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Adult Orthodontics – Birte Melsen

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This is a major new work dedicated to the increasingly prominent area of adult orthodontics. Written by renowned contributors from the orthodontic community and beyond, and compiled by a world-class editor, it provides an authoritative resource on the subject, marrying together clinical guidance with a thorough evaluation of the evidence base. The opening chapters provide the context for adult orthodontics, including patient demographics and aetiology, and the book goes on to detail treatment planning considerations, including patient case profiles, suggesting initial outcomes and longer term expectations. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are discussed, including the links between adult orthodontics and periodontics, prosthetics and temporomandibular disorders. The book is accompanied by a website containing further examples of case studies and a wealth of clinical images. Set to become the gold standard resource on the subject, this book will be invaluable to all those providing orthodontic treatment to adults and those dealing with orthodontics as part of the inter-disciplinary management of the adult dentition. KEY FEATURES • A major new work on an expanding area of orthodontic treatment • Covers patient demographics, aetiology, treatment planning and maintenance issues • Includes case studies, suggesting realistic and optimal short and long term outcomes • Highly illustrated with full colour clinical photos • Accompanied by a website with further material:

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781444355734

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