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Scoundrel Of Dunborough
Scoundrel Of Dunborough
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Scoundrel Of Dunborough

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Scoundrel Of Dunborough
Margaret Moore

She's sworn to resist temptation!Journeying to Dunborough to learn the truth about her sister’s murder, novice Celeste D’Orleau dons a nun’s habit for safety. But seeing her childhood hero, Gerrard of Dunborough, makes her dream of pleasures that will be forbidden once she takes her final vows.Gerrard wrestles with his desire for the innocent beauty. After striving to redeem his wicked reputation he won’t seduce a nun. Yet as Celeste’s mission draws them closer together, it soon becomes clear their passion is stronger than any vow!

“I like you, Celeste, even when you’re angry with me.”

Warmth flooded through her. The heat of desire. Lust. Sin.

“I don’t care whether you like me or not. I am not leaving.”

“Oh, yes, you are,” he replied, in that same low, seductive tone. “You can come quietly and obediently, like a good little nun, or I’ll have to carry you.”

She must be strong. Her faith, her duty and her self-respect must make her so. “I will not allow you to drag me through the village like some chattel.”

“I didn’t say I’d drag you. I shall pick you up and carry you—like a groom carries his bride across the threshold.”

She swallowed hard and fought to maintain her composure … such as it was. “I am a bride of Christ and shall never be a man’s.”

Author Note (#ulink_192f90c9-3b3f-5896-b870-705dbbc75192)

I enjoy creating the main characters of my novels, but I also really enjoy coming up with secondary characters—the ‘best friends’, ‘second bananas’ and ‘bit players’. Sometimes I know from the planning stage who my secondary characters are going to be— especially if the character is a villain. Other times I realise in the writing that I need somebody for my hero or heroine to interact with. So sometimes very minor characters become more important.

Arnhelm and Verdan, who first appeared in Bride for a Knight, began as basic background characters. Then I realised I had more than one place where I had such characters. Why not combine them? Why not give them names?

Once they had names, I began to give them more to do. They were soldiers in the household of the heroine’s uncle, so they would know her better than the hero—at least at first. Why not make them a sort of protective Greek chorus, wondering and worrying about her?

Then I made them brothers, and the minute I did that I realised their friendly relationship could contrast with that of Roland and his twin brother, Gerrard.

Being a romance writer, I couldn’t resist giving Arnhelm and Verdan their own love interests—two female secondary characters who live in Dunborough. And I gave them a mother who is making a bit of trouble for them.

That’s how secondary characters become just as real and vital to me as the heroes and heroines of my stories—and I hope for my readers, too.

Scoundrel of Dunborough

Margaret Moore (

Award-winning author MARGARET MOORE has written over fifty romance novels and novellas for Harlequin Mills & Boon, Avon Books and HarperCollins Children’s Books. Her stories have been set in the Dark Ages and medieval Britain, Restoration, Regency and Victorian England, and pre-Civil War Massachusetts. Margaret lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and two cats.

She can be found online at (, ( and @MargMooreAuthor ( on Twitter.

With thanks to my family and friends for their love and support, especially during times of crisis. It’s appreciated more than words can say.


Cover (#u2ce1663f-4b61-5097-ad3e-892c50c592cb)

Introduction (#u152a3435-667a-5409-9859-bb4e1de217a5)

Author Note (#u940fe78a-0fe1-5fc1-863f-d1dc23b14638)

Title Page (#u9b91e697-2c91-539d-8053-7e494c2d2c89)

About the Author (#u7cdc35d5-4b96-5cfe-b29f-aef08069320c)

Dedication (#u97c79282-0677-59fa-9cc8-cf1d1e9d8809)

Chapter One (#u6c0dd780-91d6-5dea-bdc5-5b170a87d623)

Chapter Two (#u5e709482-ad7f-553b-a5ba-28ecec4f33ca)

Chapter Three (#u89fd0f06-797a-58fc-9dbe-763cd0ce3858)

Chapter Four (#u75ec9b88-3e23-55ce-b6a4-9de98d60cad6)

Chapter Five (#ud69b0499-2f5a-5e16-a42f-a3abb3189928)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Three (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One (#ulink_19c50c32-542a-599b-ab2d-d6b8c2ee7f2e)

England, 1214

The November night had fallen, but inside Sir Melvin’s hall, warmth and light dispelled the cold and gloom and provided a welcome shelter for the young woman dressed in the habit of a nun. She had been traveling many days, and it had been a long time since Celeste had enjoyed such comfort.

A fire blazed in the long central hearth and several torches lined the gray stone walls. Two beeswax candles in silver holders graced the trestle table covered in linen on the dais. Behind the high table where Celeste and the plump and prosperous Sir Melvin sat, a tapestry of knights and finely dressed ladies swayed. His wife, the calm and competent Lady Viola, was seated to his left. Servants male and female moved among the other tables, where the steward, a priest, retainers, senior servants and household guards prepared to eat the evening meal.

The elderly priest, who put Celeste in mind of Methuselah, finished the grace. Serving maids brought trenchers of stale bread to hold a thick beef stew. More bread sat in baskets on the table, and wine was poured into bronze goblets that gleamed with the reflected glow of the firelight.

“It’s kind of you to offer me shelter and such a fine meal,” Celeste said to her host, her voice soft and sincere.

“We’re delighted to have you stay the night, Sister,” Sir Melvin said with hearty good cheer and a broad smile. “Delighted!”

“We’ll be happy to provide you with an escort for the rest of your journey,” Lady Viola offered.

“I thank you,” Celeste replied, “but I have not far to go. I should reach Dunborough tomorrow.”

“Dunborough?” Sir Melvin couldn’t have sounded more astonished if she’d announced she was going to the devil and happily so. “Why are you—”

He caught his wife’s eye, cleared his throat and began again. “Dunborough, eh? I know the lord there. Sir Roland. He and his bride stopped here on their way from her home to Yorkshire. Lady Mavis of DeLac, she is.”

Celeste stopped reaching for a small brown loaf from the basket of bread on the table. “Sir Roland is lord of Dunborough and he’s married?” she asked, doing her best to hide her astonishment.

“His father and older brother died a short time ago and he is recently wed,” Lady Viola supplied.

Celeste had to believe her, and yet she still found it hard to imagine.

“A fine fellow, a fine fellow!” Sir Melvin cried, picking up his eating knife to carve a piece of beef from the roasted loin a neatly dressed servant set before them.

“Quiet and a bit stern for my liking,” he continued, “but I’m not the bride. Our byre caught on fire when they were here and she lost all her dower goods. He never asked for a penny in compensation.”

“And he led the efforts to put it out,” his wife noted.

“He’s not in Dunborough now,” Sir Melvin continued, unaware of the relief he was giving his guest with that information. “He’s at DeLac. He was—”

Lady Viola touched her husband’s arm and shook her head.

“Well, that’s not a fit subject when we have a guest.”

Celeste wondered where Roland was and why, although it didn’t really matter. Her business was not with the lord of Dunborough.

“Have you been to Dunborough before?” Sir Melvin asked.

“I lived there until I went to the convent,” she admitted.

“Ah!” Sir Melvin cried. “So you’ll have seen Sir Roland. Grim fellow, isn’t he?”

“Rather,” she replied. Indeed, she remembered him very well, and his brothers, too. “He had a twin brother, too, I believe.”

“Oh, yes, Gerrard.” Sir Melvin’s pleasant face darkened with a frown. “Quite a different sort, he is, even though they’re twins.”

Gerrard had always been very different from Roland.

“It’s too bad he’s a wastrel and a lecher, like his father, or so they say,” Sir Melvin remarked. “From the stories I’ve heard, old Sir Blane was as bad as they come.”

Worse, Celeste silently supplied. She could have told him stories about Sir Blane that would have made her host’s beard fall out from shock.

She also could have told him how Sir Blane had raised his sons to hate each other and compete for any crumb of praise. He’d even kept the knowledge of which of the twins was the elder from everyone, including them, using it to goad or torment them, always dangling the hope that one of them could be the heir someday, should anything happen to their older brother, Broderick, before he married and had sons, as it had. Blane had made the twins bitter foes and rivals in a constant competition.

She could have described how the younger brothers had fought and quarreled and come to blows more than once when they were boys, and that only their stubbornness and their features were alike. Roland was hard, cold, stoic, a stickler for rules and duty. Gerrard was bold, merry and exciting.

As for what had happened to Gerrard in the years since she’d been gone, Celeste had only gossip and tales told by girls who’d arrived at Saint Agatha’s for information. One story had been particularly upsetting. Esmerelda had claimed that Gerrard had lured her into the woods with a promise to meet her there. He’d failed to arrive and outlaws had found her instead. Esmerelda had barely survived. Her maidenhead had not.

“Have you family in Dunborough?” Lady Viola asked, bringing Celeste back to the present and this comfortable hall and the reason for her journey.

“Not anymore,” she answered, turning away to hide her face before the sudden rush of sorrow became visible.

“I’m sorry, Sister,” the older woman said sympathetically.

Clearly, Celeste realized, she had been too slow to keep her reaction from her features.

“It’s all right,” she replied, giving her hostess as much of a smile as she could muster. “My mother died shortly after I went to the convent and my father some years later. My only sister passed away recently. I have no brothers, so I’m on my way to Dunborough to see to her things and sell my parents’ house.”

“Oh, dear me! How sad!” Sir Melvin exclaimed. “Your sister must have been very young. Sickness is a terrible thing, a terrible thing!”

“She was murdered.”

The moment the harsh and horrid truth escaped her lips, Celeste regretted saying it. She need not have used the same words with which the mother superior had informed her of Audrey’s death and the manner of it. “Forgive me for being so blunt. I have only my weariness for an excuse.”

“It’s quite all right,” Lady Viola hastened to assure her. “We’re so very sorry about your sister.”

“We’ll speak no more of it,” Sir Melvin said, his usually booming voice hushed with respect as he shut the door on any more talk of murder.

Or anything else to do with Dunborough and its inhabitants.