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2. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCC-EP-300 type. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2022. – 498 p.
3. Aliyev I. H. Software modeling of nuclear reaction phenomena based on technologies for creating a set of data using a system of algorithms in C++. The Core-COMPUTER project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2022. – 156 p.
Zhalolov Botirali Rustamovich, owner of the Malaysian company “Clipper Energy”, candidate in the field of economic sciences
Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan; Electron Organization, Slipper Energy, Malaysia
Annotation. More than once it was mentioned about the project known as “Electron”, which was aimed at carrying out resonant nuclear reactions and obtaining energy from them. Speaking about the novelty of this project, along with a lot of points, which in this case are only partially given, it is important to clarify the fact that the feature of the accelerator being created for the research laboratory under the LCC-EPD-20 Electron project is accuracy. It is the ability to give duants a certain voltage, that when passing through the slits of the electric field, where the beam is accelerated, it is accelerated only by a certain number, which is only a part of the final energy.
Keywords: Electron project, accelerator for giving resonant energy, resonant nuclear reactions, physical and mathematical modeling.
Аннотация. Не раз упоминалось о проекте, известный под названием “Электрон”, который был направлен на осуществление резонансных ядерных реакций и получение из них энергии. Говоря о новизне этого проекта, наряду с множеством пунктов, которые в данном случае приводятся лишь частично, важно уточнить тот факт, что особенностью ускорителя, создаваемого для научно-исследовательской лаборатории при проекте “Электрон” ЛЦУ-ЭПД-20 является точность. Именно возможность придавать дуантам определённое напряжение, что при проходе через щели электрического поля, где и осуществляется ускорение пучка, ускоряется только на некоторое число, которая является лишь частью конечной энергии.
Ключевые слова: проект “Электрон”, ускоритель для придачи резонансной энергии, резонансные ядерные реакции, физико-математическое моделирование.
Of course, each study has its own results and stages of implementation, and the results of the ongoing research on the Electron project (Fig. 1) are published in scientific articles in the international journals “Exact Science”, “Young Scientist” and some others.
But of course, such a voluminous work would simply be impossible to describe in one general scientific work, this would lead to the fact that it would have titanic dimensions. Therefore, the general text is divided into several separate works, among which two works are already available. Speaking of these monographs, it is worth starting from those already published to date:
1. Aliev I. H., Sharofutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron project is the first monograph published in this class and described the method of calculating and analyzing resonant nuclear reactions, while using high currents and power, only a superficial calculation of the consumption system was given, and at the end the first calculation mechanisms are given, but even though the study was mainly theoretical, it was this work sets all the necessary and used in the mechanism of the mathematical apparatus of the system;
2. Aliyev I. H. Software modeling of nuclear reaction phenomena based on the technology of creating a set of data using a system of algorithms in C++. The Core-Computer project is the second monograph that already describes the simplest model of a calculation system with resonant nuclear reactions, but already using C++ programming languages, which creates the opportunity to work at the simplest level, and then the transition to a more complex degree of work, at the same time showing the mathematical apparatus of resonant nuclear reactions;
3. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on a charged particle accelerator of the LCA-EPD-300 type. The Electron project – monograph is aimed at deriving the necessary data on resonant nuclear reactions, where integer data are as close as possible to real ones, much attention should be paid to lowering the current and approaching the actual values, which led to the fact that in the monograph, according to the general scheme, a station generating a power of about 12.68 GWh of electrical energy is described.
Fig. 1. The logo of the Organization “Electron” and the Scientific School “Electron”
Now, new monographs are to be published, but with a detailed description of this system, which includes this work. By listing the following, you can create the following list:
1. External data for the accelerator type LCA-EPD-20;
2. Physical description of the acceleration system of the LCA-EPD-20 type accelerator;
3. LCA-EPD-20 accelerator control system;
4. The energy mechanism for the accelerator type LCA-EPD-20.
Thus, each stage of work is quite important, and after the entire Electron project, it is possible to achieve the implementation of a grandiose work that opens up new opportunities, makes the whole state completely energy independent, because these 12.98 GWh of electric energy is more than enough to provide the entire Republic of Uzbekistan by 137.26%, thanks to which a new the infrastructure industry, which is the direction of energy exports from the state, which will also lead to the improvement and development of the state economy, not only in the industrial sense, but also in the real scientific sense!
Bibliographic list
1. Aliev I. H., Sharafutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2021. – 594 p.
2. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCA-EP-300 type. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2022. – 498 p.
Sharofutdinov Farrukh Murodzhonovich, Candidate in Economic Sciences
Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan; Electron Organization, Electron Scientific School, Russia
Annotation. When the urgency of the problem of energy starvation on a planetary scale has been repeatedly proved and demonstrated the problem of the need to create a device and method for generating electrical energy with high efficiency on an extremely large scale, which would allow solving this problem and opening the way for a whole range of numerous projects and scientific papers in need of such a source of electrical energy. The time has come to describe the stages of development of the energy component and the Electron project itself.
Keywords: history of the Electron project, energy projects, idea output and its implementation.
Аннотация. Когда же актуальность проблемы энергетического голода в планетарном масштабе не раз была доказана и продемонстрирована проблема необходимости создания устройства и метода генерации электрической энергии с высокой эффективностью в крайне больших масштабах, что позволяло бы разрешить эту проблему и открыть путь для целого спектра многочисленных проектов и научных работ, нуждающиеся в подобном источнике электрической энергии. Настало время для описания этапов развития самого проекта “Электрон”.
Ключевые слова: история проекта “Электрон”, энергетические проекты, выход идеи и её реализация.
Analyzing the facts about the generation of electric energy and the problems of energy starvation, it becomes clear that a development is needed that can generate electric current with greater efficiency, on a larger scale, and also more safely than with the help of technologies used today. And if we consider all possible ways of obtaining electrical energy, then there is an explanation for why this study, which has been going on for more than 12 years, was so called – “Electron”.
Initially, the search for a new source of electric energy began in 2010. The first stage of the research was to find such a method in classical mechanisms. More than 500 different mechanisms were analyzed, but they were not all effective until the first magnetic type of the device was presented for the first time in 2016, but this version of the device was not strong enough and effective enough, and after experimental testing, a number of shortcomings were found, which caused the rejection of this model.
This was followed by 34 mechanisms, which distinguished themselves by following the first more successful version. But when they did not find their confirmation, it was necessary to abandon them. For 4 years, since 2014, the so-called “electric era” has been going on, when various mechanisms of an electric, magnetic and electromagnetic nature were investigated. And although mechanisms with electric generators, solar panels, transformers, diodes, transistors and many other elements have been developed, but, unfortunately, they have not found their confirmation. Then, starting in 2019, the “quantum era” began.
Fig. 1. Meeting with the staff of the Laboratory of Accelerator Technology at the Institute of Semiconductors and Microelectronics at the National State University and the team of the Electron organization
In March 2019, the first project with elementary particles was developed, and then the project changed its own name and adopted the name “Electron”, since the idea was based on splitting an electron and conducting interactions with the creation of a special “structure” already with hypothetical components of the electron particle. Thanks to this, the components in the face of Umidon and Raanon particles were studied in detail. Then for the first time scientific articles on this topic were published: “Behavior of an electron in an atom”, “Electron particle”, “Electron features”, “Linear Electron Accelerator in Power engineering” and many others. They also took part in the international event InnoWeek 2019.
But after some debate, it was found that this model, as well as the methods of its implementation, cannot be translated into reality. At this stage, since the beginning of 2020, the “Nuclear Era” has begun, when hundreds and even thousands of nuclear reactions have been investigated. The total number of nuclear reactions studied, which were analyzed at this stage from the beginning of 2021 to February 2021, is 1,062 reactions.
And thanks to the definition of nuclear reactions with a large energy yield, a whole complex of these interactions was created. And although the technology no longer had a relationship with the electron, but the name of the study has not changed to this day. And although more than 20 scientific articles have been published, the work “Constructor of Worlds” has been published in 4 volumes, as well as presented to several companies, such as Acwa Power in February and a number of energy companies in September 2021. But today this technology has been improved and has a more simplified look, which opens up a number of possibilities.
And today, this technology is currently considered to have no analogues in the whole world. As can be seen from the history of this study, the path of this technology was not easy, and it is much better than its “brothers” and “predecessors”, which demonstrates a lot of experience and a strong desire to achieve this goal for the whole of humanity, which gave strength to overcome a number of very different difficulties, and only a part of which it was described above when retelling the entire history of the study.
As a result, it can be concluded that resonant nuclear reactions deserve more attention as the newest source of electrical energy on a huge scale. It is for this purpose that cooperation with the Malaysian company Clipper Energy was launched at the time of 2022 and construction of a research laboratory at the Electron project will soon begin to obtain the latest results in the field of resonant nuclear reactions.…
Bibliographic list
1. Aliev I. H., Sharafutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2021. – 594 p.
2. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCA-EP-300 type. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2022. – 498 p.
Aripova Sayera Bahodirovna, teacher of secondary school No. 1
Secondary School No. 1, Fergana, Uzbekistan
E-mail: karimov.1949@internet.ru (https://ridero.ru/link/GgQ6JDd0F5ycOI)
Annotation. Since ancient times, people have used the counting system to solve life problems of various types and characteristics, as a result of which they had to deal with the concept of real-natural numbers, and after working with tasks related to squares, they had to deal with tasks related to fractional numbers, already entering the rational set of numbers.
Keywords: inertial numbers, intentional mathematics, relativistic physics, sets of numbers, infinity.
Аннотация. С древних времён люди использовали систему счёта для решения жизненных задач различного типа и характеристик, в результате чего приходилось сталкиваться с понятием действительных-натуральных чисел, а после работы с задачами, связанными с площадями, приходилось сталкиваться и с задачами, связанными с дробными числами, входя уже в рациональное множество чисел.
Ключевые слова: ингенциальные числа, ингенциальная математика, релятивистская физика, множества чисел, бесконечность.
And when I already had to enter into the tasks related to the description of the circle, I had to face the first irrational number, after which their number began to increase and increase, creating already a lot of irrational numbers. It would seem that these real numbers, along with negative ones, which have also entered science, make up a full-fledged set of real numbers, quite sufficient to describe the outside world. What a surprise it was when I had to face the solution of equations of degree 3, which today are known as equations that have found a solution by the Cardano method. It was noteworthy that when solving these equations, one had to deal with the case of the presence of a complex unit or, more precisely, complex numbers – negative numbers under the radical.
And although this kind of numbers did not take root for a long time, but the discovery of this kind of numbers in the most fundamental processes of today’s world, namely as one of the solutions to the Schrodinger equations – equations describing any microobject simply forced us to accept this new kind of numbers and move on, exploring a variety of operations related to complex numbers and their derivatives.
Thus, a new set was discovered, which includes all of the above sets, that is, natural, rational, irrational and real sets, such a set was called complex.
Consequently, in order to arrive at obvious mathematical paradoxes and amazing phenomena, it is necessary to proceed from a physical phenomenon that was previously published in 1905 in Albert Einstein’s article “On the electrodynamics of moving bodies”, which was also based on the transformation of X. Lorenz, the works of J. Larmor, Henri Poincare and others. Initially, it is enough to use the famous conclusion (1.1), which goes to (1.2).
This equality has a deep physical meaning, but if we consider it as a function, then we can consider 3 cases:
1. If the speed of the body is less than the speed of light;
2. If the speed of the body is equal to the speed of light;
3. If the velocity of the body is greater than the speed of light.
Thus, 4 types of numbers are obtained from these 3 cases. The first one is real numbers, and the second one is complex numbers. This is followed by two previously unknown types of numbers, namely numbers that can be divided by zero, as well as numbers that are larger than this type of numbers.
And of course, progress does not stand still, and today various physical phenomena have already been investigated and discovered, still awaiting their explanation and mathematical interpretation. A striking example is the phenomenon of entangled particles, that is, it is a phenomenon in which two entangled leptons are formed, namely two electrons or photons, information about the spin of which is transmitted after determining or changing the spin of one to the other at a speed much higher than the speed of light – 3 case.
Also, the very fact of the presence of light waves, also known as photons in the form of corpuscles, makes one think about the moment when the speed of an object would become equal to the speed of light – 2 case.
And to describe all these phenomena, it became necessary to create a new section of mathematics, known as “Ingential Mathematics”, from the Latin ingens – “huge”. In this case, the presence of an exponential unit is assumed, that is, a fraction of one by zero, after which various arithmetic, algebraic and other types of operations are formed, converting both trigonometric, logarithmic, inversely trigonometric and other functions, and introducing completely new types of operations.
But before proceeding to the third case, it is worth clarifying that due to the derivation of the main energy function, the location of the exponential numbers on the numerical axis is determined, namely, these numbers are large infinity, which means it is the vertex of all sets, covering each of them, including the complex set. It is also determined that the complex numbers are the smallest and are already between the intervals of natural numbers. It is also possible to define the third kind of numbers as fractions of a unit and a complex number. At the same time, these types of numbers are called per-ingential from the Latin per-ingens – “super-large”. This type of numbers is even larger than the exponential numbers and has even more fascinating properties that have yet to be explored in more detail, however, like all the others.
List of literature
1. Balk M. B., Balk G. D., Polukhin A. A. Real applications of imaginary numbers. – Kiev: Radyanka school, 1988. – 255 p.
2. Bronstein I. N., Semendyaev K. A. Handbook of mathematics for engineers and students of higher education institutions. – ed. 13-E. – M.: Nauka, 1985. – 544 p.
3. Bugrov Ya. S., Nikolsky S. M. Higher mathematics. Volume one: Elements of linear algebra and analytic geometry. Moscow: Bustard, 2004. – 288 p.
Aliev Ibratjon Khatamovich, 1st year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan
E-mail: ibratjon25@mail.ru (https://ridero.ru/link/30BP7Zitusn_3Q)
Annotation. The recently studied exponential numbers have rather exotic and tempting properties among the varieties of other numbers, generating special properties in the set of algebra, which is also reflected in the description with their help of numerous physical phenomena, most of which can be attributed to the phenomena of relativistic physics.
Keywords: ingential (inertial) mathematics, the general form of a tangential number, the intential set of numbers on the numerical axis, the theory of relativity.