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Montana Christmas
Montana Christmas
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Montana Christmas

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Montana Christmas
Jackie Merritt

MAN OF THE MONTHMR. DECEMBERMistletoe Hunk: Montana man Shep Wilde, who's finally come home. Christmas wish: Sexy Andrea Dillon - all wrapped up and ready under the tree! Can wishes really come true?: He won't take no for an answer! It was one red-hot holiday! Shep and Andrea were strangers, yet a holiday celebration with champagne turned into a night of wild abandon.Shep was crazy about Andrea, but after their lovemaking, she wanted nothing to do with him! Well, it was up to Shep to convince the reluctant lady that he was her man - not just for December, but every month of the year!MAN OF THE MONTH: He's born and raised in Big Sky Country… and heading for a Montana wedding!

Table of Contents

Cover Page (#u9280bf11-383c-51da-9481-1d65553914b5)

Excerpt (#uc1a34d2d-a80d-5521-9d75-23bc37aa0a8a)

Dear Reader (#u7ee4e740-d80e-50f6-8884-23a82fb050af)

Title Page (#u3235704c-a0f9-5b61-be37-da6ee5fbcc34)

About the Author (#u5457a441-0c79-5246-9999-98f7de2629f8)

One (#uf43c0a15-6852-565f-87ef-3fa251217919)

Two (#uf54c2632-365e-514a-8ab4-20d9d2714e66)

Three (#u55531a88-f29b-5d1c-90b1-dfe2ecf7a9e1)

Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

“You Know What’s Happening Here, Don’t You?”

Shep asked.

“Yes,” Andrea whispered. He was going to kiss her, and she rose on tiptoes to bring their lips closer together.

That was all Shep could take. His mouth covered hers in a kiss of utter possession. His hands roamed her back and hips.

“Shep…oh, Shep,” she managed to whisper raggedly between the second and third kiss.

Then she lost count. She was barely aware of being backed up against a wall, and only dimly cognizant of him sliding her skirt up and then lifting one of her legs to wind it around his hips.

“Tell me you want this,” he demanded gruffly, hoarsely.

Her lips were parted to take in gasping breaths. “How can you doubt it?”

“Tell me. Say it.”

“I want it. I want you.”

Dear Reader,

Happy holidays from the staff at Silhouette Desire! As you can see by the special cover treatment this month, these books are our holiday gifts to you. And each and every story is so wonderful that I know you’ll want to buy extras to give to your friends!

We begin with Jackie Merritt’s MAN OF THE MONTH, Montana Christmas, which is the conclusion of her spectacular MADE IN MONTANA series. The fun continues with Instant Dad, the final installment in Raye Morgan’s popular series THE BABY SHOWER. Suzannah Davis’s Gabriel’s Bride is a classic—and sensuous—love story you’re sure to love. And Anne Bames’s delightful writing style is highlighted to perfection in Christmas Elopement. For a story that will make you feel all the warmth and goodwill of the holiday season, don’t miss Kate Little’s Jingle Bell Baby.

And Susan Connell begins a new miniseries…THE GIRLS MOST LIKELY TO…—about three former high school friends who are now all grown up in Rebel’s Spirit. Look for upcoming books in the series in 1997.

Happy holidays and happy reading from


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Montana Christmas

Jackie Merritt (


and her husband live just outside Las Vegas, Nevada. An accountant for many years, Jackie has happily traded numbers for words. Next to family, books are her greatest joy. She started writing in 1987 and her efforts paid off in 1988 with the publication of her first novel. When she’s not writing or enjoying a good book, Jackie dabbles in watercolor painting and likes playing the piano in her spare time.

One (#ulink_67e3b352-2b10-5431-a092-c1eae07b1c39)

The town of Rocky Ford, Montana, was picture-postcard pretty on this wintry December morning. An eight-inch blanket of snow sparkled in the bright morning sun, shining from a sky so blue it made Andrea Dillon’s eyes water to look at it. Wearing dark glasses against the glare, and dressed in warm clothing, she began shoveling out her driveway.

The air was cold and invigorating, bringing color to her cheeks. Her exhaled breath came out of her mouth in puffy little clouds. She had to smile, if a bit wryly; the long driveway had been one of the features of her rental house that had pleased her so much. This was the first major snowfall since she had moved in last summer, and she was certainly going to rack up her quota, and more, of exercise today by clearing the driveway enough to get her car to the street.

But being outside on such an incredible day felt wonderful. Other than at ski resorts in California, she had never seen snow like this. Her front lawn looked as smooth as a sheet of paper. The top of each bush and shrub was shaped into a rounded snow-bump. Every branch and twig on the leafless trees seemed artistically layered with a coat of glistening snow. The roof of her house looked as though someone had iced it with white frosting.

Lucas Wilde’s roof, too, looked decorated with icing, Andrea thought with a fond glance at the one home she could see from her driveway in the sparsely populated neighborhood. Lucas was several years past sixty, Andrea estimated, and her best friend in this small town. Her only friend, she amended quickly.

Sighing softly, she began shoveling again.

“Andrea! Good morning!”

Recognizing Lucas’s voice, she turned to smile at him as he walked toward her from the street. He was carrying a shovel. “Hi, Lucas. Isn’t this a glorious morning?”

Lucas’s rolling laugh rang out. “It is if you enjoy shoveling snow. I’ve already done my driveway and sidewalks, and now I’m going to help with yours.”

“Lucas, that’s not at all necessary.”

“Course it’s not.” Lucas grinned. “Big, strapping girl like you could shovel for three days and not get winded.”

Andrea had to laugh. She was definitely not “big and strapping.” In fact, she was on the small side, barely five foot four inches tall and weighing in around one-ten.

“I might not be big,” she retorted pertly, teasing him as he was teasing her, “but I’m strong.”

Lucas laughed again. Compared to his six-foot-two height and two-hundred-forty-pound weight, she was a little bit of a person, and her proclamation of physical strength was obviously funny to him.

“But how much snow have you shoveled before?” he asked. “I’ll bet this is your first time.”

“Okay, so I’ve never shoveled snow before today. But I’m truly enjoying the job. Lucas, since you’ve already cleared your own driveway and sidewalks, you’re probably tired. Please don’t overdo it by helping me.” She worried about Lucas at times. He was at least forty pounds overweight, carrying most of the excess poundage in his chest and belly. If he had a heart attack shoveling her driveway, she would never forgive herself.

“For your information, young woman, I’m not tired and I’m not ready to go back inside. I’ll shovel a bit more, if you don’t mind.” Lucas set to work.

He sure could be stubborn when he wanted to be, Andrea thought. Stubborn in a nice way, though. Giving up on the friendly debate, she dug her own shovel into the snow. “Did you hear the storm in the night?”

“Sure did. Thought the wind was going to blow the roof off for a while there.”

“I loved hearing it. There’s something about a storm at night that makes me feel cozy and safe.”

“It does that, all right. Makes one think of his own good fortune—having a warm bed, comfortable home, enough financial security to get by without worrying all the time. Not everyone’s so lucky.”

“True,” Andrea agreed, frowning a little. Her financial security was not of her making. As she bent and scooped at a brisk tempo, her thoughts went to her mother. Sandra had died last February, and Andrea had been the only recipient of her estate. It was shortly after the funeral, when she’d been given access to her mother’s private papers, that the series of events began that had changed the course of her life. She’d been working for the Los Angeles Times, still an unimportant cog in the production of the huge newspaper but harboring a longtime dream of journalistic success. Going through Sandra’s papers, tying them together and finally grasping their import had been a shock. More of a shock, in fact, than her mother’s sudden demise had been.

All of her life, she had believed her father to be the man named on her birth certificate: Harry Dillon. Harry was a total mystery to her. Sandra had waved the subject aside as trivial every time Andrea had tried to talk about him, as though it didn’t matter that her daughter’s father never visited, never called, never even sent birthday cards. Because of several documents in her mother’s files, Andrea had deemed it essential to finally meet Harry Dillon. She’d hired a detective agency to locate him, which proved surprisingly easy to do. Then, armed with those documents, she’d paid Harry a visit.

He was a cordial man, married many years with grown children. After a little prodding and an explanation of her curiosity, Andrea had finally learned the facts of her own life.

“Your mother was pregnant with you when we got married, Andrea. She was pregnant when she went to Nevada to obtain a quickie divorce from your real father, a man called Charles Fanon. No, I have no idea where you might find Mr. Fanon. I agreed to my name being used on your birth certificate, as I was very smitten by Sandra and would have agreed to anything she asked.”

Harry had smiled ruefully. “But she never loved me, and proved it by leaving me before you were a year old. I’m sorry you had to grow up thinking your father didn’t want you, but the truth was that Sandra wouldn’t permit even the slightest contact. Apparently, when she was done with a man, that was it.”

Andrea’s own memory had reinforced Harry’s comment. Counting Charles A. Fanon—she had the divorce papers between Sandra and Charles as proof of Harry’s story—Sandra had been married five times. And yes, when she was through with a man, she wouldn’t even- speak to him on the phone. As Sandra’s last three husbands had all been wealthy men, Andrea could only surmise that her mother had married Harry, a common laborer, to legitimize her unborn child. In spite of Sandra’s many missteps and indiscretions with men, she had possessed an innate sense of propriety. In fact, even while she was flitting from man to man—she hadn’t married them all—one would have been hard-pressed to label her anything but a lady.

Anyhow, the same detective agency that had located Harry had tracked Charles Fanon to Rocky Ford, Montana. Andrea had quit her job, left her mother’s very nice house…which now belonged to Andrea—in the hands of a trustworthy couple who had been in Sandra’s employ for many years, and traveled to Rocky Ford with every intention of immediately confronting Mr. Fanon. Once there, however, her courage had deserted her, and after seven months, she was still procrastinating.

At times, she was furious with herself for delaying something she knew had to be done. At others, she rationalized her cowardice by concentrating on the things she had learned about Charles—or Charlie, as he was called in Rocky Ford. For one, she wasn’t his only family. He had a daughter, Serena Holden, and a niece, Lola Sheridan. Also, there had been a son, Ronald, who had died in the military. Ronald’s widow, Candace, and their young son, Ronnie, had lived with Charlie until Candace remarried. Candace’s new husband, Burke Mallory, was the only person in Montana who knew Andrea’s background. Burke was now a cattle rancher, but he’d been a cop on an undercover investigation in Rocky Ford when he’d run into Andrea under suspicious circumstances. It had taken him only a few days to unearth her true identity, which had greatly upset Andrea until Burke promised her that he would not reveal her secret to anyone. She had enormous respect for Burke Mallory, but was glad his and Candace’s ranch was eighty miles from town, which pretty much eliminated chance meetings.

As for Charlie, he’d been living alone in his big old house on Foxworth Street since Candace and Burke’s wedding. Andrea often wondered if he was lonely now, although he did have a coffee shop in the front portion of his house to keep him busy. Every night while lying in her bed before falling asleep, she pictured herself walking into that coffee shop and introducing herself. Hello, Charlie. I’m Andrea Dillon, your third child, your second daughter. She usually went to sleep with a sickish feeling in her stomach because of that fantasy.

And maybe that’s all the whole thing was, she was beginning to think—a fantasy. If Charlie hadn’t wanted a third child at the time of his and her mother’s divorce, why on earth would he want one now? Why was she so driven to see this through and, at the same time, too cowardly to do it? Why was she afraid? She hadn’t been afraid to call

on Harry, after all. Maybe leery was a better word for whatever it was inside of her that kept her from accomplishing her goal with Charlie. But if she was never going to confront him, why stay in this small Montana town?

These were not new questions. Andrea had been asking them of herself for months, without being able to supply the answers. Surprising her, however, was an answer about why she stayed in Rocky Ford: she liked it there. For the first time in her life, she was putting down roots. Sandra had moved them around California so much, Andrea had never felt connected to any one place. Here, in this unpretentious little country town, she was at long last discovering the tranquillity of belonging.

Even so, she wasn’t entirely content. There was Charlie, of course, almost constantly on her mind, and she knew liking a town was no excuse for living a purposeless existence. A job might do wonders for the doldrums she often suffered, and hopefully tire her enough to make her sleep better. At the very least, she would have something to think about besides the Fanon family.

Lucas broke into her somber thoughts. “Ready for Christmas, Andrea? It’s not far off now, you know.”

Andrea stuck her shovel into the snow and then leaned on it. She was neither ready for Christmas nor thrilled that the holiday season was upon her. Looking at Lucas’s pleasant face, ruddy from the cold, she wondered how to answer his question. He knew very little of her background, mere bits and pieces that she had thought were safe enough to pass on. One brief conversation had been about the death of her mother.

She fell back on that. “With Mother gone, I’m afraid I’m not feeling very much holiday cheer, Lucas.”

He stopped shoveling and conveyed embarrassment by clearing his throat. “Course you’re not. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

Guilt struck Andrea. Sandra had rarely spent Christmas with her. Instead, she was off to the Bahamas, or Bermuda, or somewhere else elegant and sunny, with one man or another. Andrea’s Christmases had usually been spent with some of Sandra’s friends or with servants. That was during her childhood, of course. Once she was old enough to make her own decisions, she chose which of her own friends with whom she wanted to celebrate the holiday.

The truth was that Christmas simply didn’t excite her. It never had.

But it seemed important to Lucas, and he, too, was alone. His only offspring was a son living in Los Angeles, an extremely successful plastic surgeon, happily married, according to Lucas, and too busy to come home for the holidays.

“Lucas, do you have any plans for Christmas Day?” she asked.

He looked off into the distance, appearing wistful to Andrea. “I’ll probably do what I usually do, drop in on a few friends.”

“Would you like to have dinner with me?”

His head came around. “I don’t want to impose, Andrea.”

“You wouldn’t be imposing. You’d be doing me a favor. I’ve been planning to cook a turkey with all the trimmings, and eating it alone wouldn’t be any fun.” She’d been planning no such thing, but once out of her mouth, it seemed like the best idea she’d had in a long time.

A smile broke out on Lucas’s face. “Since you put it that way, yes, I’d love having Christmas dinner with you. Thanks for the invite.”

Andrea smiled, too. “You’re very welcome. Hey, guess what? I’m suddenly looking forward to Christmas.” She realized it was true and smiled again as she started shoveling. She would even buy Lucas a present, nothing that would embarrass him because he didn’t have one for her. Just some little thing she could put under the tree.

A tree? she thought with some amazement. My goodness, she really was getting into the holiday spirit, wasn’t she? Well, why not? She and Lucas could have a very nice day together, and neither of them would be alone and despondent.

She thought of Lucas’s son, Dr. Shepler Wilde, who was too busy to visit his aging father on Christmas, and snorted derisively. He was probably a self-centered, inconsiderate, better-than-thou jerk.

Maybe she could give Lucas a merry Christmas. It wouldn’t completely make up for his son’s negligence, but it would help.

By that evening, Andrea had to admit she was really looking forward to Christmas Day. If nothing else, planning a holiday dinner took her mind off the Fanons. Ready for bed, with her dark auburn hair damp from a shower and wearing her nightgown and robe, she curled up in her favorite chair with a pad and pen to prepare a grocery list. Even though she wouldn’t be shopping for the ingredients for another week or so, she liked the idea of early organization.