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Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions. Oil Spill Studies – Frédéric Muttin

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Identifying efficient solutions to protect coastal regions from marine pollution requires expertise from a range of specialties and strategic approaches. This book gathers information on the impact of oil spills at a coastal level from different experts’ points of view, identifying synergies between domains such as mathematics, numerical modeling, mechanics, biology, economics and law. The collaborative research presented here is based on the 4th International Workshop on Anti-Pollution and Marine Coastal Water Pollution, held in La Rochelle, France at the Engineering School EIGSI, in April 2012. The areas addressed include: materials and structures (fluid-structure and capture interaction, cable and membrane equations, optimization); coastal hydrodynamics (computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis of shallow water equations, analytical and numerical derivatives); biological impacts (biology, multivariate analysis, indicators); and economics and law (compensation costs, insurance coverage, coastal vulnerability).

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781119002864

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