Книги автора Michael Gurian
Michael Gurian
фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, квест, мутанты, книги по компьютерным играм, приключенческое фэнтези, опасные приключенияAt last, we have the scientific evidence that documents the many biological gender differences that influence learning. For instance, girls …
At last, we have the scientific evidence that documents the many biological gender differences that influence learning. For instance, girls …
Michael Gurian
триллеры, зарубежные детективы, полицейские детективы, смертельная опасность, серийные убийцы, человек и собака, расследование убийств, служебные собаки, маньякиThe final and conclusive book in the groundbreaking series on boys and their development In this climax to his series of landmark books abou…
The final and conclusive book in the groundbreaking series on boys and their development In this climax to his series of landmark books abou…
Michael Gurian
практическая эзотерика, эзотерика / оккультизм, самосовершенствование, зарубежная эзотерическая литература, духовные практики, скрытые возможности, высший разум, самопознание, самореализация, ченнелинг, эзотерические ученияFrom Michael Gurian, the best-selling author of The Minds of Boys and The Wonder of Girls, comes the next-step book that shows how any paren…
From Michael Gurian, the best-selling author of The Minds of Boys and The Wonder of Girls, comes the next-step book that shows how any paren…
Michael Gurian
From Michael Gurian, the best-selling author of The Minds of Boys and The Wonder of Girls, comes the next-step book that shows how any paren…
From Michael Gurian, the best-selling author of The Minds of Boys and The Wonder of Girls, comes the next-step book that shows how any paren…
Michael Gurian
Michael Gurian's trademark use of brain science in gender studies together with real life examples of what is currently happening in busines…
Michael Gurian's trademark use of brain science in gender studies together with real life examples of what is currently happening in busines…
Michael Gurian
The final and conclusive book in the groundbreaking series on boys and their development In this climax to his series of landmark books abou…
The final and conclusive book in the groundbreaking series on boys and their development In this climax to his series of landmark books abou…
Michael Gurian
Michael Gurian's blockbuster bestseller The Wonder of Boys is the bible for mothers, fathers, and educators on how to understand and raise b…
Michael Gurian's blockbuster bestseller The Wonder of Boys is the bible for mothers, fathers, and educators on how to understand and raise b…