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Brand Of Possession
Brand Of Possession
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Brand Of Possession

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Brand Of Possession
Carole Mortimer

Carole Mortimer is one of Mills & Boon’s best loved Modern Romance authors. With nearly 200 books published and a career spanning 35 years, Mills & Boon are thrilled to present her complete works available to download for the very first time! Rediscover old favourites - and find new ones! - in this fabulous collection…At his command…Actress Stacy Adams has no idea that Jake, the dreamy guy she’s been recently dating, is actually successful author and director Jake Weston! Not only is he renowned for being arrogant and difficult on-set—so unlike the man she’s come to know—but he’s also her new boss!Stacy is furious that Jake has misled her. But against his commanding presence, she is powerless to resist his charms. Especially when Jake is intensely honest about his attraction to her…

Brand of Possession

Carole Mortimer (

Table of Contents

Cover (#uaacbbe11-2416-5981-b445-5d770e91f9b7)

Title Page (#uf2618c45-17e4-58b5-b6e9-f79c57684458)

CHAPTER ONE (#ud79fc13d-7a73-569b-8d35-9a2735a52f9f)

CHAPTER TWO (#u1ae286f3-9ba9-5846-be7f-5cf7ba6ca772)

CHAPTER THREE (#u0c34ddf6-7646-5ad7-b14a-2bb71db1de67)

CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_dfe28059-7650-53d4-973e-f1765adbe20f)

‘YOU can keep your job!’ Green eyes blazed at the man sitting behind the desk. ‘I don't sell myself for any price.’

‘Miss Adams, if you will just calm down I will——’

‘You won't do anything,’ Stacy interrupted angrily. ‘You're just as weak as the rest of them. Whatever Paul Forbes decides he wants he has to have, and woe betide the poor girl if she isn't interested. Keep the star of your film happy at any price, that's your motto. Well, here's one girl who isn't going to keep him happy. I loathe the man!’

‘Miss Adams! You have completely the wrong impression of what I was trying to say. Mr Forbes merely expressed a wish——’

‘I'm well aware of what he wanted, Mr Payne, and he isn't getting it from me. Being the director of this film you should have better control over your actors!’

‘Now you've gone too far!’ The little man rose indignantly to his feet. ‘You have a part that lasts about fifteen minutes of the film and you think that gives you the experience to tell me how to do my job. I've been directing films and placating actors for thirty years and I——’

‘Then perhaps it's time you had a rest,’ Stacy told him rudely, her green eyes flashing, her long red tresses like fire down her back, softly waving down to her slender waist. She was still wearing the costume for her part in the film, the garb of a eighteenth-century peasant girl in rugged Cornwall. ‘Things have changed since you started out,’ she continued angrily. ‘The casting is no longer carried out on the studio couch.’

‘Miss Adams, you're fired!’ His face had reddened almost to bursting point.

‘Don't worry, I'm going. I like the part of Kate, but I'm not willing to sleep with Paul Forbes to keep it.’

‘I asked you to go to a party with him, not go to bed with him.’ The director sighed. ‘I don't know why you have to read so much into a simple invitation——’

‘If it's so simple why didn't he make it himself?’ she challenged.

‘I understand that he did—and you turned him down.’

‘Because I don't like him!’ Stacy said fiercely. ‘I've seen him in action the last couple of weeks, and he's nothing but an egotistical, pompus, overbearing——’

‘That's quite enough, Miss Adams,’ he told her coldly. ‘I think you've made your feelings concerning Mr Forbes very clear. And I think I've made my feelings about your future employment here equally clear.’

‘Oh, you have. Don't worry, I'll leave. I think the rape scene I have to go through with him could turn out to be too realistic.’

Martin Payne shifted some papers about on his desk. ‘Your cards and money will be ready for you first thing in the morning.’

‘No earlier?’ she sneered. ‘I would have thought you would have wanted me away from here as soon as possible.’

‘That isn't possible, I'm afraid. It's after five now and what meagre office staff we have down here will have returned to their hotel for the night.’

‘To get ready for the party this evening.’

He nodded. ‘Exactly. The party you've refused to attend.’

If the poor man thought she wasn't going to be there tonight he had another think coming! She had every intention of going—and with a partner of her own choosing. But she wasn't going to tell him that, he might try to prevent her. After all, it would be a slap in the face for Paul Forbes when she turned up with someone else. But it was a slap in the face she knew she would never physically be allowed to administer.

‘Then I suppose the morning will have to do,’ she accepted with ill grace, marching to the door of the caravan that passed as the director's office while they were on the location site. ‘Goodnight, Mr Payne.’

‘Goodbye, Miss Adams,’ he answered pointedly.

She gave him an impudent grin. ‘Oh, surely not goodbye, Mr Payne. After all, I have to wait until tomorrow before I can leave.’

‘I doubt we will meet again, Miss Adams,’ he said in a stilted voice.

Stacy left the caravan with a defiant flick of her head, an amused curve to her full mouth. Mr Payne was right, most of the staff had already left, but there were still some of the cast left. Matthew Day was one of them, and he had been a good friend of hers for the past three years. She linked arms with him as they walked over to his car to drive back to the hotel.

Matthew was tall, dark and rugged, very handsome, and making quite a name for himself in films and television. Stacy had no doubt that within a couple of years Matthew would be landing leading roles in major films, but for the moment he only had a supporting role like herself—like she had had.

‘You're looking pleased with yourself,’ he remarked on the way back to the hotel.

‘I've been sacked!’

His foot momentarily jerked on the accelerator. ‘You've been what?’

‘Sacked,’ she repeated happily.

‘But why? And why do you look so happy about it? I thought this job meant a lot to you. The part of Kate may not be a large one, but it is a crucial one.’

‘I've been sacked because of Paul Forbes. He's decided that I attract him now.’

‘God, that man's incredible!’ Matthew exclaimed. ‘Last week it was Jan in Make-up, the week before that Cindy Davies, and now you. I take it you refused to play his little game?’

‘Yes, so he went straight to Payne and used all his egotistical power to try and get me to change my mind.’

‘Which you didn't,’ he stated knowingly.

‘Did you expect me to?’

‘No,’ he grinned ruefully. ‘I have first-hand experience of your moral principles.’

‘I thought you'd got over that long ago.’ The two of them had dated for a few months a couple of years ago, but they had finally decided to end things when it became apparent that they wanted different things from the relationship. Luckily they had managed to remain friends.

Matthew squeezed one of her hands as it lay in her lap. ‘I have, Stacy,’ he assured her. ‘I was only teasing you. But if Forbes got you the sack why are you looking so pleased?’

‘Because Paul Forbes wanted to take me to the party tonight being given for Jake Weston's arrival, and I'm going to enjoy turning up there with you.’

‘You mean you're still going, even after being sacked?’

‘Certainly. I may not have been too enthusiastic about going in the first place, people fawning all over the author of this film isn't exactly my idea of a fun evening, but I'm definitely going now.’ She smiled her glee. ‘I wouldn't miss it for the world.’

Matthew accepted her determination with a smile, knowing that once Stacy made her mind up about something she very rarely changed it. ‘I'm quite looking forward to meeting the famous Jake Weston,’ he commented.

‘You don't think the lowly workers like us will get an introduction, do you,’ she scoffed. ‘Goodness, you're expecting a lot!’

‘Why shouldn't we?’ He drove the car into the huge hotel car park, most of the hotel full even though it was almost out of season. The film crew had more or less taken over the large hotel, any other guests finding it strange to be invaded with actors and all the technical staff that went with the making of a film. ‘We have as much right to meet him as anyone else.’

‘A man constantly on top of the best-seller list, every book he writes turned into a major film?’ Stacy shook her head. ‘He won't be interested in the lowlies like us. Besides, I've heard he isn't all that sociable.’

‘If he can attend a party of this size he has to be.’

‘Mm.’ Stacy got out of the car. ‘Well, I'm not at all interested in meeting him. He's probably one of those brash Americans who wears loud clothes and calls everyone “buddy”.’

Matthew laughed, as he locked the doors to his blue sports car. ‘You shouldn't generalise. He could turn out to be tall, dark and handsome.’

‘Like you?’ she teased. ‘No, I picture him as being short and fat, probably balding, and in his mid-forties,’ she said thoughtfully.

‘Now I know you're wrong about his age, he's thirty-eight.’

She wrinkled her nose. ‘Well, that's almost forty.’

They had entered the hotel now, the receptionist giving them both a glowing smile as they walked over to the lift. It was all very exciting having all these actors staying here, meeting people she had only ever seen on the television or at the cinema.

Matthew chuckled. ‘I don't think people of thirty-eight would agree with you.’

‘Maybe not,’ Stacy agreed, lowering her voice slightly as someone came to stand behind them. ‘But he's still twice my age, that makes him old.’

‘Poor devil,’ Matthew murmured. ‘Do you fancy a drink before dinner?’

She shook her head. ‘No, thanks, it's a bit early for me. Besides,’ she looked down ruefully at the costume she was still wearing, ‘I think I should get out of this before I get accused of stealing it.’

He laughed. ‘Okay, I'll see you later at dinner. And try not to be rude to our fat, balding, ageing author tonight. I don't want you upsetting anyone else to do with the film, I still have to work here.’

‘Don't worry—like I told you, Jake Weston won't be interested in us.’ She stepped into the lift, moving aside to allow the man standing behind them to enter too. ‘And I promise to be on my best behaviour.’

Matthew grimaced. ‘You wouldn't know how!’

She gave him a cheeky grin as the lift doors swished shut, giving the man at her side, the only other occupant of the lift, a casual look-over. She instantly did a retake. Wow! Now here was a good example of someone tall, dark and handsome,—and she felt sure this individual wasn't Jake Weston.

Stacy had never seen him before, but with those looks she felt he should have been starring in the film instead of Paul Forbes. He was gorgeous, although the dark scowl on his face gave him a slightly satanic look. He had jet-black hair, worn long over his collar but styled, piercing deep blue eyes, a high-bridged nose, and a strong firm mouth that hinted at a steely determination, gave an impression that this man always got what he went after. He was very tall, well over six foot, his wide powerful shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and firm muscular thighs, all shown to advantage in the black polo-necked jumper he wore and the fitted black trousers. Stacy guessed his age to be somewhere between thirty-five and forty.

She cleared her throat before attempting to talk. ‘Which floor?’ she squeaked, her usually bubbly nature completely overwhelmed by his blatant magnetism.

He looked at her for the first time, those deep blue eyes running coolly over her appearance. ‘I beg your pardon?’ he drawled, obviously not welcoming this intrusion into his thoughts.

Stacy hadn't missed the faint transatlantic twang to his voice, the tone and sound very attractive. She hesitated with her finger on the lift button. ‘Which floor would you like?’ she explained.

‘Oh,’ he nodded. ‘The top, please.’

She couldn't help the slight rise of her eyebrows. The top floor contained the luxury suites of the hotel, reserved for the more wealthy guests. Adding two and two together, namely his American accent and the top floor suite, she would hazard a guess on this man being an employee of Jake Weston.

She pressed the button for her own floor and then lightly touched the top button for her silent companion. She could smell the masculine odour of his aftershave, and her nose twitched appreciatively.

Not normally a reserved type of person she found the silence between herself and this attractive man slightly irksome. Finally she couldn't stand it any longer, turning to look at him, only to find herself being thoroughly appraised by deep blue eyes. Her breath caught and her face flamed at the totally sexual assessment of that steady gaze. She turned hurriedly away, regretting her impulse to talk to him. She was used to causing some reaction in members of the opposite sex, but never anything this blatant!

‘I take it you're working on the film?’

Stacy turned sharply at the sound of that deep attractive voice. ‘Sorry?’

‘By your costume I presume you're working on the film,’ he repeated.

She looked down ruefully at her revealed curves in the low neckline of the dress she wore, her face flaming with colour as she realised this was probably the reason he had been staring at her and not because he found her attractive. He might only be an employee of Jake Weston but she felt sure he wouldn't be interested in a young actress who was only just beginning to make a name for herself—had been. Now that she had been sacked she didn't know what her next job would me, or when.

She nodded. ‘I was.’

Those blue eyes narrowed, the dark shadow on his chin evidence that he was one of those men who needed to shave twice a day. Stacy felt sure he would have a thick mat of hair on his chest too, his skin deeply tanned. She brought herself up with a start as she realised how intimate her thoughts of him had become.

‘Was?’ he echoed sharply.

Stacy was surprised by the intensity of his gaze. ‘I'm afraid so. I've been sacked,’ she answered abruptly.

‘You play the part of Kate,’ he said slowly, thoughtfully.

‘I did. Excuse me,’ she stepped out as the lift doors swished open at her floor. She was surprised when the man followed her out, while the lift moved swiftly up to the top floor, completely empty. ‘This isn't your floor,’ she pointed out hurriedly, unnerved by his proximity.