might eat it when he gets home,’ Jenny answered, though she doubted he would, he rarely did.

‘I think I’ll go up and read my book. Night, night,’ Pamela said quietly, and slipped from the room.

‘She’s been pissing the bed every blinkin’ night since Dad bashed you up, and I can’t stand it,’ Gloria hissed.

‘Pamela can’t help it. Maybe she should have my room until she stops, and I’ll share with you.’

‘Why can’t I have your room and you share with Pam?’

‘No, Gloria, the idea is that if Pam has her own bed, she won’t bother anyone when she has her accidents.’

‘But it isn’t only Pam. I hate sleeping in a room with the boys. Peter’s always crying for Mum and Timmy has nightmares, waking us all up.’

‘Well, I’m sorry, but there are only three bedrooms and my room isn’t big enough to swing a cat. You’ll have to put up with it and as soon as my ribs feel better, I’ll swap with Pam,’ she said. Any further protests from Gloria were halted by a knock on the door.

‘I’ll get it. It’ll probably be Joan next door on the cadge for some tea or milk again.’

While Gloria went to answer the door, Jenny strained to hear what was said. She hoped her sister would be polite to Joan, who was really struggling since her husband had been laid off. She could hardly believe her ears when she recognised Craig’s voice. Her stomach flipped.

‘Hello, I’m Craig. Is Jenny at home, please?’

‘Yes, just a minute.’

Gloria came back into the room all wide-eyed and smiley. ‘There’s a good-looking bloke at the door for you,’ she said teasingly.

‘I know! I heard! It’s Craig! What’s he doing here?’

‘I don’t know, shall I invite him in?’