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The Rancher's Rules
The Rancher's Rules
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The Rancher's Rules

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She opened the passenger door and climbed in, shivering. “You’re late.”

“I got caught on a phone call to New York on the landline.” If he’d been on his cell, he could have left on time.

She harrumphed like only Zoe could. He imagined her little kindergarteners knew just when they had upset Miss Jensen without her saying a word. She had a look when she was mad or disappointed that left no doubt how she felt.

“What were you doing talking to that joker?” He hadn’t meant to ask, but now that he had Grant wanted an answer.

Zoe’s head snapped toward him and she gasped. She turned back and looked out the front windshield. “I do not know to whom you are referring. None of my friends are jokers.”

He ground his teeth. “The guy in all the leather.”

“I told you, his name is Tyler.”

“So, why were you talking to him?”

“I talk to lots of people, Grant. Do you expect me to keep a record and report back to you?”

“Of course not.”

“Good, because I would have to disappoint you if you did.”

He had not meant to get so off track. “Are you going out with him again?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“It sure as hell is. I promised your parents I’d watch out for you.”

“So you said this morning.”

Grant cleared his throat. The thermal shirt under his flannel suddenly felt like one too many layers. “About this morning…”

Zoe gave him a sideways glance. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry I came on so strong. I know you’re a good driver and I should not have implied otherwise.”

Zoe’s tense stance deflated like a pierced balloon. “Thank you.”

He nodded. “Do you forgive me?” He knew with Zoe that once she gave the words it would be a reality.

She knew it too. She inhaled, and then let out a long, protracted breath. “Yeah, I forgive you. Are you sorry for calling Tyler a joker too?”

Grant smiled. “Don’t push it.”

Zoe laughed. “He really is a nice guy.”

Grant just snorted. He wasn’t about to say something to start another fight with her.

“You’ll be happy to know that he’s going out with my friend Jenny now. She was the redhead talking to us when you drove up.”

He liked hearing that, but wasn’t it awfully damn fast? Less than a week ago Tyler had been going out with Zoe. “What happened with the two of you?” he couldn’t help asking.

Zoe’s laughter filled the cab with more warmth than the heated air blasting from the vents. “Nothing happened with the two of us. We were never more than friends. I wanted to fix him up with Jenny all along, but both of them were shy to begin with.”

Grant could imagine Jenny being nervous about dating Tyler. Most women would be. “Uh…Zoe, there’s something else I need to tell you.”

“Another apology? I don’t know if my heart can handle it.”

“No. Your dad called last night.”

“Really? Did you give him the Pattersons’ number? I didn’t hear the phone ring.”

“I gave your dad the number, but he was real busy.”

She couldn’t quite hide her disappointment. “Oh.”

“They got invited on a seniors’ cruise for the holidays.”

“That’s wonderful.” She smiled. “I’m glad they’re settling in so well. I was a little worried about Mom. She’s so shy around strangers. I’m sure it disappointed her to tell her new friends no. There will be other cruises, though.”

Zoe’s concern for her mom’s feelings made the news that they weren’t coming even more obscene in Grant’s mind. “They didn’t say no. Your parents aren’t coming out for Christmas.”

“What do you mean? Of course they are coming. We’ve been planning the trip since before I visited them at Thanksgiving.”

He reached across the seat and pressed his fingers around her arm. “They changed their minds.”

“They changed their minds about spending Christmas with me?” She made it sound every bit as bad as it was.

“It’s not the end of the world, Zoe. Just think, you get to avoid the yearly Christmas argument with your dad.”

“We don’t have those anymore.” He grunted, and she said, “They aren’t as bad as they used to be anyway.”

“You won’t be alone. My parents are still coming, and Mom’s expecting your help with dinner.” It was a small stretch of the truth, but he was sure that his stepmom should be expecting Zoe’s help for dinner.

There had to be things besides the turkey that Zoe could help prepare. And since his stepmother would insist on doing all the cooking, so the foreman’s wife could be with her family, his comment wasn’t a real stretch at all.

Zoe did not answer.

Grant decided to change the subject. It wouldn’t do Zoe any good to dwell on her strained relationship with her parents. “Do you want me to swing by the Patterson place, or take you to the Double C first?”

“Just drop me off at the Pattersons’. Your hands are doing a great job taking care of everyone. I’m sure Snoopy wishes he could live over there permanently. He was never meant to leave the ranch. I should have taken you up on your offer to give him a home a long time ago. I’ve been too stubborn.”

Grant hated the dejected tone in her voice. “I thought maybe you would come over for dinner tonight. I won’t even make you cook.”

She smiled at him briefly, and then turned to look out the window. “No, thanks. I have work to do, and I don’t want to leave the cats cooped up in the bathroom.”

“We can stop and pick them up.” He ignored her comment about having work to do, sure it was just an excuse.

Grant would not let Zoe get out of the truck when they arrived at the Pattersons’. “I’ll just run in and get the cats.”

Zoe watched him walk away and reminded herself that at least she had him. Although she had told him that morning that she did not need him, nothing could be further from the truth. For as long as she could remember, Grant and his folks had been filling an empty place in Zoe’s heart left by her parents’ disapproval. She should not be surprised that her mom and dad had opted to join their new friends on a cruise. They’d never made it a secret that she didn’t live up to their expectations.

How could she? She wasn’t the dead brother she’d never even known, who by all accounts had been the perfect rancher’s son. She didn’t think her dad had ever forgiven her for being born female, maybe even for being born at all after he’d lost his precious son.

Grant opened his door and a blast of cold air whooshed into the cab. She shivered while he tucked the cat carrier in the extension behind the main cab.

“If you thought Alexander was unhappy about spending time in the bathroom today, you should have seen him getting into the cat carrier.”

Zoe grinned. “That bad, huh?”

“I just hope we can find him later, when it’s time to bring you home.”

“We’ve only got one more day of school, and then I’ll be there and he can be out of the bathroom and roam free.”

“Except when you’re looking for a place.”

She said nothing to this reminder of the monumental task before her.

Twenty minutes later, the fragrance of melted butter and popping corn filled the kitchen, and soon the subtle aroma of brewing coffee joined it. Grant had suggested watching a DVD when they arrived, and she’d accepted gratefully. She knew he had stuff to do—he always did—but somehow he also always managed to make time for her when she needed him.

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