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Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. An Individualized, Problem-Solving Approach – Chedd Naomi

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A new way of thinking about treatment planning to support children with autism spectrum disorders Grounded in solid theory, Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Individualized, Problem-Solving Approachhelps educators and therapists who work with children with autism spectrum disorders make sense of this confusing, often conflicting, and rapidly evolving clinical and research treatment landscape. Rooted in evidence-based practices, Chedd and Levine provide a 7-step dynamic treatment planning process. The book shows how a variety of current interventions and treatments can be incorporated into this process and includes applications of different approaches for tackling different problems. The nine illustrative case vignettes cover a wide variety of ages, developmental challenges, learning and social profiles, and school and family circumstances. With a firm commitment to and focus on the child’s best interests as well as family needs and preferences, Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders offers professionals new possibilities for enhancing the quality of life for children with ASDs.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118221068

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