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The Million-Dollar Catch: The Substitute Millionaire
The Million-Dollar Catch: The Substitute Millionaire
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The Million-Dollar Catch: The Substitute Millionaire

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“You really need to work on saying no to your interior decorator.”

“I know. It’s a disaster.”

“You could get snow blindness in here.”

“If you think this is bad,” he teased, “you should see the bedroom. It’s all done in black and purple.”

In less than a heartbeat, the entire mood shifted. Tension crackled between them. Ryan couldn’t look away from her mouth, and the need to kiss her and hold her attacked him like a semiautomatic.

Julie opened her mouth, then closed it. “This is awkward,” she said at last.

“It doesn’t have to be.” Although it nearly killed him, he took a step back. He’d given in to temptation at the law office and it hadn’t furthered his cause. He tried never to make the same mistake twice. “See. All better.”

It wasn’t. At least not for him. The more he was with her, the more he wanted her, but for right now, he was going to ignore the heat and desire. He had to think long-term. He and Julie needed to establish a comfortable relationship so they could get to know each other. Then, when he’d softened her up, he would propose again. Because one way or the other, they were going to be married.

No child of his was going to be born without legally joined parents at his or her side. So he was willing to do whatever it took to convince Julie that she could take a chance on him—even not give in to the only thing they could agree on.



This was her weekend for fancy lunches, Julie thought as she pulled into the circular drive in front of a large Beverly Hills estate. Yesterday she’d been at Ryan’s for a surprisingly delicious meal and kind of pleasant conversation. She’d returned home to find a message from Ruth asking her to stop by this afternoon for a late lunch. The invitation had sounded very much like a command.

Julie had considered refusing for about three seconds, but then had called back to confirm. She wanted to get to know her grandmother. Ryan had painted a very different picture from the woman she’d met all of three times in her life. Maybe this visit would show her which Ruth was real.

She walked up to the impressive double doors and rang the bell. A maid answered. When Julie gave her name, she was escorted through a foyer as large as her entire house, then into an equally large living room.

There were several sofas, close to a dozen chairs, tables, sideboards, artwork that belonged in a gallery and a man standing in front of the fireplace.

Her heart began to race even before he turned, so she actually wasn’t all that startled to see it was Ryan.

Obviously he hadn’t been briefed as to her arrival, she thought as he raised his eyebrows and smiled.


The pleasure in his voice did something to her insides. Yesterday she’d had the chance to get to know the man. Despite everything, he was making a good case for himself. But seeing him so happy to see her gave him bonus points.

“Ruth asked me to lunch,” she said.

“Me, too.” He lowered his voice. “A command performance.”

“Both of us together? Should I be worried?”

“I don’t think so.” He walked over and took one of her hands in his, then leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Regardless of why you’re here, I’m happy to see you. Lunch yesterday was good.”

So was he, she thought as she stared into his eyes and felt herself begin to tingle all over. His fingers were warm and her cheek burned from the light brush of his lips on her skin.

“I had a nice time,” she admitted, suddenly wishing they weren’t going to be disturbed.

She’d been involved with guys before, she’d even been engaged, but she’d never had such a visceral reaction to a man.

“Oh, good. You’re both here.”

Ruth Jamison walked into the living room, her arms wide open, a smile on her carefully made-up face.

“Ryan, darling, how good of you to come.” She hugged him and kissed him, then turned to Julie. “I still can’t believe I have such lovely granddaughters.”

Julie got her own hug and kiss, then Ruth linked arms with them both and led them to one of the sofas. When they were seated, she took a chair opposite.

“I know this was last minute,” she told them, “so I appreciate you indulging an old woman.”

“A sly old woman,” Ryan said. “What’s this all about, Ruth?”

“Does it have to be about anything?”

“Knowing you? Yes.”

She smiled at him, then turned to Julie. “Don’t listen to him. He’d have you believe I’m a terrible person, which I’m not. I’m very sweet. I’m also concerned. I heard that you went out with Ryan instead of Todd, dear. Is that true?”

The question was so unexpected, Julie didn’t know what to say. How on earth had she found that out? Had Ryan told her? Ruth continued talking.

“While Ryan is a wonderful man and I’m desperate to see him settled as well, Todd’s the oldest. He should be married first.”

“He’s older by a couple of months,” Ryan said easily. “You don’t really care about that sort of thing, do you?”

“Not generally, but this is different. This is family. Your great-uncle had some very particular ideas and I intend to see them followed out. Todd marrying first was one of them. So what happened?”

“Ruth, this isn’t your business,” Ryan said gently, answering Julie’s question about whether or not he’d been his aunt’s source. But if he wasn’t, who was?

“Of course it is.”

Julie sensed danger ahead. She didn’t want Ryan admitting the truth about their first meeting for a lot of reasons. She had the feeling that he was torn between wanting to answer his aunt and wanting to protect Julie. Rather than see where it would all go, she plunged into the conversation.

“I set up the date with Todd as you suggested,” Julie said quickly. “Then he got tied up with some business and Ryan stopped by to tell me he was running late. He stayed for a drink and we ended up having dinner together.”

Ryan shot her a grateful look. “That’s right. Todd couldn’t make it.”

“I see.” Ruth sighed. “So now what? Will you be going out with Todd?”

Oh, God. Because she needed more stress in her life? “No, I won’t.”

Ruth stared at her. “It’s a million dollars, Julie. Do you know what you could do with that money?”

“I have a fair idea, but I’m good. Thanks for asking.”

Later, when lunch was over, Julie and Ryan left together. When they stepped out into the cool afternoon, Julie turned to him.

“I can’t figure out if she’s just a crazy old woman or if she’s the devil.”

He shook his head. “Normally I’d take her side, but she’s acting very strange. What’s up with grilling us like that? And how the hell did she find out we had dinner instead of you and Todd?”

“I have no idea. Although I did think it was you.”

“It wasn’t.”

“I got that.”

He looked back at the house. “She’s not usually like that. Maybe having granddaughters has gone to her head.”

“We didn’t come with any special powers. She seemed upset about me not wanting to go out with Todd. I’m going to have to warn Willow and Marina that she’ll be coercing them next. Not that she’ll have any luck with Willow. My sister is feeling very protective of me these days. The only thing she wants from Todd is the chance to yell at him.”

Ryan stopped beside her car. “We’ve got a mess here.”

“Oh, yeah. I totally blame you, by the way.”

He chuckled. “How do you figure?”

“You have really good swimmers. Otherwise I wouldn’t be pregnant.”

“I think it’s all your fault.”

She leaned against the driver’s door and faced him. “Really? So guy-like.”

“I’m a guy. It’s your fault because you were smart and sexy and funny and you smelled good.”

“The copier toner.”

“Whatever. I didn’t have a chance to escape.”

“Did you want one?”

His eyes darkened with something that looked very much like desire.

She shivered. This was a dangerous game. She and Ryan were supposed to be in the “get to know you” stage of their relationship. Some people got to know each other before having a baby, but why be conventional?

Still, the smartest thing to do was pull back. To step away from the sexy man and drive home. But she couldn’t seem to move, a little because the sexy man was so intriguing but also because she’d started to like him.

“It was a great night,” he said. “You were amazing.”

“You were adequate.”


She smiled. “You’re very welcome.”

He put his hand on her shoulder. A casual touch, she told herself. It meant nothing. So why was it suddenly so hard to breathe?

“We have to keep Ruth from finding out about the baby, at least for a while,” he said. “In her present state, I’m not sure what she’d do with the information.”

“The thought is a little scary.”

“We also have a business meeting in a couple of days.”

“I know. I put it on my calendar myself.”

“Todd will be there.”

“I have no words to describe my joy.” Was it her imagination or was he moving closer?

“He’s not such a bad guy.”

“So you say.” Ryan was definitely closer. Funny how she liked that.

“I’m not such a bad guy either.”

She opened her mouth to say something back and he kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her, tilted his head and pressed his mouth to hers.

She meant to be affronted or at least crabby. Instead she parted her lips instantly, even as she pressed her body against his and clung to him.

Their tongues tangled in a sea of hunger and need. Wanting poured through her, making it impossible to care that they were in her grandmother’s driveway. His kiss was hot and familiar and arousing and nothing mattered except that he never stop.

He ran his hands up and down her back. He cupped her rear and squeezed, causing her to surge against him. When she pressed against his hardness, she whimpered.

Oh, yes. That was exactly what she wanted—him hard and inside of her. Arms and legs tangling, bodies reaching, him filling her until she had no choice but to give in to the rising desire. Then they would—

No! She couldn’t give in. Not again. Not until she’d figured out who he was and how she felt about him. Getting naked was a complication she didn’t need.

It took all her strength, but she forced herself to step to the side.

“We have to stop,” she told him, sounding more breathless than stern.

“No, we don’t.”

“I was just beginning to like you. Don’t press your luck.”

One corner of his mouth quirked up. “You like me?”

“A little. Maybe. Don’t annoy me or the feeling will fade.”

He grinned, then took a step back. “You are your own woman, Julie Nelson. You’re definitely a hell of a ride.”

The last time Julie had been at Ryan’s office, she’d been too angry to pay attention to the elegant surroundings, but this morning she could appreciate the subtle blending of colors and the expensive but comfortable furnishings.

“Ryan should have slept with this decorator instead of the one who did his place,” she murmured to herself as she walked into the reception area and gave her name to the woman behind the desk.

She was shown back to the conference room immediately. As her heels sank into the plush carpet, she reminded herself that this was strictly business. The kiss she and Ryan had shared a few days before was totally out of her mind. She was determined to be the best damn lawyer they’d ever had and to win them over. Ryan had offered three small companies to her firm. She’d done her research and knew there was a whole lot more where that had come from. She intended to walk away with it all.

She walked into the paneled conference room. Both men stood and smiled at her, but her gaze didn’t see past Ryan. While she was aware that Todd was also in the room, she couldn’t seem to convince herself that he mattered.