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Elusive Lover
Elusive Lover
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Elusive Lover

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Erin flushed. ‘I’m sorry if I’m bad company. It isn’t every day I lose my job and get thrown out of my lodgings.’

‘Mm, we’ll have to see what we can do about that later. Right now I intend to have that talk you vetoed last night. Let’s start at the beginning. How did you get out here in the first place?’

‘Plane!’ she mocked.

‘Very funny! I meant where did you get the money from?’

It must be obvious from her clothes that she couldn’t have afforded the ticket herself, and she flushed her resentment. ‘How do you think I got it? Walking the streets?’

Josh sat forward with a sigh, obviously coming to the end of his patience with her. ‘You tell me,’ he drawled. ‘Did you?’

‘Of course not——’

‘Why so indignant, Erin? You brought the subject up, I’m just asking. Is that the way you got your money together to come here?’

He was serious, damn him! Her sarcasm had backfired on her, Josh’s intent look showed her that he wanted an answer. ‘No, it isn’t! Bob bought me a one-way ticket.’

‘Boy, he must have really wanted to get rid of you. Not a very good reference, is it?’ Josh mocked.

Erin gave him a startled look. ‘I beg your pardon?’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ he dismissed. ‘You aren’t bad at keeping a place clean, anyway.’

She flushed. ‘I’ll get another job, if that’s what you mean.’

‘Honey, I’m sure you will. With your talents you’re sure to be in demand.’

‘If you’re being sarcastic——’

‘Oh, but I’m not. I know a lot of men who would jump at the chance of having someone like you to keep their house clean during the day and their bed warm at night.’


‘Our breakfast has arrived, Erin,’ he interrupted what looked like being a tirade, sitting back while his laden plate was placed in front of him, smiling up at the susceptible Marie.

Erin saw that smile, and the effect it had on the other girl, and looked away. One smile and he thought he had Marie in the palm of his hand. Maybe he did, but his charm wasn’t working as well on her. She would just have her breakfast and go, knowing she had to find herself another job before this evening or risk sleeping under the stars. She had no idea how the police felt about people sleeping out on benches over here; in London they were usually moved on or arrested for the night. That would be all she needed!

She thanked Marie for bringing her meal. ‘I don’t like the implications of your remark,’ she told Josh once the waitress had moved away.

He looked up from pouring maple syrup on his wheatcakes. ‘I wasn’t implying anything, I was stating a fact. On your track record you’re sure to get yourself into another unwanted situation.’

‘I didn’t choose to have Mike makes passes at me!’ Her eyes flashed deeply violet.

‘Just as you didn’t choose to have Bob throw you out and replace you with a woman called Mary. You sure know how to pick ‘em, Erin,’ he shook his head. ‘Now eat your breakfast. And no more talking until I’ve finished eating. I hate arguing with a pretty woman when I’m eating.’


‘I mean it, Erin,’ his eyes were like green chips of glass. ‘Eat.’

She did so, reluctantly at first, and then with increasing enjoyment as her appetite returned.

Josh drank several cups of coffee with his meal, the eager Marie always seeming to be on hand to refill his cup, her manner cooler when she served Erin.

‘Right,’ he finally sat back, his plate completely empty now, a satisfied smile to his lips. He eyed her half-eaten food. ‘Is that all you can manage?’ he frowned.

She nodded, having sat back in amazement as Josh had eaten all the fried food on his plate, plus the wheatcakes and a couple of rounds of toast. It had taken her all her time to eat what she had, and in truth it hadn’t been much.

Josh’s frown deepened, his wide brow furrowed. ‘Will that get you through the day?’

‘Usually,’ she nodded again.

He shook his head. ‘I think you should see a doctor——’

‘Don’t be silly,’ she gave a dismissive laugh. ‘My body has just got used to taking in less, that’s all.’

‘Have you ever heard of anorexia nervosa?’

‘Of course—I haven’t got that!’ she scorned, having heard a lot in the media about the dieting disease that could kill people if they weren’t helped soon enough.

‘Maybe not yet,’ he conceded. ‘But you’re headed that way. You need feeding up, three good meals a day.’

‘After which I would probably be as big as an elephant,’ she smiled. ‘I’ve always had a tendency to put on weight easily.’

‘Contrary to popular belief, most men prefer a woman with a little flesh on their bones,’ he rasped harshly.

‘Show me one,’ she laughed.

‘You’re looking at him.’ He gazed steadily back at her as her eyes widened in disbelief.

‘You have to be thin nowadays to look good in clothes,’ she defended the fashion of being boyishly slender.

‘It’s no good looking good in clothes if you look awful without them,’ he derided.

‘I don’t look awful——’

‘Granted,’ Josh nodded. ‘From the little I saw when that guy almost had your shirt off I would say you have a nice little body. I just think you should be a little more concerned about the fact that you can no longer eat a normal sized meal.’

Erin was still blushing over the fact that he thought she had a ‘nice little body’, but unconcerned about her eating problem. That he had noticed her body at all came as something of a surprise to her, that he liked it made her feel selfconscious.

‘I’ll be fine once I get back to England,’ she assured him.

‘And when will that be?’

‘I—I’m not sure.’ She evaded those all-seeing green eyes. ‘Next month, maybe,’ she lied.

‘Why not now? You have nothing to keep you here, do you?’

‘I—no. I came over to see my father, but it didn’t work out.’

‘Tell me about it,’ Josh prompted softly.

‘There isn’t a lot to tell,’ she said awkwardly. The pain was still too new for her to talk about it unemotionally.

‘Tell me anyway,’ Josh insisted.

She told him the bare outline of her visit to her father, aware that he was astute enough to read between the lines, and by the sympathy in his eyes he had done that very well.

When she had finished he just nodded. ‘So now you’re alone in Calgary?’


‘So why don’t you go home?’

‘Because I don’t have the money! I’m sorry,’ she sighed, ‘I didn’t mean to shout. But it’s so expensive living in Calgary. It’s going to take me months to get the money together for my return ticket.’ Without realising it she contradicted her previous statement about returning next month.

‘Not necessarily,’ Josh put in softly.

‘Oh, it will,’ she nodded. ‘I wasn’t expecting to be returning, so what little savings I did have I spent on a few new clothes. And I’m not getting on very well with my saving here.’ She straightened in her chair. ‘Which reminds me, I should be going. Thank you for breakfast, Mr Hawke, but I have to go and get myself another job now.’

His hand on her arm stayed her move to stand up. ‘What sort of job?’

Erin shrugged. ‘The same as I’ve been doing, I suppose.’

‘Cleaning and making beds?’

‘Yes,’ she answered resentfully. ‘There always seem to be those type of jobs going.’

‘Oh, there are,’ Josh nodded. ‘I know of one myself.’

‘You do? Where—No, I can’t ask you for any more help,’ she sighed. ‘You’ve been very kind already. In fact, I should be buying you breakfast.’ She pulled the notes out of her pocket that Mike had given her for her wages, giving a rueful laugh. ‘I think you must have frightened Mike—he overpaid me!’

‘Put it away, Erin,’ Josh instructed in a voice that brooked no argument. ‘When I invite someone out to eat I don’t expect them to pay for it. And I meant it about the job. Are you interested?’

Pride warred with necessity, and finally necessity won. ‘Yes, I suppose I am. It would be the same sort of thing, cleaning, stuff like that?’

‘Stuff like that,’ he nodded. ‘What you have to decide is whether or not you would find my sexual harassment any more acceptable that you did Mike Johnston’s.’

CHAPTER THREE (#u86fa9ad8-399a-502f-9ce6-effb38b8b754)

ERIN swallowed hard, licking her lips as they suddenly seemed too stiff to speak, searching his strong, hard face for some sign of the teasing mockery he seemed to treat her with.

She could see none. Josh was gazing steadily back at her, seemingly waiting for her answer. But what could she answer to a suggestion like that?

‘I—What did you say?’ she finally asked huskily.

‘I think you heard me, Erin,’ he drawled, his mouth twisting.

‘Yes, but—I don’t understand!’

‘Then perhaps I’d better explain myself,’ he taunted. ‘I live alone, and after a winter of cooking and cleaning for myself, of being without female company——’

‘Now that I don’t believe!’ she scorned. This man had a lazy charm that attracted women like bees around honey.

‘But it’s true. I’ve been working——’

‘Doing what?’

‘Time enough for that later,’ he dismissed. ‘I’d just got to the part where I’ve denied myself female company,’ he derided. ‘Meeting you has made me decide it’s time to change all that. You’re good at cleaning, and anyone can cook. Your references as a lover aren’t all that good, but——’

‘That’s because——’

‘You’ve been choosing the wrong men,’ he erroneously finished her outburst. ‘You respond beautifully to me.’

‘Well, really!’ Erin gasped.

‘Yes, really,’ he mocked in that lazy drawl. ‘A few lessons and you’ll be just perfect.’

Erin was very pale, wondering when this nightmare was going to end. ‘Lessons you intend giving me, I suppose?’ she said hollowly.

‘Of course.’

She shook her head. ‘Are you insane, Mr Hawke, or am I?’

‘Neither of us, honey,’ he squeezed the hand he still held. ‘And I haven’t finished explaining yet. Now I have reason to go to London in a couple of weeks’ time——’

‘London?’ she echoed in a dreamlike voice.

‘Yes,’ Josh smiled. ‘Like to go with me?’

‘Go with you?’ she squeaked.

‘You’re beginning to sound like a parrot,’ he teased.

‘But I—— You said go with you?’ she asked eagerly.

‘Yes,’ he said suddenly serious again. ‘In return for your taking care of the house—and me, I’ll buy you your ticket back to London. What do you say?’

What did she say? A chance to go back to London in two weeks and not the months she had envisaged. But at what a price!

But why not? Joshua Hawke was a devastatingly attractive man, had already shown himself to be an accomplished lover, so why not accept his offer? At least she would be getting something back for what every other man seemed to want to take for nothing.

But to share a bed with this man, with a complete stranger—was getting back to London worth that?

Josh watched all the different emotions flickering across her face, the consternation, the doubt, the bewilderment. ‘Is it yes or no?’ he prompted hardly.

‘I—I don’t know,’ she muttered. ‘I—It seems a bit—drastic to me.’

Humour quirked his mouth. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever heard sharing a bed with me called “drastic” before——’