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Right hand. Prince of Darkness
Right hand. Prince of Darkness
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Right hand. Prince of Darkness

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– Leah, – he replied in surprise, not quite understanding how my question was related to the previous conversation.

– Beautiful name, – I said. And the girl is attractive. She’s probably a great cook too. Have you eaten anything delicious from her? Or maybe drinking?

– I drank coffee, – the guy admitted. – I visited her father on business. It was embarrassing to dine, but to drink a cup is a sacred thing. Their coffee is special, with spices, foreign.

– Yes Yes. And how long ago did you get into the habit of jumping into this “holy cause”?

– I don’t remember exactly, – he said again. – About two weeks, maybe. Well, yes, I made an offer exactly ten days ago, so it goes something like this… But why did I make it?! He ran his hands through his hair in desperation.

– Because the coffee from the love potion is delicious and strong. – Are you savvy?

Eitan looked up at me, frowning. He leaned back, putting his fingers to his forehead. As you can see, the picture in the brain took shape quickly, and his face brightened.

– And you seem to be right, – he finally said.

– Looks like it, – I mimicked. I can’t even remember the last time I was wrong. You were not yet born at that time.

– Listen, who are you anyway? – The guy squinted suspiciously.

Looks like the picture turned out even better than I expected.

– Your savior, – I stated the obvious. You could say it’s a guardian angel. Then I burst out laughing again, imagining how real angels grind their teeth, if, of course, one of them heard me.

– That’s right, – Eitan chuckled, dismissing his suspicions out of gratitude. In any case, for the time being. – But what is your name, anyway?

– Call me Arafel. And you are Eitan, I already understood that.

He nodded, frowning and still holding his head. Suddenly it seemed to dawn on him.

– Wait, what is it, a girl abducted me from the wedding?

His shoulders began to shake slightly.

– You can say that.

This time we laughed together. Eitan’s eyes grew more and more unhealthy. A sharp removal of the curse – what else, in a good way, would you call a love spell? – a specific thing, a bit like alcohol intoxication and may well lead a person into a state of euphoria.

I looked back. The last of the pursuers fell noticeably behind. The wind, amused, distinctly conveyed their abuse to us.

– Oh, you black-haired whore! – no one calmed down. – So that you are sick all your life, so that your life is short, so that the angels of the door to the heavenly chamber slam shut in front of you!

If the first two wishes only made me giggle, then the last one really pissed me off. Angels? Yes, so that I myself put myself in them? There was a hunt! But if I need it for some reason, which one of them will stop me, I would like to know? Furrowed brows drew together at the bridge of his nose; thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance. My eyes narrowed and opened wide again, and a curse flew towards the foul language. Of course, his offense will not be so difficult to live, but he will break his leg or arm, that’s for sure.

Eitan didn’t notice anything, except he looked up, trying to understand where the storm was coming from. I did not see any clouds in the sunset sky and turned around again, estimating how far we had gone from the chase.

– Wow! Well, you have a horse! he whistled.

– The best in the kingdom! – I proudly assured, not indulging in clarifications regarding the true nature of the steed.

– The wind is whistling in your ears! And maybe even faster? Eitan asked excitedly.

– Easily!

And with my permission, the rashtang rushed at full speed. The pursuers finally disappeared from sight, and we did not meet others who wanted to travel late. So we managed to fully enjoy the crazy ride, yelling at the top of our lungs. And no one saw how unnaturally fast the chariot rushes, and most importantly, how from time to time it literally flies without touching the ground with its wheels…

Chapter 3

We stopped in the middle of the night, when even it became difficult for me to keep my balance in a furious jump, and my companion did yawn at the top of his mouth. He was still supported by the effect of a sharply lifted curse, while I basically needed sleep, as well as food, much less than real people. Still, the human body needed rest, so I had to ask the rashtang to stop.

– I hope you don’t mind camping out for the night, – I warned my companion as I jumped off the chariot. -Because even if you’re against it, I can’t offer better. There is not a single inn for miles around here.

– Anything but the wedding night, – Eitan assured, following my example.

– Ha! I thought men had a different attitude towards their wedding night. However, you are right about something, – I noticed, unharnessing the rashtanga.

This occupation took some time, and then the contented entity disappeared into the darkness.

– Aren’t you afraid that you will run far away?

Eitan, frowning, peered into the night, but, of course, he did not see the silhouette of a horse.

– He will come back, – I confidently dismissed, and, without thinking twice, lay down right on the grass.

Dark clouds floated across the dark sky. Nevertheless, they were perfectly visible, because darkness is different for darkness, and its shades are innumerable, even if the human eye is not always able to recognize the difference.

A piece of sky was obscured by a poorly lit silhouette, the grass rustled. Eitan lay down nearby, head to head, but at an angle so that we only touched with our hair. Both were silent, looking at the stars and the abyss that contained them, and I myself did not notice how my eyes closed.

I woke up two hours later: the body did not need a long rest. There was no one around, but the ear caught a soothing crackle. Raising myself on my elbow, the first thing I saw in the distance was a small fire, and then Eitan, who was squatting and stirring firewood with a long stick. I stood up and brushed myself off, walking closer.

– Cold? She asked the first thing that came to mind.

I wasn’t cold myself, but that didn’t mean much. I could not find any other reason for the night vigil by the fire.

My companion shook his head, threw his stick into the fire, and sat down, clasping his knees with his hands. I settled in nearby.

– How does this… potion work? – Eitan asked, looking at the fire. How much would she give me?

– I can’t read minds. It wasn’t sarcasm, just a statement of fact. I did not have the ability to telepathy. Much can be understood by human actions, facial expressions and gestures, but this is different. It’s better to ask her. – The recent fiance grimaced and frankly skeptical. “Without the potion, the effect wears off rather quickly, so I think she would have served it to you for a few more days.” In general, the question is what she wanted more: the status of a spouse or “big and pure” love. She would have achieved the first one today, so she could stop with the potion at least immediately. Well, would you understand that you gave a blunder, but what’s the point? The marriage would take place, as they say, before the Prince of Light and the people. But if she wanted love, then she could give you a longer drink.

– For the rest of your life?

I saw him wince. Either he still froze, or the second option frightened him much more than an unpleasant insight immediately after the wedding.

– Though for the rest of my life, – I firmly confirmed, but I considered it possible to add a spoonful of honey to the barrel of tar: “But not for long.

– Why is this? He was surprised and looked at me anyway.

– Well, you see… How to put it mildly… The love potion works, of course, not bad, but it is extremely unhealthy for the human body. A few days – nonsense, weeks – tolerable, but for a few months you would give your soul. Prince or prince, I don’t know, you know better here.

– That is, she also poisoned me, – Eitan summed up what he heard.

– In some way. Whether she knew is another question.

– Well, this is already a lyric, – the guy dismissed. – I knew, I didn’t know, the result is the same.

– That’s true, – I had to agree. – But isn’t it easier for you as a person to realize that “she didn’t do it on purpose”?

He shrugged impatiently.

– It’s not on purpose that they don’t put any rubbish in coffee. I went, they say, to patch up a family heirloom, to her!

– Oh, do you have a family heirloom? – Which? I revived. – A witch’s ring? A bottle in which, if you search very well, you can unearth a genie? A strand from the head of some great martyr? Or maybe even the feather of a real angel?

– You’re kind of strange, – he said, tilting his head to one side and looking at me sideways. Why a feather, why an angel?

– If you only knew how many such relics I have seen! – I snorted. – It feels like some poor fellow from the Halls of Light was caught on the ground and literally plucked like a chicken so that each temple has its own shrine. But you do not pay attention, just the word had to. So what is your relic?

– Actually, there are several, but I meant the sword. – Eitan shrugged his shoulders almost guiltily: apparently, after my assumptions, his version sounded too ordinary. – I took it to the gunsmith regularly, but the inlay is quite old. I pulled and pulled, then I decided that the stone still needs to be changed. And Leah’s father is a jeweler, and talented, the prince of Darkness take him! Well, I looked, I agreed. And the second time I went to accept work. At the same time, I drank coffee… overseas.

You quickly won a girl’s heart. What, don’t you tell me? I leaned forward with interest. – Rich? Noble? Well, since you have relics and all.

– There’s practically nothing left. – Eitan put his hands behind his head and stretched so that his vertebrae cracked. – Castle – one name. The walls are there, the inside is empty. Two decent living rooms, the rest does not count. Our lands are infertile, the cat wept for the income from them. So I could not attract Leah with money. Her daddy will have more of them.

– So, the title, – I drawled with satisfaction. No, in general I like to be surprised, but when things are easily explained, it is also pleasant in its own way. – Though she may have fallen for you, too. – You are nothing at all. – I critically looked at the strong figure, then switched to the face – clearly defined cheekbones, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, at the moment, either mockingly, or skeptically raised. – Yeah, you probably arranged it yourself, too. – But I don’t believe in sudden love.

– But I really don’t believe it … – Eitan picked up another branch from the ground, broke it into two parts and threw it into the fire.

I suddenly realized how loud the grasshoppers were chirping all around. She turned her head to the right, and the chatter from that direction abruptly subsided. But as soon as I looked at the fire again, the inspired concert resumed.

– Revenge on her, – I suggested eagerly.

– Lie? What for?

– Well, how about “why”? – I was literally outraged by his question. People often take revenge on offenders. Loss brings a void with it, and revenge fills it.

– And does it help? Eitan asked skeptically.

– How can I tell you… Not really, – I admitted forcedly. – Usually, immediately after vengeance, the void returns. And getting rid of it becomes even more difficult.

– What’s the point then? – Let her live as she lived. She has her life, I have mine. As long as the paths don’t cross again.

– Listen, do you accidentally hide white wings under your shirt? I snapped.

Definitely, the fellow traveler was becoming uninteresting. I can’t stand saints.

– Let’s check. – With these words, he pulled his shirt over his head.

I laughed heartily, throwing my head back. OK. Rehabilitated. I love those who are capable of an unexpected move.

– What are you going to do next? Since you do not hatch bloody plans?

– I don’t know, – Eitan said, not without irritation. It can be seen that he himself asked this question, but he did not come to an intelligible answer. – In the Villa, for obvious reasons, I should not appear in the near future. Listening to the opinion of every counter-transverse is a thankless task, I’m afraid I will not have enough endurance, and the matter will end in a duel. Why do I need these difficulties?

– You often ask yourself why. – You have to live spontaneously, according to your mood. Choose the path along which the legs themselves will lead.

– That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’ll take someone’s job. Selling, so to speak, for a year or two. You look, during this period everything will be forgotten here, and maybe at the same time I will figure out how to continue to live and what to do.

– Good idea, – I agreed. – You look less and less like an angel.

– You say that like it’s a good thing, – he said, narrowing his eyes.

– It’s fine!

The body is numb – one of the inconveniences of the human shell. I shifted my position, stretched out my legs – the sharp blades of grass immediately began to tingle my ankles – put my hands on the ground and looked up.

– And you yourself? A man’s voice broke through the veil of reverie.

– What? I turned to Eitan in confusion.

– What are you going to do? Where are you heading anyway?

– Ahh, – I said, turning my face up to the stars again. – I’m going to the Round.

My companion whistled: it was the largest city in the county of Thornfolk, on the border of which, in fact, Ville lay. The local capital acquired its name due to the fact that it has grown around a once lonely castle.

– And what did you need there?

– I want to meet Anthony William Blade, Earl of Thornfolk, – I didn’t lie. – I am very interested in his personality.

– Wow! Your lips are not stupid.

– Of course not. – Such a “discovery” seemed funny to me, and I laughed. “I definitely won’t miss mine.

– And why do you need a count? – Maybe you are going to marry him?

– And you never know! I snorted. – Why not? Or do you think I’m not good enough for him?

If you do not want to give a substantive answer, the best tactic is to divert the conversation in a timely manner.

– No, why not? True, I have never seen it, but I think, on the contrary, it is too good.

– Your broken heart is healing fast! – I concluded with approval, extending my index finger in his direction. – You are already releasing meaningless compliments to the ladies.

– What’s with the heart? – Eitan twisted his face as if a red-hot rod was applied to his feet. “Listen, this is what I thought… – He glanced at the road leading into the forest, where the rashtang had long since disappeared from view. – Maybe I should go with you to Thornfolk, too? – I really don’t care where I go. And to the count it is quite possible to be hired for the service. Big cities always need people. And traveling together is more fun. What do you say?

– Great idea!

The thought was really good. I did not know the local human habits well enough, so a savvy companion was not superfluous at all. And Eitan has nowhere to go, and I, in fact, provided him with a route. And at the same time – a means of transportation, so he won doubly. But there was enough space in the chariot, the rashtang is not heavy, so I do not feel sorry.