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Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology – Barbara Mowder

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An authoritative guide to evidence-based treatment of infants and young children Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology is the first handbook of its kind to consider the complete psychological needs of infants and young children, from birth to early childhood. With a focus on evidence-based practice, the book provides a balanced perspective of diverse and ethical practice with research and educational recommendations interwoven throughout. Comprehensive in scope, Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology is divided into four sections: Foundations provides the framework for considering psychological and educational service provisions for young children and their families Assessment and Intervention includes chapters on assessing infants, toddlers, preschoolers, parents and families, and bilingual and multicultural children Evidence-Based Practice addresses evidence-based treatmentsfor particular issues such as autism, ADHD, health impairments, and more Contemporary Issues examines current perspectives on issues such as childcare, neuropsychology, Response to Intervention (RTI) and violence prevention

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470483596

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